国庆节的英语是:National Day
也可以说:National Day Holiday!
在这里预祝大家国庆节快乐!Happy National Day!
1.Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day.国庆节期间到处挂着彩灯.2.National Day falls on a Monday this year.今年国庆节是星期一.3.The National Day is drawing closer.国庆节快到了.4.The laughter on the boats mingled with that on shore, adding to the jubilation on National Day.船上和岸上的笑声交汇在一起, 增加了国庆节的欢乐气氛.5.The National Day and the International Labour Day are great events in China.国庆节和国际劳动节在中国是重大的节日.6.I spent the National Day at Weihai.我在威海度过了国庆节
7.There will be a garden party on National Day.国庆节将有游园会.8.National day is come into contact with gradually on day.日子逐渐接近国庆节了.9.On National Day red flags are hung out of every window.国庆节那天,每个窗口都挂出红旗.10.It's a fortnight to National Day.离国庆节还有两星期.11.It's October 1(the first).It's National Day.今天是十月 一日, 国庆节.12.People gathered in the hall for the celebration on the eve of the National Day.国庆节前夕人们聚集在礼堂开庆祝会.13.Today is our National Day, Oct.1.今天是我们的国庆节“十? 一”.14.What day is your National Day?
15.Yes.Besides Spring Festival, National Day is another important holiday.是的.但除了春节之外, 国庆节是另一个重要的节日.
世界历史上最悠久的国庆节是圣马力诺的国庆节。远在公元301年,圣马力诺就把9月3日定为自己的国庆节,至今已有1700多年的历史。In the world history the most glorious National Day is the san marino National Day.In the A.D.301 years, the san marino on decides as far September 3 own National Day, until now already some more than 1700 years history.Various countries National Day
The National Day is a national political nature strongest holiday.But, the various countries' National Day name as well as the date determination is different actually.Said from the name that, in the world called “National Day” or “National Day” has China, France and so on approximately 40 countries;Called “independent date” or “independent festival” has American, Mexican, Philippine, the Burmese ten-day period and so on approximately 60 countries, was called “republican date” or “republic date” has countries and so on the Yugoslavia, Zaire, Iceland;Called “revolutionary festival” has the former U.S.S.R, Albania, Hungary;Called “federation establishment date” has Switzerland;Called “union date” has Tanzania;Also some directly adds on “the date” by the country's name, like “Australian date” and “Pakistani date”.Said from the date meaning that, the world including our country, approximately some 30 countries take founds a nation Japan as a National Day;Some are take the constitution promulgation date as the National Days, like Federal Republic of Germany;Some take revolutionizes the revolt date as the National Day, like France;Some take the head of state birthday as the National Day, like countries and so on Japan, Thailand, Holland, Denmark, England.Interesting is, these countries along with king, the emperor of Japan or queen's replacement change the National Day the date.General country only then a National Day, but, Nepalese, Sweden, Ugandan, Republic of Guinea Denmark has two National Days actually.In Nepal, one is “the national democratic date”(on February 18), one is king's birthday;In Sweden, one is “the national flag date”(on June 6), one is king's birthday;In Cuba, one is “the liberation date”(on January 1), one is “the national revolt date”(on July 26);In Uganda, one is “the independent date”(on October 9), one is “the second republican date”(on January 25);In the Republic of Guinea, one is “the announcement republican date”(on October 2), one is “the people defeats the aggression commemoration day”(on November 22): In Denmark, one is “the constitution date”(on June 5), another is queen the birthday.1949年12月2日,中央人民政府委员会第四次会议接受全国政协的建议,通过了《关于中华人民共和国国庆日的决议》,决定每年10月1日,即中华人民共和国宣告成立的伟大日子,为中华人民共和国国庆日。
December 2, 1949, the Central People's Government, the fourth meeting of the Committee to accept the recommendations of the CPPCC National Committee adopted the “Resolution on the National Day of The People's Republic of China” and decided to October 1 each year, namely, The People's Republic of China was proclaimed a great day , for The People's Republic of China National Day.From 1971 to 1983, the annual October 1, Beijing is to a large gathering of the Garden, and other forms of celebrating the National Day, not to conduct mass demonstrations.In 1984, the National Day 35th anniversary, held a grand celebration of National Day military parade and mass demonstrations.The National Day is a national political nature strongest holiday.But, the various countries' National Day name as well as the date determination is different actually.
一.国庆节诗歌 Motherland,You come from the world,You from the art world came in newborn
To this moment,With the name of your neighbors to lend a helping hand,You pull one,Because you are homologous,So they are willing to pay.So, you stand in the corner of the world 二.国庆节的由来 National Day
National Day of the long history and goes back to ancient times.Therefore, the basis for the rest of the world have established the National Day bizarre.According to statistics, countries all over the world to establish the time of the country's National Day 35.China to the founding of the National Day on October 1, 1949.Occupying the capital of the day as the National Day of Cuba, Cambodia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.Some of the country's Independence Day as the National Day of the country.January 1, 1804, the Haitian people annihilated the Napoleonic expedition to the 60,000 troops in Port-au-Prince to declare independence, and thus put to the annual National Day on January 1.Mexico, Ghana and other countries as well.Some countries to the armed intifada anniversary as a national holiday.Romania, the Communist Party led an armed uprising to overthrow the reactionary rule of Antonescu, to the anti-fascist war on August 23, 1944 as National Day.France to destroy symbols of the authoritarian period for its National Day.Some countries have a great day as the National Day of the meeting.July 4, 1776 the United States adopted the “Declaration of Independence” mainland date for the National Day.Canada is July 1, 1867 the British Parliament passed the “British North America Act” that day as the National Day.Japan is the birthday of Emperor Hirohito of Japan for the National Day.There is the head of state's birthday a national holiday, Nepal, Thailand, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and other countries.三.国庆节祝福
阳光是明媚的,溪水是清澈的;牛奶是甜的,蛋糕是香的;年轻是幸福的,日子是甜蜜的……我的祝福是真诚的,希望国庆你是开心的!The sun is shining brightly, the water is clear;Milk is sweet, cake-yes;Young is happy, and he is sweet...is my sincere wish and hope that you are happy National Day!
