
时间:2019-05-13 13:48:23下载本文作者:会员上传




My family There are four people in my family.My father is a work.He is a worker.My mother is an English teacher.She is younger than my father.I am a student.I love my family very much.二、用there be 句型介绍一下自己的bedroom

My bedroom This is my bedroom.There is a big bed in my bedroom.There is a desk next to the window.There are two chairs in my bedroom.And there are many books on the bookshelf(书架).I love my bedroom.三、暑假马上到了。写一下你的暑期计划。

My summer vacation Summer vacation is coming.I will go to Hainan with my parents this summer vacation.We will get there by air.We will play volleyball on the beach.I will buy many gifts for my grandparents.We will have fun.四、写一下你的理想中学

My ideal high school My ideal high school is a big school.There are many flowers and trees.It’s very beautiful.The school is famous for science club.The school is not far from my home.I will go to School on foot.五、写一篇关于保护环境的作文

I am a student.I think we should protect the environment.We should stop using plastic bags.We shouldn’t litter everywhere.We should plant trees every year.



1.Can I help you?(店员)我能帮助你吗?

2.Can you help me?(客人)你能帮助我吗?


4. Here’s(单数)Here’re(复数)这是…

5.--Here you are.--Thank you.给你。谢谢。

6. How much is it?…..多少钱?

7. It’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.它是13美元25美分。

8.Enjoy your meal!享受你的大餐吧!

9.--What do you want ?你想要些什么?

--I want a hot dog , please.我想要一根热狗。

10.What time is it?几点了?

11.– What are you going to do ? 你将要干什么?

--We’re going to walk around the lake.我们将要绕湖而行。

12.Let’s go under that tree.让我们去树下吧。

13.Look!It’s going to rain/snow/ be windy/·····看!天将要下雨/下雪/刮风···· 我们什么时候去吃东西?

--We are going to eat at half past twelve.我们将在十二点半吃。

15.In this photo, the sun is shining.在这幅图片,阳光灿烂。

16.The birds are singing in the trees.鸟儿在树上唱歌。

17.The ducks are eating our picnic.鸭子们正在吃我们的野餐。

18.I am looking out of the window.我正在往窗外看。

19.It’s raining.天正在下雨。

20.I am on the train.我在火车上。

21.—Where’s your mum?--She’s at the supermarket.She’s buying things for your birthday.你妈妈在哪里?她在超市。她正在给你的生日买东西。

22.--Am I going to have a birthday party?--Yes, you are.我将要参加生日聚会吗?是的,你是。

23.--Who can help me?--Sorry, I can’t.谁可以帮助我?抱歉,我不可以。

24.The balloons are flying away.这些气球正在飘走。

25.The oranges are falling.这些橙子正在掉落。

26.I can’t carry them all.我不能拿起它们全部。

27.– Can he help?--Yes, he can.He can pick up the apples.他能帮助吗?是的,他可以。他可以捡起这些苹果。

28.Daming is having a birthday party.大明正在举行一个生日聚会。

29.Daming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing.大明正在吹小号,但电话响了。

30.He’s starting to cross, but a car is coming.他正开始过马路,但是一辆小汽车正行驶过来。

31.– I bought you this book.= I bought this book for you.我买了这本书给你。

--Thank you.It looks interesting.谢谢。它看起来很有趣。

32.I’m looking out of the window.我正往窗外看。

33.--Who gave it to you? 谁把它给你了?

--Simon’s family gave it to me.西蒙的家人把它给我了。

34.China sent a man into space in this spaceship.中国用这艘太空飞船把一个人送上了太空。

35.This book looks interesting.这本书看起来很有趣。

36.--What’s it about?--It’s about animals.它是关于什么的?它是关于动物的。

37.In October 2003, Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.2003年10月,神舟五号载着杨利伟进入了太空。

38.Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space.杨利伟在太空中待了21个小时。

39.He made a video and now he is very famous.他制作了影片而且他现在很著名。

40.My mother and I saw my father on TV.我妈妈和我在电视上看到了我爸爸。

41.—Did you go to a farm?--Yes, I did.你去了农场吗?是的,我去了。

42.Helen Keller became blind and deaf.海伦凯勒变得又盲又聋。

43.She couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear.她既看不到,也听不到。

44.Later she could read and write.She wrote a book about herself.后来她可以读和写。她写了一本关于她自己的书。

45.He is going to walk to school.他将要走路去学校。

46.She lived to be 87.她活到了87岁。

47.Helen Keller is a model for blind people and for you and me.海伦凯勒是盲人的榜样,也是你我的榜样。

48.--When was he born ? 他是什么时候出生的?

