说书人:先生,男孩和女孩,现在一起来,享受我的节目。今天我要告诉大人去了你一个story--一个故事关于diao-chan,一个奇妙美女;爱的故事;一个故事关于不愿,一个故事关于忠诚和辜负。一些1500年前,它最后汉朝的政权。在一个静湖午夜,wang-yun,首相时间,在担心他的国家的关于未来。Act 1 地点:王允家 人物:王允,貂禅
王允:但是有的星期六下午因为dong-zhou的养子,lyu-bu。他最大的战斗机自从,会保护他的父亲!我的主,我该怎么办?(说完王很心痛得走,貂禅出现,双手合十,默默祈祷)貂禅:(叹息)[我的主,请帮助我的父亲出。[王允听到了声音,循声而去.] 貂禅:从我时候开始三我的父亲wang-yun已经治疗了我就像他的自己的女儿!它的时间就我来说偿还他的仁慈。,„
王允:你在干什么,我亲爱的?(王允走了一圈,发现貂)貂禅:健康„我有个主意对如何杀dong-zhou。wang-yun:哦,那的伟大!然而„„ 貂禅:然而爸,那是我们唯一的方式!wang-yun:但是„„
Act 2 地点:王允家
diao-chan:唐't担心我。让我进去,准备我自己,确定? [她进去了。同时,响起butterfly乐曲,貂跳起了跳舞毯,作为热身准备的交代。] wang-yun:[仆人尖椒土豆让他在。仆人:是的,先生。[仆人出去,铅lyu-bu在尖椒土豆 Wang-yun : [觉得BUTTERFLY的声音太响,不堪忍受回头说了句]Oh, My dear, turn down a bit.lyu-bu:[走朝wang-yun,拥抱他]好久不见。先生王。你过得怎么样这些天? wang-yun:罚款,感谢你。请坐。事实上,主要原因我邀请了你今天是那我的女儿,diao-chan,已经是你的一个仰慕者很久以前。
Diao-chan: [罢工从画屏。使用她套盖着她的脸,觊觎害羞。尖椒土豆是的,爸。[Diao-chan 以一个漂亮地步子走上前,看到Lyu-bu 害羞地低下头。王允开始介绍] wang-yun:这是我的女儿,diao-chan。这是一般的鲁,最大的战斗机世界上!diao-chan:[放她套绒毛。尖椒土豆很高兴见到你,一般!我欣赏了你了,一个男人威武雄壮!lyu-bu:[震惊被她美女。]亨利„wang-yun,这是你的„你的女儿?当然,你见。如何可爱她!深如何我跟她坠入情网了就第一眼!diao-chan: [躲到父亲的身后]谢谢您的赞美,一般的鲁。
wang-yun:lyu-bu,自你恋爱了同diao-chan,当时我现在聘我的女儿你!你怎么认为? lyu-bu: [心不在焉]赦免? wang-yun:结婚。
lyu-bu:(激动万分)哦,真的吗?那将我的最大的乐趣!太感谢你了!我就去,为婚礼作准备,会很快回来!他观diao-chan,勉强左派从正确的。[吕布回去,王允和貂禅对话] wang-yun:[确保那lyu-bu离开了,注意很缓解。感谢上帝那个事情进行顺利罚款!diao-chan:[笑在她父亲。]是的„到目前还好!wang-yun:然而亲爱,我能't停止担心你。给你。万一你在危险的。[给刀子] diao-chan: [突然听到有人来了]嘘„我听取某人来。我应该留下来画屏现在。[她步行落后屏幕。] 士兵:他的高度dong-zhou进入
[Dong-zhou 抬着头。傲慢地走进来。王允被吓倒地] wang-yun:欢迎!欢迎!全能。先生东!它的我的最大的尊敬邀请你做寒室!请进,坐。dong-zhou:不。这是我的名片。请致电我我毕业了在商学院,经济在翔傲,收到博士学位[拿出毕业文凭,大笑] wang-yun:哦„是的!如此伟大!顺便。先生东,我的女儿diao-chan想要表演舞蹈为你。你怎么认为? dong-zhou:肯定!为什么不![Diao-chan跳舞而出,响起‘至少还有你’,然后演貂禅的演员跳起一段民族舞蹈,相信可以让大家心旷神怡。] dong-zhou:[鼓掌得很开心]迷人!绝对迷人!diao-chan:感谢你。先生东。我高兴你享受我的性能。[迎上,董卓赠于她一块玉佩] 貂蝉:感谢你。你一直都在一个英雄在我心中。dong-zhou:[很高兴]真的吗?来这里![diao-chan态度他,dong-zhou给她一个偷心看]。dong-zhou:你那么美,我亲爱的。
dong-zhou:美妙![转士兵尖椒土豆士兵要diao-chan回来我的住所,提供她无论什么她需要。她美女值得一切顺利![倒上桂林三花酒] wang-yun欢呼!对你的美丽女儿!wang-yun:欢呼![diao-chan顺手拿走士兵趁dong-zhou,wang-yun保持谈话和饮料。
