英语小品剧本 -- 英语话剧剧本 Pygmalion

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第一篇:英语小品剧本 -- 英语话剧剧本 Pygmalion

英语小品剧本--英语话剧剧本 Pygmalion Pygmalion(By George Bernard Shaw)ACT I Covent Garden at 11.15 p.m.Torrents of heavy summer rain.Cab whistles blowing frantically in all directions.Pedestrians running for shelter into the market and under the portico of St.Paul's Church, where there are already several people, among them a lady and her daughter in evening dress.They are all peering out gloomily at the rain, except one man with his back turned to the rest, who seems wholly preoccupied with a notebook in which he is writing busily.The church clock strikes the first quarter.THE DAUGHTER [in the space between the central pillars, close to the one on her left] I'm getting chilled to the bone.What can Freddy be doing all this time? Hes been gone twenty minutes.THE MOTHER [On her daughter's right] Not so long.But he ought to have got us a cab by this.A BYSTANDER [on the lady's right] He wont get no cab not until half-past eleven, missus, when they come back after dropping their theatre fares.THE MOTHER But we must have a cab.We cant stand here until half-past eleven.It's too bad.THE BYSTANDER Well, it aint my fault, missus.THE DAUGHTER If Freddy had a bit of gumption, he would have got one at the theatre door.THE MOTHER What could he have done, poor boy? THE DAUGHTER Other people got cabs.Why couldnt he?