--He was born in 1998.他是1998年出生的。

49.—Where was he born ? 他在哪里出生的?

--He was born in France.他在法国出生的。

50.--Is it Yang Liwei ?--Yes, it is.他是杨利伟吗? 是的,他是。

51.What’s the matter ? 发生什么事了?

52.Why are you laughing? 为什么你大笑呢?

53.Why have you got cups on your heads? 为什么你的头上有杯子?

54.--Why are you wearing a raincoat?为什么你正在穿雨衣?

--Because it’s going to rain.因为天将要下雨了。

55.--Are you going to go to middle school this September?你九月份将要去中学吗?--Yes, I’m really excited.是的,我真的很兴奋。

56.– What are you going to study?你将要学习什么?

--I’m going to study Physics,Chemistry,History...我将要学习物理、化学、历史......57.Don’t worry.不用担心。

58.I’ll miss you , too.我也会想念你!

59.--Where are you going to go this summer? 你这个夏天将去哪里?

--I’m going to go to...我将要去...




1)what are you going to do?---I'm going to+动词的现在分词(ing形式)

2)What are they going to do ?---they are going to+动词的现在分词(ing形式)

2、用why 提问,用because 回答


Where do you live ?---I live in+地点


What do you wear in spring ?---I wear+服装


What is the date today?---it is+具体的日期


1)what are you doing ?---I am /we are +动词的现在分词(ing形式)

2)What is she /he doing ?---she /he is+动词的现在分词(ing形式)


What class are you in ?--I'm in Class __Grade __


Where is the music room ?----It is on the third floor9、问什么节日在什么时候?

When is the teacher's day ?---it is on september 10th10、问你喜欢喝吃什么?

What would you like to drink/eat?---I'd like some +东西


May I have a rest ?---yes ,of course please12、当别人提出可以帮助你吗?

Can I help you ?---yes ,please water the flowers13、问那是谁?

Who is this ?--it is+人名


Who are they ?---they are +人名


What is this ?--it is+东西


What are they thesethose ?---they are+东西

17、this is that is +f单数this is an apple.that is a witchThese are those are +f复数 these are peaches.Those are lilies.


六年级英语下册《unit3 Last Weekend》第三课时教学反思 h


本课的教学内容是Unit 3 Part A Let's read部分,达到了预期的效果,但同样存在着不足。



二、复习部分设计了memory game ,不但能复习旧知,而且能训练学生的记忆力。






四、拓展、延伸。我利用班中一位学生的生活照制成PPT,让学生模仿Let’s read 的内容进行描述该同学的周末活动。








Unit1 I am taller than my friend Amy.Amy’s hair is longer than mine.My feet are bigger.Amy’s legs are longer.Amy is 5kg than me.Unit2 Some people feel sick in the spring.Many people get the flu.When you feel sick, you may have a headache, have a fever or have a sore throat.If so you might get the flu.But don’t worry.You can go to see a doctor.Take some medicine and drink hot drinks.Stay in bed for a few days.You will feel better soon.Unit3 I was busy last weekend.On Saturday morning, I went to a park.In the afternoon, I did MY HOME WORK.I visited my grandparents Sunday morning.In the afternoon, I played football with my friends.I was very happy.Unit4(1)Summer holiday(一般将来时)

Summer holiday is coming.I’m going to have a happy holiday.First, I’m going to do my homework.Then, I’m going to go hiking and I’m going to take a trip with my parents.At last, I’m going to play computer games.(2)Summer holiday(一般过去式)

I have a happy holiday.On my holiday, I went to Beijing.I visited the Great Wall.And I took many pictures.Then, I went to a park with my parents.We

had a lot of fun.My day I am a student.I usually get up at 6:30.I go to school at 7:30.Then, I have breakfast at 8:30.I often have lunch at 11:30.I have English class at 2:30 p.m.I go home at 4:30.Myself My name is Kate.I’m in Class 1, Grade 6.I’m 12.I’m from China.I have two big eyes and small ears.My school number is 8.And I’m in Row 4.I like playing the piano and singing.Do you want to be my friend? Call me, 0713-6238526.Recycle1 Dear Amy: You’re invited to a Farewell Party.Place: school Date: June 20th Time: 7-9 p.m.Food: Chinese food

Recycle2 Dear Amy, I had a happy weekend.On Saturday morning, I watched TV.In the afternoon, I played football with my friends.On Sunday morning, I went to a park.In the afternoon, I ate good food.I was very happy.



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