Act3 地点:董卓安置貂禅的别院 人物:吕布,士兵,貂禅,董卓
[lyu-bu冲出舞台。] 士兵:抱歉,一般的鲁。刁错过现在在花园里。没有人可以进去打扰她。它。先生东的秩序。lyu-bu:滚出我的视线!这也许就是生命要告诉我的要我明白的一切diao-chan![拿出一包银子] Soldier: Ok.[吕布进] [士兵走到一旁满足的笑笑。吕布气势汹汹冲到貂房里。貂哭] lyu-bu:我亲爱的。别哭。告诉我。什么有你的父亲做你? 貂蝉:他迫使我去呆在这里同他。一个士兵总是在那里阻止我逃避。[吕布愤怒的看看士兵,走上前,一推] 士兵[倒地]:稀释。你破坏了我。lyu-bu:闭嘴!士兵:我必须看我的医生立刻。.[走开] 貂蝉哭着:我知道他是你的爸爸啊,我知道我shouldn't告诉你他的可怕作为。但是„„ lyu-bu[火冒三丈]:它的行。不怪你自己。事实上我从来没有知道那个男人谁我呼吁父亲那么残酷的动物!Dong-zhou已在身后,冷笑:谁那么残酷的动物?!Lyu-bu退后三步
lyu-bu罢工慢慢地从舞台的正确的,lyu-bu:(心里)[注意忧虑,同一个剑在他的手本文所属博客,那个总是问题。]在一边,那是我自己的东西父亲,但另一,我的滨崎步夫人。(响起“左右为难”高潮段音乐,“一边是友情,一边是爱情”)吕布:哦,主!做dong-zhou如此残酷,无情,但他是我的父亲毕竟!我可以't杀他。[放下剑而,怎样diao-chan?我能't生活无她!她如此无助下dong-zhou的控制。我必须保存她。是的,我必须保存她,尽管任何事![他抽出剑再次] lyu-bu:父亲,我要diao-chan背面。dong-zhou:没门。她属于我。
lyu-bu:然而我爱她!我要找她与我,尽管任何事!dong-zhou:从来没有。她是我的!lyu-bu:[收费dong-zhou同剑当时],这才是你应得的报应!刀刺向董卓dong-zhou:你在干什么,我的儿子?唐't是傻„河北农业大学„(被杀死被lyu-bu。)lyu-bu:[他的握手我„我杀了我的自己的父亲!我杀了我的自己的父亲。„过去我的所作所为? [ 他重重地蹲了下去,垂头丧气。灯光变得很昏暗,只有追光灯打在他身上] diao-chan:吕布...........[Lyu-bu听到Diao-chan的声音,突然抬起头。] diao-chan:让的去。离开无论走开多远。
Lyu[沉思片刻,使他从伤感中走了出来]: Yes, my dear.[Lyu-bu走到Dong-zhuo跟前重重地踢上一脚,然后和Diao-chan 慢慢地小步离去,舞台上剩下Dong-zhuo的尸体和Lyu-bu & Diao-chan 的背影。
Dialogues for “
(演员:赵本山,宋丹丹)Actor: Benshan Zhao,Dandan Song.赵:睡的腰上疼,吃的直反胃,脑袋直迷糊,瞅啥啥不对。追求了一辈子幸福,追到手明白了。幸福是什么?答:幸福就是遭罪。
Z: Sleep makes waist pain,eating makes me sick up,feels like lost mind,and anything was wrong,seeking the happiness with a life,when I got it,what’s the happiness?answer:happiness is suffered.宋:有人花钱吃喝,有人花钱点歌,有人花钱美容,有人花钱按摩,今儿我雇个好活,有人花钱,雇我陪人儿唠嗑(lào kē)。
S:Somebody cost for eating and drinking,somebody cost for ordering a song,somebody cost for hairdressing,somebody cost for massage,today I got a nice job,somebody cost for make me talking with him.赵:哎呀,儿子说给我找个人,九点钟到位。
Z: oh,my son told me he asked somebody to talk with me at nine o’clock.宋:这地方拐弯抹角的这才找对,叮咚。
S: this position is ambages,now finally I got it,ding!