Freddy rushes in out of the rain from the Southampton Street side, and comes between them closing a dripping umbrella.He is a young man of twenty, in evening dress, very wet around the ankles.THE DAUGHTER Well, havnt you got a cab? FREDDY Theres not one to be had for love or money.THE MOTHER Oh, Freddy, there must be one.You cant have tried.THE DAUGHTER It's too tiresome.Do you expect us to go and get one ourselves? FREDDY I tell you theyre all engaged.The rain was so sudden: nobody was prepared;and everybody had to take a cab.Ive been to Charing Cross one way and nearly to Ludgate Circus the other;and they were all engaged.THE MOTHER Did you try Trafalgar Square? FREDDY There wasnt one at Trafalgar Square.THE DAUGHTER Did you try? FREDDY I tried as far as Charing Cross Station.Did you expect me to walk to Hammersmith? THE DAUGHTER You havnt tried at all.THE MOTHER You really are very helpless, Freddy.Go again;and dont come back until you have found a cab.FREDDY I shall simply get soaked for nothing.THE DAUGHTER And what about us? Are we to stay here all night in this draught, with next to nothing on.You selfish pig--FREDDY Oh, very well: I'll go, I'll go.[He opens his umbrella and dashes off Strandwards, but comes into collision with a flower girl, who is hurrying in for shelter, knocking her basket out of her hands.A blinding flash of lightning, followed instantly by a rattling peal of thunder, orchestrates the incident].THE FLOWER GIRL Nah then, Freddy: look wh' y' gowin, deah.FREDDY Sorry [he rushes off].THE FLOWER GIRL [picking up her scattered flowers and replacing them in the basket] Theres menners f' yer!Te-oo banches o voylets trod into the mad.[She sits down on the plinth of the column, sorting her flowers, on the lady's right.She is not at all an attractive person.She is perhaps eighteen, perhaps twenty, hardly older.She wears a little sailor hat of black straw that has long been exposed to the dust and soot of London and has seldom if ever been brushed.Her hair needs washing rather badly: its mousy color can hardly be natural.She wears a shoddy black coat that reaches nearly to her knees and is shaped to her waist.She has a brown skirt with a coarse apron.Her boots are much the worse for wear.She is no doubt as clean as she can afford to be;but compared to the ladies she is very dirty.Her features are no worse than theirs;but their condition leaves something to be desired;and she needs the services of a dentist].THE MOTHER How do you know that my son's name is Freddy, pray? THE FLOWER GIRL Ow, eez ye-ooa san, is e? Wal, fewd dan y' de-ooty bawmz a mather should, eed now bettern to spawl a pore gel's flahrzn than ran awy athaht pyin.Will ye-oo py me f'them? [Here, with apologies, this desperate attempt to represent her dialect without a phonetic alphabet must be abandoned as unintelligible outside London.] THE DAUGHTER Do nothing of the sort, mother.The idea!THE MOTHER Please allow me, Clara.Have you any pennies? THE DAUGHTER No.I've nothing smaller than sixpence.THE FLOWER GIRL [hopefully] I can give you change for a tanner, kind lady.THE MOTHER [to Clara] Give it to me.[Clara parts reluctantly].Now [to the girl] This is for your flowers.THE FLOWER GIRL Thank you kindly, lady.THE DAUGHTER Make her give you the change.These things are only a penny a bunch.THE MOTHER Do hold your tongue, Clara.[To the girl].You can keep the change.THE FLOWER GIRL Oh, thank you, lady.THE MOTHER Now tell me how you know that young gentleman's name.THE FLOWER GIRL I didnt.THE MOTHER I heard you call him by it.Dont try to deceive me.THE FLOWER GIRL [protesting] Whos trying to deceive you? I called him Freddy or Charlie same as you might yourself if you was talking to a stranger and wished to be pleasant.[She sits down beside her basket].THE DAUGHTER Sixpence thrown away!Really, mamma, you might have spared Freddy that.[She retreats in disgust behind the pillar].An elderly gentleman of the amiable military type rushes into shelter, and closes a dripping umbrella.He is in the same plight as Freddy, very wet about the ankles.He is in evening dress, with a light overcoat.He takes the place left vacant by the daughter's retirement.THE GENTLEMAN Phew!THE MOTHER [to the gentleman] Oh, sir, is there any sign of its stopping? THE GENTLEMAN I'm afraid not.It started worse than ever about two minutes ago.[He goes to the plinth beside the flower girl;puts up his foot on it;and stoops to turn down his trouser ends].THE MOTHER Oh, dear![She retires sadly and joins her daughter].THE FLOWER GIRL [taking advantage of the military gentleman's proximity to establish friendly relations with him].If it's worse it's a sign it's nearly over.So cheer up, Captain;and buy a flower off a poor girl.THE GENTLEMAN I'm sorry, I havnt any change.THE FLOWER GIRL I can give you change, Captain.THE GENTLEMEN For a sovereign? Ive nothing less.THE FLOWER GIRL Garn!Oh do buy a flower off me, Captain.I can change half-a-crown.Take this for tuppence.THE GENTLEMAN Now dont be troublesome: theres a good girl.[Trying his pockets] I really havnt any change--Stop: heres three hapence, if thats any use to you [he retreats to the other pillar].THE FLOWER GIRL [disappointed, but thinking three halfpence better than nothing] Thank you, sir.THE BYSTANDER [to the girl] You be careful: give him a flower for it.Theres a bloke here behind taking down every blessed word youre saying.[All turn to the man who is taking notes].THE FLOWER GIRL [springing up terrified] I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to the gentleman.Ive a right to sell flowers if I keep off the kerb.[Hysterically] I'm a respectable girl: so help me, I never spoke to him except to ask him to buy a flower off me.