
时间:2019-05-13 04:57:30下载本文作者:会员上传


hello english education three if there is anyone out there still doubt that our class is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our class is alive in our time, who still questions the ability, this morning.it’ s the answer told by all girls and boys ,because they believe that this time must be different, that your voices could be that difference.it’s the answer told by all the families, because they believe that this time must be of historical significance.it’s the answer told by english education three.and we are , and always will be, english education three.and we are a family.even as we sit here this morning , there are students here waiting to change.there will be new regulation to adhere to , new activities to do ,new alliance to build for us.the road ahead us will be long, our climb will be steep.we may not get there in one month or even in one term.but english education three, i have never been more hopeful than i am tonight that we will get there.skills.this is our time, to put members to work more efficiently, to show our charming characteristics, to pursue our dreams, to build our harmonious and fantastic family.it’s a time for you, for you to change and meet a change.thank you.god bless you.and god bless the english education three.篇二:竞选班长演讲稿






我也十分清楚,担任班长的过程中,难免会遇到各种各样的困难,不能因为自己是女孩子就优柔寡断。我要勇敢面对困难,决不灰心丧气,决不迟疑不决,决不畏首畏尾,我将用自己的能力证明我的一切,坦然面对各种困难,尽自己最大的能力去解决它们。我明白做任何事都要有强烈的责任感,要尽职尽责。一个名副其实的班长,既要全心全意为同学们服务,更要时时刻刻严格要求自己,自己的一举一动都是同学们效仿的典范,如果管不好自己,如何去管别人? 当班长是一种荣誉,更是一种责任。我知道将会面临许多挑战,但我相信自己有能力担起这副担子,因为我有热情,有毅力,有实事求是的态度。如果有幸再次当选,我将以开拓创新的精神和全心全意为同学服务的态度,努力做好班务工作,使班里的学习生活更加多姿多彩!如果不能当选,我也不心灰意冷,将再接再厉、勇往直前,永葆昂扬向上的斗志和自强不息的精神,争做学习好、品德优、身体棒的好学生!






一些学习小组,让一些学习成绩好的同学当“小老师”去帮助一些学习成绩差的同学,让他们的学习成绩有所提高,同时又可以帮助自己复习,真是一举两得。我还会在每一个星期让每一个搬出一份关于学习的手朝报,贴在学校的黑板上,这样可以增加同学们的课外知识,又可以提高同学们的动手能力和思考能力。我还会多组织一些知识竞赛,让同学们能在竞赛中学到更多的知识„„ 记得老师说过一句话:“一个人有自信不一定成功,但没有自信就一定不会成功。”这句话常常提醒知我。今天我就凭着自己的自信站在这里竞选大队委,所以希望你们投我神圣的一票。记住哦,我是4号的余晓君,一个很有自信心的女孩。












在中学,我担任过班长、学生会主席。在工作中,我自觉培养了我的合作与协调能力,我能真诚的与别人合作,并且协调 好同学们之间的关系,对不良行为敢于大胆管理,从不姑息纵容,因此,赢得了老师和同学们的好评。我经常从同学的角度来看待我们班干部的问题。在星期

六、星期天多与同学们谈 心、沟通、交流,了解他们的性格、思想、爱好,倾听他们的心声,充分的听取他们的建议、意见。我也总是试着从他们的角度来组织活动,这样班级活动也总是开展得热火朝天。但“人非圣贤,孰能无过”,我也犯过错,但我敢于面对自己的错误,从同学与老师的 帮助中虚心的接受批评,并改正错误,而且决不充许自己第二次在同一地方跌倒。

今天我之所以在这里参加竞选。我希望把我们班建立成为学校领导与学生之间心灵的桥梁,成为师生的一条纽带,成为一个真正的为同学服务,同学们真正爱它的团体,同时也想锻炼一下自己的能力,给自己一个展示能力的舞台。与他人相比,我觉得自己多了一份自信,因 为我是一个不服输的人,我有着一颗不折不扣的责任心和对我们班的满腔热情。当然,我如果没有当选,我将一如继往的认真工作,并且会做的更好,全力支持新一届主席 团的工作。因为我爱这个团体,因为爱,所以我要竭尽全力的去做。如果我有幸当选,我将借鉴上一届主席团的宝贵经验,进一步发扬他的光荣传统,实事求是的为同学服务,并将与 风华正茂的同学,团结协作,与时俱进,大胆改革,充分发挥我们我们班应有的作用,让它成为名副其实的团体。



敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 今天我想竞选班级元首班长。



敬爱的老师、亲爱的伙伴: 大家好!我叫###,今天我第一次站在讲台上演讲,而第一次演讲就是竞选班长,此时此刻我很激动,也很紧张。班长是一个许多同学向往的职位,需要一个有能力有爱心的人来担当,我相信我有这个能力。我在一二年级都当过班长,大家是不是继续给我这个机会呢?让我童年的日记里留下为全班同学服务的无比美好的回忆吧!我热情开朗、热爱集体、团结同学、拥有爱心。我的缺点是看不起差生,不爱听别人对我的劝告,在未来的日子里,我将改掉这些毛病。假如我竞选成功当上班长,我将用旺盛的精力、清醒的头脑来做好这项工作,我将举办一系列活动如朗诵、演讲等等,当然还有很多我就不多说了。我想我们都应该当个实干家,不需要那些美丽的词汇来修饰。假如我落选了,说明我还有许多缺点,我将继续自我完善。工作锻炼了我,生活造就了我。戴尔卡耐基说过“不要怕推销自己,只要你认为自己有才华,你就应该认为自己有资格提任这个或那个职务”。同学们,信任我、支持我,请投我一票,谢谢大家!今天,很荣幸走上讲台,和那么多乐

意为班级作贡献的同学一道,竞选班干部职务。我想,我将用旺盛的精力、清醒的头脑来做好班干部工作,来发挥我的长处帮助同学和x班集体共同努力进步 我从小学到现在班干部一年没拉下,但我一身干净,没有“官相官态”,“官腔官气”;少的是畏首畏尾的私虑,多的是敢做敢为的闯劲。我想我该当个实干家,不需要那些美丽的词汇来修饰。工作锻炼了我,生活造就了我。戴尔卡耐基说过“不要怕推销自己,只要你认为自己有才华,你就应该认为自己有资格提任这个或那个职务”。我相信,凭着我新锐不俗的“官念”,凭着我的勇气和才干,凭着我与大家同舟共济的深厚友情,这次竞选演讲给我带来的必定是下次的就职演说。我会在任何时候,任何情况下,都首先是“想同学们之所想,急同学们之所急。” 我决不信奉“无过就是功”的信条,恰恰相反,我认为一个班干部“无功就是过”。因为本人平时与大家相处融洽,人际关系较好,这样在客观上就减少了工作的阻力。我将与风华正茂的同学们在一起,指点江山,发出我们青春的呼喊。当师生之间发生矛盾时,我一定明辨是非,敢于坚持原则。特别是当教师的说法或做法不尽正确时,我将敢于积极为同学们谋求正当的权益如果同学们对我不信任,随时可以提出“不信任案”,对我进行弹劾。你们放心,弹劾我不会像弹劾克林顿那样麻烦,我更不会死赖不走。既然是花,我就要开放;既然是树,我就要长成栋梁;既然是石头,我就要去铺出大路;既然是班干部,我就要成为一名出色的领航员!流星的光辉来自天体的摩擦,珍珠的璀璨来自贝壳的眼泪,而一个班级的优秀来自班干部的领导和全体同学的共同努力。我自信在同学们的帮助下,我能胜任这项工作,正由于这种内驱力,当我走向这个讲台的时候,我感到信心百倍。你们拿着选票的手还会犹豫吗?谢谢大家的信任



大家好!今天我很荣幸能站在老师的三尺阵地,我竞选的是宣传委员,戴尔·卡耐基曾说过:“不要怕推销自己,只要你认为自己有才华,你就应该认为自己有资格担任这个或那个职务。”我自信自己能胜任宣传委员这个职位,我会用旺盛的精力、清晰的头脑认真地工作。我认为服务是班干部的天职。作为一名班干部,就要热心为他人、为集体服务,有社会责任感,这是班干部所应有的作风。我之所以有勇气和信心站在这里,是因为以下几点: 1.曾连任几届宣传委员,有丰富的经验和足够的能力。2.关心集体,积极参加各项活动。3.有责任心。




























尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!今天,我无比激动地站在讲台上竞先文艺委员。有些同学和家长对文艺不太重视,认为成绩好就行,文艺不重要。可我觉得,文艺不仅能为我们带来欢乐,缓解我们学习的压力,还能丰富我们的精神世界,使我们学习起来更加精力充沛,学习效率更高。很多科学家,同时也是艺术家,比如著名的爱因斯坦是位小提琴能手,还给










我相信,凭着我新锐不俗的“官念”,凭着我的勇气和才干,凭着我与大家同舟共济的深厚友情,这次竞选演讲给我带来的必定是下次的就职演说。我会在任何时候,任何情况下,都首先是“想同学们之所想,急同学们之所急。” 我决不信奉“无过就是功”的信条,恰恰相反,我认为一个班干部“无功就是过”。因为本人平时与大家相处融洽,人际关系较好,这样在客观上就减少了工作的阻力。我将与风华正茂的同学们在一起,指点江山,发出我们青春的呼喊。当师生之间发生矛盾时,我将敢于积极为同学们谋求正当的权益。我一定明辨是非,敢于坚持原则——特别是当教师的说法或做法不尽正确时。如果同学们对我不信任,随时可以提出“不信任案”,对我进行弹-劾,如果我确有处理不当之处,我会自动引咎辞职,绝无怨。当然,我也明白这份工作不像表面那样光鲜,恰恰相反,它的背后有很多不为人知的艰辛。班长其实是一个费力但是不一定得到好处的工作,有的时候他需要欺下瞒上,但是大都是不得已而说的善意的谎言。即使这样,还是会惹得很多人不高兴,从而得罪很多人。但是我做好了充分的思想准备,我只要做到问心无愧就好。在参加班级管理的过程中,尤其是参加竞选后,我明白了许多道理:做任何事都要有强烈的责任感,要认真履行自己的职责,才能无愧于心。在管理的同时,要严格要求自己,因为自己的一举一动都被同学们看在那里,如果连自己都管不好,如何去管别人?当然,管理时一定要有耐心,要顾及同学们的感受,不要去品尝“高处不胜寒”的滋味。否则,会给今后 的工作带来许多困难。即使有困难,也应勇敢面对。



HelloEnglish education three

if there is anyone out there still doubt that our class is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our class is alive in our time, who still questions the ability, this morning.It’ s the answer told by all girls and boys ,because they believe that this time must be different, that your voices could be that difference.It’s the answer told by all the families, because they believe that this time must be of historical significance.It’s the answer told by English education three.And we are , and always will be, English education three.and we are a family.Even as we sit here this morning ,there are students here waiting to change.There will be new regulation to adhere to , new activities to do ,new alliance to build for us.The road ahead us will be long, our climb will be steep.we may not get there in one month or even in one term.But English education three, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.It’s a time that we can built a harmonious family together ,because we all have experience to enlarge our family.You have joined a lot of activities , and I have been working inthe students Union for two years.what is important is that you have watched my process of my growing.My intelligence, my patience, my enthusiasm , my kindness.It’s a time that we build a more professional family now, because we can have more chances to improve our knowledge, our communicating skills, our teaching

skills.Yes ,English education three ,we have come so far.We have seen so much.But there is so much more to do.So let us ask ourselves------if our family members should see the next semester;if our family members should be excellent enough to face challenges;what change will you see? What progress will you have made/ This is our chance to answer that call.This is our moment.This is our time, to put members to work more efficiently, to show our charming characteristics, to pursue our dreams, to build our harmonious and fantastic family.It’s a time for you, for you to change and meet a change.Thank you.god bless you.and god bless the English education three.