Z: who is that?
宋:张 惠 妹。
S: lady Gaga.赵:谁?
Z: who?
S: I’s me,honey!
Z:Oh,my god,sounds really good!and sweetly
Oh,Mum,the sounds from a grandma!
S: Don’t be so cultured,just call me”little sister!”,no need call me”Mum”,Are you the only one in this house?
Z:there is a dog too.宋:那就是你了。
S: That’s you!
Z: what?
S: you son said,the count for the time when I out of my house to one hour,the street was block up.now it’s quarter to one hour,hurry up!OK?
Z: what do we do?
S: our commitment is offered and passional,trade my sweet heart for your smile,hurry up,I take my coat off first.赵:大妹子,大妹子。
Z: little sister,litter sister!
S: hurry up!No time now.赵:不行,你别你整明白,你干啥呀?
Z: NO,I need to know what do you want to do.宋:坐下。
S: sit down!
Z: No.宋:你先坐下。
S: you sit down,OK?
Z:little sister!I have a not well heart.宋:腼腆型的。这么地吧,我先给你出两道幽默智力题儿,一来呢,测验一下你的智商,二来呢,缓和一下尴尬的气氛。
S: Shy one you are!OK,I told two interesting stories for you,the aim is:
One.Let me know how about your IQ.Two is breaking up the intense.听好啊,可招笑了。Look.it’s really funny!
说,要 把 大 象 装 冰 箱,总(lǒng)共分几步?
It says.Put the elephant into a fridge.how many steps you need?哈哈哈哈,三步。第一步,把冰箱门打开,第二步,把大象装进去,第三(sán)步,把冰箱门带上。
Hu!Three steps.First.Open the fridge.Second.put the elephant into the fridge.Third.close the door.人儿?(赵本山转到身后)哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。
Where are you? Hu,hu
Look ,it’s so interesting.why you aren’t laughing?
Z: what shold I laugh at?
S: eh, you have no sense of humor.Another story.The animals are going to take a pity.which animal is the absent?
Elephant!He was closed in the fridge.赵:什么?嗳呦。
Z: what? Oh.宋:嗳呦,笑死我了。Oh,it’s so funny.赵:累死我了都。I am so tired.宋:嗳„„„„„„hu,赵:嘿。大妹子,咱别笑了行不行? Hi.little sister,stop laughing.宋:怎么地? Why?
S: I want to know what do my son ask you to do?can you tell me ?宋:陪你说说话,陪你聊聊天,陪你唠唠嗑。
S: talking ,chatting,speaking with you!
Z: OH, chicken!
S: what do you say!
赵:大妹子我确实不明白你来„„ little sister,I really don’t know why you are here!
