
时间:2019-05-13 06:07:09下载本文作者:会员上传




1、Why are you poor? 你为什么是穷人?

Why are you poor? Have an open mindset.你为什么是穷人? 放开你的心态吧。

The most important thing to becoming rich for you is to have a mindset to want to become rich.The reason I saythat is this, is because I wanted to become rich when I played Monopoly, that was, I was nine years old.The greatest formula for wealth is found on that board game.When I was nine years old my poor dad, the school teacher says, “Ah put that game away.Study, study, study!You're wasting your time playing Monopoly.” 想要富有,最重要的便是拥有渴望致富的心态。我之所以这么说,是因为还在我九岁玩“大富翁”的时候,就有这种渴望了。“大富翁”游戏让我找到了致富的秘诀。那时候,我那穷爸爸教书匠总跟我说:“把那玩意儿扔掉,给我好好学习!玩‘大富翁’简直就是浪费时间!”

And my rich dad said the formula, “You must open your mind and see the formula right on Monopoly.” He said, “It's right in front of you.” And I went, “What's the formula?” And finally I learned the formula is, four green houses, red hotel, four green houses, red hotel.Today I'm a rich man because all I ever did since the time I was 24 years old was buy four green houses, sell them all, buy a red hotel, four green houses, red hotel.It is not, that you have to go to school to become rich.Just play Monopoly;four green houses, red hotel.That's it.而我的富爸爸则告诉我:“你必须放开眼界,找到游戏的秘诀。秘诀就近在眼前啊。”我问:“那秘诀是什么?”最后我发现秘诀就是——四栋绿房子、红色旅馆、四栋绿房子、红色旅馆。现在我成了有钱人,那是因为24岁以来我所做的就是——买四栋绿房子,全部售出再买一栋旅馆,如此重复。所以,事实并不是只有读书才能挣大钱。就按 “大富翁”游戏的秘诀也能做到,真的。

You must look at how people before you have become rich.Do not talk to poor people.Poor people will tell you, “Oh it's too risky.Don’t do that.Don't take risk.Save your money.Play it safe.” That is a poor person's mindset.You must have an open mindset, open.And if you have an open mindset you will learn from everything.If you have a closed mindset you will learn from nothing.So I think that is the most important thing.你要学会观察别人是怎么致富的。别去问穷人,穷人问不起。“呀,那太冒险了吧,还是别做了。别浪费钱去干傻事儿,安稳点吧。“——这就是穷人的心态。而你得有一个开放的心态,要放开眼界。一旦你心态开阔,必将获益匪浅。要是你鼠目寸光,自然什么也得不到了。所以,我觉得开放的心态至关重要。

The difference between money and wealth 金钱与财富的区别

No, I don't have a salary.I only had a job four years in my life.I don’t want a salary.The middle class and poor, what they want is high income.They think they want money.But they have no wealth because they have no assets.You must know the difference between money and wealth but they're not the same same.Money will never make you rich.This makes you rich.I have large companies.I have lots of stocks.I trade options.I have real estate, that's what makes me rich.So the money just comes in whether I work or not.其实,我并无薪水可领。我这辈子只干过四年正经工作。而且,我也不喜欢那种领薪水的生活。中产阶级和穷人渴望高薪优酬,他们自认为自己需要金钱;但因为没有资产,他们算不上富有。你得明白:金钱与财富并不是一回事。而且,金钱永远也不会让你变得富有——但资产可以。我拥有许多大企业,拥有无数股票,做期权交易。而且我还有房地产——这些让我富有。所以,不管我上不上班都能赚到钞票。

Bill Gates makes $500,000 a year.That's all.I make more than him.That's all he makes but he's worth 40 billion.I'm trying to tell you there is a very big difference between income, money and wealth.So I have spent my life buying assets, businesses, stocks, real estate, that’s what makes you rich, not a job.The reason the rich in America get richer is they pass this on to their kids.My poor dad always said, “High paying job, high paying job, high paying job.” And my rich dad said, “Assets, assets, assets.” That's the difference.比尔·盖茨一年也不过赚500000美金,而我挣得比他还多。话说回来,他的身价却值400个亿。其实我想说的是,收入、金钱与财富有很大的区别。正因为如此,我才一辈子都在购置资产、股票、房产,因为这些能真正致富——工作不行。在美国,富人越富是因为富人将这个秘诀传给了后代。我的穷爸爸总说:“你得找个高薪的工作啊!”而我的富爸爸却告诉我:“你要学会资产买卖!”看,区别出来了吧?

