
时间:2019-05-13 13:37:55下载本文作者:会员上传


(take out the picture of Great Wall and show to your tourists)As you can see from the picture, the wall is great in beauty, with its long arms resting on rolling hills and its towers peering across the valleys.The wall stretches across more than half of China, from the sea in the east, pass Beijing, to Gansu Province in the west.As a total length of 4,000 miles, it is the longest human-made construction in the world.If the Great Wall were transported to the United States and stretched out in a straight line, it would run from New York City completely across the Atlantic Ocean—past Span, England, and France, all the way to Berlin, Germany.本次所带旅行团是美国学生,对他们讲长城的地理位置,长度等并没有太多的概念。所以,我们在给旅行团成员作长城的总体介绍时,通过提前准备好的长城的图片来展示它的地理位置和长度。我们常常以“万里长城”来形容长城的长度,这对华人来讲,无可厚非,因为“里”是一个我们中国人很熟悉的长度单位。而我们的对象是美国人,若以他们所熟悉的“英里”来表达我们中国长城的长度,就在无形中拉近了两种文化的距离。但是4000英里从直观上对游客朋友来讲,仍然很难理解到底有多长,于是,就进一步结合游客朋友所熟悉的自己国家的城市New York City,来告诉他们那个长度到底是多长。这样,游客的脑海里就有了一个生动的画面,知道长城的不同寻常。

备注:1 英寸=2.5400 厘米

码=3 英尺=0.9144 米

英里=1760 码=1.6093 千米海里=1852米=1.1500英里 英里≈3.22里

As we learned before, the Great Wall, known as Ten—Thousand-Li Long Wall, is considered the premier(第一)defense project in the world as well as in ancient China in terms of the long duration of its construction and large scale and scope.According to US astronaut(宇航员)Armstrong who was the first man to set foot on the moon, the Great Wall of China is one of the two most conspicuous(显著的)man—made objects on earth spotted by human eyes in space.Its magnificence credited it as one of seven world wonders in the Middle Ages along with the Colosseum in Rome(罗马圆形大剧场, 建于公元80年,耗时5年,至今大部分尚存), the leaning Tower of Piss, etc.Many of its sections and gateways have successively been designated by the State Council as major preservation unites of cultural relics of national importance since 1961.In the 1987, it was registered in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List.(长城,也称万里长城,不仅是我国古代而且也是世界上历史悠久、规模最为宏大、连续修筑时间最常的一项防御建筑工程,根据第一个登上月球的美国宇航员阿姆斯特朗的报道,从太空回望地球的时候,中国的长城是地球上最明显的两处人工构筑物之一。由于长城工程的奇特雄伟,在几百年以前与罗马斗兽场、比萨斜塔等被列为中古世界七大奇迹之一。长城的许多地段与关隘自1961年起相继被国务院公布为国家重点文物保护单位。1987年,长城又被联合国教科文组织列入《世界文化遗产名录》。)

Training tips 训练提示

本次所带旅行团是美国学生,对他们讲长城的地理位置,长度等并没有太多的概念。所以,我们在给旅行团成员作长城的总体介绍时,通过提前准备好的长城的图片来展示它的地理位置和长度。我们常常以“万里长城”来形容长城的长度,这对华人来讲,无可厚非,因为“里”是一个我们中国人很熟悉的长度单位。而我们的对象是美国人,若以他们所熟悉的“英里”来表达我们中国长城的长度,就在无形中拉近了两种文化的距离。但是4000英里从直观上对游客朋友来讲,仍然很难理解到底有多长,于是,就进一步结合游客朋友所熟悉的自己国家的城市New York City,来告诉他们那个长度到底是多长。这样,游客的脑海里就有了一个生动的画面,知道长城的不同寻常。

