
时间:2019-05-13 00:02:07下载本文作者:会员上传


good morning,judges, teachers and follow students.today i would like to share with you my great wish.but first, please allow me to take you back in time to the year 1955, the setting, montgomery?ntg?m?ri , alabamhe united states of america.it started out as an ordinary december afternoon.42 year-old african american rosa parks boardeb?:did] a bus and sat down in the front row.she thought over, the days and friends, her child at home, and how she enjoyed her simple life.she was content, but when she thought about the prejudice and discrimination that she had to face everyday, she felt a mends pain.how she wished to live in the world of true harmony “ehen, ehen(咳嗽声)”, rosa was startle to see a white man standing beside her.he was starring at her coldly, but she managed to smile and ask politely “may i help you sir?” “get out of the seat!” the man snarled back.“excuse me?” rosa was shocked.what right did the man have to speak to her in such a cruel tone? just because her skin was dark colored and his was fair.and as equals, he certainly didnt have any right to order her out of the seat, or did he? well, surprisingly, in 1955, lots like rosa parks did not have as many rights as whites.due to racial discrimination, rosa’s refusal to give up her seat to a white man, led to a call to the police, and she was arrested jailed and convictea violatinsegregatiolaws.but rosa did not surrender to prejudice, instead she chose to fight discrimination and work alongside thousands of others for her wish to rid the world of racism let us not judge others by their skin color or appearance:[?pir?ns], but rather by their content of their characte let us learn to enjoy different cultures and then we’ll enjoy a world of diversity.i wish to look around on a lonely day, and see a blending of colors.harmony, traveling among people of all skin colors.篇二:21世纪杯全国中小学生英语演讲比赛通知(小学版)定稿

第十一届“21世纪杯”全国中小学生英语演讲比赛 暨国际英语演讲比赛中国区选拔赛(福建赛区小学组)

本届福建赛区(小学组)由冲聪少儿英语全程协办 “21世纪杯”全国中小学生英语演讲比赛由中国最大的英文报系中国日报于2002年创办,作为每年在英国伦敦举办的国际英语演讲比赛的中国区选拔赛,本项大赛一直以其无可比拟的学术地位著称,被视为国内同类比赛中档次最高规模最大的赛事。




主办单位:中国日报社|china daily 承办单位:二十一世纪学生英文报|21st century teens 协办单位: 国际英语联合会| the english-speaking union, uk 英国驻华大使馆文化教育处|cultural and education section, british embassy 澳大利亚圣保罗文法学校|st pauls grammar school 澳大利亚navitas英语集团|navitas english 美国世界英语教师协会|teachers of english to speakers of other languages inc.澳门理工学院|macao polytechnic institute 香港科技大学|the hong kong university of science and technology 福建赛区协办单位: 闽江学院附属中学|affiliated high school of minjiang university 福建超优能中高考教育考试研究中心| super e-test research center

一飞教育|e-fly education 冲聪少儿英语|abc kids english 福州西湖国际学校|fuzhou lakeside international school 福建家庭教育网上学校|fujian parents web school 福建赛区评委会由高校教授、外籍专家、中学特级教师和教研员组成福建赛区唯一官方指定英语培训服务机构: 一飞教育(中学组)|e-fly education 冲聪少儿英语(小学组)|abc kids english 大赛培训师: 邱永忠 福建师范大学外国语学院大学外语部副主任,福建电视台英语新闻节目主播

黄 坚 海峡卫视英语新闻节目主播,福建农林大学教师

林 攀 国际演讲俱乐部教育副主席




各组别参赛选手须围绕福建赛区主题,撰写一篇英文演讲稿,填写报名表回执直接递交到福建赛区组委 会进行评选。


3、组别设置: a组<3年级及以下> b组<4年级> c组<5年级> d组<6年级>

1、思想健康,围绕主题,作品内容围绕happiness展开,意思表达相对清晰,内容相对生动; d组<6年级>

2、结构清晰、分段合理; 90-100字

3、作品中有完整的英文句子表达,灵活运用各种基本语法,语言丰富生动,能适当运用各种修辞或名言警句或感叹句等,如:what a happy girl she is!;



四、报名方式 1.组委会官网报名:选手登录大赛组委会官方网站福建赛区,然后根据页面左侧报名流程分步完成。















二十一世纪英文报 全国中小学生英语演讲比赛组委会 二零一二年十一月 二零一二年十一月

第十一届“21世纪杯”全国中小学生英语演讲比赛 暨国际英语演讲比赛中国区选拔赛(福建赛区)本届福建赛区(小学组)由冲聪少儿英语全程协办







暨第十二届“美康杯”英语口语大赛 “21世纪杯”全国中小学生英语演讲比赛由中国日报社于2002年创办,每年面向全国在校中、小学生举行。作为每年在英国伦敦举办的国际英语演讲比赛的中国区选拔赛,本项大赛一直以其无可比拟的学术地位著称,被视为国内同类比赛中档次和规模最高的赛事。大赛已先后在北京、苏州、上海、深圳、杭州、成都等 地成功举办了九届,成为国内英语教学界一项重要的文化传播和学术交流品牌活动。



委。同时,大会也吸引了英语界权威人士及各校的资深老师到现场观摩,给与会同 1 仁提供了一个难得的交流平台,成为国内外英语教学界一项重要的文化和学术交流活动。本项赛事一直都是各地各大媒体追逐的热点,竞相跟踪报道。如新华社、新浪网、中国日报、人民日报、21世纪英文报、中国中学生报、太原电视台、山西晚报、太原晚报、太原广播电视报、fm107交通广播等都曾大力对比赛进行过全面广泛的宣传。本项赛事不仅给同学们提供了一个展示自我的舞台,更提高了他们学习英语的浓厚兴趣,在全国各地都掀起了一股英语学习热潮,大大推动了我国英语教育事业的发展。在各级政府和各学校的关心支持下,大赛的发展一年更胜一年,得到了国家教育部门和社会各界人士的一致好评,并逐渐建立了自己的品牌。

开展此项竞赛活动,有助于全面展示全国各地中小学英语水平和教学改革的成果,有助于全面提高中小学生英语综合运用能力尤其是口语表达的能力,推动我国中小学英语教学上一个新台阶。为满足广大山西地区中小学生展示自我风采、提高英语水平、加强英语交流的强烈需求,今年山西省太原市专门设立了面向全省的现场报名点以及授权培训机构-太原美康培训学校,为广大参赛选手提供更好的展示自我的英语平台。今年的比赛从赛程赛制到赛事组织,突出新特色,力争让每个中小学生都可以通过比赛增加 2 学习英语的兴趣。组委会还将拟邀教育文化有关主管部门及主流媒体单位参与大赛各级组织督导,并采取灵活的运作方式在太原市设立分赛,预计将吸引山西地区百万中小学生及家长们的关注。


第一阶段: 报名

时间:2012年9月1日-11月30日下午4:00 报名方式:选手可到指定校区报名或授权中小学校报名 报名地点:外文校区 解放路167号外文书店四/五层

桃园校区 桃园北路号民信商务三层

亲贤校区 亲贤北街115号佳地花园大门西侧

坞城校区 坞城路20号(全晋会馆往南100米)

体育馆校区 解放路58号金奥莱体育商城五/六层 全外教课程中心 并州南路西二巷亲贤一品2-16美康英语 3 太原赛区选手须到指定校区报名,提交报名表,有效证件(户口本、身份证或学生证等)并携带免冠一寸照两张。所有选手参赛及晋级信息将在美康官网公布:

