
时间:2019-05-13 16:41:25下载本文作者:会员上传



More than half of firms on the Chinese mainland are expected to take on staff this year, according to a recruitment survey released Thursday.据本周四发布的一份调查报告显示,今年中国大陆预计超过一半的公司都会雇佣员工。The report by global recruiters, Michael Page, surveyed nearly 1,000 employers and found that 55 percent of domestic firms set to recruit more staff this year, compared to 41 percent of multinational corporations.这份报告由全球猎头公司Michael Page发布,对近1000名雇主进行了调查,发现今年55%的国内企业将招聘更多员工,而跨国公司这一比例只有41%。

Peter Smith, managing director of Michael Page East China, said, “The reason for the gap is that domestic companies are more optimistic about the economic outlook while the multinational corporations are struggling to achieve a better performance and to reduce the labor costs in China.” Michael Page中国东部总经理彼德·史密斯表示称:“这两者之间的差距是因为国内企业对经济前景更为乐观,而跨国公司正在努力实现更好的经济效益、并减少在中国的劳动成本。” According to the 2017 China Salary and Employment Outlook from Michael Page, 44 percent of local companies will be offering salary increases of six percent to ten percent.据Michael Page的《2017中国工资和就业前景》报告显示,44%的中国企业将会涨工资6%到10%。

“As domestic companies mature, they are turning their efforts to employee retention and building a strong portfolio of business leaders.They continue to invest in recruiting and retaining quality professionals across all departments and levels of seniority,” Smith added.史密斯说道:“随着国内企业的成熟,他们正在努力留住员工,并建立一个强大的商业领袖群体。他们将继续在招聘和留住各部门、各级别资历的高质量专业人员上投资。”

In 2017, key sectors in China set to hire aggressively include renewable energy, financial technology and financial payment processing, digital media and consumer electronics.2017年,中国包括可再生能源、金融技术、金融支付处理、数字媒体和消费电子产品等关键部门都会大举招聘。Primary manufacturing and industrial sectors will continue to struggle as demand weakens.由于需求减少,初级制造和工业部门的情况将会继续不好。

“We also notice that the establishment of Shanghai Free Trade Zone has had an impact on the recruitment market, especially in logistics, real estate, digital marketing, e-commerce and healthcare,” said Xu Weiwei, director of Michael Page China.Michael Page中国总负责人徐伟伟(音)表示说:“我们也注意到上海自贸区的成立对招聘市场的影响,尤其是在物流、房地产、数字营销、电子商务和医疗保健方面。”



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