2、The biggest secret of success 成功的最大秘诀

Once there was a young man who came to ask Socrates how to learn philosophy.Socrates said nothing but took him along to a river.He suddenly pushed him into the river forcibly.At first the young man thought Socrates was kidding so he didn't take it to heart.But Socrates also jumped into the river and pulled his head into water desperately.At this time the young man was really scared, his instinct of living made him use all his strength lifting Socrates and climbed to the bank.有一次,一个年轻人来找苏格拉底,想要学习哲学。苏格拉底一言不发,带着他走到一条河边,突然用力把他推进河里。年轻人起先以为苏格拉底在跟他开玩笑,并不在意。结果苏格拉底也跳到水里,并且拼命把他往水里按。这下子,年轻人真的慌了,求生的本能令他拼尽全力将苏格拉底掀开,爬到岸上。

The young man asked Socrates with puzzle why he did that, Socrates replied: “I just want to tell you whatever you do, do it with a determination to be unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation.Only like that can you make a genuine achievement.”


3、The prime condition great secrets of success 成功的首要条件和最大秘诀

It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions.Many of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility thrust upon them at the very threshold of their career.They were introduced to the broom, and spent the first hours of their business lives sweeping out the office.I notice we have janitors and janitresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of business education.But if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning, the boy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom.The other day a fond fashionable mother in Michigan asked a young man whether he had ever seen a lady sweep in a room so grandly as her Priscilla.He said no, he never had ,and the mother was gratified beyond measure, but then said he ,after a pause, “What I should like to see her do is sweep out a room” It does not hurt the newest comer to sweep out the office if necessary.I was one of those sweepers myself.年轻人应该从头学起,担当最基层的职务,这是件好事。匹兹堡有许多大企业家在创业之初都肩负过重任。他们与扫帚结伴,以清扫办公室度过了企业生涯的最初时光。我注意到现在的办公室都配备了工友,这使我们的年轻人不幸丢掉了这个有益的企业教育的一个内容。不过,如果哪一天早晨清扫工碰巧没来,某位具有未来合伙人气质的青年就会毫不犹豫试着拿起扫帚。有一天,以为溺爱孩子的,时髦的密歇根母亲问一位男青年,是否见过像她的女儿普里希拉那样的年轻女郎如此潇洒地在房间里进行打扫。男青年说从未见过,那位母亲高兴的乐不可支。但男青年顿了顿又说: “我想看到的是她能在室外进行打扫”。如果有必要,新来者在办公室外进行打扫并没有什么损失。我本人就曾经是打扫人之一。

Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is “aim high”.I would not give a fig for the young man who does not already see himself the partner or the head of an important firm.Do not rest content for a moment in your thoughts as head clerk, or foreman, or general manager in any concern, no matter how extensive.Say to yourself,“My place is at the top.” Be king in your dreams.假设你们都已就业了,并干的相当出色,我对你们的忠告是要“胸怀大志”。对那些尚未把自己看成是某重要公司的合伙人或领导人的年轻人,我会不屑一顾。你们在思想上一刻也不要满足于充当任何企业的首席职员,领班或总经理,不管这家企业的规模有多大。你们要对自己说:“我的位置在最高处”你们要梦寐以求登峰造极。

And here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy, thought, and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged.Having begun in one line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have the best machinery, and know the most about it.获得成功的首要条件喝最大秘诀是:把精力和财力完全集中于所干的事业上。一旦开始干那一行,就要决心干出个名堂,要出类拔萃,要点点滴滴地改进,要采用最好的机器,要尽力通晓这一行。

The concerns which fail are those which have scattered their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains also.They have investments in this, or that, or the other, here there, and everywhere.“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” is all wrong.I tell you to “put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket.” Look round you and take notice, men who do that not often fail.It is easy to watch and carry the one basket.It is trying to carry too many baskets,which break most eggs in this country.He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up.One fault of the American businessman is lack of concentration.失败的企业是那些分散了资力,因而意味着分散了精力的企业。他们向这件事投资,又向那件事投资,在这里投资,又在哪里投资,方方面面都有投资。“别把所有的鸡蛋放进一个篮子”之说大错特错。我告诉你们,“要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子,然后照管好那只篮子。”注意走位并留点神,能这样做的人往往不会失败。管好并提好那只篮子很容易。在我们的国家,想多提篮子的人打碎的鸡蛋也多。有三只篮子的人就得把一只篮子顶在头上,这样很容易摔倒。美国企业家的一个错误就是缺少集中。

