应届毕业生个人英文简历 英语教育专业

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第一篇:应届毕业生个人英文简历 英语教育专业

应届毕业生个人英文简历范文 英语教育专业



名: YJBYS.com 目前所在地: 珠海 户口所在地: 汕尾 婚姻状况: 未婚 培训认证:


国籍: 中国 民族: 汉族

身材: 160 cm 50 kg 年龄: 22 岁 诚信徽章:


人才类型: 应届毕业生

应聘职位: 职业教育/培训/家教:教师、高级秘书:文秘、贸易类:外贸类 工作年限: 0 求职类型: 全职 月薪要求: 2000--3500

职称: 无职称

可到职日期: 随时

希望工作地区: 深圳 广州 珠海

公司名称: 中国移动珠海分公司起止年月:2008-09 ~ 2008-10 公司性质: 国有企业所属行业:邮政,电信

担任职务: “动感地带”校园营销策划

个人工作经历: 1 负责新生入学优惠活动推广,包括手机、手机卡、充值卡校内营销

工作描述: 销售情况:手机154部、手机卡1852张、100元充值卡2500张


离职原因: 项目完成,继续学业

公司名称: 诚辉汽车配件有限公司起止年月:2008-08 ~ 2008-09 公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:机械制造与设备

担任职务: 经理助理


工作描述: •联系国外客户,推销公司产品(成功定单10份,总销售额为80万元人民币)


离职原因: 学校开学,继续上课

公司名称: 魅族科技有限公司起止年月:2007-09 ~ 2007-10 公司性质: 国有企业所属行业:电器,电子,通信设备

担任职务: 魅族MP3校园营销活动策划






离职原因: 项目完成

公司名称: 珠海大学生家教中心起止年月:2006-08 ~ 2008-05 公司性质: 社会团体所属行业:教育事业

担任职务: 负责人 组建大学生家教中心,招聘大学生作为辅导老师,组织中心宣传工作;



离职原因: 毕业,找工作


毕业院校: 暨南大学

最高学历: 本科获得学位: 本科 所学专业一: 英语商务管理

毕业日期: 2009-06-01 所学专业二:

起始年月 2005-09 终止年月 2009-06 学校(机构)暨南大学

专 业 英语商务管理







外语: 英语 优秀

其它外语能力: 日语 三级水平

国语水平: 优秀

粤语水平: 优秀


有较强的组织管理能力、沟通协调能力、活动策划能力和公关能力——作为勤工俭学部长,工作中能宏观把握,具备大局思想,处事不惊,心思缜密,办事有条不紊,力求把工作做到十全十美。大学期间组织的多次大型活动都取得了不错的结果.具有敏锐的市场触觉,能够及时发现问题,分析问题,解决问题——大学期间策划和组织了多次项目和活动,都源于自己敏锐的市场触觉,能够快速发现市场需求,及时行动,从而取得不错的结果。以下是我做过的几次项目策划: 项目经验 项目名称: “清凉夏日”水垫营销策划 2006年5月21日—2007年6月10日 项目职责:以团队为单位,撰写并执行“‘清凉夏日’水垫营销策划方案” 项目简述:1进行市场调查工作,寻找货源,负责与批发商协商 2策划和组织水垫销售活动,参与活动以及购买人数达到1200人,在2个星期内销售额达到15200元

3进行售后问卷调查工作,解决顾客对产品的疑问和投诉问题 项目名称: 中国移动珠海分公司“动感地带”校园营销策划 2008年9月—10月 项目职责: 以团队为单位,撰写并执行“中国移动‘动感地带’校园营销策划方案” 项目简述: 1 负责新生入学优惠活动推广,包括手机、手机卡、充值卡校内营销


2校园短号集群网和飞信业务推广,圆满完成全校短号覆盖的推广业务和飞信业务 项目名称:魅族MP3校园营销活动策划 2007年9月—10月 项目职责:以团队为单位,撰写并执行“魅族MP3校园营销策划方案” 项目简述:1进行魅族MP3校园市场调查工作

2与学生会和团委合作,推广魅族MP3赞助的新生入学杂志 3负责魅族MP3在校园内部的广告宣传工作

4举办魅族MP3大型产品展示和销售活动,一个星期内销售魅族MP3共863部。4 项目名称: 策划“睡梦宝”长期销售活动 2006年9月至今

项目职责:以团队为单位,撰写并执行“‘睡梦宝’长期销售活动方案” 项目简述:1进行市场调查工作,寻找货源,负责与批发商协商

2负责校园广告宣传工作,在学生饭堂举办产品展示和销售活动 “睡梦宝”产品包括隔音耳塞、眼罩、床垫、枕头和风扇,产品长期供应。

销售额:24640元人民币(隔音耳塞5200元、眼罩1520元、床垫8900元、枕头4520元、风扇4500元)项目名称::“春暖人间”志愿者活动 2008年1月—2008年2月


