镇江 “梁祝” “白蛇传” “牛郎织女” “二乔故里” “董永和七仙女” 众传说之发源地,更有四大名著仍且提及。
王昌龄的“洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶”,王安石的“春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还”,辛弃疾的“何处望神州,满眼风光北固楼” 李白的“丹阳北固是吴关,画出楼台云水间” 杜牧的“青苔寺里无马迹,绿水桥边多酒楼”,范仲淹的“山分江色破,潮带海声来”,沈括的“楼台两岸水相连,江北江南镜里天”,萨都剌的“野人一过竹林寺,无数竹林生白烟”,冷士嵋的“槛外晴川甘露寺,窗前秋水玉圌峰”。
著第一部全面系统的汉语语法专著《马氏文通》的马相伯、马建忠兄弟......当代之时,政治界中,卫生部部长陈竺,原副总理李岚清,银监会主席刘明康,七君子之一的李公朴,原商务部副部长魏建国,原江苏省副省长管文蔚,国际共产主义战士嵇直 原山东省政协主席陆懋曾,原全国人大副委员长丁石孙,原国务委员外交部长唐家璇,江苏省委常委、秘书长李云峰,原全国人大副委员长桥梁专家茅以升,原江苏省政协副主席陆小波、武继烈,原浙江政协副主席、宁波市市长耿典华......科技文化娱乐界, 诗人闻捷,演员江珊,出版家范用,导演王扶林,演员陶玉玲,主持人杨澜,数字家华罗庚,哲学家韦政通,美术家吕凤子,教育家戴伯韬,化学家戴安邦,指挥家卞祖善,国画家戴敦邦,配音演员童自荣,画家潘玉良、薛宣林,南京大学前校长匡亚明,复旦大学创始人马相伯,总政歌舞团团长作曲家印青,中科院院士包信和、马伟明,语言学家、语文教育家吕叔湘,中国电影评论家学会名誉会长梅朵......商界, 民族工商业者严惠宇,今典集团董事长张宝全,联想集团董事局主席柳传志,春兰(集团)公司董事局主席陶建幸,无锡尚德太阳能电力有限公司的董事长施正荣......镇江,一座 历史悠久,物华天宝之宝地,孕育出了杰才俊秀。我劝镇江再抖擞,不拘一格降人才。
When You Start Being Yourself, These 15 Amazing Things Will Happen 做自己,你会发现的15个惊喜
I never used to be who I really was.I used to pretend.I used to put on a show.I used to put on a mask.I used to try and be who I thought others wanted me to be.I think everyone’s been here at some point in their lives, and I’m sure we can all agree that it’s not much fun.When I started being myself, it was one of the best things that had ever happened to me.I couldn’t have imagined the changes it would make in my life.Looking back on it, some of the below are obvious, and some less so.So, what will happen when you finally start being yourself? 我从来不习惯做真实的自己,并常常将自己伪装起来,装模作样,带着面具生活。让自己成为别人希望的样子。我相信几乎每个人都曾这样过,我们也都知道这样的感觉并不好。当我开始做真实的自己后,发现这竟然是人生中最美妙的事。它给我的生活带来了意想不到的变化。再回首,做自己带来的以下15个惊喜,有些很明显,有些则不太容易体会到。让我们来看一下,究竟是哪些令人惊喜的改变呢? 1.You’ll have more fun 收获更多快乐
I smile more.I laugh more.I play more jokes.I’m creative.I’m crazy.Life’s just better.脸上的笑容增多了,笑声增加了,我变得更爱开玩笑;充满了创造力、活力,总之,生活就是变得很好。
2.You’ll care less about what others think
My decisions are my business.No one else’s.I make them and I have to live with the consequences.I’ve learned the hard way that if you try to make others happy at your own expense, surprise surprise, it doesn’t make you happy.我的决定是自己的事,与他人无关。无论结果怎样,自己承担。我深知牺牲自我利益去取悦他人的痛苦滋味,这真的一点都不痛快。3.You’ll know what you want 知道什么才是你想要的
At the very least, I know what direction to go in.As the dialogue from Alice in Wonderland goes: ―Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?‖ ―That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.‖ ―I don’t much care where –‖
―Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.‖
至少,我知道自己的目标。正如爱丽丝漫游仙境中的一段对话: ―请你告诉我,我应该走哪条路?‖ ―那得看你自己想去哪儿。‖ ―我不太。。在意去哪儿——‖ ―那选择哪条路对你来说都无所谓。‖ 4.You’ll make decisions with ease 很容易做出决定
I know what’s important to me.I know what’s more important and less important.It’s quite difficult to not make decisions when you know this stuff.我深知什么事对我来说比较重要,或者不那么重要。当清楚这一点后,想患有选择恐惧症都难。
5.You’ll be more respected 会更加受到尊重
I was more honest and more forthcoming with my opinion and people respected that, even if they didn’t like it.I wasn’t afraid to act like who I really was and, again, if people didn’t like it, they sure respected it.我将坚持己见,即使别人不喜欢,但我也会赢得尊重。不再害怕做真正的自己,君子和而不同,他们依然会尊重我。6.You’ll respect yourself more 你会更加尊重自己
This was a bit of a surprise in a way.More because I didn’t know that when I wasn’t being myself I didn’t have a whole lot of respect for myself.And why would I? If, deep down, I knew who I really was and yet wasn’t acting like it, how could I respect myself? 某种程度上你会略感惊奇。当我不知道要做真正的自己时,对自己并未有特别大的尊重。为什么呢,试着深入地想一下,我明知道自己是什么样的人,却要以另外一种形式伪装起来,自己都会嫌弃自己。7.You won’t doubt yourself 不再自我怀疑
This is not to say that I think everything is going to always and forever work out fantastically.It’s more that I’m happy with my decisions and so I can live with the consequences, whatever they might be.这并不是说所有的事情都要完美无缺地执行。更多的在于,对于自己的决定我感觉很快乐,无论决定的结果如何,我都将自己承受。8.You’ll love you some you 你会爱上你自己