To summarize what I have said: aim for the highest;never enter a bar room;do not touch liquor, or if at all only at meals;never speculate;never indorse beyond your surplus cash fund;make the firm’s interest yours;break orders always to save owners;concentrate;put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket;expenditure always within revenue;lastly, be not impatient, for as Emerson says, “no one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves.” 我把所说的话归纳如下:要志在顶峰,千万不要涉足酒吧,不要沾酒,或者仅在用餐时喝点酒;千万不要投机,签署支付的款项时,千万不要超过盈余的现金储备,把公司的利益当成自己的利益,取消订货的目的永远在于挽救货主,集中精力,把所有的鸡蛋放进一个篮子,支出永远小于收入,最后不要失去耐心,因为正如爱默生所说,“除了你自己以外,没有人能哄骗你离开最后的成功。”

4、Do not listen to prairie chicken 不要听信山鸡的话

A boy found an eagle's egg and he put it in the nest of a prairie chicken.The eagle hatched and thought he was a chicken.He grew up doing what prairie chicken do-scratching at the dirt for food and flying short distances with a noisy fluttering of wings.It was a dreary life.Gradually the eagle grew older and bitter.One day he and his prairie chicken friend saw a beautiful bird soaring on the currents of air, high above the mountains.一个小男孩发现了一只老鹰下的蛋,把它放进了一只山鸡的窝里。鹰被孵出来了,但他以为自己是一只山鸡。渐渐的他长大了,却做着山鸡所做的事---从泥土里寻找食物,做短距离的飞翔,翅膀还啪啪作响。生活非常沉闷,渐渐地鹰长大了,也越来越苦恼。有一天,他和他的山鸡朋友看见一只美丽的鸟在天空翱翔,飞的比山还高。

“Oh, I wish I could fly like that!” said the eagle.The chicken replied, “Don't give it another thought.That's the mighty eagle, the king of all birds-you could never be like him!” And the eagle didn't give it another thought.He went on cackling and complaining about life.He died thinking he was a prairie chicken.My friends, you too were born an eagle.The Creator intended you to be an eagle, so don’t listen to the prairie chickens!


5、Out of the question is possible “不可能”就是可能

When Henry ford decided to produce his famous v-8 motor, he chose to build an engine with the entire eight cylinders cast in one block, and instructed his engineers to produce a design in one for the engine.The design was placed on paper, but the engineers agreed, to a man, that it was simply impossible to cast an eight-cylinder engine-block in one piece.亨利福特在要制造有名的v8汽缸引擎汽车时,曾指示他手下的工程师着手设计一种引擎,要把八个汽缸全放在一起。设计的纸上作业完成了,但是工程师们都异口同声地跟福特说,“要把八个汽缸全放在一起,压根是不可能。”

Ford said, “Produce it anyway.”


“But,” they replied, “It’s impossible!”


“Go ahead.” Ford commanded, “And stay on the job until you succeed, no matter how much time is required.”


The engineers went ahead.There was nothing else for them to do, if they were to remain on the ford staff.Six months passed and nothing happened.Another six months passed, and still nothing happened.The engineers tried every conceivable plan to carry out the orders, but the thing seemed out of the question:“impossible!”


At the end of the year ford checked with his engineers, and again they informed him they had found no way to carry out his orders.过了一年,福特的工程师们都没有进展,他们再次告诉他,他们想不出有什么办法可以做到的指示。“go right head,” said ford, “I want it, and I’ll have it.”


They went ahead, and then, as if by a stroke of magic, the secret was discovered.他们继续努力,然后仿佛如有神助似的,做法出笼了。

The ford determination had won once more!


This story may not be described with minute accuracy, but the sum and substance of it is correct.Deduce from it, you who wish to think and grow rich, the secret of the ford millions, if you can.You’ll not have to look very far.这个故事也许说的不够详尽,但是故事的内容却都是“如假包换”的。要想致富的你,从这个故事可以推算出福特百万家财的秘密何在。务须舍近求远,就在眼前。

Henry ford was successful, because he understood and applied the principles of success.One of these is desire: knowing what one wants.Remember this Ford story as you read, and pick out the lines in which the secret of his stupendous achievement have been described.If you can do this, if you can lay your finger on the particular group of principles which made Henry ford rich, you can equal his achievements in almost any calling for which you are suited.亨利福特了解成功的原则,也运用了这些原则,所以他成功了。这些原则中,有一项就是渴望:知道自己要做的是什么。阅读这篇文章时,请牢记这则福特的故事,时时在字里行间寻找他了不起的原因。只要你能做到,能正确无误地指认出福特所运用的原则,就几乎可以在适合自己的任何行业里,和他一样地出类拔萃。