项目简述:1 号召汕尾市大学生参加“春暖人间”志愿者活动帮助雪灾中受苦的山区人民,参与人数达到210名



学习:国家励志奖学金特等奖 2次(综合测评成绩排在学校前1%)优秀学生二等奖学金(综合测评成绩排在学校前5%)校长免费奖励学分二等奖(学年成绩排在学校前5%)校长免费奖励学分三等奖(学年成绩排在学校前8%)国家优秀学生一等助学金 国家优秀学生二等助学金

品德:十佳大学生2次 汕尾市优秀志愿者 外语实践中心优秀志愿者

文体:《如何自立自强》一文荣获市级一等奖;在学校报刊上发表文章《如此灿烂地生活》; 英语演讲比赛二等奖;英语话剧大赛优胜奖;“挑战杯”创业设计大赛总决赛优胜奖



•解答国外客户对公司产品的疑问,协助处理国外客户对公司产品或者服务的投诉 •联系国外客户,推销公司产品(成功定单10份,总销售额为80万元人民币)•翻译公司文件和进行现场口译工作





•参与English Club里面的话题讨论,并在English Club 里当服务志愿者






通讯地址: 广东省珠海市 联系电话: 136XXXXXXXXX 手

机: 136XXXXXXXXX 电子邮件:







Central University of XXXX Department of Economics XXXXX(100000)


Central University of XXXX

Department of Economics Management, Major: International Enterprise Management

Bachelor of Management 200

2Academic Achievements

University Scholarship(level III)for Academic Excellence

Merit of Excellence for Research paper on social research

Title:“Thoughts on Creativity in Enterprise Management”


Excellent written and spoken English skills.Certifications:

CET 6.BEC Level 2(achieved EXCELLENCE in Spoken English Exam).3、COMpUTER SKILLS

proficient in office applications: Microsoft powerpoint, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Outlook.Knowledge of and experience with photoshop, FreeHand.proficient in C, Basic, and FoxBASE programming languages.passed Microsoft ATC(Advanced)Office Xp Exam.Certifications: Microsoft Office2000 Expert, Microsoft Outlook2000 proficient User.4、MARKETING EXpERIENCE:

1)XXXX GuangZhou June 200

1Marketing Representative

Conducted marketing planning with other team members.Analyzed current consumers and competitors.predicted future target consumers and developed marketing strategies.Several major survey results and suggestions were adopted by the company.2)pointzero Survey, Inc., April 2000

Market Surveyor

Conducted survey in lower-class residential areas.Collected data and analyzed current and future market.Completed heavy workload ahead of deadline, and was highly praised by the employer.3)XXXX University GuangZhou 2000present

English Translator(written English), part-time

Translated business documents and Economics articles.6、INTERESTS:

Enjoy mountain climbing, swimming, painting and piano.Won first prize in University’s “Visual Art Competition ’99 ”(Brush painting).Won second prize in University’s “Zoom in on Our Times” poster Design Competition(2000).Active participant in Chinese traditional writing and painting events.Art works were chosen for collections of Chinese Traditional Art Association.7、CHARACTER pROfile:

Outgoing, hardworking and team-oriented.



Name in Pinyin: Superman

English name: Superman

Major: Mechanical Electronic Engineering

Health: Excellent

Nanjing.21016 Gender: Female Age&Height: 25 & 181cm Degree: Master E-mail: nico-lemon@foxmail.com Residence: P.O.Box 255,No.29 YuDao St., Mobile:+86-1985466979


Sept.2020--Mar.2024Learning postgraduate courses in HHUC.(class president)

Sept.2025--Jun.2027Finished undergraduate courses in HHUC.(GPA=3.7/5.0 ,Top 5%)Research Experience

Jun.2025—PresentR&D of flat pick-up for AGV based on CPS;

 The application of CPS for AGV can perfectly solve the problem that the battery for AGV can not work for a long time.At last, we except that the flat pick-up can supply 24V for AGV to work

regularly instead of batteries. Familiar with the work principle of

Jan.2025--Aug.2026R&D of Handheld Device of One Card Solution. Designed and developed the Handheld Device that comprises USB, keyboard, display and data transfer functions based on embedded controller LPC2292 and μC/OS-II OS;

 R&D the whole circuit and PCB including power inverter and digital circuit;

Feb.2026--May 2026Research of test device for Contactless Power System(CPS);

 Completed the design of parts drawing and assembly drawing with Pro/E;

 Completed circuit design and programming for ATmega 128 in control part.Practice Experience

Jun.2026--nowSupport staff in VIP center of Nanjing new oriental

The work an a support staff improved the ability of organization and planning,.Due to the need for communication with parents of students, I have a great skill about communication with people.Oct.2026--Nov.2026Practice to operate numerical control lathe, milling machine.Skills

1.Passed3.Passed The Computer Test of National level-II(VC++);

4.Be good at the use of SCM and Proficient at Microcontroller programming;

5.Excellent in Microsoft office and some engineering software such as Visual C++, Pro/E, Protel, MATLAB, etc;

6.Familiar with the use of the μC/OS-II system with ARM.Rewards

1.Excellent Freshman scholarship;

2.Excellent Study scholarship and Triple A Student of University Level every year;

3.Third prize in the Second Mathematical Competition of Jiangsu Province;

4.Excellent student cadre of University Level;

Self Evaluation

Good communication skills in both English and Putonghua..Team spirit and strong sense of responsibility.Clear thinker, quick learner;self-motivated.



