第一篇:How to teach english by Jeremy Harmer 归纳总结
1.How to be a good teacher? What makes a good teacher? Make their lesson interesting.Love his job Has his own personality and doesn’t hide it from the students.Lots of knowledge, not only his subject Entertainer who can amuse students
Friendly and can help solve problems Has an affinity with the students Try and draw out quite ones/control more talkative ones Can correct people without offending them Helps rather than shouts Know students’ name
Class management— the ability to control and inspire a class
How should teachers talk to students Rough tune their language to the students’ levels: exaggerated tone of voice/less complex grammatical structures/less difficult words/eye contact Physical movement – gestures/expressions/mime
How to give instructions: They must be kept as simple as possible/be logical Check if they understand
How to talk in class: Balance stt and ttt(comprehensible input).Maxim STT
What are the best kinds of lesson? Balance between predictable safety and unexpected variety
How important is it to follow a prearranged plan: Concentrated on the teacher’s ability to respond flexibly to what happens in class, even while attempting to follow a pre-arranged plan.How to be a good learner The hours they spend practicing and always do homework/age/level
How important the students’ motivation Integrative motivation>instrumental motivation
Who is responsible for learning? Good learners take some responsibility learning themselves/encourage self-studying Characters that good classroom learners share: the desirability to using proper learning skills A willingness to listen/to experiment/to ask questions/to think about how to learn/accept correction Adult learner: also can be disruptive like adolescents/nervous about learning/more world knowledge/greater tolerance for “serious learning”.Balance serious study of English with the more entertaining activities.Different levels:
Beginners(false beginners)(elementary)(lower intermediate)intermediate(upper intermediate)advanced Rough tune – different language level/different questions Different activities: pronunciation practice/simple introduction dialogue/abstract discussion
3.how to manage teaching and learning: Teachers’ physical presence in class: Proximity: how close Appropriacy: crouching down/same level movement: move around the class to some extent.Make contact with students(esp eye contact)
How to use their voice: Audibility clearly heard without shouting in a disagreeable way Variety stress the need for variety Conservation take good care of their voice
How to mark the stage of lesson: Mark stages and changes clearly so that students know what’s going on.Good teachers know how to start the class and also know how to close it so that there was a feeling of completeness.Sitting arrangement:
Orderly rows keep in touch with what’s going on and involve all the students Circles and horseshoes teacher dominated Separate tables tongshang
Student grouping: Whole class Group work and pair work Solowork
Teacher also should evaluate themselves Try out new techniques/evaluate themselves/find out whether students found them useful or enjoyable/should find variety of means to keep track of their students’ progress
4.how to describe learning and teaching What do we know about language learning
Unconscious learning in natural circumstance Contact with language for the purpose of communication Elements necessary to learn language in the ‘real’ world Exposure motivation use
Element for language learning in classroom:
Engage: to arouse the students’ interest, thus involving their emotions Study: to focus on language or information and how it is constructed Activate: to try out real language use to rehearse for the real world