I am honored to stand here and participate in the squad leader 's campaign , and I support everyone's right to express my sincere gratitude.First, let me introduce

myself to you : I am Yu Jia Huang ,I did not poet Li Bai that the ” river of water to the sky , rushing to the sea never to return ,“ the heroic;nor peerless great man Mao

Zedong that ” few heroes , but also look at the present ,“ the spirit.But inch a director , a short foot , be useful, I have a young as capital , passion to provide power and

ability as a guarantee.I Ganaiganhen, dare to do , I like sincere , disgust intrigue, I am advocating the height and length , despise cowardice and timid, I have great self-esteem , a strong sense of responsibility , a strong team spirit and sense of cooperation.Childhood , my father once said to me : ” do things down to earth , step by step to do

it." So, I took to HangDian University through this sacred place, and I am hard-won opportunity , you need to cherish it.It is because of this dynamic , when I stand here , I feel more confident.Of course, just having confidence is not enough, but also have a certain capacity.And nothing will childhood , never to be from bad to good process , that is, by virtue of self-confidence and open-minded attitude to carefully complete each one works.The reason why I am here today to participate in competition dizzy I want to put in our class and school leaders to establish a spiritual bridge between students , teachers and students to become a link, to become a real service for students , the students really love its group , while also want the ability to exercise yourself , give yourself the ability to stage a show.Compared to others , I feel more of a self-confident , because I am an unyielding man, I had a letter of responsibility and enthusiasm for our class.Of course , if I was not elected , I will, as always study hard.If I am fortunate enough to be elected , I will be realistic service for students , and students with their prime , solidarity and cooperation with the times, bold reforms , give full play our due role in our class , let it become a veritable group.





All the students:

You are good!Very honored to the rostrum, express their desire for a long time.My number is 16 XXX seven snow, today was squad leader of the campaign office, Ma, only ran a thousand miles, we can know whether the horses;people, only through competition, to know whether it is a pillar, Im very glad to stand here to participate in the campaign.Napoleon said, when the generals do not want the soldiers not a good soldier.I think I should not only be the general, but also to do a good, successful, as you can, for the interests of the general classes, namely class committee heads--monitor.Although I am in the school of liberal arts, but I have a sincere love of mathematics, so today I campaign speech is in a mathematical form of.First of all, I give you a proof, known to have N(N > 2)student campaign the class monitor, verify: Seven Snow is your best choice.A seven argument: the snow has the rich work experience and knowledge of the team, from junior high school, high school I always served as a squad leader, Secretary of labor: the school Youth League cadres, members, such as overall planning office.In six years of work, I open the horizons, but also accumulated many experiences and lessons learned in interaction with others, in the future, it will serve as a mirror of witnessing the success and failure of my work, I have the honour to be chosen as a member of the Communist Youth League school three years ago, after I continuous efforts, quickly became Secretary of the schools Deli assistant, a lesson on another hall League for activists have the school, study a chapter and a chapter of the constitution, although it has become the past, but it left me a fortune eternal-passion, no matter do something, however difficult things, I will try my best to finish, put.Even if one day, I had failed, I will not regret it, because I did my best.Proof two: Seven Snow have surefoooted working attitude and selfless dedication spirit.Since six years, in my heart, the class cadre in the most important thing is to have a sense of responsibility, as a class cadre is not from vanity, students will be in the hands of a sacred vote for you that moment, you are doomed to be for you, this is your classmates trust your return.So the dedication service for the students to become students basic principles of my mind, and it is also the starting point of my work.Proof three: Seven Snow stood a good monitors shoulders and have a lot of supporters are very good.One month into University, Communist Youth League branch secretary...Classmates due diligence at work to do now, the class of the work of the team is a good start, this is the chance for me is the pressure, more power, I will be in the starting point of a higher more hard work, create a new situation, on the other hand, I have many of the best supporters and entered the University, I am glad that I met three of the best roommate, in preparation for the election process, they gave me a lot of help, but at the same time, I also have a group of the best students, is common to all of you as I took to the podium only is all capital.Today I give everybody only a rough proof, the detailed proof will be conducted on each day of the future, so today I come to the conclusion that the seven snow is your best choice.I know, more splendid is the only words of wisdom and passion of the moment, simple action is open in the flowers on the road to success.If I am elected in a certain word, and deed.Is the gold will shine.We hope the above said, have to let you know more about me, and hope you will support me, I voted for you the most sincere vote.Finally, thank you again for giving me this precious opportunity, thank the students of my support and encouragement.各位同学们 :