第三篇:英语话剧台词——小品【不差钱】 全文翻译
zhao:This is the most expensive hotel of Tie Lang,Scotland'flirt.毛毛:你念反了,苏格兰情调,这家老贵了
mao:You read wrong, Scotland Sentiment,it's too dear.赵本山:带钱了,三万,带包没有啊
zhao:we have money,thirty thousand,the yellow purse?don't you take the purse? 毛毛:我落在炕上了 mao:I left it on the brick bed.赵本山:给你办事,还落在炕上了
zhao:I do business to you,but you left it? 毛毛:兜里才70多元
mao:I only have seventy yuan.赵本山:我还有400 zhao:Here is 400 yuan.毛毛:也不够啊
mao:it's not enough.赵本山:够不够都可以的zhao:it doesn't matter.赵本山:服务员
waiter!小沈阳:对不起大爷,我们是高档酒店,不收农产品 xiao:sorry,uncle.this is a high grade hotel,we don't need farm produce.赵本山:我们是吃饭的,姑娘这顿饭很重要的
zhao:we come to have a lunch,girl,this meal is very important for us.小沈阳:你管谁叫姑娘,我是纯爷们
xiao: girl? I'm a real man.赵本山:怎么穿裙子
hao:why do you wear a skirt?
xiao:it's not,this is a seventh trousers..Sorry,I wear wrong in a hurry.I doubted it was not convenient to walk.赵本山:那条腿留给别人穿,小伙子我跟你说,今天请重要的客人,你一定要招待好
zhao:tomorrow you wear the other leg.Boy,let me tell you.Today,I invite an
important guest,you must treat him very well.小沈阳:没有问题 xiao:no problem.赵本山:你们这个酒店,如果要吃一顿饭,要多少钱。最贵的要点上要吃多少钱
zhao:I wanna know how much it cost to have a meal,including the most expensive dishes.小沈阳:要一、二万元
xiao:about ten or twenty thousand yuan.赵本山:是否有这样的情况,今天吃饭明天来结帐 zhao:can I have meals today but pay tomorrow? 小沈阳:打白条
xiao:owe the money? 赵本山:不是打白条,给你小费
zhao:no,I have money,don't shorts of money.Give you tips.小沈阳:大爷,你太帅了 xiao:uncle,I LOVE YOU.赵本山:客人来了,我点菜的时候你要给我兜着,我要点贵菜
zhao:The guest comes,you should help me when I am ordering dishes.If I wanna order a dear dish…… 小沈阳:我就说没有
xiao:I say not have? 赵本山:你太明白了
zhao:you are so clever.毛毛:爷爷,我饿了
mao:grandpa,I'm hungry.赵本山:给我来碗面条
zhao:take me a bowl of noodles.小沈阳:78元一碗
xiao:78 yuan.赵本山:这么贵
zhao:so expensive? 小沈阳:苏格兰打鲁面
xiao:it's halogen noodles of Scotland.赵本山:是鲁子贵么? zhao:is the halogen dear? 小沈阳:鲁不要钱。xiao:it's free.赵本山:先来一碗鲁子,一会儿星光大道的毕老师来了,你要给我争脸,这是人生最好的机会,爷爷培养你四十多年了
zhao:well,take a bowl of halogen.Mr Bi is coming,you should save my face,it's the best chance of life, I have educated you for forty years.毛毛:爷爷我才多大
mao:how old am I, grandpa? 赵本山:我培养你爸多少年,你爸是半成品,都成了文化站长,你要有信心
zhao:I educated your dad for many years, he is a partly finished product and becomes a master of cultural station.You should have confidence.Give me your determination.毛毛:洪湖水,一浪比一浪强,我要把我爹打在沙滩上
mao:I must "Honghu water,wave to wave,one better one,I beat in the sand beach.小沈阳:鲁子来了 xiao:here is the halogen.毛毛:爷爷有一点咸了 mao:it's a bit salty.赵本山:给她搞一碗白开水
zhao:give her some water.小沈阳:免费的水呗? xiao:free? 赵本山:对。zhao:yeah.小沈阳:你不是谁吗,你是那个朱军,不是的,白岩松不是的,老毕,你是毕老师吗?毕老师来了,快来人啊,一会儿该跑了
xiao:aren't you
zhujun ,not,Bai Yansong?no,no,no,Lao Bi,are you Mr Bi? Here is Mr Bi,come here,he will run away.赵本山:干什么,吵什么啊,让狼咬了吗?
zhao:what's up? what are you shouting? Are you biten by a wolf? 小沈阳:毕老师给我照个相吗?
Could you do me a favour to take a photo with me ?