Esa sequence Teacher’s responsibility to vary the sequences and content of our lessons Straight arrow sequence esa Boomerang sequence easa “Patchwork” sequence eaasasea etc.Teaching models: Grammar translation Audio-lingualism PPP TBL CLT
6.how to teach language What does language study consist of: Be exposed to it Understand its meaning Understand its form Practice it
Why do students make mistakes Part of the natural process of learning
Learning is a gradual development involving different stages Appears to regress but actually they are advancing.Accuracy sometimes doesn’t mean full mastery.How should teacher correct students Point out Ask classmates to help out Not let the student fell humiliated Students sometimes enjoy helping each other
7.How to teach reading Strategic reading Fluent reading Reading teach models: Bottom up models Top-down models Intensive reading approach(baohanqianliangzhe sometimes)Interactive models
Why teach reading: For careers, for study purposes or for pleasure For exposed to English To provide good models for English writing To provide opportunities to study language
What kind of reading should students do? Balance students’ capabilities and their interests Topics and reading text also worth considering Depend on who the students are
What reading skills should students acquire Scan for particular information Skim for the general idea To read for detailed comprehension
Principles behind the teaching of reading
Reading is not a passive skill
Students need to be engaged with what they are reading Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of the text, not just the language Prediction is a major fact in reading Match the task to the topic Exploit reading texts to the full
8.How to teaching writing? Why teach writing? Reinforcement Language development Learning style Writing as a skill
What kind of writing should students do? Abilities and levels Everyday styles Interests How to correct? Avoid over-correction Use written symbols
Handwriting: encourage students to write clearly and legibly Lined paper
9.how to teaching speaking
What kind of speaking should students do? Activate exercise: students use the language at their command to perform some kind lf oral task.Why ? Rehearsal Feedback Engagement
How to correct: In discussion and role-plays, constant interruption form the teacher will destroy the purpose of speaking activity.Note down mistakes, and correct afterwards.Not to single students put for particular criticism.What should teachers do during a speaking activity? Sometimes can join in students’ speaking activities, but should not dominate it.Prompting is often necessary but teachers should do it sympathetically and sensitively.10.how to teaching listening
Why teach listening To hear different varieties and accents To help students to acquire language subconsciously Listening is a skill and can help listeners communicate more effectively.What kind of listening should students do? Authentic listening material and realistic tape Those can help gain confidence at the beginning.Not very long The level and the kind of task that go with a tape
What’s special about listening? Tapes go at the same speed for everyday Students are encouraged to listen for general understanding first rather details immediately Spoken language has a number of unique features Principles behind the teaching of listening? The tape recorder is just as important as the tape Preparation is vital Once will not be enough Students should be encouraged to response to the content of the text, not just to the language.Different listening stages demand different listening task Good teacher exploit listening text to the full