今天我给大家的只是一个粗略的证明,详细的证明将在未来的每一个日子展开,所以今天我得出的结论就是七风雪是你们最好的选择。我知道,再多灿烂的话语也只不过是一瞬间的智慧与激情,朴实的行动才是开在成功之路上的鲜花。如果我当选的话一定言必信,行必果. 是金子总要发光的。希望以上所说,能让大家对我有更多了解,也希望各位同学能够支持我,请为我投上你最诚挚的一票。最后,再次感谢各位给我这个难得的机会,感谢同学们对我的支持和鼓励。


Respected teacher, dear schoolmate, everybody is good!I am XX.I am honored very much today, can stand on the platform, is campaigning for class leader together with schoolmates, hoped that schoolmates support me.I first thank teacher for me this opportunity, lets me be able to demonstrate own talent in this stage.This time campaigns for class leader, I am the process give careful consideration only then make the decision.Because I have had work as class leaders desire, but does not have the opportunity throughout.When I hear may campaign for class leader, my mood is incomparably excited, wishes one could immediately this news to tell each person.From the very beginning, father and mother very support me, afterward they opposed identically, said: “like this will affect your study” I said: “from the participation, I wants to try again, to look that I do have this ability!”

After several relapses ideological struggles, I decided that certainly must campaign for, certainly must work as class leader!I like, I choose!I campaign for class leaders goal handle classs and grades each kind of matter, does well between schoolmates relations.Class leader is a class collective lead goat, has the responsibility to manage the good class and grade business, everywhere maintains the good class and grade honor.Schoolmate who does not study regarding these, carries on the prompt advice.If I can work as class leader, I meet treat each schoolmate equally, to teacher reported that schoolmates opinion, transmits teachers difficulties to the student.I guarantee at any time, in any situation, thought that “schoolmates thought that anxious schoolmates anxious”;If I am class leader, I will study by oneself in the class to prevent schoolmate who these speeches and will make the petty action randomly, will let study by oneself the class maintains peaceful;When between schoolmate has the contradiction, I can think Baogong such, unselfish, complains about in vain a good person in no way, also lets off an unprincipled person in no way.The initiative mediation contradiction, turns swords into plowshares;If I have been elected as class leader, I will lead everybody, will handle the meaningful matter, to have difficulty schoolmate to offer the compassion.“the train runs quickly, depends entirely on the vehicle head harness”!If I have worked as class leader, I am willing to work as a small ox, diligent, bears the burden of responsibility, serves wholeheartedly for everybody!In the usual life, I will set an example, everywhere will play the model leading role, the good study method, the good custom will give everybody, will progress together!

Is teacher in the eye the good student, is in the parents hearts good child, is schoolmate the side the good partner.Schoolmate , please throw a that sacred ticket for me, although I now am not most outstanding, but I in the future will certainly be best!my lecture, has thanked everybody!


Beloved teacher,dear students:

Everybody is good!

My name is Zhang Xiaohua,chose to run for the monitor,because I get up the courage。In the class,I was a leader,learning has always been good to answer questions —— class actively accurate,is the teachers small cotton padded jacket; in the morning reading,I have a certain management ability,is the small guards maintain class order; in the class,I can play with my classmates together,remind they dont play dangerous games。Of course,I will redouble its efforts to study,communication,training,to contribute to the honor classes!

Although,I know there is a lot of good than their own students,but I understand,participation。

If you choose me,I will try to the leaders responsibility,work hard together with classmates,there are dissatisfied with my fellow

Science can and I said,I must correct the errors in time。

Thank you!








Chapter 1: English speech for monitor campaign

Dear teachers, dear students:

Good morning, everyone!