I want to meet the chairman of the art spot in lotus town----tiezhu zhao’s father.赵本山:我是赵铁柱的爹,你找对了
I am here.毕福剑:爹,对了
People in lotus town welcome you warmly, laying your photo in a room round flowers.毕福剑:老哥,花都是什么颜色
Gal, what colour? 赵本山:白的,黄的都有的。老百姓都拿着笔等着你,激动啊 both white and yellow.They are waiting for you in exciment.毕福剑:我们到乡里吧 Let’s make for the town.赵本山:乡里布置我,先在铁岭吃一顿,客随主便,你按照我安排吧 I was appointed to arrange a meal for you in tieling.Just follow me.小沈阳:毕老师给我照个相
Let’s take a photo ,will you ? 毕福剑:你是男服务员.长得挺委婉 You are a male waiter ?
We have the same origin.Are you born in dalian? 毕福剑:是的。
Yes.赵本山:咱们是亲戚,我的老爷爷住在大连 We are relatives.My grandfather are in dalian,too.毕福剑:叫什么名字
What’s his name ? 毛毛:闭门庭
bimenting 毕福剑:你老爷打麻将很厉害 He must be good at majiang.赵本山:一笑,很象你老爷走的时候的照片,孩子就跟老爷亲,快叫老爷好
You look like him when you are smiling.She gets on well with him ,.毛毛:老爷好。
Nice to meet you ,grandfather.毕福剑:大过年的还没有给你压岁钱 I ‘m sorry to have no redpack for you now.小沈阳:毕老师我们还没有照相 We haven’t take a photo.赵本山:先点菜
Give me the menu first.小沈阳:吃饭后跑了怎么办
He will leave away after the meal!
赵本山:您就点吧 You first.毕福剑:我们随便吃吧
Simple meal is OK.赵本山:现在富裕了,你就使劲吃,你吃能吃多少钱 We are richer now.It costs me only little.毕福剑:随便吃
Just simple.赵本山:澳洲鲍鱼四只
Four Ausrialia’s abalones.小沈阳:对不起没有。
Sorry , we haven’t the dish.赵本山:澳洲龙虾
Ausrialia ‘s lobster.小沈阳:没有那么大的We haven’t such a big one.赵本山:有多大的。
how much do you have? 小沈阳:只有一斤的。about one kilo 赵本山:有还是没有啊
have or not? 小沈阳:没有的。
no 毕福剑:鱼翅更不要点
don't eat shark's fin ,neither.赵本山:有也别吃了,我吃鱼翅有一次卡住了,最后到医院用镊子拿出来了。你们酒店什么都没有,好不容易来一次,把你老板找出来 Don’t eat it.Once I didn’t suffer fish bone in my throat untill I was sent to hospital.You should have nothing here.It seems that I must meet your boss now.小沈阳:没有的No.赵本山:老板也没有 You don’t have a boss?
小沈阳:老板出去了 Boss is out.赵本山:吃什么啊
What can we eat in the world? 毕福剑:来一点家常便饭 Family meal is just ok.赵本山:来民间的,孩子,来一个小野鸡炖蘑菇
let's take some local dishes,boy, small pheasant stews the mushroom 小沈阳:没有 not have
赵本山:这个可以有 this can have 小沈阳:这个真没有 really not
赵本山:把带来的拿过来 take it
毕福剑:野山鸡不能吃 we can't eat the pheasant 赵本山:把这个炖了,点一个笨鸡蛋 stew it,take a heavy egg 小沈阳:没有 not have 赵本山:我有 I have
brother,you bring the material when you go to the hotel.赵本山:这里没有,几个菜了,两个了,给一点机会,毕老师来你们饭店。
they haven't,two dishes already, give you a chance,Mr bi comes to your hotel.小沈阳:赠送一个吧,大爷你怎么这么扣,一个都没有点,我们还要赠送一个。
present one? uncle, how miserly you are,you don't order any,but we have to present one
赵本山:我点了鲍鱼、龙虾,你不没有吗,I ordered abalones and lobster,you don't have.小沈阳:有没有,你心里没有数吗,你别看我的岁数小,我总结了,人的一生很短暂,有的时候跟睡觉是一样的,眼睛一闭,一挣,一天过去了,眼睛一闭,不挣,这辈子就过去了