第二阶段: 初赛 时间:2012年12月1日至12月18日


作文题目: 高中组:

my view on the college entrance examination 题解:如今,高考似乎已不再是人人眼中那座通往成功殿堂的“独木桥”。出国留学,甚至创业打拼,都不失为另辟蹊径的选择。然而高考,既是知识与能力的竞技场,也是一场特殊的成人礼,帮助懵懂少年磨砺心智、走向成熟。作为一个普通学生,你如何看待高考?


the person i most 题解:我们在生活中会遇到许多人,比如老师、同学、家长、朋友、邻居、路人;在书本中能读到更多人的故事,比如发明家、文学家、革命者、旅行者;在网络和 4 电视上能看到众多政治家、企业家、明星的身影。在你的心目中,最让你敬仰、钦佩、喜欢、着迷??的那个人是谁呢?


my recipe for happiness 题解:快乐是什么?考试成绩排第一,赢了一场球赛,和好朋友聊心事,周末与家人共度欢乐时光,困惑很久的问题突然茅塞顿开??你在什么时候感到快乐?不开心时会用什么方法让自己快乐起来呢?快来跟大家分享一下你的快乐小秘诀吧!第三阶段:复赛





晋级办法:各地区各组别前十五名进入山西总决赛 5篇四:2013年21世纪杯英语演讲比赛初中组演讲稿 21世纪演讲比赛演讲稿

hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is zhang xinyu.today, im going to talk about growing pains.different people have different pains from different places.we are now students, so i think we have pains mainly from studies.time files.two months ago, i came to a middle school student.but i have a pain.homework is my growing pain.in the secondary school, we have more subjects to study.and homework is more than primary school.so i could’t adapt to the secondary school’s homework.i don’t have other time to do any sports or read any books.however, i think all pains will fade away in the end.i believe that i can adapt the school life step by step.try my best.that’s all.thank you for your attention.zhang xinyu篇五:21世纪全国中小学生英语演讲比赛总决赛落幕 21世纪全国中小学生英语演讲比赛总决赛落幕 由中国日报社和联想集团联合主办、21世纪英语教育传媒和北京大学外国语学院联合承办的第12届中国日报社“21世纪?联想杯”全国中小学生英语演讲比赛总决赛于2014年3月22-24日在北京大学英杰交流中心圆满落幕。

总决赛分小学、初中、高中三组进行。小学、初中和高中组分别有约60名选手入围总决赛。三个组别分别围绕主题a special gift, growing pains和respect, respect, respect展开激烈角逐。最终,上海市民办平和学校的张洲晨、云南师范大学附属小学(文林校区)的月钦和沈阳市和平区文化路小学的王谦谦 分别获得小学组冠、亚、季军;上海外国语大学附属外国语学校的王席文、香港拔萃女书院的谢忻彤和成都市实验外国语学校的黄芮嘉分别获得初中组冠、亚、季军;香港保良局蔡继有学校的杨翠茵、香港马丽诺修院学校的陈莹莹和深圳中学张纯子分别获得高中组冠、亚、季军。




小学、初中和高中组单项奖“乐加乐英语未来之星奖”分别由芳草地国际远洋小学的路昀松、北京一零一中学的周雅诺和深圳中学的张纯子获得,他们分别获得了由乐加乐英语提供的2000元阅读基金。高中组亚军和季军则获得了赴澳洲进行短期修学游的奖励,一等奖选手则获得了到香港、澳门进行短期修学游的奖励。获得高中组单项奖“pga最佳风采奖”的选手为郑州中学的周雨璇,她将获得价值3000元的奖品。另外 “海外选手特别评审奖”由澳大利亚悉尼st paul’s grammar school的yunipaula jeong获得。

初中组冠、亚、季军及一等奖选手获得了到澳大利亚进行短期修学游的奖励。单项奖“新东方外国语学校最佳风采奖”由成都市实验外国语学校的黄芮嘉 获得。小学组冠、亚、季军及一等奖选手获得了到国内知名城市进行短期游学或参加21世纪英文报暑期夏令营的奖励。全国政协外事委员会副主任王国庆在致辞中盛赞选手们的精彩表现。他表示,在参赛选手们极富激情的演讲和出色表现中,看到了国家的未来和希望。“今后我将会一如既往地关注‘21世纪全国英语



与往届总决赛一样,本届总决赛仍然邀请了国内外知名专家担任评委。来自北京大学、北京语言大学(招生办)、中央民族大学、中国传媒大学(招生办)、北京理工大学等高校的英语教授,以及全国基础外语教育研究培训中心、新东方外国语学校、bbc英语教学、tefl org uk、香港立法会、wellington college international tianjin等机构的领导和中国日报社21世纪英文报系领导担任了决赛评委。本届“21世纪?联想杯”全国中小学生英语演讲比赛自去年6月启动以来,历时9个月,在20个赛区经过初赛、复赛、地区决赛等重重环节,报名选手近万人。

“21世纪杯”全国中小学生英语演讲比赛由中国日报社于2002年创办,每年面向全国在校中、小学生举行。大赛自创办之初即作为每年5月在英国伦敦举行的国际英语演讲比赛中国区选拔赛,高中组获胜选手将代表中国在国际舞台上展示中国青年学子的风貌。大赛已先后在北京、苏州、上海、深圳、杭州、成都、昆明等地成功举办了 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》提出,要培养大批具有国际视野、通晓国际规则、能够参与国际事务和国际竞争的国际化人才。《十二五规划纲要》也指出,要创新教育方式,加强实践培养,依托国际学术交流合作项目,培养一线创新人才。我国作为非英语语言国家,英语语言文化的发展已成为联系世界文化经济与本国文化经济发展的纽带,是推动社会文化发展、促进社会经济发展的动力之一。本项赛事的良好运作,彰显了中国日报社致力于培养创新型国际化人才的使命和责任,也体现了其作为权威媒体对于社会“文化导向”的深远意义和重要作用。



海选时,采取突然淘汰法,即准备不充分、语音语调差的直接淘汰。反之,直接晋级。只是.......要麻烦大家背诵了!其实.......你有把握前两段就打动评委,那.......(不说了)。we are the world,we are the future someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”.i don’t know who wrote these words, but i’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be.we are all in the position of the farmers.if we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest.if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.we are young.“how to spend the youth?” it is a meaningful question.to answer it, first i have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind.it’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees.it’s the matter of the will.it’s the freshness of the deep spring of life.a poet said “to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture.i learnt a lot there.i’d like to share it with all of you.let’s show our right palms.we can see three lines that show how our love, career and life is.i have a short line of life.what about yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way.well, let’s make a fist.where is our future? where is our love, career, and life? tell me.yeah, it is in our hands.it is held in ourselves.we all want the future to be better than the past.but the future can go better itself.don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.from the past, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher.we’ve learnt that we can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it.failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way.failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.as what i said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”.the past has gone.nothing we do will change it.but the future is in front of us.believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us.and from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “we are the world, we are the future.”