送给你最美好的祝福,愿你:国庆、家庆、普天同庆,官源、财源、左右逢源,人缘、福缘,缘缘不断。You gave the best blessing to you: National, Jiaqing, people throughout the official sources, financial resources, both ways, popularity, humble, the geopolitical fate.愿你国庆假期天天都有好心情,夜夜都做甜蜜梦,让你时时有人关心、处处受人呵护!美梦成真,幸福快乐!You would like to have a good day National Day holiday mood, have done every sweet dream, you always been concerned about all the people care!A dream come true and happiness!
祝愿国庆节七天,天天快快乐乐168小时,时时开开心心10800分。National Day wishes seven days, 168 hours every day happy, always a happy 10,800 points.国庆祝你:百事可乐!万事芬达 天天哇哈哈!时时乐百氏!刻刻高乐高!心情似雪碧!永远都醒目!Celebrate your country: Pepsi!Everything drinks!Wow daily Ha Ha!Constantly Improve!Keke MACLEOD high!Feeling like Sprite!Always smart!
每一阵清风细雨,都会让我将你轻轻想起;每一条祝福短信,都会将我们的心靠得更近;恰逢国庆之际,借此送上我的真挚问候,愿你天天快乐!Every Qingfengdian drizzle for a while, I will let you gently reminds me;Each SMS a blessing, our hearts will be stronger;Coincides with the occasion of National Day to send my sincere greetings to your happy day!
国庆节手抄报资料 国庆节的由来:
国庆节诗歌: 我古老而年轻的祖国啊,我是你广袤大地上一棵稚嫩的幼苗,摇曳在你温暖呵护的怀抱,我是你无垠天空中一只飞翔的小鸟,鸣唱在你春风和煦的心头,我的血管里,涌动着黄河的波浪,我的心灵里,开放着文明的鲜花,我心中的理想,正展现在祖国蔚蓝的天空里。世界的东方,有一个神奇而美丽的国家,茫茫大海,是她广阔的胸怀,巍巍长城,是她坚强的脊梁,滔滔黄河,是她奔腾的血液,青藏高原,是她刚硬的臂膀…… 她—— 就是我的祖国
国庆节手抄报资料 :关于爱国的名人名言
1、瞒人之事弗为,害人之心弗存,有益国家之事虽死弗避。—— 吕坤
2、大江歌罢掉头东,邃密群科济世穷。面壁十年图破壁,难酬蹈海亦英雄。—— 周恩来
4、科学没有国界,科学家却有国界。—— 巴甫洛夫
5、我们为祖国服务,也不能都采用同一方式,每个人应该按照资禀,各尽所能。—— 歌德
6、人民不仅有权爱国,而且爱国是个义务,是一种光荣。—— 徐特立
11、常思奋不顾身,而殉国家之急。—— 司马迁
12、我有我的人格、良心,不是钱能买的。我的音乐,要献给祖国,献给劳动人民大众,为挽救民族危机服务。—— 冼星海
14、为了国家的利益,使自己的一生变为有用的一生,纵然只能效绵薄之力,我也会热血沸腾。—— 果戈理
18、锦绣河山收拾好,万民尽作主人翁。—— 朱德
19、我爱我的祖国,爱我的人民,离开了它,离开了他们,我就无法生存,更无法写作。—— 巴金
20、我所谓共和国里的美德,是指爱祖国、也就是爱平等而言。这并不是一种道德上的美德,也不是一种基督教的美德,而是政治上的美德。—— 孟德斯鸠
21、我赞美目前的祖国,更要三倍地赞美它的将来。—— 马雅可夫斯基
27、我是你的,我的祖国!都是你的,我的这心、这灵魂;假如我不爱你,我的祖国,我能爱哪一个人? —— 裴多菲
29、我无论作什麽,始终在想着,只要我的精力允许我的话,我就要首先为我的祖国服务。—— 巴甫洛夫
30、热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。—— 海涅
31、锦城虽乐,不如回故乡;乐园虽好,非久留之地。归去来兮。—— 华罗庚
33、爱国主义的力量多麽伟大呀!在它面前,人的爱生之念,畏苦之情,算得是什麽呢!在它面前,人本身也算得是甚麽呢!—— 车尔尼雪夫斯基
35、祖国更重于生命,是我们的母亲,我们的土地。—— 聂鲁达
36、假如我是有一些能力的话,我就有义务把它献给祖国。—— 林耐