I am very honored to stand here today the election monitor, the ancients said: “Qunlong no song.” My goal is to become the chief of the class.Is a big tree, it is necessary to grow lush;flowers, it is necessary to open brightly;is the squad leader, it is necessary to play a leading role.I ran for the monitor because I grew up with good management skills.From the first grade, I knew I had to tidy up my room and put everything in order.when mom and dads shop is busy, I go to help.Sometimes, like an adult to assign work to everyone, business is a decline, the people are praised me badly.And my brain moves very fast.As soon as the problem arises, my mind turns and the answer is clear.Then arrange it.At the same time, I have been a monitor for many years.I am a veteran and experienced.Can better maintain the order of the class, better lead class, management class.If I have the honor to be the monitor, I will let everyone see a new me, a responsible me, a forward in the progress of me, a forward in my courage.I will manage the class with the best attitude, and face the students with the spirit of the full, help the students, but also enhance their learning.Let us find the pleasure in learning, in the collective mutual aid.Of course, I will also carry out all kinds of colorful team activities under the leadership of the teachers, and let the team activities become the stage for us to show our best selves.And, I will be a good teachers little assistant, for students to solve problems, and actively participate in activities and activities of the planning.I have also done better to accomplish the task my teacher taught me.It is my duty.If elected, I will not be discouraged, this shows that I still have some shortcomings, I will continue to improve myself.I believe that in our efforts, we can make the class have a better glorious history, so that the class has a better primary school life, can make their own proud primary school life.I hope you can cast a sacred and precious vote for me.Thank you all!

Article two: running for class leader English speech

Dear teachers, dear classmates:

Hello, I am very excited and honored to be here today as a candidate for the monitor.I participate in this campaign, in order to better improve our class, our class, but also the development of their ability to exercise their courage.Of course, its also a proud thing to hang a monitor on your left arm.I believe I have the ability to be a good squad leader, because I have been the monitor of this class since grade two, and I have been rated as an excellent student cadre, with some managerial experience.I have a strong collective sense of honor, when class honors, I will be very happy, will lead you to do well in class;on the one hand, or not to get a good ranking, Ill find the reasons, and everyone, and for this reason to correct, and strive to do better.If you choose me as the monitor, I will try my best to help students, when students have difficulties in learning, I will help him;when there are conflicts, I will resolve contradictions, coddled, make them shake hands;cleaning, I will let the students play fast.Interesting, efficient and complete the work task;class class, I will come up with some fun games, let everyone have fun;in my spare time, I will organize everyone to a fun place to engage in some interesting activities, to enrich your life.If I lose the election, I will not be discouraged, I will strive for the class to do good things, as a good squad leaders assistant.Of course, people have advantages, but also shortcomings, and sometimes I will be a little careless, a little bit angry, but I believe I can correct.Students, please vote for me that sacred vote, although I am not the best, but in the future, I must be the best!

My speech is over, thank you all!


All the students:

You are good!Very honored to the rostrum,express their desire for a long time。My number is 16 XXX seven snow,today was squad leader of the campaign office,Ma,only ran a thousand miles,we can know whether the horses; people,only through competition,to know whether it is a pillar,Im very glad to stand here to participate in the campaign。

Napoleon said,when the generals do not want the soldiers not a good soldier。I think I should not only be the general,but also to do a good,successful,as you can,for the interests of the general classes,namely class committee heads —— monitor。Although I am in the school of liberal arts,but I have a sincere love of mathematics,so today I campaign speech is in a mathematical form of。

First of all,I give you a proof,known to have N(N > 2)student campaign the class monitor,verify: Seven Snow is your best choice。

A seven argument: the snow has the rich work experience and knowledge of the team,from junior high school,high school I always served as a squad leader,Secretary of labor: the school Youth League cadres,members,such as overall planning office。In six years of work,I open the horizons,but also accumulated many experiences and lessons learned in interaction with others,in the future,it will serve as a mirror of witnessing the success and failure of my work,I have the honour to be chosen as a member of the Communist Youth League school three years ago,after I continuous efforts,quickly became Secretary of the schools Deli assistant,a lesson on another hall League for activists have the school,study a chapter and a chapter of the constitution,although it has become the past,but it left me a fortune eternal — passion,no matter do something,however difficult things,I will try my best to finish,put。Even if one day,I had failed,I will not regret it,because I did my best。

Proof two: Seven Snow have surefo


Dear teachers, dear classmates:

Hello, I am very excited and honored to be here today as a candidate for the monitor.I participate in this campaign, in order to better improve our class, our class, but also the development of their ability to exercise their courage.Of course, its also a proud thing to hang a monitor on your left arm.I believe I have the ability to be a good squad leader, because I have been the monitor of this class since grade two, and I have been rated as an excellent student cadre, with some managerial experience.I have a strong collective sense of honor, when class honors, I will be very happy, will lead you to do well in class;on the one hand, or not to get a good ranking, Ill find the reasons, and everyone, and for this reason to correct, and strive to do better.If you choose me as the monitor, I will try my best to help students, when students have difficulties in learning, I will help him;when there are conflicts, I will resolve contradictions, coddled, make them shake hands;cleaning, I will let the students play fast.Interesting, efficient and complete the work task;class class, I will come up with some fun games, let everyone have fun;in my spare time, I will organize everyone to a fun place to engage in some interesting activities, to enrich your life.If I lose the election, I will not be discouraged, I will strive for the class to do good things, as a good squad leaders assistant.Of course, people have advantages, but also shortcomings, and sometimes I will be a little careless, a little bit angry, but I believe I can correct.Students, please vote for me that sacred vote, although I am not the best, but in the future, I must be the best!

My speech is over, thank you all!


Chapter 1: English speech for monitor campaign

Dear teachers, dear students:

Good morning, everyone!

I am very honored to stand here today the election monitor, the ancients said: “Qunlong no song.” My goal is to become the chief of the class.Is a big tree, it is necessary to grow lush;flowers, it is necessary to open brightly;is the squad leader, it is necessary to play a leading role.I ran for the monitor because I grew up with good management skills.From the first grade, I knew I had to tidy up my room and put everything in order.when mom and dad's shop is busy, I go to help.Sometimes, like an adult to assign work to everyone, business is a decline, the people are praised me badly.And my brain moves very fast.As soon as the problem arises, my mind turns and the answer is clear.Then arrange it.At the same time, I have been a monitor for many years.I am a veteran and experienced.Can better maintain the order of the class, better lead class, management class.If I have the honor to be the monitor, I will let everyone see a new me, a responsible me, a forward in the progress of me, a forward in my courage.I will manage the class with the best attitude, and face the students with the spirit of the full, help the students, but also enhance their learning.Let us find the pleasure in learning, in the collective mutual aid.Of course, I will also carry out all kinds of colorful team activities under the leadership of the teachers, and let the team activities become the stage for us to show our best selves.And, I will be a good teacher's little assistant, for students to solve problems, and actively participate in activities and activities of the planning.I have also done better to accomplish the task my teacher taught me.It is my duty.If elected, I will not be discouraged, this shows that I still have some shortcomings, I will continue to improve myself.I believe that in our efforts, we can make the class have a better glorious history, so that the class has a better primary school life, can make their own proud primary school life.I hope you can cast a sacred and precious vote for me.Thank you all!

Article two: running for class leader English speech

Dear teachers, dear classmates:

Hello, I am very excited and honored to be here today as a candidate for the monitor.I participate in this campaign, in order to better improve our class, our class, but also the development of their ability to exercise their courage.Of course, it's also a proud thing to hang a monitor on your left arm.I believe I have the ability to be a good squad leader, because I have been the monitor of this class since grade two, and I have been rated as an excellent student cadre, with some managerial experience.I have a strong collective sense of honor, when class honors, I will be very happy, will lead you to do well in class;on the one hand, or not to get a good ranking, I'll find the reasons, and everyone, and for this reason to correct, and strive to do better.If you choose me as the monitor, I will try my best to help students, when students have difficulties in learning, I will help him;when there are conflicts, I will resolve contradictions, coddled, make them shake hands;cleaning, I will let the students play fast.Interesting, efficient and complete the work task;class class, I will come up with some fun games, let everyone have fun;in my spare time, I will organize everyone to a fun place to engage in some interesting activities, to enrich your life.If I lose the election, I will not be discouraged, I will strive for the class to do good things, as a good squad leader's assistant.Of course, people have advantages, but also shortcomings, and sometimes I will be a little careless, a little bit angry, but I believe I can correct.Students, please vote for me that sacred vote, although I am not the best, but in the future, I must be the best!

My speech is over, thank you all!



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    敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学: 大家下午好! 拿破仑说过:“不想当元帅的士兵不是一个好士兵。”今天,我想说:我不仅想做元帅,而且希望成为一名出色成功的能为大家谋利益的元帅——班长。......









