
时间:2019-05-13 12:58:38下载本文作者:会员上传



Premier Wen Jiabao, earthquake relief in the frontline commander-in-chief, a session of more than 60-year-old, aftershocks continue in the disaster scene to the spirit of ecstasy in the rubble piled up on the ruins of trouble, and even save people very anxious hands.Fall, climb up, injured his arm bleeding so doctors do not dress, but for a doctor to rescue injured victims.Ciqingcijing, how can we prevent it moving.If it is our own parents, sons and daughters of which it is not Jiuxin ?!


From the disaster of the day, Premier Wen will be the first time in arriving in the area in temporary tents set up in command of the earthquake, relief, rescue.Be buried in the primary school next to the ruins, the Prime Minister with hoarse, choked words, to the ruins of the children propaganda.A reporter at the scene through QQ issued immediately report said: “over 60 of the Prime Minister has no way of the Kude.” In fact, Premier Wen is not not strong, but the heart of the Prime Minister for immediate disaster and heartache, this is Love the people's good premier at this time reveal the truth.从灾情发生的那一天起,温总理便在第一时间抵达灾区,在临时搭起的帐篷中指挥抗震、救灾、救人。在被掩埋的小学废墟旁,总理用嘶哑、哽咽的话语,向废墟中的孩子喊话。一位在现场的记者通过QQ发出即时报道称:“年过花甲的总理已经哭得不成样子了。”其实,不是温总理不坚强,而是心系人民的总理为眼前的灾难而心痛,这是热爱人民的好总理此时此刻的真情流露。

Where victims of the most dangerous situations where the most serious, Premier Wen Jiabao on command in trouble.We can see that in the most severe earthquake relief moment, of all rescue teams to overcome the difficult 1,000 million insurance, with the fastest speed and rushed to the disaster area, the earthquake has more than 60,000 people were rescued.We felt the earthquake relief is the courage, strength, hope for.The people across the country will not be deterred by this major disaster, there will not be immediate destroyed by the tragedy.We firmly believe that with the party and the government's strong leadership, people of all nationalities throughout the country to aid earthquake relief will be a victory!



Strong earthquake hits China

A powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 has hit Chinas southern province of Sichuan, shaking buildings as far away as Beijing, Shanghai and Bangkok.It was not immediately clear if there were any casualties or damage from the tremor which the the US Geological Survey(UGS)earlier put at 7.8.The epicentre of the quake was 93 kilometres north of Chengdu.Wenchuan, which took full force of the quake, has a population of 111,000 people.It is in an ethnic Tibetan area in Aba county which recently saw violent clashes between Tibetans and Chinese authorities.According to some reports there was a second earthquake measuring 3.9 which hit the Beijing district of Tongzhou at roughly the same time.Telephone lines in the affected area are jammed and there are still no reports of casualties.Reports from Thailand say high buildings in Bangkok continued to shake several minutes after the tremors began.We felt continuous shaking for about two or three minutes.All the people in our office are rushing downstairs.Were still feeling slight tremblings, said an office worker in Chengdu.Chinas tallest building, the Jinmao Tower, and other highrise buildings in Shanghais financial district were evacuated after tremors were first felt.people were shouting get out, get out, so we all ran out of our dorm, said a student surnamed Zhang at a university in nearby Chongqing.A spokesman for the China Earthquake Administration said it was still checking the epicentre and scale of the tremor.英语作文 China Wenchuan earthquake

Like many people in the UK, the team at BBC Learning English have been shocked and saddened by news of the earthquake in Sichuan province.We would like to extend our condolences to those affected by this terrible natural disaster.Below is a special report on the earthquake and the rescue operations taking place.和在英国的很多人一样,BBC 英语教学组的全体成员对五月十二号发生在四川省的地震消息感到震惊和悲痛。在这里我们对受害者表示最深切的哀悼,向那些受地震影响的人们深表同情。下面是对这次地震和地震营救行动的一篇特别报道。