世界是我们的,未来是我们的 一些人说“我们正在读一本无穷的书中的第一章的第一节。”我不知道谁写了这些话,但是我一直很喜欢它,因为它提醒了我,我们能够创造我们想要的未来。


我们是年轻的。“怎样度过青春?”这是个有意义的问题。为了去回答它,我首先要问“从‘青春’这个词中你能理解到什么?” 青春不是人生的一个时期,而是精神的一种状态。青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志。青春是生命的深泉在涌流.一位诗人说“从一粒沙看世界,从一朵花看天堂,把无限放在你的手掌,永恒在一刹那里收藏”。几天前,我有了一个听讲座的机会,从中我学到了很多东西。现在,我想把这些与大家共享。让我们伸出右手,我们可以看到手掌中的展示我们的爱,事业和生活的三条线。我在生活方面这条线很短,那你们的呢?我想知道我们是否可以用这种办法去看我们的未来。好的,让我们一起握拳。我们的未来在哪儿?我们的爱、事业和生活在哪儿?告诉我!是的,它们就在我们的手中。它们被我们自己掌握着。


正如我在前面所说的“我们正在读一本无穷的书中的第一章的第一节。”过去的已经过去,无论我们无力改变,但是未来却在我们前方。相信“我们给了世界什么,世界也将给我们”。并且从今天起,让我们一起做我们自己的主人,一起大声说出“世界是我们的,未来是我们的。”篇二:2015“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛 写作 大赛阅读大赛 关于举办2015“外研社杯”全国英语




















六、截止日期 所有选手报名截止时间:2015年7月5日下午5时前。



联系电话:0391-3987778 河南理工大学外国语学院 2015年6月8日

附件 1.2015“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛参赛须知 2.2015“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛参赛须知 3.2015“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛参赛须知 4.参赛报名表 2015“‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”包括“地面赛场”和“网络赛场”两种形式。


初 赛

复 赛


比赛时间:2015年11月2日前须完成复赛,决 赛




初 赛


复 赛





决 赛



比赛时间:2015年12月9日9:00-12:00 比赛方式:现场写作,使用大赛专用写作评阅系统进行操作。比赛不允许携带电子设备,不允许使用网络。组委会统一提供词典。






初 赛




复 赛

组织方式:以省为单位,各初赛赛点的特等奖获奖选手进入复赛。比赛时间:2015年10月17日、10月24日、10月31日,时间 均为14:00-16:00。同一时间比赛的省采用相同赛题。


决 赛




比赛方式:登录“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛赛事系统,现场线上答题。篇三:外研社杯英语演讲比赛演讲稿 let’s check out how serious the environmental situation is in the world.recent years have seen an increasing number of reports on the extinction of species, soil erosion as well as air pollution.the history of industrialization and urbanization has been a history of declining environmental quality.we may be satisfied with our so called modern life, but please do not turn a blind eye to what’s happened around us.water is polluted.animals are killed.resources are devoured.and farmlands turn into desserts.ladies and gentlemen, the earth is in our hands.save it, or destroy it, it’s our choice.our efforts will be powerful enough to save the world.if everyone, including you and me, is engaged in this world-saving project, environment will never ever be my top concern.篇四:外研社杯英语演讲比赛选拨赛 专业组 通知

“外研社杯”英语演讲比赛安庆师范学院选拔赛通知 为迎接2015年“外研社杯”全国英语演讲比赛,激发我校学生学习英语的热情和积极性,我院拟在3月举办全校范围的选拨赛。






定题演讲(prepared speech),每位选手演讲时间为2分钟;第二轮:

(1)定题演讲(prepared speech),每位选手演讲时间为3分钟;(2)提问环节(questions and answers):由评委就选手的定题演




专业组:to stay hungry, to stay foolish(quotation by steve jobs)非专业组:the journey, not the arrival, matters.(t.s.eliot)(注:第一轮和第二轮的定题作文题目一致。)













吉林省各高等学校大学外语教学院、部、系、室∶ ?‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛?是外语教学与研究出版社联合教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和教育部高等学校英语专业教学指导分委员会主办的全国性大学生英语演讲赛事。按照大赛章程(见附件二)的规定,各省初赛、复赛在各省大学外语教学研究会的指导和组织下进行。为此,我会就本次大赛初赛、复赛的有关事宜通知如下:








3、演讲题目。定题演讲题目为:when socrates meets confucius(每位选手必须在本题目下加小标题)。即兴演讲题目各校自定。











附件一:2013?‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛?复赛回执表 附件二:竞赛章程

吉林省大学外语教学研究会 2013年6月4日 抄报:















教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会 教育部高等学校英语专业教学指导分委员会 组织形式


二、赛制 参赛资格 全国具有高等学历教育招生资格的普通高等学校在校本、专科学生、研究生。






小学组(低段1-3年级)初赛(笔试45分钟)、复赛(时间5分钟)、决赛(时间5分钟)【初赛】笔试:以中国、世界、东盟南亚、云南文化知识为主,85%的考试内容选自《东南亚 南亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册,由组委会命题。题型以看图选择、英汉连线、看图选词、看图 填空为主,考试时间45分钟。【复赛】自备题目演讲+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东南亚南 亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)。


【决赛】自备题目演讲+看图说话+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东 南亚南亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)。




/ 7 【复赛】自备题目演讲+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东南亚南 亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)。


【决赛】自备题目演讲+即兴演讲+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二 问选自《东南亚南亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)。


初中组、高中组 初赛(笔试45分钟)、复赛(时间5分钟)、决赛(时间5分钟)【初赛】笔试:以中国、世界、东盟南亚、云南文化知识为主,85%的考试内容选自《东南亚南亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册,由组委会命题。初中组题型以选择、判断、填空、阅读理解为主,高中组题型以选择、判断、翻译、阅读理解、简答为主,考试时间45分钟。

【复赛】自备题目演讲+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东南亚南 亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)。

(1)自备题目演讲(3分钟)(2)评委提问(2分钟)2 / 7 【决赛】自备题目演讲+即兴演讲+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东 南亚南亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)。



【初赛】自备题目演讲+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东南亚南 亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)


【决赛】自备题目演讲+即兴演讲+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东 南亚南亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)。

(1)自备题目演讲(3分钟)(2)即兴演讲(2分钟)(3)评委提问(2分钟)幼儿组(两级赛)4-7岁 初赛(时间3-5分钟)、决赛(时间3-5分钟)【初赛】自备题目演讲+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东南亚南 亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)。3 / 7(1)自备题目演讲(3分钟)(2)评委提问(2分钟)

幼儿组自备节目可准备:英语演讲/讲故事、英语歌曲、英语主持、英语特技等? 【决赛】自备题目演讲+看图说话+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东 南亚南亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)。

(1)自备题目演讲(2分钟)(2)看图说话(2分钟)(3)评委提问(1分钟)幼儿组自备题目可为:英语演讲/讲故事、英语歌曲、英语主持、英语特技等? 小语种及法语、德语、日语、韩语等均为两级赛:初赛、决赛形式皆为自备题目演讲+评委提问。



【复赛】自备题目演讲+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东南亚南 亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)

(1)自备题目演讲(3分钟)(2)评委提问(2分钟)4 / 7 【决赛】自备题目演讲+即兴演讲+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东 南亚南亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)。


初中组、高中组 初赛(笔试45分钟)、复赛(时间5分钟)、决赛(时间5分钟)

【初赛】笔试:以中国、世界、东盟南亚、云南文化知识为主,85%的考试内容选自《东南亚南亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册,由组委会命题。初中组题型以选择、填空、判断、简答为主,高中组题型以选择、填空、简答、思维拓展为主,考试时间45分钟。【复赛】自备题目演讲+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东南亚南 亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)。


【决赛】自备题目演讲+即兴演讲+评委提问(评委提问,一问针对选手自备题目,二问选自《东 南亚南亚文化交流大使》竞赛手册)。

(1)自备题目演讲(2分钟)(2)即兴演讲(2分钟)(3)评委提问(1分钟)5 / 7 篇二:第16届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛即兴演讲话题总结

即兴演讲话题必备 1)is it right to publish the names of those offenders who violate the traffic rules? 是否应该对外公布违反交规人的名字? 2)should i work to help my parents? 大学生应该靠打工来减轻父母负担吗? 3)city life fails to bring happiness do you agree or disagree with this idea.why? give specific examples to support your idea.4)now students should earn more degrees than practical skills.do you agree or disagree? 5)get married without money? 裸婚is it a good event or bad beginning? why? 6)ban buskers on subways? 是否应该取缔街头艺人。为什么? 7)today more college students attend beauty contests than ever.what’s your point of view on this issue? 8)buy more brand names? 你是如何解释现在中国购买奢侈品?为什么? 9)a classic case of change? 在中学的课本应该取消很多中国文学著作吗? 10)do you really believe that getting into top universities or colleges may enable you as a step closer to success? 11)we have to use our real names online? do you agree or disagree with this proposal? 12)do you agree or disagree with the point that students have the right to choose to live on campus or outside campus?why.give specific example to support your ideas.13)college students can decide by themselves to wear brand names or not.what do you think of this point? why? 14)volunteers only stand out in case of disaster and accident.do you think it is good phenomenon or not? why? 15)we should give up dialects and move to mandarin chinese.do you agree or disagree? 16)are criticism leveled upon post 80s generation justified? 对80后的评判正确吗?