Name: Wang Zhentao

Sex: Male

Nationality: China

Education: College

Mobile number: 150691998XX

Graduate from: Shandong Economic Management Institute


From 2005 to now:work as the manager of the Jinan Aili Food Co.Ltd.in charge of the management of two stores, communicate and coordinate with the head office and other chains, complete various promotional activities and promote new products with the company, do survey on rival companies


Surpass the company set goals

Improve 90% of the store performance

Established a good customer relationship


Over the years, I served in the Jinan Aili Food Co.Ltd., I accumulated a wealth of experience.I had in-depth research of the grasp of market dynamics, the overall market planning and implementation and I study the “sales and marketing”.I read a lot of books about marketing and management.My character

Modest, self-discipline, self-confidence, enthusiasm and strong enforcement.PS: the most important thing is the ability.I believe that your company will feel that I am a fit and proper person to the post!

Look forward to your interviews!In addition, the reason why I chose the apparel industry is that I think clothing is ranked in the first in the four major consumer

demand, and this is also in line with modern consumer concept.People’s requirements of clothing is no longer as simple as strong.And I choose your company because I think the company's products have both excellent style and quality.Good marketing staff + good products=business profits


Room 212 Building 343

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084

(010)62771234 Email:good@tsinghua.edu.com

Zheng Yan



To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.Education

1997.9-2000.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E.1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technology,B.E.Academic Main Courses <--advertisement code begin--><--advertisement code end-->


Advanced Mathematics Probability and StatisticsLinear Algebra

Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm

Functional Analysis Linear and Nonlinear Programming

Electronics and Computer

Circuit Principal Data Structures Digital Electronics

Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network

Computer Abilitees

Skilledin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English.Past CET-6,TOEFL:623;GRE:2213

Scholarships and Awards

1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate

1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award

1997.4 Academic Progress Award


General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare

Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense



Personal Data:

Name: Steve Lee

Gender: Male

Data of Birth: June 11, 1980

Marriage Status: Single Major: Business AdministrationGraduate school: Beijing University Degree: Bachelor Degree Email: stevelee@jxue.com Phone:(010)xxxx-xxxx Fax:(010)xxxx-xxxx

Address: No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing


To obtain a challenging position as a managerial assistant, especially in Human Resource Management


1999.92000.9 Assistant in charge of Activity pension of the Communist Youth League.Tutored several students from Greece and India in English for six months.We still keep in touch.Scholarships and Awards:

2000.9-2001.9 Third-class Scholarship


Have a passion for management/ international trade/ sales/ promotion.Attachment:

Certification of Scholarship

Certification of Cet-4

第五篇:食品专业英文简历 应届毕业生

Basic Information RESUME

Name:Xue LiSex:FemalBithdate:10/09/1989

Current Location: shanghaiPolitical Status:Communist Party of ChinaMajor:Food Safety and QualityUniversity:Haerbin University of CommerceCell Phone:151-045-35385Email:xiaosnowli@163.com


National Encouragement Scholarship

Specialized Scholarship

Campus Star(Straight-A Student)

Excellent Student Organizer

Lab Experience

Research on the growth, reproduction conditions, classification and identification of microorganism Define the most efficient way to remove the pesticide by experimental results from different methods of removing the pesticide residues

Research on the measurement solutions for the percentage of protein, fat, carbohydrate, and water New food R&D and the application of ISO22000 system

Knowledge of GMP and HACCP system in the food


Straight-A Student

CET6(Collage English Test Band 6 Certificate)

BEC Vantage Level

National Computer Certification(Level 2)

Practical experienceDirector of Learning Department Students’Union

Lead the department to evaluate the scholarship of the entire collage.Organize English learning experience-sharing sessions.Help students improve their English and

encourage their learning passion.Study committee member

Give helping hand to slow students.Motivate students to have initiative and enthusiasm on study and activities.Arrange the experimental task and homework for students by communicating with teachers.Present of Debate Committee

Arrange the Campus Debate Competition.Organize the selection and candidates training of the Debate Competition.

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    2011年应届毕业生英文简历Name: xxxx Gender: female Birthday: **** Nationality: China Birth place: shanxi Health condition: Good Height: 165cm Weight: 50kg......


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    objectiveto obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.education1997.9-2000.6 dept.of automation,g......