[General hubbub, mostly sympathetic to the flower girl, but deprecating her excessive sensibility.Cries of Dont start hollerin.Whos hurting you? Nobody's going to touch you.Whats the good of fussing? Steady on.Easy, easy, etc., come from the elderly staid spectators, who pat her comfortingly.Less patient ones bid her shut her head, or ask her roughly what is wrong with her.A remoter group, not knowing what the matter is, crowd in and increase the noise with question and answer: Whats the row? What she do? Where is he? A tec taking her down.What!him? Yes: him over there: Took money off the gentleman, etc.The flower girl, distraught and mobbed, breaks through them to the gentleman, crying wildly] Oh, sir, dont let him charge me.You dunno what it means to me.Theyll take away my character and drive me on the streets for speaking to gentlemen.They--THE NOTE TAKER [coming forward on her right, the rest crowding after him] There, there, there, there!whos hurting you, you silly girl? What do you take me for? THE BYSTANDER It's all right: hes a gentleman: look at his boots.[Explaining to the note taker] She thought you was a copper's nark, sir.THE NOTE TAKER [with quick interest] Whats a copper's nark? THE BYSTANDER [inapt at definition] It's a--well, it's a copper's nark, as you might say.What else would you call it? A sort of informer.THE FLOWER GIRL [still hysterical] I take my Bible oath I never said a word--THE NOTE TAKER [overbearing but good-humored] Oh, shut up, shut up.Do I look like a policeman? THE FLOWER GIRL [far from reassured] Then what did you take down my words for? How do I know whether you took me down right? You just shew me what youve wrote about me.[The note taker opens his book and holds it steadily under her nose, though the pressure of the mob trying to read it over his shoulders would upset a weaker man].Whats that? That aint proper writing.I cant read that.THE NOTE TAKER I can.[Reads, reproducing her pronunciation exactly] “Cheer ap, Keptin;n' baw ya flahr orf a pore gel.” THE FLOWER GIRL [much distressed] It's because I called him Captain.I meant no harm.[To the gentleman] Oh, sir, dont let him lay a charge agen me for a word like that.You--THE GENTLEMAN Charge!I make no charge.[To the note taker] Really, sir, if you are a detective, you need not begin protecting me against molestation by young women until I ask you.Anybody could see that the girl meant no harm.THE BYSTANDERS GENERALLY [demonstrating against police espionage] Course they could.What business is it of yours? You mind your own affairs.He wants promotion, he does.Taking down people's words!Girl never said a word to him.What harm if she did? Nice thing a girl cant shelter from the rain without being insulted, etc., etc., etc.[She is conducted by the more sympathetic demonstrators back to her plinth, where she resumes her seat and struggles with her emotion.] THE BYSTANDER He aint a tec.Hes a blooming busybody: thats what he is.I tell you, look at his boots.THE NOTE TAKER [turning on him genially] And how are all your people down at Selsey? THE BYSTANDER [suspiciously] Who told you my people come from Selsey? THE NOTE TAKER Never you mind.They did.[To the girl] How do you come to be up so far east? You were born in Lisson Grove.THE FLOWER GIRL [appalled] Oh, what harm is there in my leaving Lisson Grove? It wasnt fit for a pig to live in;and I had to pay four-and-six a week.[In tears] Oh, boo--hoo--oo--THE NOTE TAKER Live where you like;but stop that noise.THE GENTLEMAN [to the girl] Come, come!he cant touch you: you have a right to live where you please.A SARCASTIC BYSTANDER [thrusting himself between the note taker and the gentleman] Park Lane, for instance.Id like to go into the Housing Question with you, I would.THE FLOWER GIRL [subsiding into a brooding melancholy over her basket, and talking very low-spiritedly to herself] I'm a good girl, I am.THE SARCASTIC BYSTANDER [not attending to her] Do you know where I come from? THE NOTE TAKER [promptly] Hoxton.Titterings.Popular interest in the note taker's performance increases.THE SARCASTIC ONE [amazed] Well, who said I didnt? Bly me!You know everything, you do.THE FLOWER GIRL [still nursing her sense of injury] Aint no call to meddle with me, he aint.THE BYSTANDER [to her] Of course he aint.Dont you stand it from him.[To the note taker] See here: what call have you to know about people what never offered to meddle with you? Wheres your warrant? SEVERAL BYSTANDERS [encouraged by this seeming point of law] Yes: wheres your warrant? THE FLOWER GIRL Let him say what he likes.I dont want to have no truck with him.THE BYSTANDER You take us for dirt under your feet, dont you? Catch you taking liberties with a gentleman!THE SARCASTIC BYSTANDER Yes: tell h i m where he come from if you want to go fortune-telling.THE NOTE TAKER Cheltenham, Harrow, Cambridge, and India.THE GENTLEMAN Quite right.[Great laughter.Reaction in the note taker's favor.Exclamations of He knows all about it.Told him proper.Hear him tell the toff where he come from? etc.].May I ask, sir, do you do this for your living at a music hall? THE NOTE TAKER Ive thought of that.Perhaps I shall some day.The rain has stopped;and the persons on the outside of the crowd begin to drop off.THE FLOWER GIRL [resenting the reaction] Hes no gentleman, he aint, to interfere with a poor girl.THE DAUGHTER [out of patience, pushing her way rudely to the front and displacing the gentleman, who politely retires to the other side of the pillar] What on earth is Freddy doing? I shall get pneumonia if I stay in this draught any longer.THE NOTE TAKER [to himself, hastily making a note of her pronunciation of “monia”] Earlscourt.THE DAUGHTER [violently] Will you please keep your impertinent remarks to yourself? THE NOTE TAKER Did I say that out loud? I didnt mean to.I beg your pardon.Your mother's Epsom, unmistakeably.THE MOTHER [advancing between her daughter and the note taker] How very curious!I was brought up in Largelady Park, near Epsom.THE NOTE TAKER [uproariously amused] Ha!ha!What a devil of a name!Excuse me.[To the daughter] You want a cab, do you? THE DAUGHTER Dont dare speak to me.THE MOTHER Oh, please, please Clara.[Her daughter repudiates her with an angry shrug and retires haughtily.] We should be so grateful to you, sir, if you found us a cab.