17)are pre-university students too young to live in foreign countries? 高中生就出国学习是否太早? 18)the study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives.do you agree or disagree with the point? why? 19)which is better solution to city traffic problems, to raise gasoline price or restrict the number of cars? why? give specific examples to support your ideas.20)college students have the right to choose their courses.do you agree or disagree? why? 21)product placement(植入式广告)should appear in spring festival gala.22)fireworks should be banned in cities all the time.23)lady first is an outdated concept.24)pets should be allowed in university dormitories.25)ant tribe(蚁族)should go to smaller cities.26)the use of animals in sports should be banned.27)corporal punishment on children is justified.28)china should impose drinking age limit.29)great movies or tv series should be followed by sequels.31)should university students start their own business as soon as they graduate from universities? 32)should parents set limits on internet access for their teenage children? 34)people have been alienated by the internet.35)science is a threat to humanity.36)sex education should take place at home.37)should photos of pickpockets be pasted on the windows of buses as a warning for passengers? 38)china should restrict private ownership of automobiles.39)historic buildings should not be sacrificed to make room for urban development 40)government officials should reveal their property information to the public.41)teachers pay should be based on his/her students performance.42)

china should continue to adopt real-name system for railway transportation.43)museums should be made free.44)zoos should be banned.46)fines should be made relative to wealth.47)the preferential policy for students from ethnic minority groups in college entrance examination should be abolished.48)advertising aiming at children should be restricted.49)violent sports should be banned.50)condom vending machines should be allowed on university campus.51)junk food should be taxed.52)we should not protect a dying language.53)image of children should be prohibited in advertisement.54)cyber manhunt(人肉搜索)should be made illegal.55)china should ban the production and sales of tobacco.56)international working womens day should be cancelled.57)cultural relics should be returned to their countries of origin.58)gambling should be legalized in areas afflicted by economic recession.59)who need more care in our society, men or women? 60)men and women should retire at the same age.61)universities should abolish the practice of cutting off electricity at dormitory at night.62)p.e.class should be made elective in universities.63)english band 4 and band 8 tests should be abolished.64)high school students should be allowed to choose their major after entering universities.篇三:21世纪杯第四届全国中小学生英语演讲比赛第一名演讲稿 good morning,judges, teachers and follow students.today i would like to share with you my great wish.but first, please allow me to take you back in time to the year 1955, the setting, montgomery?ntg?m?ri , alabamhe united states of america.it started out as an ordinary december afternoon.42 year-old african american rosa parks boardeb?:did] a bus and sat down in the front row.she thought over, the days and friends, her child at home, and how she enjoyed her simple life.she was content, but when she thought about the prejudice and discrimination that she had to face everyday, she felt a mends pain.how she wished to live in the world of true harmony “ehen, ehen(咳嗽声)”, rosa was startle to see a white man standing beside her.he was starring at her coldly, but she managed to smile and ask politely “may i help you sir?” “get out of the seat!” the man snarled back.“excuse me?” rosa was shocked.what right did the man have to speak to her in such a cruel tone? just because her skin was dark colored and his was fair.and as equals, he certainly didnt have any right to order her out of the seat, or did he? well, surprisingly, in 1955, lots like rosa parks did not have as many rights as whites.due to racial discrimination, rosa’s refusal to give up her seat to a white man, led to a call to the police, and she was arrested jailed and convictea violatinsegregatiolaws.but rosa did not surrender to prejudice, instead she chose to fight discrimination and work alongside thousands of others for her wish to rid the world of racism let us not judge others by their skin color or appearance:[?pir?ns], but rather by their content of their characte let us learn to enjoy different cultures and then we’ll enjoy a world of diversity.i wish to look around on a lonely day, and see a blending of colors.harmony, traveling among people of all skin colors.篇四:21世纪杯英语演讲比赛即兴演讲遵循的原则 21世纪杯英语演讲比赛即兴演讲遵循的原则

即兴演讲题目 2008-08-17 14:32 阅读4982 评论5 字号: 大 中 小 host: last february, chun shu, a chinese writer in her early twenties, appeared on the cover of time magazine.she was referred to by the u.s.editor as...one of a group of post-eighties writers in china.which also includes guo jingming, zhang yueran and han ham all these writers recount their personal feelings and express their individuality in their works, and they have a large group of readers and supporters.however, there is some concern that the cynical attitude towards life that they express might have a negative effect on young readers.do you also fear it will have such negative effects? thanks.thank you for your question.good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.my topic of todays speech is make our voice heard.today i would like to argue in two park.first, i would like to argue why people are afraid that literatures will set a negative effect on our lives.and second part i will share s ome of my thoughts with you.开宗明义。演讲人首先明确的告知听众演讲的主题,使用brief introduction sentence to get attention。在临场的匆忙之中仍然想出来一个很好的题目make our voice heard,并且将自己的论述分为两部分,有条不紊,令人感叹。why those people are afraid of these kind of literature? im afraid that they are afraid of that teenagers are liked to imitate others.and teenager is just a crucial point for us to shape our personality, our view of life, and our value of the world.theyre afraid of that we follow the bad example and lead a bad life in the future.and thats why my parents, my family, and even the government would like to propose where thought those kind of literature as cynic al ones.本段讨论人们对此类文学作品表示忧虑的原因:担心青少年模仿。思路很清晰。也正是在正文中cover the main points。但大概由于临场的因素,出现了一些浯法方面的错误,如:im afraid of that„,they are afraid of that„,虽然不影响理解,仍然是个遗憾。