Teaching listening strategies Prediction Inferring Monitoring Clarifying Responding Evaluating
Where does video fit in? Choose video material according to the level and interests of our students Video is richer than audiotape, so that background information can be filled in visually.Students can pay less attention to what they are listening Students may treat it uncritically rather as they treat watching TV – danger
Playing the tape without sound Playing the tape but covering the picture Freezing the picture Divide the class in half
11.how to use textbooks
Different options for textbook use Omission/replacement/addition/adaptation Should be used creatively SARS select adapt reject supplement
Addition is look like: personal engagement/word study/word games
Why use text book at all? For teachers: no matter how well it planned, they can be inappropriate for teachers and students.Teacher should assess their contents carefully and use the textbook judiciously for their own ends, rather than have the textbook use and control them.Other advantages
For students: feel more positive about textbook than some teachers.The textbook is reassuring.May benefit more from the teacher’s creative use of the textbook How to choose a textbook? Analysis Piloting Consultation Gather opinions
Price/availability/layout and design/methodology/skills/syllabus/topic/stereotyping/teachers’ guide
2、教学工作方面:任现职以来,我主要是担任数学科教学工作。在具体教学活动中,我积极思考,勇于探索,锐意进取,改进教法,钻研教材、大纲、考纲以及新课程标准,善于创造情境,营造轻松、民主的课堂氛围,逐渐形成了自己的教学风格,在评教活动中获得了很高的评价,所带班级学科教学质量效果较为明显。在任现职期间,我担任过的七届毕业班数学教学,学生参加毕业水平调研,平均分均达到90分以上,达标率均达100%。如2003年、2006年、2008年秋季学期期末教学质量检测中所教六(2)班、六(1)班、六(1)─ 4 ─
任现职以来专业技术工作总结 班,这三个班的平均分分别获得当年同年级同科目一等奖、二等奖、一等奖。2005年所教的六(2)班学生在春季学期参加来宾市数学竞赛中,黄子宾、杨可秀、卓秋华分别获得一、二、三等奖,我也获得指导奖;在春季学期毕业水平测试中所教数学科平均分获镇本年级本科目三等奖。2005年秋季学期所指导三(2)班学生在参加广西小学数学应用知识竞赛中取得了较好的成绩,其中陈钟子圆获一等奖,韦慧岚、谭道振等六位同学获二等奖,黎燕、谭莉莉等三位同学获三等奖,我因此也获得自治区级竞赛指导一等奖。2009年,我获兴宾区小学毕业水平调研数学科成绩优胜奖,所教六(1)班数学科平均分获镇同年级同科目二等奖,秋季学期镇举行的公开课比赛获二等奖。
转眼间我已经进入了大三,在二年多的学习生活中,有酸甜苦辣,有欢笑和泪水,有成功和挫折,大家一起欢笑过,一起努力过,一起奋斗过,一起追求自己的梦想,一起享受青春带给我们的喜悦。有人总结,在任何一个学校,平庸的大学生是相似的,不平庸的大学生各有各的辉煌,我们不能满足于平庸,应该以更好的方式开始新一天, 而不是千篇一律的在每个上午醒来。大学,是我们由幼稚走向成熟的地方,在此,我们应认真学习专业知识,拓展自己的知识面,培养自己的能力。
‘flying out‘---------加速或刹车都能导致。车胎磨损,constantly pulls to the left/right 前驱/后轮驱动,转弯过度加速。The front wheel tends to turn out to the side--understeer 转弯急速刹车,会外倾。
diesel 油箱满的,但是车不走:Blocked fuel filter,Air in the fuel system 下山踩离合,braking action of the engine不起作用,更多磨损 伺服刹车 轮胎要求minimum profile---1.60mm wheel wobbles(颤动)----Shock absorbers are defective,Wheel suspension:spring is damaged,Wheels are unbalanced 前axle轮胎磨损/向右偏离:因为axle弯曲或者是Track alignment not in order particular care---不用 To taxi drivers。
我是慢车,通过去parking场所、lay-by,hard-shoulder帮助别人超我。开车要带的证件:certificate Part I,driving license 实习期,在STOP标志下没有停,被罚要参加 advanced seminar,Central Register of Road Traffic Offenders。多次违反交规不参加seminar 会被吊销驾照。
Vehicles pull to the right.----刹车左边的比右边的小,左边劲儿大,推向右边。front spoiler---前扰流板
ABS:保持停在湿滑路面上的最好位置;刹车的时候能够保持最好的方向控制能力。堵车,(3车道)Drive as far as possible to the right in order to leave room for a channel on the left; hazard warning 年轻人during night-time recreational drives at weekends.:Inappropriate speed;High risk readiness reckon with dirt on the roadway and therefore danger of skidding? At junctions with farm tracks;Near construction sites 火车永远拥有优先权。Rail traffic always has priority They release you from your own duty to take care(不选)------------有警察指挥听警察的,但是并不要释放应有的责任。designated footpaths,up to 2,80 t minimum distance leave clear in front of traffic lights if concealed,10m 2.5t的truck建议以Autobahn的速度。【环保,保养】