Rescue efforts are underway in China’s Sichuan province following Monday’s devastating earthquake 灾难性的地震, which measured 7.9 on the Richter Scale 里氏震级.According to Xinhua news agency, nearly 15,000 people have died in the disaster, with as many as 24,000 more trapped under rubble 碎石,碎砖 from collapsing buildings and another 14,000 declared missing 申报失踪.prime Minister Wen Jiabao has visited the area to personally oversee relief work(抗震)救灾工作, and is flying to the epicentre 震中 of the earthquake today.Chinese troops have been mobilised 调动 to carry out rescue operations and emergency aid 紧急救护 has been air-dropped 空降 into areas that have been cut off by the disaster.Bad weather has hampered 阻碍 relief efforts and in some cases rescuers have had to trek into the disaster area 受灾地区 by foot and search for trapped survivors 生还者 by hand as roads have been blocked by debris 瓦砾碎片.Some residents of the provincial capital 首府 Chengdu have chosen to sleep in tents and government shelters for fear of aftershocks 余震 causing more damage.One witness in Chengdu told the BBC the city’s population is helping the relief work by donating 捐献 food and water for those affected in the surrounding countryside.Financial aid 经济救助 has been pouring in 大量涌进 from all over China, with the Chinese government pledging hundreds of millions of dollars.Substantial donations from other countries and humanitarian organisations have also been pledged 承诺,给予(援助).Although full casualty figures 伤亡数字 are not yet certain, it is clear that Monday’s earthquake is the worst to strike China since the Tangshan earthquake of 1976.An 英语作文:What is earthquake?

earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earths crust that creates seismic waves(地震波).Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer(地震检波器), also known as a seismograph(地震仪).The moment magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported, or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude(里氏量级), with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible 感觉不到的 and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas.Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale(麦加利震级, 麦氏震级).At the Earths surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by a shaking and sometimes displacement(位移)of the ground.When a large earthquake epicenter(震中)is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a ts

unami(海啸).The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity.In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event—whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humans—that generates seismic waves.Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture(破裂, 裂开)of geological faults(断层), but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments.An earthquakes point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter.The term epicenter means the point at ground level directly above this.来源:http://blog.sina.com.cn/study001





是啊,别哭,妈妈!因为所有的人都在关注你们,帮助你们,有政府在、有解放军叔叔在,有千千万万血肉同胞在,我们一定会救出你的儿子,救出所有妈妈的儿子。温家宝爷爷不是已经到了灾区现场吗?你听,温爷爷的声音虽然沙哑但是非常坚决,你看,温爷爷的手紧紧攥住一个妈妈的手,虽然颤抖但非常有力,他布满血丝的眼睛虽然淌满泪水但非常坚毅,似乎在说:“放心,政府一定会尽全力营救!” 在这张温爷爷蹲在矮墙上的照片里,我似乎听到了弥漫着死亡气息的空中响起了嘹亮的歌声,它在告诉整个地球,中国人民是摧不跨的。




Feature: When tremor hits, femininity shines

By Xinhua Writers Zhan Yan, Rong Jiaojiaopsy

CHENGDU, June 27(Xinhua)--

When William Shakespeare wrote “frailty, thy name is woman,” he may have no idea what women could do at times of extreme adversity.As the 8.0-magnitude earthquake rocked Sichuan, southwest China, on May 12, it let out not only the devastating power within the earth, but also the incredible strength inside women.Though they have suffered both at the quake zone and on the home front, women in Sichuan have helped inspire and give hope to those around them with their strength and love.IN THE NAME OF THE MOTHER

A two-month-old baby found under the ruins in Longwan Village, Chenjiaba Township, Beichuan County, on May 12, survived because she was shielded by the body of her mother, who died protecting her.The mother's body was in a kneeling position, with the right hand pressed to the ground and the left holding the baby tightly.A thick roof beam lay across her back.The baby was crying in the space formed by her curved body.Two months before, the mother had undergone enormous pain while giving birth.She chose a natural delivery, rather than the less painful Caesarean.“It's for our baby's health,” Huang Lingli told her husband Mu Jianfeng.She fainted several times during the 25-hour delivery.During the labor, her husband repeatedly asked her to have a Caesarean, but she refused: “I won't give up.I want our baby to be as healthy as possible.”