的材料,很有说服力。but i would like to share some of my thoughts with you.before i read the book of mr.guo jingmings novel, i read another fiction called the catcher the rye.in that book, i also read sex, violence, murder, and rebellion.bu t that book was regarded as one of the masterpiece in american history and awarded the pulitzer prize.i could not see any difference between mr.guo jingmings novel and the cateber in the rye, because they expressed the attitude as our teenagers and adolescents we feel about the world.ends.but the literature seems to bridge the gap.本段从三个方面指出此类作品不会产生负面影响的原因。首先指出第一个作品本身亦有其可取之处。并以其宦友的亲身经历为例作出了令人信服的论证。这样就使演讲personalized,so that audience can relate more easily to personal topics—they probably have similar experiences. and the second reason is that we are not living in a world where everything is depicted as good.we are living in a world of good and evil, evil and holy.so, to that extent, if i am confined in a world where everything is depicted as good, i will feel quite perplexed when i am facing the real world.does the real world really resemble what i read in the novel? we need something positive, also we need something cynical.erature.thank you very much.本段谈论演讲人的第二个观点:世界亦非完美无暇,文学就应该反应真实的世界。最后一点原因:当代年轻人可以自律。至此就分别从文学作品、社会、个人三个方面透彻地阐释了演讲人的观点。也正是通过从不同角度的分析,使听众接受演讲人的观点。这一段中 也出现了较为明显的问题。cademy.how do you perceive this struggle for stardom? thank you for the difficult question.can share with you the experience we have there.d on until one day that person is eliminated.抑扬,也让听众对下段演讲人过渡到自己的观点有了思 想上的准备 en they first started their careers as a star, or as an actor, they were described as cinema poison, meaning nobody would see their films.but did they give up? no, they didnt, they didnt give up.they have been working hard all the way.and now they are famous.all over the world.all over asia.and are they proud of themselves? well, i suppose so.but still they work very hard.look at andy lau.hes still striving for the best all the time.every year are a wards.本段中演讲人明确地提出了自己的观点。并且在临场仍然明确地区分struggle和strive,显示出演讲人深厚的语言功底。演讲人接着由例子过渡到谈话主题:当明星是一种职业,巧妙地把struggle的主题过渡到strive,进而谈到being a star is also a profession.把不熟悉的主题struggle过渡到谈明星的成功这个比较熟悉的话题。这种演讲技巧十分重要,因为在短暂的几十秒钟内谈论一个十分陌生的话题,实在有难度,但是这位演讲者的巧妙过渡,既没有跑题,又谈了熟悉的话题,因此这种技巧值得学习。同时,本段列举众多内地观众十分熟悉地明星成名经历作为brief examples,做论据,支持自己的观点,使论据可靠而有力。这两句

话al lover the world.all over asia.若能调换顺序,就更加顺畅。ladies and gentlemen, i think theres nothing wrong if you want to be a star.its a profession.its a job that everybody can work for it if you really want it.but there are qualities that you need to possess if you want to be a star.of course you have to be hard-working, like andy lau, like chow yun fat.theyre all very hard-working.yet, then go for it.本段讨论了成为明星的第三个素质:感兴趣[genuine interest],并且列举了生活中的一些实例[people only interested in money rather than film industry)来论证自己的观点。这样在立论的同时也驳斥了为金钱而当明星的错误观点。有立有废,论证严谨 we can pick what we want.isnt that something good? ladies and gentlemen, it is what i think for that struggle for stardom.thank you very much.结论部分是one—sentence review of the points she presented in her talk.由“为当明星而打拼”引申到一般意义上的竞争,既紧扣主题,又加以升华。以一个反问句isnt it something good?结尾,进一步强化了演讲人的观点。这样的结尾达到了short and to the point的效果。通过ladies and gentlemen提示听众演讲接近尾声,重提主持人的问题,以告知听众她一直围绕这个主题展开演讲,给听众一个完整的结尾。

本篇是获得第10届“21世纪·外教社杯”全国英语演讲比赛季军的香港选手张阿旭的即兴演讲。演讲充分显示了演讲人的机敏、临场应变能力和扎实的语言功底。通篇逻辑十分的清晰,而且演讲人娓娓道来,丝毫没有演讲的做作,却又极富感染力。在即兴演讲这一部分,本篇演讲人明显高人一筹。据演讲者本人介绍,这与她所在的学校要求学生做很多即兴的presentation n 即兴演讲(impromptu speech),顾名思义,就是指临场的、毫无准备的演讲。在前面所提到的两大比赛中,即兴演讲所占时间为1~3分钟,分值所占比重为30%~40%,在比赛中的地位十分重要。如果参赛选手想要取得优秀的成绩,那么就一定要在该部分取得高分。即兴演讲对于使用母语演讲的人来说都非常困难,更何况是使用非母语演讲的选手?这部分非常具有挑战性,主要考察选手多方面能力:思维能力、逻辑能力和语言能力。思维能力是指选手在毫无准备的情况下对某一问题的分析能力,对问题理解的深度和宽度等;逻辑能力主要指选手是否有全局观,是否能合理搭筑整个演讲的框架,所阐述观点的层次性是否清晰;而语言能力则是指选手即席用英语进行交流沟通的能力,可检验选手的英语语言熟练度和准确度如何。那

么如何应对即兴演讲呢? 在定题演讲部分,我们讨论了衡量一篇演讲好坏的普遍原则。这些原则对所有类型的演讲都适用,即兴演讲也不例外。在做即兴演讲时,也要从以下四个方面着手:内容、结构、语言以

及台上演讲风格等。内容 在讨论即兴演讲的内容之前,先了解几个在近几年大赛即兴演讲中出现的题目。



Our Future: A Battle between Dreams and Reality

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:

When I was in the primary school, I have a dream.I want to invent a device which could bring you from one place to another in no time at all.When I was in the secondary school, my dream was to study in my ideal university.And when eventually I got into the university, my dream was to graduate.How pathetic!When we grow up, we dream less and become more realistic.Why? Why do we have to change our dreams, so, so in order to let it be “fulfilled”? Why do we have to surrender to the so-called “reality”? What IS the reality actually?

Ladies and gentlemen, the reality is not real.It is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies.Flying, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of years.A hundred years ago, “man could not fly” was still regarded as the “reality”.Now if that was really the reality, what did the Wright brothers do? How did some of you get to Macau? Only when we believe that the reality is not real can we soar with our dreams.People say that our future is a battle between the reality and our dreams.And if, unfortunately, Mr.Reality wins this war, then I see no future of mankind at all.AIDS will never be curable as this IS the reality;People living in the undeveloped countries will suffer from starvation forever as this IS the reality;4)Disputes among different countries would never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerance IS the reality.Ladies and gentlemen, how many of you have a dream of being able to make a lot of money? Please raise your hands.Oh, quite a number of you!Actually, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a dream, but a task.Every one of us has to make a living, right? Anyway I hope your task will be accomplished.How many of you think that you have already fulfilled your dream and that you don't dream anymore? Dear 5)adjudicators, what do you think? C.S.Lewis once said, “You are never too old to dream a new dream.” So for our future, please dream and be unrealistic.Now that I am a university student, my goal is to graduate with excellences.But at the same time, I have a dream deeply rooted in our future.One day, people living in the areas now 6)sweltering with the horror of wars will be able to sit with their families and enjoy their every moment.One day, people from the rich countries are willing to share what they have with those from the poor countries and those from the poor countries will eventually be able to make their own happy living themselves.One day, different cultures in this age of globalization will coexist with tolerance and the unfriendly confrontations among them will be 7)eliminated.One day, the globe will share the dream with me and we will all contribute to making our dream come true.One day, our dream will defeat the reality!Thank you very much.第十届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛季军——张阿旭