It’s really hard not to when you’re being yourself and having fun and are happy.It’s just an awesome feeling when you start being yourself, and ―I love me some me‖ sums that up pretty well.It’s not arrogance.It’s knowing you deserve to love who you are.当你做真实的自己,并且由此感到快乐和幸福,真的很难不爱上你自己。开始做自己是一种很棒的感觉。―我爱我自己‖正是最好的诠释。这并不是自恋自傲。因为真实的自己值得被爱。9.You’ll dream big 拥有更大的梦想
I know who I am.I’m confident in who I am.I know what direction to go in.Do I know I can achieve all of my wildest dreams? No.How could I? But am I scared to try? Hell no.The time to act is now.It always is.我清楚地了解自己,并充满自信。知道自己的方向,那我是否确信自己能实现所有最富野心的梦想?不。那我该怎么办?害怕尝试吗?当然不!行动起来,就是现在!永远都是。
10.You’ll want to grow 渴望成长
I’ve been interested in learning and growing and developing for the last 8 years.My passion for it increased over time and was especially intense when I was on the edge of finding out(admitting?)who I really was.Now I want to grow more broadly.I want to learn about life.About business.About money.About relationships.And, when you do this, you can’t help but grow personally.Win win.在过去8年中,我一直在学习、成长和进步,对此的激情与日俱增,尤其是在我发现真实自己的边缘时更加如此。现在,我想进一步成长,想要探寻生活的真谛。关于工作,关于金钱,关于爱情。当你真正去做时,便会成长。这是双赢。11.You’ll feel proud of yourself 对自己更加引以为傲
It’s not always easy.Like anything worthwhile.It’s easy to be dragged along in life without ever really taking control.For me, that’s no way to live.I want to take control.I want to create my own life.So every time I make a choice that empowers me, that creates something, that the real me would make… I’m proud.这并不容易。就像任何有价值的事都不容易一样。生活中,如果没有控制自己,就只好缓步前行。对我而言,这不是自己想要的生活,我想自我控制,想创造属于自己的生活。因此,每当我的选择令自己更加有活力,或具有创造性,我都会为自己感到骄傲。
12.Your thoughts will become actions 想法会付诸实践
Thoughts aren’t real.Thinking about something doesn’t make it happen.You have to actually stand up and do something.It’s blindingly obvious, but it’s a truth I rarely paid attention to.When it came to creating the life I really wanted, anyway.I’d always say ―yeah, one day.‖ And I’d think about it.Daydream about it.Wish for it.But never do anything.空想不切实际,光靠想象并不能产生任何实质性的事情。你应该做的是立即站起来行动。当然这尽人皆知,但是我却很少在意。以前,当我想创造自己真正想要的生活时,总是对自己说―总会有那么一天‖,然后就只是空想,白日做梦,期盼着。从不付诸行动。
Now I’m just being me, I act.I do.I make things happen.I know what I want and I’m decisive.Why wouldn’t I do? What would I be waiting for?
现在,我在做真实的自己,行动起来,让梦想实现。知道自己想要的,并且很果断地做出决定。为什么不做呢,我还在等什么? 13.You’ll be more relaxed 将会更加放松
―Tension is who you think you should be.Relaxation is who you are.‖I love that quote.And I believe in it.I used to worry a lot and I think this is why.―紧张是你自己假想的,放松才是真实的自己‖。我喜欢并深信这句谚语,曾经我也过分忧虑,我想这就是原因。14.You’ll inspire people 将会激励身边的人
―You’ve also kind of been an inspiration for me, as a lot of what you’ve said over the past six months has really struck a chord with me and made me think loads about what it is I want from life.So, thank you.Just for being you :)‖
―你激励了我,在过去的6个月中,你所说的很多事情,令我醍醐灌顶,静下心来想我究竟想要从生活中得到什么。所以,很感谢,让我知道了,要做自己。‖ This was in an email I received after a girl I worked with had decided to quit and go do what she really wanted.I was ecstatic.I’d essentially helped someone by accident, but it felt amazing.This one isn’t about bragging.It’s about saying that when you start being yourself, people notice.Everyone wants to be who they really are so it’s difficult for people to not be inspired when they see someone who’s doing it right in front of them.I’ve been inspired the same way plenty of times in my life.I hope that continues and I hope I can continue to inspire others.这是我前几天我收到的一封邮件,发邮件的女孩曾是我的同事,后来她决定辞去工作去做自己真正喜欢的。对此我感到无比高兴,我无意间帮助到了他人,这种感觉很棒。并不是我吹牛,我只是想说,当你开始做自己,他人也会注意到。每个人心底都想做最真实的自己,当他们看到别人做自己时,大家很容易被激励。在自己的生命中,我也曾多次被这样激励。我希望这种激励能继续下去,并帮助到更多的人。15.You’ll be happy 你会快乐
This might be the most important one.I was being myself and I was happy because of it.Does anything else really matter? 这是最重要的一点。我就是我,我为此感到快乐。还有比这更重要的吗?