[The note taker produces a whistle].Oh, thank you.[She joins her daughter].The note taker blows a piercing blast.THE SARCASTIC BYSTANDER There!I knowed he was a plain-clothes copper.THE BYSTANDER That aint a police whistle: thats a sporting whistle.THE FLOWER GIRL [still preoccupied with her wounded feelings] Hes no right to take away my character.My character is the same to me as any lady's.THE NOTE TAKER I dont know whether youve noticed it;but the rain stopped about two minutes ago.THE BYSTANDER So it has.Why didnt you say so before? and us losing our time listening to your silliness.[He walks off towards the Strand].THE SARCASTIC BYSTANDER I can tell where you come from.You come from Anwell.Go back there.THE NOTE TAKER [helpfully] Hanwell.THE SARCASTIC BYSTANDER [affecting great distinction of speech] Thenk you, teacher.Haw haw!So long [he touches his hat with mock respect and strolls off].THE FLOWER GIRL Frightening people like that!How would he like it himself.THE MOTHER It's quite fine now, Clara.We can walk to a motor bus.Come.[She gathers her skirts above her ankles and hurries off towards the Strand].THE DAUGHTER But the cab--[her mother is out of hearing].Oh, how tiresome![She follows angrily].All the rest have gone except the note taker, the gentleman, and the flower girl, who sits arranging her basket, and still pitying herself in murmurs.THE FLOWER GIRL Poor girl!Hard enough for her to live without being worrited and chivied.THE GENTLEMAN [returning to his former place on the note taker's left] How do you do it, if I may ask? THE NOTE TAKER Simply phonetics.The science of speech.Thats my profession: also my hobby.Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby!You can spot an Irishman or a Yorkshireman by his brogue.I can place any man within six miles.I can place him within two miles in London.Sometimes within two streets.THE FLOWER GIRL Ought to be ashamed of himself, unmanly coward!THE GENTLEMAN But is there a living in that? THE NOTE TAKER Oh yes.Quite a fat one.This is an age of upstarts.Men begin in Kentish Town with ?0 a year, and end in Park Lane with a hundred thousand.They want to drop Kentish Town;but they give themselves away every time they open their mouths.Now I can teach them--THE FLOWER GIRL Let him mind his own business and leave a poor girl--THE NOTE TAKER [explosively] Woman: cease this detestable boohooing instantly;or else seek the shelter of some other place of worship.THE FLOWER GIRL [with feeble defiance] Ive a right to be here if I like, same as you.THE NOTE TAKER A woman who utters such depressing and disgusting sounds has no right to be anywhere--no right to live.Remember that you are a human being with a soul and the divine gift of articulate speech: that your native language is the language of Shakespear and Milton and The Bible;and dont sit there crooning like a bilious pigeon.THE FLOWER GIRL [quite overwhelmed, and looking up at him in mingled wonder and deprecation without daring to raise her head] Ah-ah-ah-ow-ow-ow-oo!THE NOTE TAKER [whipping out his book] Heavens!what a sound![He writes;then holds out the book and reads, reproducing her vowels exactly] Ah-ah-ah-ow-ow-ow-oo!THE FLOWER GIRL [tickled by the performance, and laughing in spite of herself] Garn!THE NOTE TAKER You see this creature with her kerbstone English: the English that will keep her in the gutter to the end of her days.Well, sir, in three months I could pass that girl off as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.I could even get her a place as lady's maid or shop assistant, which requires better English.Thats the sort of thing I do for commercial millionaires.And on the profits of it I do genuine scientific work in phonetics, and a little as a poet on Miltonic lines.THE GENTLEMAN I am myself a student of Indian dialects;and--THE NOTE TAKER [eagerly] Are you? Do you know Colonel Pickering, the author of Spoken Sanscrit? THE GENTLEMAN I am Colonel Pickering.Who are you? THE NOTE TAKER Henry Higgins, author of Higgins's Universal Alphabet.PICKERING [with enthusiasm] I came from India to meet you.HIGGINS I was going to India to meet you.PICKERING Where do you live? HIGGINS 27A Wimpole Street.Come and see me tomorrow.PICKERING I'm at the Carlton.Come with me now and lets have a jaw over some supper.HIGGINS Right you are.THE FLOWER GIRL [to Pickering, as he passes her] Buy a flower, kind gentleman.I'm short for my lodging.PICKERING I really havnt any change.I'm sorry [he goes away].HIGGINS [shocked at girl's mendacity] Liar.You said you could change half-a-crown.THE FLOWER GIRL [rising in desperation] You ought to be stuffed with nails, you ought.[Flinging the basket at his feet] Take the whole blooming basket for sixpence.The church clock strikes the second quarter.HIGGINS [hearing in it the voice of God, rebuking him for his Pharisaic want of charity to the poor girl] A reminder.[He raises his hat solemnly;then throws a handful of money into the basket and follows Pickering].THE FLOWER GIRL [picking up a half-crown] Ah-ow-ooh![Picking up a couple of florins] Aaah-ow-ooh![Picking up several coins] Aaaaaah-ow-ooh![Picking up a half-sovereign] Aaaaaaaaaaaah-ow-ooh!!FREDDY [springing out of a taxicab] Got one at last.Hallo![To the girl] Where are the two ladies that were here? THE FLOWER GIRL They walked to the bus when the rain stopped.FREDDY And left me with a cab on my hands.Damnation!THE FLOWER GIRL [with grandeur] Never you mind, young man.I'm going home in a taxi.[She sails off to the cab.The driver puts his hand behind him and holds the door firmly shut against her.Quite understanding his mistrust, she shews him her handful of money.] Eightpence aint no object to me, Charlie.[He grins and opens the door].Angel Court, Drury Lane, round the corner of Micklejohn's oil shop.Lets see how fast you can make her hop it.[She gets in and pulls the door to with a slam as the taxicab starts].FREDDY Well, I'm dashed!




