“Marriage and birth-giving, the two most important things in a woman's life.I've done both and good days always follow,” the husband recalled her saying.However, she only spent two months with her baby Mu Qianqi.In the eyes of her husband, the woman seemed to have boundless energy.She was busy all day, caring for the baby, cooking, working the farmland and tending other family members.The husband worked in Shanghai, thousands of miles away, earning money for the family.“Our daughter laughed in her sleep and woke up giggling,” said her last text message to her husband.The husband said he would keep this message in his phone for the rest of his life, and would show it to the daughter when she is old enough to understand


Li Diyan never expected her husband to carry her photo every day, because after two decades of marriage, she knew he was just not the romantic type.“I thought he knew nothing about romance.He never told me 'I love you' in all those years,” Li says.When she found out how wrong she was, it was too late.One month before his scheduled retirement, Colonel Qiu Guanghua was killed in action--his helicopter crashed while carrying a dozen trapped and injured villagers from the remote mountains.Collecting his belongings, rescuers found a yellowing photo of his wife in his breast pocket.Before the earthquake, the couple were planning how to spend their retirement.“Touring around Shanghai, Hangzhou....We had done a schedule,” Li says.The helicopter disappeared in bad weather in the cloudy mountains.It was found after a 10-day search.When he was missing, she had firmly believed he was alive.On the previous flight, Qiu survived a mishap when he was carrying about 20 injured people from Maoxian County, his home area.The engine overheated, but he managed a forced landing.He had 5,800 hours of flying time.She believed the same thing had happened this time.It was his 64th flight in the 17 days after the quake.Struggling between hope and despair, she often woke in the middle of the night when she heard a noise and asked, “Is that you? Guanghua?”

They lived near the airport.She had to get up early and ride her bicycle for two hours to work.He asked to move, but she refused.“It is near your workplace and convenient for you,” she told her husband.She is still proud of him, the boy from a backwater village who became a pilot.He volunteered for the rescue team although he could have been excused so close to his retirement.“They are suffering.I can't sit watching.I want to do my part,” he told his wife.She assured him she would take care of the family and look for his missing father and mother.She finally contacted them and brought them medicine, foods and a power-generator.Each time her husband left, she worried.“It was his familiar 'Hi' on phone after every flight that made me feel safe at heart,” Li says.But this time, the call never came.She has set up a memorial hall at their home.She pours two cups of liquor before his picture every night, toying with her jade necklace pendant.It was a token of betrothal from him.Another hung round his neck.The Fearless Quake Heroine Fears Night

She is strong and brave during the day, but in the darkness of night, Jiang Min is painful.(1)Jiang is a policewoman from Pengzhou, a city destroyed by the May 12th earthquake.Ten of Jiang’s relatives died in the earthquake, including her mother and two-year-old daughter.Jiang did not leave her post(岗位)as more and more displaced(使背井离乡)people came to Pengzhou seeking help.It was up to police, like her , to find shelter and food.In the weeks following the earthquake, Jiang worked non-stop at temporary shelters.She said she barely slept.(2)Regarded by millions of Chinese as a national heroine, Jiang said she was still struggling with

nightmares(噩梦)from that day.Work distracts her grief.“ I don’t like night”, she said.“I don’t know how I struggled through those days.My heart ached whenever I thought of my daughter and my mother… I didn’t even know where they were,” said she, fighting back tears.(3)Born in 1980 , Jiang led a quiet life before the earthquake, taking a walk with friends, going shopping and drinking tea were her favorite activities.The earthquake changed everything.''Life was carefree then,''she said.The earthquake changed everything.“ The most relaxed moment I have now is when I gather and chat with female workmates,” said Jiang, who was in Beijing for the Tenth National Women’s Congress.“We sometimes cried and we felt better after that.”In order to fight against stress,Jiang attended psychological counseling on occasion.She said talking to psychologists was helpful.''But you still have to rely onn yourself to get over the psychological stress.otherwise on matter what the experts say,it just won't work on you,''Jiang said