中国的长城世界闻名,其雄伟浩大的建造工程使无数游客为之震撼与惊叹!但是,对于,“孟姜女哭长城”的故事,可能又不好外国游客还不曾知晓。The story goes like this: the moving story is about the lady called Meng Jiangnv.The newlywed who traveled a long way to join here huaband suffered a great deal on the way only to find that her husband had died of exhaustion on a construction site of the Great Wall.And her teardrops welled up and poured forth to become a stream that washed away part of the walls foundation.如果我们英文导游员能用流利的英语将这个精彩感人的故事娓娓道来,将其渗透到长城的介绍中来,一定会为我们的讲解内容增色不少。



Guilin is in the north of Guangxi.The population in the city of Guilin is more than six hundred thousand.There are famous and beautiful sceneries in Guilin.If you come to Guilin, you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are.Every year many tourists come to Guilin for a visit.You can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River.You can also visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses.You will enjoy yourself if you go to Guilin.Welcome to Guilin for a visit.The following is to introduce the scenic spots in guilin.Xiangbi Shan:This hill resembles an elephant sucking water.The Elephant Eye Rock perches high up the hill, with a hole running through it from left to right.Between the elephant's trunk and the body is a big round hole.It's reflection in the water is the exact image of the full moon, and hence its name“ water Moon Cave”.On the cliff there are more than 50 pieces of carved inscriptions belong to different periods.At the moonlight night, you will feel yourself merged with the moon in the sky, the moon in the cave and the moon at the river bottom.It is a symbol and landmark of the city.Ludi Yan:Described as “Art Palace of Nature”, the stalagmite and stone flowers of grotesque shapes in the caves create breathtaking spectacles which are really a feast for the eyes.Half way up the Brightness Hill, Reed Flute Cave is seven kilometers northwest of the center of Guilin.There used to be a special kind of reed growing outside of the cave which was an ideal material for making flute.Inside the U-shaped Karst cave are a large number of stalactites, stalagmites, stone pillars, stone curtains, and stone flowers, all glistening in colorful lights.In a distance of 500 meter between the entrance and the exit, there are more than 30 interesting sights, including “ Pine in the Snow”, “Mushroom Hill”,“Virgin Forest”… The Reed Flute Cave is justifiably called the “ Art Palace of Nature”.Seven Star Park:East of the Li River, Seven Star Park derives from the Seven Star Cave, is one kilometer away from the downtown.It occupies more than 40 hectares, which is the largest, most beautiful multiple park in Guilin.The park boasts of the green hills, crystal water, fantastic caves and beautiful rocks.The ancient Floral Bridge straddles at the southern entrance.Hidden-dragon Cave near the southern gate houses the Forest of Stone Inscriptions.To the east of Seven-Star Hill stands the Camel Hill, at the foot of which the US president Bill Clinton once made a public speech on environmental protection in 1998.Besides, the Seven-Star Cave, the zoo and potted landscape Garden are worthy of being seen.The Jingjiang Mausoleum:The Jingjiang Mausoleum is located at the

foot of Yao Mountain in the eastern suburb of Guilin.It is a mausoleum for a royal family-the Jingjiang Family in Ming Dynasty whose eleven generations were buried.Moreover, there are more than 300 tombs covering 100 square kilometers, making up the biggest ancient tomb group in south China.The well-preserved tombs have become important relics of culture and history in Guilin.Banyan Lake and Fir Lake:Banyan Lake and Fir Lake are two pieces of emerald embedded in the downtown area.Back in the Tang Dynasty, they were part of the city moat.The one in the east was called Fir Lake owing to the fir trees growing around, while the other was called Banyan Lake thanks to a giant banyan guarding the ancient city gate that enjoys a history of 1,000 years.Around the lakes grow bamboo groves, peach and cassia trees.Zigzagging bridges lead to the small islands dotting on the water.Though located in downtown, the lake areas are beauti.Duxiu Feng:It rises sheer from the ground inside the palace in the center of the city.It has acquired a fame of “the Pillar Holding up the Southern Sky” because of its majesty.The climb to the top is steep but there are good views of the town, the Li River and the surrounding hills.On the eastern cliff there remains giant engraved characters by the Qing dynasty calligraphers.Xishan Park:The West Hill Park, a mile from downtown, is located in the western part of the city.The park holds the West Hill, Hidden Hill, and City Museum.Around the hills is a lake, by which stands a temple called Xi Qinglin.It has been frequented by pilgrims and tourists ever since the Tang Dynasty.On the cliff there exist 200 statues and frescos.