第三篇:英语小品话剧 剧本 爱丽丝

第一幕 场景:郊外的树下

人物: Ailisi(爱丽丝),Mr.rabbit(兔子先生)Below are the Chinese first episode:

Voice Over: A long time ago, the ancient city spread of a legend, if it is pure lovely girl, to the outskirts of the tree holes Nake a tree fell asleep, they would have a rabbit to Mr.Dai Taqu to the Dream Wonderland, met the Prince of Dreams……

Alice: the so-called innocent lovely girl like me-not that such a person? » I see a white Yiqun, such as the lovely spring-like appearance ~ ~ ~ ~ ah so cute I am innocent, that we will see the dream of Prince ~!That, overnight yesterday, the Internet really Xiangshui, or to sleep!

Rabbit: Finally released rumors that the United States can bring to young girls to dream profession, but throughout the year to the company are all women is not the Chou Baguai Fenbuqingchu, I rare tourist to the outside to say, also would like to see beauty Yes it »

Rabbit: ah, this looks to today also good, it is my holiday is coming to an end, luck's nice to be a little flimsy TU………… but the point better.Alice: ah!Groping!Rabbit: You say what » Have you seen this Fengdupianpian handsome潇洒of groping? »

Alice: still open to doubt, will lie outside the………… However you look at the long lines also were on the calculations.I dream profession is to wait for the rabbit, took me to see Prince, you are here to do »

Rabbit: You have to wait for the people that I.Alice: ruse!You do not have rabbit ears!

Rabbit: You see…… like this one…… face such a hairstyle, the clothes, so long in the ear with it »

Alice: is indeed very strange……

Rabbit: So those who do not care about the details, it is important to see now before I do.Alice: or, I went to see the dream now with the Prince Hall!

爱丽丝:The so-called naive lovable young girl looks just like me,don’t i?the snow-white dress(转圈,展示衣裙),and the lovely spring-like appearance(自我陶醉中……),Ah ~ ~ ~ so cute and innocent I am,I can almost see my Prince!Ah ~ ~ ~(单手捂住嘴打哈且)I feel trapped,(伸懒腰)I think it’s better to have a sleep~(两手交叠于耳旁,睡于树下)兔子先生(上场,环视四周,看见爱丽丝,凑近看):oh~ what a lovely girl!she is the pretest girl I Have ever seen。爱丽丝(醒来):Ah!Groping!(把兔子先生一把推开)兔子先生(站稳):what?!Groping!I can’t believe it!you call me Groping!

Have you ever seen such a handsome groping 嗯??!I am rabbit,Mr.rabbit!(气的跳起脚来)爱丽丝:oh~I’m so sorry,MR.rabbit,you were too close to me, i was just scared(楚楚可怜状)~ 兔子先生:all right.ok~I’m fine now,(平息怒气)so……what’re you doing here?little girl ? 爱丽丝:en…I’m waiting here for someone to take me to the fairyland(踌躇状)兔子先生:oh~then I think I was just the one you were waiting for(自得状)爱丽丝:really?!so you can take me to meet the prince? Aren’t you?(惊喜状)兔子先生:aha~I think so,follow me ,girl~ 第二幕 场景:梦幻仙界,红桃女王的花园 人物:Mr.rabbit(兔子先生),Ailisi(爱丽丝),the queen(红桃女王),the prince(王子),Knight(骑士)