Two-Way Traffic Seven centuries ago, Marco Polo, after staying in our country for almost twenty years, brought the secrets of spaghetti and ice-cream with him back to Italy.More than seven hundred years later, with the prevalence of globalization, our people, our food, our products and many other items, have traveled to many other places beyond Italy.No matter where these Chinese people, Chinese food, Chinese products and many other Chinese items are, they carry with them qualities that are unique to our very own Chinese cultureMcDonald's, KFCs, soccer players and NBA players.And we are even having this prestigious national speaking competition in a language that does not belong to us.In the midst of western products pouring in China as a result of globalization, sometimes we do wonder, where does our own culture belong? When we see our younger generations going away from traditional values such as contextual and role-based ethics, ideal of community, hierarchy, paternalism and non-litigious nature of society, we may even think our traditional values are challenged and even threatened.But, are we really losing our values? Ladies and gentlemen, we must remember, the traffic of globalization is two-way.Yes, films from Hollywood, soccer from the United Kingdom and restaurants from America, do have an impact on our values.But, if we see globalization in China a synonymous term with western economic cultural hegemony, we are underestimating the impact of not only globalization but also our values.Have a look at languages.Yes, it is the desire and dream of every single Chinese to speak fluent English, including every single one of us here.But, have you ever wondered how many non-Chinese are learning Chinese? Let me tell you, by the end of 2002, nearly 30 million people from 85 countries and regions were learning standard Chinese, Putonghua.And who knows about the number of people learning regional dialects such as Shanghainese and Cantonese.In these two years, I am sure none of us here will be surprised that the number is skyrocketing.Have a look at Feng Shui, within 0.21 seconds Google brings you 1,270,000 websites about Feng Shui, not in Chinese, not from all over the world, but in English, just within the United States.And I guess some of you still remember, when the previous American president, Bill Clinton, first became president.He actually had the furniture of his office rearranged according to feng shui ideas.Have a look at traditional Chinese medicine.Four years ago, in 2001, there were already more than 120 000 traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, researchers and related business trading companies in Europe, just Europe.Our holistic approach of taking care of a person's health has been proven popular in the world.Our values, language, our Feng Shui, our traditional medicine and also Kung Fu that I have not really talked about, are all parts and messengers of our culture and values.What does their success in the west tell us? Their popularity tells us that, alongside cheap consumer products, we are exporting to the west, Chinese beliefs and, values.Ladies and gentlemen, globalization, yes it has its impacts on our values.It is sending our values overseas and bringing in new ones.Let's not see the bringing in of new ones a threat to our own culture.As a matter of fact, the bringing in is a very good opportunity and time to rethink and reflect who we are and what we want to be.It is upon us whether globalization has a positive or negative impact on our traditional values.Ladies and gentlemen, I see this positively, I know even if our traditional values are changing or to change, the change is for better, not for worse.Thank you very much.第十届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛亚军——张京

The Impact of Globalization on Traditional Chinese Values Good morning, ladies and gentlemen: Before western and Chinese civilization came into close contact, Chinese people had always longed for a life depicted in traditional Chinese paintings.Those paintings present a harmonious coexistence of people and other life forms.Regarded as the essence of ancient Chinese philosophies, harmony has been deeply-rooted in the minds of the Chinese people.On the one hand, it has contributed to the unique continuity of Chinese civilization.On the other, Chinese people became too much contented with their achievements to desire any further changes.As globalization deepens, it is bound to affect our ideal of harmony.First, globalization urges China to speed up its modernization, which threatens our regard for the harmony between Man and Nature.For instance, many dams and hydropower stations are being built for economic benefits at the expense of the well-preserved natural habitats.However, ecological malpractice of such kind goes against the notion of harmonious coexistence in ancient Chinese philosophies.More than 2,000 years ago, long before the concept of environmental protection came into being, DuJiang Weir, a great irrigation project was built in southwestern China's Sichuan province.It succeeded both in controlling floods and in facilitating the agriculture without posing a threat to the environment.Moreover, globalization has brought with it intense competition.Traditionally, moderation is a golden principle, presiding over inter-personal relations in China.Today, however, motivated to come to the top, some people become so self-centered that they choose to sacrifice love, friendship and even family ties.Last but not least, diverse cultures have met in China as a consequence of globalization.Therefore, a clash of cultures becomes inevitable.Unfortunately, the past decades have witnessed a huge loss of cultural heritage in China.In cities like Beijing and Xi'an, hundreds of century-old Chinese-style houses are being demolished to make room for skyscrapers, shopping malls and eight-lane expressways.From these examples, we see the disharmony brought about by globalization.Yet it is not globalization that is to blame.As long as we approach globalization with harmony in mind, its benefit will outweigh its cost.Take my hometown, Hangzhou, for example, thanks to the strenuous efforts made by the municipal government in achieving eco-development, various water birds have returned to the West Lake, calling it home again after years of migration elsewhere.From the lake bank, we see skateboarders and trick cyclists showing off together with people flying kites and kicking shuttlecocks on the plaza nearby.Although they compose a picture quite distinct from traditional Chinese paintings, this picture conveys a modern sense of harmony in this era of globalization.Ladies and gentlemen, to conclude, I would like to quote from British philosopher Bertrand Russell.In contrasting Chinese and Western civilizations, he observed: “The distinctive merit of western civilization is the scientific method;the distinctive merit of the Chinese is a just conception of the ends of life.It is these two that one must hope to see gradually uniting.” As we see the tremendous progress China has been making drawing on experience abroad, we may also expect the Chinese traditional value of harmony to enrich the world.I look forward to the time when Russell's prophecy comes true.Thank you very much.第十届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军——夏鹏

From Walls to Bridges I'm studying in a city famous for its walls.All visitors to my city are amazed by the imposing sight of the city walls, silhouetted by the setting sun with gold and shining lines.With old, cracked bricks patched with lichen, the walls are weather-beaten guards, standing still for centuries in protecting the city.Our ancestors liked to build walls.They built walls in Beijing, Xi'an, Nanjing and many other cities, and they built the Great Wall, which snakes through half of our country.They built walls to ward off enemies and evil spirits.This tradition has been maintained to this day as we still have many parks and schools walled off from the public.I grew up at the foot of the city walls, and I've loved them since my childhood.For a long time, walls were one of the most natural things in the world.My perception, however, changed after a hiking trip to the Eastern Suburbs, a scenic area of my city.My classmates and I were walking with some international students.As we walked out of the city, we found ourselves flanked by taller and taller trees, which formed a huge canopy above our heads.Suddenly an international student asked me, “Where is the entrance to the Eastern Suburbs?” “We're already in the Eastern Suburbs,” I replied.He seemed taken aback, “I thought you Chinese have walls for everything.” His remark set off a heated debate.At one point, he likened our walled cities to “jails,” while I insisted that the Eastern Suburbs were one of the many places in China that had no walls.That debate had no winners, but I did learn a lot from this international student.For instance, he told me that universities like Oxford and Cambridge were not surrounded by walls;the campuses were just part of the cities.I have to admit that we do have many walls in China, and as we are developing our country, we must carefully examine them, whether they are physical or intangible.We will keep some walls but tear down those that impede China's development.Let me give you an example.A year ago, when I was working on a term paper, I needed a book on business law and found a copy in the law school library.However, the librarian turned down my request with a cold shoulder, saying, “You can't borrow this book, you are not a student here.” In the end, I had to spend 200 yuan buying a copy;meanwhile, the copy in law school was gathering dust on the shelf.At the beginning of this semester, I heard that my university has started not only to unify its libraries but also link them up with libraries of other universities, so my experience will not be repeated.Barriers will be replaced by bridges.Through an inter-library loan system, we will have access to books from any library.With globalization, with China integrated into the world, I believe many of these intangible walls will be knocked down.I know globalization is a controversial issue, and it is hard to say whether it is good or bad.But one thing is for sure: it draws our attention to China's tangible and intangible walls and forces us to examine their roles in the modern world.And how about the ancient walls in my city and other cities? Should we tear them down? Just the opposite.My city, like Beijing and other cities, is actually making a great effort to preserve the walls.These walls attract not only historians and archeologists but also many schoolchildren trying to study our history and cultural heritage.Walls have turned into bridges to our past and to the rest of the world.If the ancient builders of these walls were still alive today, they would be proud to see such great change in the role of their walls.They are now bridges that link East and West, South and North, and all countries of the world.Our cultural heritage will survive 第七届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军——孙宁