The Duanwu Festival is a Chinese traditional and statutory holiday.It is a public holiday in China, where it is called the “Duanwu Jie”.In English it is also referred to as “Dragon Boat Festival”, after one of the traditional activities for the holiday.The Duanwu Festival occurs on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar, giving rise to the alternative name of Double Fifth.In 2009, this falls on May 28.The focus of the celebrations includes eating zongzi, which are large rice wraps, drinking realgar wine, and racing dragon boats.The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes.This regatta commemorates the death of Qu Yuan , an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.The dragon-boat races symbolize the many attempts to rescue and recover Qu's body.相关词汇介绍:

statutory holiday 法定假日

traditional activity 传统活动

Chinese calendar = lunar calendar 农历,阴历

give rise to 导致,引出

alternative name 备选名

zongzi 粽子 a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves

Double Fifth 重五节,重午节

realgar wine 雄黄酒

regatta 赛舟会

commemorate vt.纪念

commit suicide 自杀

drown vt.淹死,溺死

symbolize vt.象征,代表

rescue and recover Qu's body 救捞屈原的尸体

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to my hometown Fuzhou.My name is pinky, I am from China Travel Service and I am so glad to be your guide.Besides, this is our bus driver—Mr.Chen and you can also call him “Chen Shi Fu” in Chinese.So, Chen Shi Fu and I will guide you to visit this beauty city next several days during your stay.And please keep in mind the bus number A12345 in case you get lost.Fuzhou is the capital of Fujian province and it is a major port of China.it locates in the southeast of China and is close to Taiwan.Because of its geography advantage, it attracts more and more investment in these years.However, the attraction of Fuzhou is not only its strategic position, but also is its beautiful cityscape.Fuzhou is a historical and cultural city and is full of charm and vitality.Every year millions of tourists come here to have joyful holiday.闽江Min river is the most important river in Fuzhou.It is called the mother of Fuzhou.Here is the map of fuzhou Ok, How much do you know about Fuzhou? 5districts台江区、仓山区、鼓楼区、晋安区、马尾区 6counties]连江县、罗源县、闽清县、闽候县、永泰县、平潭县

The municipal tree--banyan

The municipal flower--jasmine fruit—mandarin

Besides,Fuzhou is also abundant in ocean resources.Then we came the historical site of Fuzhou Have you been to Fuzhou?do you know where it is?(点back)

Just as u know,many of Fuzhou's best attractions lie outside the city, which is surrounded by fine mountain scenery and renowned scenic park attractions.鼓山(第二张图片开始读,后面还3张图片)Drum Mountain, the national scenic spot, situated in the northeastern area of the coastal city of Fuzhou, is such a well-known cultural and historic mountain with an integration of spectacular natural sceneries and deep-reaching human relics that it has become the top touring spot ever since the Song Dynasty with a reputation of “Famous Mountain Since the Ancient Times” and “Fairy Island in East China Sea”.It was brought into the fourth list of the national scenic spots in May, 2002.(点小猪)