“Mum, you gave me life, but I am sorry I can't sustain yours.How I wish I could be your mother if there were afterlife, then I could take better care of you,” wrote Li Jia, 26, on the blog dedicated to her mother, who died in the earthquake.Li Jia, an art editor of an advertising company in Chengdu, was having on-line chat with her mother, who

worked in Beichuan County, when the tremor struck.Her mother went suddenly off-line and couldn't be reached on her mobile.Finally, word came that her mother's workplace was flattened during the quake and her body couldn't be found.Li Jia couldn't believe that her meeting with Mum on May1 when they danced together to celebrate the Labor Day was their last.Memories haunted Li Jia and she decided to open a blog on May 26 for her mother.She wrote that she met her Mum every day in her dreams and hoped to see her often in this way.She confessed her regret at not saying “I love you” due to her shyness.She promised to her mother that she would be strong and happy.“Through the blog, I felt relieved.It is also a way to talk to myself to gain strength to move on,” said Li Jia, adding that her mother's biggest wish was to see her daughter healthy and happy.When Li Jia arrived in Beichuan County on June 21 to see her once cozy home in ruins, she couldn't help weeping silently.But she soon regained self-control.“Mum, I know you are watching me, so I will cry no more.Your love will be lifelong and you will always be there.”(Zhang Yanping, Zhu Yu and Bai Ruixue contributed to the story.)


What else can I do?

The terrible disaster caused more then 40075 inhabitants deaths and countless injured up to18:00 May 20th.The 8-day search-and-rescue efforts have put more strain on peoples nerves.Many Chinese spent the agonizing week following news on TV, on net, or glancing over newspapers and on public transport during rush hours.Even strangers exchanged information on the updated death toll and the latest outcome of rescue missions;cheered for every survival narrowly escaping hell;mourned each new death;and prayed for the strong lives still trapped in the debris.But hope is dimming as time is running out.So many people lost their lives in a flash, so many happy family become destitute and homeless far and near, so many buildings collapsed without any hesitate, the earth cracked, and even worse, it rained while others try to rescue them…I can not image how sad a child will be that she or he turn out to be orphan after this earthquake.Or the old lost all her offspring in this earthquake.people begin to wonder what they can do to help those who are still suffering.What else can I do? has been the question on everyones mind since the deadly quake hit Sichuan province.After all, only a few warm-hearted volunteers could access the front lines of combating disaster considering the complicated conditions and fear of potential calamity.people can be seen everywhere lining up to make donations.In many cities, blood banks have been reported up to saturation;and volunteers wishing to donate blood have to register and wait for to be notified.More and more people are eager to be involved in the rescue and relief work that they are becoming unsatisfied with the disaster-relief efforts made outside of the quake-ravaged areas;and volunteers are descending upon the worst-hit areas in growing numbers.It is pity that there are a lot of disasters in this Olympic year.This year, we, Chinese people, really have suffered a lot.however, we have not been defeated, instead, weve become more united and show great resolution to overcome all kinds of challenges to make our country more thriving and prosperous.When people shout slogans Cheer up, China!, Cheer up, Wenchuan!after a three-minute silent tribute to quake victims, at the Tiananmen Square in central Beijing,I know that the nightmare of the 8 days gone by will fade from the collective Chinese mind with time;and I could see the Chinese longings to rebuild a better future with dauntless perseverance and national esprit de corps!



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