1981年生于南京。1993年考取南京外国语学校,其间获全国中学生英语能力竞赛和中澳国际英语能力竞赛高中组特等奖。1999年保送北京外国语大学英语系学习,其间获“21世纪·爱立信杯”第七届全国英语演讲比赛冠军并出版译作三本。2003年8月入外交部翻译室工作,次年9月公派赴英国留学。Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for China's Younger Generation Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen: Today I'm very happy to be here to share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of Globalization.And first of all, I would like to mention an event in our recent history.Thirty years ago, American President Richard Nixon made an epoch-making visit to China, a country still isolated at that time.Premier Zhou Enlai said to him, “Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world-twenty-five years of no communication.” Ever since then, China and America have exchanged many handshakes of various kinds.The fundamental implication of this example is that the need and desire to communicate across differences in culture and ideology is not only felt by the two countries but by many other nations as well.As we can see today, environmentalists from different countries are making joint efforts to address the issue of global warming, economists are seeking solutions to financial crises that rage in a particular region but nonetheless cripple the world's economy, and diplomats and politicians are getting together to discuss the issue of combating terrorism.Peace and prosperity has become a common goal that we are striving for all over the world.Underlying this mighty trend of globalization is the echo of E.M.Forster's words, “Only connect!” With the IT revolution taking place, traditional boundaries of human society fall away.Our culture, politics, society and commerce are being sloshed into a large melting pot of humanity.In this interlinked world, there are no outsiders, for a disturbance in one place is likely to impact other parts of the globe.We have begun to realize that a world divided cannot endure.China is now actively integrating into the world.Our recent entry to the WTO is a good example.For decades, we have taken pride in being self-reliant, but now we realize the importance of participating in and contributing to a broader economic order.From the precarious role in the world arena to our present WTO membership, we have come a long way.But what does the way ahead look like? In some parts of the world people are demonstrating against globalization.Are they justified then, in criticizing the globalizing world? Instead of narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, they say, globalization enables developed nations to swallow the developing nations' wealth in debts and interest.Globalization, they argue, should be about an earnest interest in every other nation's economic health.We are reminded by Karl Marx that capital goes beyond national borders and eludes control from any other entity.This has become a reality.Multinational corporations are seeking the lowest cost, the largest market, and the most favorable policy.They are often powerful lobbyists in government decision-making, ruthless expansionists in the global market place and a devastating presence to local businesses.For China, still more challenges exist.How are we going to ensure a smooth transition from the planned economy to a market-based one? How to construct a legal system that is sound enough and broad enough to respond to the needs of a dynamic society? How to maintain our cultural identity in an increasingly homogeneous world? And how to define greatness in our rise as a peace-loving nation? Globalization entails questions that concern us all.Like many young people my age in China, I want to see my country get prosperous and enjoying respect in the international community.But it seems to me that mere patriotism is not just enough.It is vitally important that we young people do more serious thinking and broaden our mind to bigger issues.And, there might never be easy answers to those issues such as globalization, but to take them on and give them honest thinking is the first step to be prepared for both opportunities and challenges coming our way.And this is also one of the thoughts that came to me while preparing this speech.Thank you.英语演讲稿范文:Crossing the Sea 穿越海洋[双


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.The title of my speech today is “Crossing the Sea”.An English poet by the name of Rudyard Kipling once wrote in this poem “We and They” :

All the people like us are We

and everyone else is They

We live over the sea

While They live over the way

We eat pork and beef with cow horn-handled knives

They who gobble their rice off a leaf

Are horrified out of their lives.When these lines first caught my eyes, I was shocked--how could two people remain so isolated and ignorant of each other in the past? Today's society, of course, is an entirely different picture.Those people who used to eat with gobble their rice might be as well have taken to fish and chips.Indeed, just take China as example;Our modern life has been influenced by Western style of living in so many ways that it's no longer surprising to see teenagers going crazy about rock-and-roll, whole families dining out at McDonald's and even rather elderly people dressed in Apple Jeans.However, these are only some expressions of the cultural changes taking place in our society today.What is really going on is a subtle but significant restructuring of the nation's mentality.Just look around.How many college graduates are ready to compete aggressively for every job opportunity, whereas not long ago they were asked just to sit idle and wait for whatever was to be assigned to them by the government? How many young people are now eager to seek for an independent life whereas only two decades ago they would rely totally on their parents to arrange for their future? Ask anyone who participates in today's speech contest.Who has not come with a will to fight and who has not come determined to achieve self-fulfillment in winning the game? And I'm quite certain that if Confucius had lived to see today's China, he would have been horrified to see young lovers kissing each other in public places in an unreserved expression of their passion.It is therefore evident that we as descendants of an ancient Eastern civilization are already living under strong influence of the Western culture.But it is not only in China that we find the incorporation of the two cultures.Take the United States as an example: During the 1980s, in face of the overwhelming competition from Japan, many American companies such as the Ford began to adopt a teamwork management from their rivals, the essence of which, lay at the very core of Eastern culture.Take the Chinese acupuncture as another example: This traditional treatment of diseases is finally finding its way to the West and hence the underlying notion that illness is resulted from the imbalance between yin and yang within the body--an idea which would strike any Westerner as incredible in the past!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we live in a great epoch when the global integration of economy and the information revolution have brought cultures of the world closer than ever before.We live in a particular era when countries, East and West, find themselves in need of readjusting their traditional values.We live, at the same time, at a critical juncture of our evolution because such problems as ethnic conflicts and regional unrest are increasingly posing a threat to the peace and happiness of the whole human race.To cope with such an era and to embrace an even brighter future, we need to learn to live more harmoniously in a world community which is becoming smaller and smaller.My dear fellow students, our command of the English language render sit possible for us to gain an insight into Western culture while retaining our own cultural identity.Therefore, it is our sacred responsibility to promote the cultural exchanges and hence the mutual understanding between China and the rest of the world.It is my happiest dream that new generation of Chinese will not only grow up drinking Coca cola and watching Hollywood, but also be blessed with the far-reaching benefits of multiple cultures;benefits that our forefathers had never, ever dreamed of.To end my speech, I would like to quote Rudyard Kipling again:

All the people like us are We

And everyone else is They

But once you cross over the sea

You will end by looking on We

As only a sort of They.Thank you.译文:穿越海洋










































第三届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军——梁励敏................................................2 第三届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛亚军——芮成钢................................................5 第四届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军——蔡力...................................................9 第六届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军——戚悦..................................................11 第七届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军——孙宁.................................................13 第八届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军——顾秋蓓..............................................17 第九届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军——洪晔.................................................20 第十届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军——夏鹏.................................................22

第一章 寻访记忆



思维的游戏 梁励敏

演讲就要言之有物 芮成钢

Is There a Short Cut?孙宁

Be yourself 顾秋蓓

无一不可入演讲 洪晔

平谈中透着哀伤 夏鹏

第二章 昨日重现(原声)