aren't you clear whether we have? don't think me young, I have concluded the life is really short,sometimes like sleeping,eyes close and open,one day is gone,eyes close but not open,this lifetime has gone.毕福剑:精辟。excellent 赵本山:精辟啥,他是屁精 no, he is an arse licker
小沈阳:钱是身外之物,人最痛苦的是什么,人死了,钱没有花。money is external thing,do you know what is the most painful to people? that is, people died,but the money is left.赵本山:最痛苦的是人活着,钱没有了。这孩子啊
the most pain is one is alive but doesn't have money,the poor youngster 小沈阳:这也太抠了。
so miserly 赵本山:菜要做一会儿,鸭蛋来了,从小就是一身的艺术细菌 the dishes have to cook for a while,yadan comes, she has bacteria of art of all over the body.毕福剑:艺术细胞
art cell 赵本山:看一下是否可以上你的《星光大道》。see her if she can go to your Star Road.毕福剑:老哥我弄明白了,你接我在这里,就是为了让孙女上《星光大道》。
brother,I see.you pick me up here in order to let your grand-daughter to the Star Road.赵本山:服务员,拿卡拉OK的麦克风。Waiter,give me the mike of kala ok 毕福剑:按照我们的规矩,自报家门
according to our rule, certainly report the family.赵本山:从前面开始,不要紧张
from start,don't be nevious.毛毛:我是来自大城市铁岭莲花赤水沟子,我名字叫鸭蛋,今天心情非常的冲动,今夜阳光明媚,今夜多云转晴。
I come from a big city of resolve the lotus of mountain range red ditch,my name is Yadan,I'm of impulse,now.The sunshine is bright tonight,cloudy clear up.小沈阳:报天气预报啊
Wow?it’s weather forecast?
I feel good now, why I have this feeling? en……l find my grandpa, oh yeah!My grandpa is benevolence, he can take me to THE BROAD ROAD OF STARLIGHT!毕福剑:《星光大道》
毛毛:我非常感谢我老爷给我这次机会,太感谢你了,真的能带上我到大道,我感谢你八辈祖宗,我代表八辈祖宗,我这辈子,做鬼也不放过你。Thank you!my dear grandpa!that’s very nice of you!If you take me to the programme , I’ll thank for the ancestry 8 generations!赵本山:孩子就是想报复你,报恩,知恩图报,出去了就不能忘记你,唱李谷一的《青藏高原》。
Well,hehe……the child just want to requite you!It’s the tradition!Shemean that when she come to be a super star, she will never forget you!Come on, yadan!Singing liguyi’s song[The qing hides the plateau]
No!grandpa!It’s lina’s!now, I’ll sing [The qing hides the plateau] on the spot.赵本山:中间的不用唱了,唱后面的。
Yadan!Don’t sing the middle of the song, you just singing the back part!
Wow, surprising!She’s so young, but the pitch of voice quite loud!
Ok!I’m happy to hear that!Now, yadan , please sing another one 毛毛:爷爷,今天吃的有一点咸 I’m sorry, the halogen soup is too salt!
I'本山:后面连哭带唱的the part of crying and Saying
Wait a minute, do you want to say the words after you win the prize?the things on …………are all true!It’s so early to get set the words!
She’s grandpa is here.Am I don’t know? I know you can take her to Beijing.She must cry when I count from 1 to 3.yadan, you’re too stupid!now, your grandpa is here , please cry!
Cry? Hahahahaha…………
赵本山:完蛋,笑什么。Yadan.Why you’re laughing?