红桃女王(上场,身后跟着护卫的骑士):Mr.rabbit have leaved for a long time,I miss him so much.骑士:don’t worry ,my queen.I think Mr.rabbit will come back soon 红桃女王:I hope so

(兔子先生和爱丽丝上。)兔子先生:aha~ your name is Ailisi,nice name and it’s very suitable for you

爱丽丝 :thank you。Mr.rabbit.by the way ,when could i see the prince? We’ve been walking four 30 minutes.兔子先生:uh……

(兔子先生,爱丽丝和红桃女王,骑士相遇)红桃女王:my honey,finally comes you。(奔过去,伸手要抱的时候看见爱丽丝,发怒)Who is this ugly girl?your new girl friend(咬牙问,吐字清晰),my soldier,Chop this girl's head 骑士(上前,拔剑):yes,my queen!兔子先生(有些慌忙,挡在爱丽丝身前):wait a minute,my queen。it’s a misunderstanding,This girl is a stranger I’ve just met,she want to see the prince。红桃女王(面色缓和下来):so how it is。(对骑士)bring the prince here。(骑士领命,刚要下,王子上)

王子:Look at the crows is there a party or something? 兔子先生和骑士(倾身): my royal Prince 爱丽丝:Prince…(石化,站着不动)

红桃女王:my dear, there is a girl who wanna meet you(轻蔑的抬头示意爱丽丝的存在)王子(皱眉):A gril? So what is up?(抱着手臂走到呆掉的爱丽丝面前,仔细打量,姿势邪肆,轻蔑)Jusus, I am far more pretty than her!爱丽丝:What!(向后跳开一步,到兔子先生的旁边)兔子先生(对爱丽丝轻声说):what is wrong.You wanna see the prince and here he is.就在眼前啊!爱丽丝(大喊):No even you are better than him.红桃女王(怒视):he is mine!


[某音乐(还没选好)音乐响起,台上所有人列队开始跳舞。一段音乐以后,场务上:对不起对不起!放错音乐了!台上个人或咳嗽或整头发走回原来的位置,音乐重放,《斗牛士》 在跳舞过程中,不知不觉女王被打到] 女王(尖叫):soldier,soldier,my soldier(跳舞的骑士跑去援救),Chops this girl's head(爱丽丝跑绕桌三圈隐于舞台,其他人渐渐散退)第三幕


爱丽丝(惊醒,吁了口气,缓和下来):还好,是一场梦,没有讨厌的女皇没有士兵,生活是这样的美好(高兴起来)。兔子先生(出现,笑呵呵的),Hi,;little girl.you are so buestiful ,do you want to go to the fairyland with me? 爱丽丝惊恐状