6、“男人强励志英文美文,中英文对照编排,使你在吸取智慧的同时,英文水平也突飞猛进!这些英文都是最值得朗读消化的纯正英文,它们的中文译文也是经过反复斟酌推敲的精美文章,值得你去学习和享受。读这种成功学中英文课程使你久未充电的大脑和心灵都活跃兴奋起来,重新燃起对人生成功的渴望,并且能在更高层次上对其予以理解和诠释,以此使你的人生变得越来越大成功!” Spare No Efforts in Doing Things 凡事都必须全力以赴

Concentration and perseverance built the great pyramids on Egypt's plains.专心致志,锲而不舍,埃及平原上终于建起了宏伟的金字塔。

The master of a single trade can support a family.The master of several trades cannot support himself.精通一行的人可以养家糊口,样样精通的人却不能养活自己。

Now I know that in order to grow and flourish I must spare no efforts in doing things and keep a little in advance of the times.Those who reach the top are the ones who are not content with doing only what are required of them.They do more.They go the extra mile.And another.现在我知道,为了辉煌的成就,我必须全力以赴,必须永远走在时间前面。那些顶尖人物都不会只满足分内的工作,他们比常人做得更多,走得更远。

I will spare no efforts in doing things.凡事我将全力以赴。

Now I know that I cannot pursue a worthy goal steadily and persistently with all the powers of my mind and yet fail.If I focus the rays of sun with a burning glass, even in the coldest days of winter, I can kindle a fire with ease.现在我知道,只要我一心一意向一个有价值的目标稳步前进,坚持不懈,就一定不会失败。如果我用取火镜聚集太阳光,即使在最寒冷的冬天,我也可以轻松燃起火来。

I will spare no efforts in doing things.凡事我将全力以赴。

The weakest living creature, by concentrating his powers on a single object, can accomplish good results while the strongest, by dispersing his effort over many chores, may fail to accomplish anything.最弱小的人,只要集中力量于一点,也能得到好的结果;相反,最强大的人,如果把力量分散在许多杂务上,也会一事无成。

Drops of water, by continually falling, hone their passage through the hardest of rocks but the hasty torrent rushes over it with hideous uproar and leaves no trace behind.I will leave my trace.The world will know I have been here.小小水滴,持之以恒,也能将最坚硬的岩石穿透;相反,湍流呼啸而过,却了无踪迹。我将留下我的踪迹,让世人知道我曾来过。

I will spare no efforts in doing things.凡事我将全力以赴。

难点解析: 原文:Now I know that in order to grow and flourish I must spare no efforts in doing things and keep a little in advance of the times.译文:现在我知道,为了辉煌的成就,我必须全力以赴,必须永远走在时间前面。

难点征服:in order to是固定用法,意思是“为了......”,比如:We started early in order to arrive before dark.为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。spare no efforts in doing something是固定短语,意思是“不遗余力做某事,全力以赴做某事”,比如:In a large multi-ethnic developing country like ours, we must spare no efforts in strengthening and improving the Party's leadership.在我们这样一个多民族发展的大国,必须尽最大努力加强和改进党的领导。原文:Those who reach the top are the ones who are not content with doing only what are required of them.译文:那些顶尖人物都不会只满足分内的工作。难点征服:这句话是用了两个who引导的定语从句,第一个who reach the top定语从句用来修饰those;第二个who are not content with doing only what are required of them定语从句用来修饰ones。be content with是一个固定用法,意为“对......满意”,比如:He was content with his work.他对自己的工作很满意。原文:They go the extra mile.And another.译文:他们比常人做得更多,走得更远。

难点征服:“And another”是一个省略句,完整形式是and they go another mile,其意思比第一句更深刻一层,即在做更多的事情,努力更多后,我们才能走得更远。原文:The weakest living creature, by concentrating his powers on a single object, can accomplish good results while the strongest, by dispersing his effort over many chores, may fail to accomplish anything.译文:最弱小的人,只要集中力量于一点,也能得到好的结果;相反,最强大的人,如果把力量分散在许多杂务上,也会一事无成。

难点征服:while是一个连词,意为“然而”,表示两种现象的类比。因此,while两侧句子所用的句型及时态应当一致。原文:Drops of water, by continually falling, hone their passage through the hardest of rocks but the hasty torrent rushes over it with hideous uproar and leaves no trace behind.译文:小小水滴,持之以恒,也能将最坚硬的岩石穿透;相反,湍流呼啸而过,却了无踪迹。


7、How to send a message to Garcia 怎样把信送给加西亚 When war broke out between Spain and the United States it was very necessary to communicate quickly with the leader of the insurgents.Garcia was somewhere in the mountain vastness of Cuba-no one knew where.No mail nor telegraph message could reach him.The president must secure his cooperation, and quickly.美西战争爆发时,美国总统必须立即与古巴的起义军首领加西亚取得联系。加西亚在古巴广阔的山脉里-没有人确切地知道他在哪里,也没有任何邮件或电报能够送到他手上。而美国总统麦金莱又必须尽快的得到他的合作。

What to do!怎么办吧?