It ‘s so funny.毕福剑:不说了,才艺不错,唱的也不错。
Not bad.She is really talented in singing and performing.小沈阳:这不错啊,这样能上的话,我也能上。
Not bad ? I can do what she dose!赵本山:你往那上,You can do what ? 小沈阳:上《星光大道》 Performing in <
You can just go to brick bed.We are all in art field.小沈阳:你让我唱一个,Let me sing a song.赵本山:不让你唱
I disagree.小沈阳:不让我唱,我就将你的事交代出来 If you disagree,I will let out what you enjoin me.赵本山:你要说,一定比唱的好
If so,What you sing must be better than what you say.毕福剑:你开始说吧,还是自报家门 Tell us where you are from as a start.小沈阳:我的命运(敏感词语)是一样的,也有一个姓毕的老爷 My fate is same with her.my grandfather ‘s first name is bi ,too.毕福剑:你会什么
What performe will you bring us? 小沈阳:我会模仿秀,A n imitating show.毕福剑:模仿谁 Who will you imitate? 小沈阳:刘欢老师
Teacher liuhuan.毕福剑:模仿那一段
Which song ? 小沈阳:《我和你》
Singing with me ? It is impossible.毕福剑:这是一首歌的名字叫做我和你,唱吧!It ‘s a name of song.please start!小沈阳:我和你,心连心……
You and me ,heart by heart …..赵本山:拉倒吧,唱偏了,上菜吧
Just give up!where are our dishes?!小沈阳:我重唱一个吧,我唱一个刀郎的吧
Give me another chance please!I sing a song of daolang 赵本山:你唱屎壳郎吧
You sing dung beetle.小沈阳:刀郎是歌手的名字
Daolang is a singer’s name.毕福剑:你再来一个 Give you the chance!
小沈阳:我还会唱《星光大道》阿bao的歌。I can sing a bao ‘s songs.毕福剑:你叫什么名字
What ‘s your name ?
小沈阳:我的中文名字叫做小沈阳 My chiness name is xiaoshenyang.毕福剑:还有外国名字
Your foreign name? 小沈阳:小沈阳 Xiaoshenyang.赵本山:英文名字叫小~~损~~样
His English name is xiao sun yang 毕福剑:你是哪里的人,Where are you from? 小沈阳:我是莲花村的 I am from the lotus town.毕福剑:你儿子让我找的小沈阳,就是他,明天就跟我上北京上《星光大道》
He is the very people your son promotes.Go to Beijing with me tommorow 赵本山:菜都给你炖了,你不给我面子也给她老爷面子,要不让他老爷跟你见面一下,你上网上看一下新闻,点击率很高,上面说的鸭蛋就是她。
Dishes are ready!you can be unwilling to do me a favour,but you cannot be unwilling to do her grantfather a favour.Do you want to see him ?If you search the internet,you will see the news about her.毕福剑:马上上菜,今天的饭我包了,我请客,鸭蛋,明天你跟着大哥上《星光大道》,你们搞一个组合就叫做双黄蛋。
I pay the meal.yadan ,you go to Beijing with the gal tomorrow.You can combine to perform just named two eggs.毛毛:我也可以去了吗 I can go with you ? 毕福剑:是的。
Of course.毛毛:谢谢老爷。Thank you ,grandfather.小沈阳:谢谢。
Thank you!赵本山:《星光大道》是百姓舞台,他们都要了,把我也要了吧。<
Your name is on the Internet ,too? 赵本山:你试试吧。我还有一个重要消息没告诉你。其实我老爷也姓毕。
You can try.In addition ,I have a vital imformation to tell you-----my grandfather ‘ s first name is also bi.
Christmas Parry A: Today is Christmas, we have a Christmas party, let's have a look!
(今天是圣诞节,我们一个圣诞聚会,一起来看看吧!)(敲门,好朋友问好)B:hi!marry!Happy Christmas AC:hi!linda!Happy Christmas!(进门)
DC;WOW!how beautiful!C: Why wear so many things in the room? B :You don't know!This is a Christmas tree.Christmas tree is a celebration of the most famous Christmas traditions.Modern Christmas tree originated in Germany.Usually people are around to a Christmas evergreen trees such as pines get into the house or outdoors, and use Christmas lights and colorful ornaments decorated(圣诞树是圣诞节庆祝中最有名的传统之一。近代圣诞树起源于德国。通常人们在圣诞前后把一棵常绿植物如松树弄进屋里或者在户外,并用圣诞灯和彩色的装饰物装饰。并把一个天使或星星放在树的顶上。)D :Do you know the origin of the Christmas ? Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus
Christ.The story of Christmas comes chiefly from the Gospels of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in the New Testament.Christians celebrate Christmas, and later spread across the globe(你知道圣诞节的由来吗?圣诞节是基督教的节日。圣诞节的故事主要来自圣卢克和圣马太的福音书新约。基督徒庆祝圣诞节,后来在全球范围内传播)E:I know about Santa Claus。In the United States, children will hang Christmas stockings on the fireplace on Christmas Eve.what do you know,Alice?(我知道圣诞老人。在美国,孩子们会把圣诞袜挂在壁炉在圣诞前夜,你知道些什么?)C:I also know some.At Christmas people have a hearty dinner, usually people like Turkey, ginger bread, etc.。(我只知道一些,在圣诞节人们有一顿丰盛的晚餐,通常人们喜爱火鸡,姜饼等)
B:That’s great!Let's listen to the music!(真好!让我们听点儿音乐!)MUSIC。。。谢幕!