Using a high gear driving downhill---这个是省油的。Driving at high speed---这个是费油的。
Apply the brakes several times while at a standstill---这个不管任何用。冬天,原地暖车,不环保。
next official inspection---------By test stamp,registration certificate obtain an expert opinion because of a technical modification-----单选,只改手册。vehicle has been lowered and an expert opinion----单选,Immediately 检测刹车液和leak没有关系。
排气系统有问题:零件会掉路上,更多噪音。但是引擎不会过热。winter tyres(M+S)比夏天胎压要高些。
By using the total capacity of every gear--这个不省燃料, 不对
启动时不应该高速---高的轮胎磨损,高噪声; 和 rear brake没啥关系。The noise of the exhaust become louder-------与engine air filter无关 【超车】 超汽车,距离间隔最小1米;超自行车,距离间隔最少1.5米
大公交停在车站双闪(或者右灯闪),静止时可以超车(walking speed),但是moving就不要超了。
车顶载物不能超过2,5米,不能超出车顶前50cm;超过后视镜视野1m要标识。A red light marking a load extending to the back?, 最高1.5m。
sunday and public holiday driving ban(From 0 hours to 22 hours)---超过7.5t的Trucks,或All trucks with trailers 只选这2种。
laterally more than 40 cm beyond the side lights---前面白灯,后面红灯。【停车】
right-hand hard,可以停车,慢车用;不能用于超车。城市内距离有轨电车,指示牌前5米停车
城市外距离铁轨,St.Andrews Cross前50米停车; 城内就要5米 bus or tram stop sign, 15米间隔
Immediately behind pedestrian crossing是可以的;in front of,需要5米
stop三分钟以上的,或驾驶员离开汽车的停车叫做park;wait在closed level crossing barrier前的不算。“主路”标志
:Priority road;No parking outside of settlements。outside built-up areas:Parking on the hard shoulder + Stopping on the right edge of the roadway Where is parking prohibited?-----On priority roads within built-up areas(城外车速快,是不可以的),Over manholes and other road covers;In front of entrances to and exits from property lots这些不选,可以停。
Where is stopping prohibited?--On the roadway, if there is a sufficiently wide hard shoulder on the right On clearways for motor vehicles only和高速一样,不能调头 如果不是在高速坏的,拖车不能拖着近高速。高速上面,hard shoulder是不能停的。parkschein-----需要停车票,disc没用。【built-up areas】
城市内没有特殊标志,限速50 up to 3,50 t,自由选择车道freely choose their lane 【outside built-up areas】: 3.5t, without trailer 100 km / h.3.0t, without trailer 80 km / h car and caravan trailer,80 km / h a truck 3.0 t,one marked lane for each direction outside built-up---100公里/时 车超过7m,前距必须能被超。
城外才能用灯闪或horn(day&night),超车也可以按喇叭。城市外,非高速公路,如果没有特殊标志,限速100 km / h 高速公路推荐130,或者outside built-up areas with physically separate;with at least two marked lanes 高速上,卡车限速80公里
one marked lane for each direction outside built-up areas---100公里/时 【刹车,停车距离】
Speed in km/h x 3 : 10------一秒开多远。
speed平方/100-----------刹车距离。Emergency brake距离是一半。
距离前车2秒区,urban是1秒区。outside built-up 车前距最小是车速的0.5倍。只有能见度50m以下,可以用rear后雾灯。速度50km/时
Narrow road and can see 50 m ahead.maximum stopping distance=25m 汽车带了snow chains限速 50 km/h 说明书里,上限60km/h的车才能上高速。12岁,1.5m下儿童必须 test mark座椅。【救援】
闪蓝灯而不鸣笛,fire-brigade,Warning of an accident,monitoring(A breakdown vehicle is on duty –X错)
隧道---I can be sure that help will arrive promptly in the event of emergencies---X 错 【交通标志】 城外,表示危险在150-250 m
800m在下方,带2个箭头,A downhill slope 800 m in length 不带箭头,表示ahead前方多远有情况。commencing at = 开始
“红底儿+横线”You may not enter this road;Vehicles may come out of this road 残疾人位是可以停车上下人的; 公交车可以stop;而“taxi+X”标志是不能stop、不能park。
是A no-waiting area “红色宽带+白边”,不是整夜有灯。车可以停,但不是整夜没灯。
“red-white warning plates”====excessive width 或者是parked on the roadway within a built-up area
单选减速; Avalanches雪崩不要选。
离“Stop.Give way.”和“Diagonal cross”必须大于10m,不然挡标志。“三辆车拥堵的标志,”不能在hard shoulder上前进。2m+一个红圈,不是说路只有2m宽。
The end of the clearway for motor vehicles only bridle-path, not used by other users
A diversion for autobahn traffic when required
footpath,prohibition on cycles and mopeds
traffic-calming zone
A federal road(Bundesstraße)
Regular buses
(2)一年末利用交地时机得到上级有关部门支持、交涉、游说、肯谈。今年新增补偿三个区块,其中R21-02 3区块60.958亩(R21-16区块69.609亩)共计130.567亩,补偿款1072万元。R21-17区块65亩左右,补偿356万元。三个区块累计获取交地奖励费1428万元。