1.Alice--Alice is the main character of the story.She is an English seven-year-old girl with a good imagination, manners and behavior.In many movie versions of the book, Alice usually appears as a blonde girl, wearing a blue dress, white apron over top, stockings, and black 'Mary Jane' shoes.2.The White Rabbit--The Rabbit is responsible of Alice following him and into Wonderland.He is the first Wonderland Resident Alice meets.In the book and movie versions, the Rabbit wears a waistcoat where he pockets his watch.And at the end of the story, it is revealed that he serves as herald to the King and Queen of Hearts.3.The Mouse--A peculiar mouse whom Alice befriends, and has a strong hatred of cats and dogs.After Alice stops crying a big pool of tears, he teaches her how to get dry by attending a never ending Caucus Race, which no one loses or wins, and tries to tell her a story of how he hates cats and dogs, but leaves for the Mouse thought Alice was offending him.4.Pat--The White Rabbit's bumbling servant and gardener, who is an Irish guinea pig.5.Bill--A lizard who serves as the White Rabbit's chimney sweep.At one time when Alice was stuck at the White Rabbit's house, Bill was sent to get her out, but he was kicked out of the chimney by the might of Alice's giant foot.6.The Caterpillar--A wise, but rude old bug who gives Alice advice about how to change sizes correctly by eating the mushroom.7.The Duchess--An angry, ugly, and abusive noblewoman who is a mother to a baby that would later turn to a pig.But later on in the book, she is nicer, which assumes the fact that the pepper makes her angry.8.The Cheshire Cat--A peculiar feline that always grins and turns invisible at will.He belongs to the Duchess, and is responsible of guiding Alice to the Mad Tea Party.The Cat is the closest friend Alice meets in Wonderland.9.The Mad Hatter--A wacky man and leader of the Mad Tea Party.He is known to be very rude towards Alice and giving her stupid riddles without any answers.He is also the first witness of the Knave of Hearts' trial.10.The March Hare--The Mad Hatter's crazed sidekick who is also rude and obnoxious towards Alice.The March Hare is always mad, and maybe slightly stupid and confused ever since the Mad Hatter didn't have the chance to finish his performance at the Queen of Hearts' concert.11.The Dormouse--The third and sleepy member of the Mad Tea Party Trio.He often sleeps through the party, but the Mad Hatter and the March Hare have ways to rudely wake him up.12.The Queen of Hearts--A stubborn, violent and cruel tyrant who enjoys beheading people,(which never happens due to the King secretly pardoning those who are to be executed).She has a massive army of playing cards, and they simply do what the Queen says.She is noted to be the villain of the story, and Alice's arch-nemesis.13.The King of Hearts--The Queen of Hearts' foolish, but caring husband, who pardons those who are about to be beheaded under the wrath of the Queen.He also serves as judge of the Knave of Hearts' trial.14.The Gryphon--A part-eagle, part-lion creature that leads Alice to his old friend, the Mock Turtle, so she could learn about his childhood.15.The Mock Turtle--A cow-headed turtle who is an old friend of the Gryphon and told about his childhood and school days to Alice.He also showed her the 'Lobster Quadrille' a funny, but confusing dance.16.The Knave of Hearts--A noble servant to the King and Queen of Hearts, who was sent to a trial as the accused for stealing the tarts.The Queen often thinks of him as an 'idiot'.17.Alice's Sister--A minor character of the story.She is Alice's older sister who understands Alice's dream at the end of the book.After Alice went home for tea, her sister dreamt the same dream Alice did, and knew Alice is growing up.18.Dinah--Alice's pet cat.She did not appear in the book, but was mentioned by Alice several times.She does appear, however in the sequel 'Through the looking Glass', and many movies based on the book.


英语话剧剧本:4人英语话剧 Another day in paradise 场景简单,语言适中,4个主要人物,推荐。适合课上演出,很有意义,关于亲情

Characters: Angel: A chief broadcaster.Anny: A primary school girl who had called so much in order to look for her mother.Anny’s father Anny’s teacher Anny’s classmates Divide the stage into two parts.On the left: Children’s ward, a chair, some flowers.On the right: A desk, a chair, a lamp, some books.(幕启,舞台左半亮,右半暗)(The phone is ringing)Old woman: Hello!Anny(怯生生地): Hello, I, I want mum.Is that mum? Old woman: Oh, I’m granny.I’m not mum.Anny: I’m sorry.(电话挂断声,拨号声又起)A young woman: Hello!Anny(怯生生地): Hello!I want mum.Is that mum? Young woman: Are you joking? I’m not married.(电话继续响,右半舞台亮)Angel: Hello!Anny(鼓起勇气): I want mum.Is that mum? Angel: Who’s that speaking? Anny: I’m Anny, your Anny.Angel: Anny?(充满疑惑)。(略为思索后,用母亲的声调)Where are you? Anny(仿佛遇见母亲,忍不住哭起来): Mum,(哭声,欲语泪先流,又猛然惊觉)Mum, mum, I’m not crying.Angel(安慰地,担心地): You are a nice little girl.Anny: Mum, why don’t you come to see me? Dad says you will come back if I am well behaved.Mum, don’t you miss me? Angel(慈爱地): Of course, I do.I do miss you? Anny: Really? Angel: Yes.I miss you so much.Anny: Mummy!Angel: En„ Anny: Mummy!Angel: Yes? Anny(笑若银铃)(Angel 慈爱地笑,心略有所安)Anny(突然又哭了): But mummy, why don’t you come back? I’m ill.Angel(关切地): Anny, where are you? Tell me, where are you? Anny: Mummy, I’m in hospital now.I felt pain, but I didn’t cry.Dad says the one who cries is not a good girl.Then you won’t come back.Mummy, can you come back to see me? I’m waiting for you with no tears.Angel: Anny, I’m, I’m not„ Oh, yes, mummy will come back to see you(Dad推门入,见Anny在打电话,连忙夺过)Dad: I’ve told you not to call anybody else.(对着电话)Sorry, I’m really sorry.The child has disturbed you.Angel: Never mind.I’m a mother, too.I understand her.May I know the truth? Dad: Eh„, her mum isn’t here.So she called and called.Angel: Where’s Anny’s mother? You divorced? Dad: No, no.I hope she would come back.But„