第一届 央视《环球了望》选段 刘欣

第二届 穿洋越海 梁励敏

第三届 东西方相聚 芮成钢

第四届 我们和黄河一道成长 蔡力

第六届 新北京,三色新奥运 戚悦

第七届 全球化:中国年轻一代所面临的挑战与机遇 孙宁

第八届 难忘的一幕 顾秋蓓

第九届 机会之门就在前方 洪晔

第十届 城墙与桥梁 夏鹏

第三章 明灯导航

“21世纪杯”英语演讲的艺术 史蒂芬·卢卡斯

第三只眼看演讲 吴杏莲









Crossing the Sea

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.The title of my speech today is “Crossing the Sea”.An English poet by the name of Rudyard Kipling once wrote in his poem “We and They”: 2 “All the people like us are We And everyone else is They We live over the sea While They live over the way We eat pork and beef with cowhorn-handled knives They who gobble their rice off a leaf Are horrified out of their lives.” When these lines first caught my eyes, I was shocked-how could two peoples remain so isolated and ignorant of each other in the past? Today's society, of course, is an entirely different picture.Those people who used to eat with cowhorn-handled knives might be very skillful in using chopsticks, and those people who used to gobble their rice might be as well have taken to fish and chips.Indeed, just take China as an example: Our modern life has been influenced by Western style of living in so many ways that it's no longer surprising to see teenagers going crazy about rock-and-roll, whole families dining out at McDonald's and even rather elderly people dressed in Apple Jeans.However, these are only some expressions of the cultural changes taking place in our society today.What is really going on is a subtle but significant restructuring of the nation's mentality.Just look around.How many college graduates are ready to compete aggressively for every job opportunity, whereas not long ago they were asked just to sit idle and wait for whatever was to be assigned to them by the government? How many young people are now eager to seek for an independent life whereas only two decades ago they would rely totally on their parents to arrange for their future? Ask anyone who participates in today's speech contest.Who has not come with a will to fight and who has not come determined to achieve self-fulfillment in winning the game? And I'm quite certain that if Confucius had lived to see today's China, he would have been horrified to see young lovers kissing each other in public places in an unreserved expression of their passion.It is therefore evident that we as descendants of an ancient Eastern civilization are already living under strong inf1uence of the Western culture.But it is not only in China that we find the incorporation of the two cultures.Take the United States as an example: During the 1980s,in face of the overwhelming competition from Japan, many American companies such as the Ford began to adopt a teamwork management from their rivals, the essence of which, lay at the very core of Eastern culture.Take the Chinese acupuncture as another example: This traditional treatment of diseases is finally finding its way to the West and hence the underlying notion that illness is resulted from the imbalance between Yin and Yang within the body-

twenty-five years of no communication.“ Ever since then, China and America have exchanged many handshakes of various kinds.The fundamental implication of this example is that the need and desire to communicate across differences in culture and ideology is not only felt by the two countries but by many other nations as well.As we can see today, environmentalists from different countries are making joint efforts to address the issue of global warming, economists are seeking solutions to financial crises that rage in a particular region but nonetheless cripple the world's economy, and diplomats and politicians are getting together to discuss the issue of combating terrorism.Peace and prosperity has become a common goal that we are striving for all over the world.Underlying this mighty trend of globalization is the echo of E.M.Forster's words, ”Only connect!“ With the IT revolution taking place, traditional boundaries of human society fall away.Our culture, politics, society and commerce are being sloshed into a large melting pot of humanity.In this interlinked world, there are no outsiders, for a disturbance in one place is likely to impact other parts of the globe.We have begun to realize that a world divided cannot endure.China is now actively integrating into the world.Our recent entry to the WTO is a good example.For decades, we have taken pride in being self-reliant, but now we realize the importance of participating in and contributing to a broader economic order.From the precarious role in the world arena to our present WTO membership, we have come a long way.But what does the way ahead look like? In some parts of the world people are demonstrating against globalization.Are they justified then, in criticizing the globalizing world? Instead of narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, they say, globalization enables developed nations to swallow the developing nations' wealth in debts and interest.Globalization, they argue, should be about an earnest interest in every other nation's economic health.We are reminded by Karl Marx that capital goes beyond national borders and eludes control from any other entity.This has become a reality.Multinational corporations are seeking the lowest cost, the largest market, and the most favorable policy.They are often powerful lobbyists in government decision-making, ruthless expansionists in the global market place and a devastating presence to local businesses.For China, still more challenges exist.How are we going to ensure a smooth transition from the planned economy to a market-based one? How to

construct a legal system that is sound enough and broad enough to respond to the needs of a dynamic society? How to maintain our cultural identity in an increasingly homogeneous world? And how to define greatness in our rise as a peace-loving nation? Globalization entails questions that concern us all.Like many young people my age in China, I want to see my country get prosperous and enjoying respect in the international community.But it seems to me that mere patriotism is not just enough.It is vitally important that we young people do more serious thinking and broaden our mind to bigger issues.And, there might never be easy answers to those issues such as globalization, but to take them on and give them honest thinking is the first step to be prepared for both opportunities and challenges coming our way.And this is also one of the thoughts that came to me while preparing this speech.Thank you.英语演讲稿范文:Crossing the Sea 穿越海洋[双


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.The title of my speech today is ”Crossing the Sea“.An English poet by the name of Rudyard Kipling once wrote in this poem ”We and They" :

All the people like us are We

and everyone else is They

We live over the sea

While They live over the way

We eat pork and beef with cow horn-handled knives

They who gobble their rice off a leaf 45

Are horrified out of their lives.When these lines first caught my eyes, I was shocked--how could two people remain so isolated and ignorant of each other in the past? Today's society, of course, is an entirely different picture.Those people who used to eat with gobble their rice might be as well have taken to fish and chips.Indeed, just take China as example;Our modern life has been influenced by Western style of living in so many ways that it's no longer surprising to see teenagers going crazy about rock-and-roll, whole families dining out at McDonald's and even rather elderly people dressed in Apple Jeans.However, these are only some expressions of the cultural changes taking place in our society today.What is really going on is a subtle but significant restructuring of the nation's mentality.Just look around.How many college graduates are ready to compete aggressively for every job opportunity, whereas not long ago they were asked just to sit idle and wait for whatever was to be assigned to them by the government? How many young people are now eager to seek for an independent life whereas only two decades ago they would rely totally on their parents to arrange for their future? Ask anyone who participates in today's speech contest.Who has not come with a will to fight and who has not come determined to achieve self-fulfillment in winning the game? And I'm quite certain that if Confucius had lived to see today's China, he would have been horrified to see young lovers kissing each other in public places in an unreserved expression of their passion.It is therefore evident that we as descendants of an ancient Eastern civilization are already living under strong influence of the Western culture.But it is not only in China that we find the incorporation of the two cultures.Take the United States as an example: During the 1980s, in face of the overwhelming competition from Japan, many American companies such as the 46 Ford began to adopt a teamwork management from their rivals, the essence of which, lay at the very core of Eastern culture.Take the Chinese acupuncture as another example: This traditional treatment of diseases is finally finding its way to the West and hence the underlying notion that illness is resulted from the imbalance between yin and yang within the body--an idea which would strike any Westerner as incredible in the past!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we live in a great epoch when the global integration of economy and the information revolution have brought cultures of the world closer than ever before.We live in a particular era when countries, East and West, find themselves in need of readjusting their traditional values.We live, at the same time, at a critical juncture of our evolution because such problems as ethnic conflicts and regional unrest are increasingly posing a threat to the peace and happiness of the whole human race.To cope with such an era and to embrace an even brighter future, we need to learn to live more harmoniously in a world community which is becoming smaller and smaller.My dear fellow students, our command of the English language render sit possible for us to gain an insight into Western culture while retaining our own cultural identity.Therefore, it is our sacred responsibility to promote the cultural exchanges and hence the mutual understanding between China and the rest of the world.It is my happiest dream that new generation of Chinese will not only grow up drinking Coca cola and watching Hollywood, but also be blessed with the far-reaching benefits of multiple cultures;benefits that our forefathers had never, ever dreamed of.To end my speech, I would like to quote Rudyard Kipling again: All the people like us are We.And everyone else is They.But once you cross over the sea.You will end by looking on We.As only a sort of They.Thank you.47



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