Vicky: Wow!The city has changed a lot.The flowers are beautiful.The buildings are so high.I want to buy a new skirt for my brother.独白:Vicky外国老师来到了佳乐家超市,进入了卖裙子专区。
Vicky: Hello!
卖家:How do you do?
Vicky: How do you do? I want to buy this skirt.卖家:(赞扬的表情)This skirt is so beautiful.You must buy it for yourself.Vicky: No, no, no.I buy it for my brother as present.卖家:(大笑)哪里会有卖男士裙子的?哈哈哈哈哈哈,还有男的穿裙子啊??!哈哈哈哈哈
Vicky: No, I’m from Scotland.In my hometown, men have skirts in festivals.卖家:(恍然大悟状)哦,在春晚上,小沈阳就是穿的苏格兰裙子的。Oh,I see.Vicky: That’s it.独白:Vicky 仔细端详了一下裙子
Vicky:This one is great.I’ll buy it.How much is it?
卖家:Five hundred.(卖家包装裙子)This is your skirt and it’s our gift.Welcome to China.独白:经过一上午的购物,到了午饭的时间,Vicky 决定去吃当地的小吃。Vicky 外国老师来到了一处卖我烤肉串的地方。
Vicky(指着一串烤肉):How much?
店主:哇,来了块大肥肉啊,这老外不知道价格,我要狠狠的宰她一下,哈哈哈(窃喜)Vicky: How much?(动作:伸出一根手指头)
店主: Five Yuan.Vicky: 别人家(动作:指向别的店铺)Two Yuan.YouFive Yuan.It’s expensive.不公平。(用外国人的口音说)
This is my dad’s dad’s dad’s dad’s 烤肉秘方,Delicious , this is delicious very much..这烤肉千里飘香,吃一口保准你想再来一口。
Vicky: Really?? 真的么?? Deal
店主 包装食品
A few minutes later
独白: Vicky老师捂着肚子,脸色发黄,她回来找店主了。
喜羊羊与灰太狼 主题曲伴奏开始
Vicky 老师唱: 别看我是个老外,我就是一直肥羊,店主是一只灰太狼。
Lilei:(对Vicky 说)I’m a primary school student.What’s wrong with you?
Vicky: I bought the meat, but it makes me sick.I have called a friend to help me.She is going to come here.(做打电话状)
独白: Vicky的朋友来了(The friend comes).Lilei:(惊讶表情)Miss Hou, It’s you!
Miss Hou:(惊讶表情)Lilei,What are you doing here?
Vicky: You know each other?
Miss Hou:(微笑)(对着Vicky说)He is my student.(对lilei说)This is our new teacher.Lilei:我本来要去图书馆的,但是我刚才看到了卖烤肉的店主卖坏的烤肉给这位老师。Miss Hou:(对店主说)How can you do that? 你怎么能做这样的事呢?怎么可以欺骗我们的外国友人呢?
店主 低头,作反思表情
Miss Hou:(对lilei说)You are honest.I take pride of you.店主:(道歉,悔恨的说)I’m sorry about that.I shouldn’t ask a high price for you.I will refund the money.I’m also sorry about the meat.I would like to undertake your lose.Vicky:(原谅的表情)I accept your apology.I also feel your honesty.独白: 店主真诚的向Vicky 老师道歉了,Vicky老师也接受了道歉,同时lilei也发扬了我们中华民族诚信的美德,值得我们大家学习。
Miss Hou, Vicky, lilei鼓掌赞扬店主知错能改。