Angel: You don’t trust in me? I’m Angel, the chief broadcaster of the hot line.Dad(回头看Anny): Then, I’ll tell you the truth some other day.Angel:All right.(灯暗景换)On the left: Anny’s sitting room.On the right: Anny’s classroom.(左右同时演绎)Left: Dad: Anny’s mum passed away in a tracffic accident six years ago.She told me to hide the truth.This is the letter for Anny.Right: Teacher: Children, in this class.Let’s enjoy Anny’s composition “A letter to mummy”.Angel, Anny同时,时空错接,音乐起)Angel: Anny, my dearest baby!Anny: Mummy, my dearest mummy!Angel: When we played hide and seek, I was found easily.Anny: When we played hide and seek, I could found you easily.Angel: But this time, you can’t find me.Anny: But this time, I can’t find you.Angel: Baby, we have a date.When you are 14, you can find me.Anny: Mummy, we have a date.Dad says when I am 14, I can find you.Angel: Baby, the game lasts so long.I wonder if you have the courage to go on.Anny: Mummy, don’t worry.I grow up with your arms around me in my dream.Angel: Anny, if the time is so long, mummy will talk with you when you are looking at our photo.Anny: Mum, the letter you left to me is so long.I read it every night, again and again.Angel: Anny, your birthday present is on the wardrobe.Anny: Mummy, I’ve known the truth.Every time I take a bus, I can see your dad eyes.Angel: Anny, I’m really worried if you will be so sad after your 14th birthday.Is there anyone to love you all his life? Anny: Mummy, I’ll never give up.I believe there is a call to the paradise.I will love Dad.I will love myself.I can fly with my own wings one day.Angel: Anny, my dear.Anny: Mummy, be safe all the way.There are no tears in paradise.(灯亮,谢幕)




他喝完咖啡,慢悠悠地走出值班室,挺着一个大肚子,威武地巡视着地铁站内的人群。每个人都匆匆地来匆匆地去,从来没有留意过身边的人和事。站长这个时候伸伸懒腰,正准备回值班室大睡一觉的时候,突然不知道哪里出来的一个人把他撞倒了。站长甩了一个跟头,挺笨拙地爬起来刚想大骂一顿的时候,却首先听到一把声音,有点怯懦地说:“对不起对不起” 站长这个时候擦擦眼睛,开始打量眼前的这个人:他的衣着很随意,脏兮兮的样子,而且还带着一副墨镜。站长就开始骂了:“你没长眼睛吗?这样也能撞上我!”然后那个人就回答说:“我是一个盲人,我都看不到要在哪里候车了。”站长听了之后,也见到他是一个残疾人,便说:“没事啦,我是这里的站长,如果你不知道哪里候车的话,可以咨询一下当班的值班员嘛。不过既然你遇上了我,我就帮你带路吧。”这时候盲人也说了一声:“好的,非常感谢你。”于是,站长让盲人一手牵着他,一手摸着扶手,慢慢地下楼梯到乘车站台。站长拖着盲人慢慢地走,突然脚底下一绊,整个人又甩了一跤,幸好盲人一手扶着墙壁没有摔倒。这时候站长发火了,起来就说一句:“特么的是谁!”这一次没有人回答他。于是站长低头一看,有一个乘客正躺在地上一动也不动了。站长于是就怕了,马上松开牵着盲人的手,盲人觉察到不对劲,就问:“发生什么事了”站长结结巴巴地回答:“地…地上…躺…躺着…一个人啊!!”盲人显然要比站长冷静:“快去看一下他是否还活着”于是站长弯下腰,问一句:“先生请问你还清醒吗?”没有回应。于是站长又弯下腰用耳朵贴着他的胸口听他的心跳声,可是出人意料地听不到。站长这时候怕了,他用手擦了一下额头的汗,然后又颤抖地把手伸向躺着的人鼻子,谁知道这时候传来呼呼的鼻鼾声。站长定了一下惊,然后又闻了一下他的衣服,一股很浓烈的酒精味,大概是喝醉酒了吧。于是站长让醉酒的人继续躺着,扶了盲人上车之后,然后就来看了一下醉酒的人,结果发现还没醒。站长本来想着呼叫值班员前来帮忙,但正是午饭时间,值班室空无一人,又不能置醉酒人一直在这里,于是自己便背起醉酒人爬上楼梯直到回到值班室。此时的站长已经气喘吁吁地,累个半死之下于是什么都不管了,躺在地上呼呼地睡着了…

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