乌山Wushan Mountain became a tourist attraction as early as in the Tang Dynasty.The mountain boasts jagged rocks in fantastic shapes, deep and secret forests and dales, among which the most gorgeous views are at 36 scenic sites.Among all the historic scenic sites and cultural relics in Wushan Mountain, the most valuable are the Wu Tower and Wushan Cliff Inscription and figures, both of which were included in the first group of Fujian heritage conservation units in 1961.In 2005, Wu Tower was named a key historical sites under state protection 屏山没有(2)于山没有(3)直接西湖公园Situated in the northwest of Fuzhou City, West Lake Park is a classical garden with a history of over 1,700 years, mostly comprising of lake, which was ordered to be excavated some seventeen centuries ago by the local official at that time.In 1888, the garden was reconstructed under instruction of Lin Zexu, a famous scholar and official of Fuzhou during the Qing Dynasty.All through the years, West Lake Park has been well preserved and was named the “Pearl of Fujian Gardens”.福州国家森林公园 Fuzhou National Forest Park Located in Xindian Town, Jin' an District, Fuzhou City, the AAAA Fuzhou National Forest Park is seven kilometers from the city center, and covers an area of 2891 hectares.It's surrounded on three sides by mountains while the other faces the river.With a beautiful environment, scientific connotations and unique forest recreational projects, the national forest park is an ideal tourist and holiday resort for both Chinese and foreign visitors(点小猪)三坊七巷Ok,here we come to three lanes and seven alleys.In the town itself, one of the most rewarding places to visit is the district known as Sanfang Qixiang.It is a fascinating, well-preserved enclave of old houses and streets: while the neighborhood dates back to the Jin dynasty, most of the houses are from the Ming and Qing era.About 40 hectares in area, Sanfang Qixiang is full of historical interest, not least because of its unusual architecture, featuring houses built symmetrically around a north-south axis.(2)后面1张后

Do you know the name of these lanes and allays?翻译 4张后 就说 then let’s go to see the famous street in Fuzhou.(南后街)中亭街lies in taijiang.zhongzhou island is also here.then we go to west street(东街口)(点小猪)Ok,here I’d like to introduce some tranditional festivals in Fuzhou(拗九节)baoji festervial(清明)--tomb sweeping dayin ,we have midwinter(冬至)点小猪

Fuzhou is the hometown of many great person.侯德榜

冰心Bing Xin, whose real given name is Xie Wanying, is one of the most prolific and esteemed Chinese writers of the 20th Century, as much beloved as the male literary giants of her time.A native of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, Bing Xin finished her higher education at Yanjing University in Peking, where she graduated with a degree in literature.Bing Xin’s works advocated “the philosophy of love” and expressed a strong individualism.陈景论Chen Jingrun , May 22, 1933–March 19, 1996,was a Chinese mathematician who made significant contributions to number theory.Chen is ranked as one of the leading mathematicians in the twentieth century and one of China's most influential mathematicians in history.严复was a Chinese scholar and translator, most famous for introducing western ideas, including Darwin's “natural selection,” to China in the late 19th century.He became a respected scholar for his translations, and became politically active.Yan stated in the preface to his translation of Evolution and Ethics(天演論)that "there are three difficulties in translation: faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance,which plays an important role in modern translation.林则徐Lin Zexu was a Chinese scholar and official during the Qing dynasty.He is most famous for his active fight against opium smuggling in Guangzhou, which is usually considered to be the primary catalyst for the First Opium War 1839-42.(点小猪)

Are you hungry? Then we come to eat snack Sea food and poultry, 佛跳墙litchi flesh 荔枝肉what’s this?wonton太平燕what’s this?fish ball鱼丸 poi芋泥the edge of the pan锅边oyster cake砺饼, 炒肉高 There’re more snacks.再下一张(点福州美食)回去后点一张结束









in the next period will be my master lead the horse around with our beautiful Shandong, during this tour you can the hearts to us, first to our hearts is assured that the drivers on the master it, because our instructors have many years of driving experience drivers seat of his car can be fast and stable, another heart is happy on to me Well, maybe I'm not the best guide, but I will come with the most sincere heart to serve you.If you have any views on the way in tourism or requests please come to me and horse master will make every effort to serve you, your satisfaction is my greatest wish, and we come together from all over the country because of affinity.times fly so quickly and your visit to shanxi province is drawing a close before we part ,I would like to say a few words.first I thanks everybody everybody in the group has been very co-operative ,friendly ,understanding andpunctual.as your tour

guide ,I was much appreciated

china is a developing country ,and tourism is a new born thing ,the problems you have met on the trip were know to everyone , the point is that we should treasure our friendship and experience.however this is the beginning of our friendship we believe that this friendship will continue to grow in the future ,parting is such sweet sorrow , happy to meet ,sorry to depart ,and happy to meet again.Welcome come to shanxi province again

Bon voyage!




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