Some one said to the president, “there’s a fellow by the name of rowan will find Garcia for you, if anybody can.”


Rowan was sent for and given a letter to be delivered to Garcia.How “the fellow by the name of rowan” took the letter, sealed it up in an oil-skin pouch, strapped it over his heart, in four days landed by night off the coast of Cuba from an open boat, disappeared into the jungle, and in three weeks came out on the other side of the island, having traversed a hostile country on foot, and delivered his letter to Garcia-are things I have no special desire now to tell in detail.The point that I wish to make is this: McKinley gave rowan a letter to be delivered to Garcia;rowan took the letter and did not ask: “where is he at?”


There is a man whose form should be cast in deathless bronze and the statue placed in every college of the land.It is not book-learning young men need, nor instruction about this and that, but a stiffening of the vertebrae which will cause them to be loyal to a trust, to act promptly, concentrate their energies: do the thing-“carry a message to Garcia!” 想罗文这样的人我们应该给他塑造铜像,放在所有的大学里,以表彰他的精神。年轻人所需要的不仅仅是从书本上学习来的知识,也不仅仅是他人的种种教诲,而是要塑造一种精神:忠于上级的托付,迅速的采取行动,全力以赴的完成任务---“把信送给加西亚”。

General Garcia is dead now, but there are other Garcias.No man who has endeavored to carry out an enterprise where many hands were needed, but has been well-nigh appalled at times by the imbecility of the average man-the inability or unwillingness to concentrate on a thing and do it.加西亚将军已经不在人世,但现在还有其他的加西亚。没有人能够经营好这样的企业----在那里虽然有众多人手,但是令人惊讶的是,其中充满了许多碌碌无为的人,这些人要么没有能力,要么不情愿去集中精力做好一件事。

Slipshod assistance, foolish inattention, dowdy indifference, and half-hearted work seem the rule;and no man succeeds, unless by hook or crook or threat he forces or bribes other men to assist him;or mayhap, god in his goodness performs s miracle, and sends him an angel of light for an assistant.工作山拖拖拉拉,漫不经心,无足轻重,三心二意似乎已成常态;没有人能够成功,除非威逼利诱地强迫他人帮忙;或者,请上帝大发慈悲创造奇迹,派一名天使相助。

You put this matter to a test: 你可以就此做个实验:

You are sitting now in your office-six clerks are all within call.Summon any one and make this request: “please look in the encyclopedia and make a brief memorandum for me concerning the life of Correggio.” Will the clerk quietly say, “yes, sir,” and go do the task?


On your life, he will not.He will look at you out of a fishy eye and ask one or more of the following questions: 我敢说他绝对不会,他会用死鱼般的眼睛盯着你,然后满脸疑惑地提出一个或者数个问题:

Who was he? Which encyclopedia? Where is the encyclopedia? Was I hired for that? What’s the matter with George doing it? Is he dead? Is there any hurry? Shan’t I bring you the book and let you look it up yourself? What do you want to know for? 他是谁?哪套百科全书?这是我的工作吗?为什么不叫乔治去做呢?他死了吗?急不急?需不需要我拿过书莱你自己查?你为什么要查他?

And I will lay you ten to one that after you have answered the questions, and explained how to find the information, and why you want it, the clerk will go off and get one of the other clerks to help him try to find Garcia-and then come back and tell you there is no such man.Of course I may lose the bet, but according to the law of average, I will not.我敢以十比一的赌注跟你打赌,在你回答了他提出的所有问题,解释了怎样去查那些资料以及你为什么要查的理由之后,那个职员会走开,吩咐另一个职员去帮他“寻找加西亚”,然后回来告诉你,没有这样一个人。当然,我可能会输掉赌注,但是根据平均概率法则,我不会输。

This incapacity for independent action, this moral stupidity, this infirmity of the will, this unwillingness to cheerfully catch hold and lift – these are the things that put pure socialism so far into the future.If men will not act for themselves, what will they do when the benefit of their effort is for all? 这种自主行动的无能,这种道德上 的愚行,这种意志上的脆弱和惰性,就是未来社会被带到崩溃境地的根源。如果人们不能为了自己而自主行动,人们又怎么可能心甘情愿地为他人服务呢?

My heart goes out to the man who does his work when the “boss” is away, as well as when he is at home.And the man who, when given a letter for Garcia, quietly takes the mission, without asking any idiotic questions, and with no lurking intention of chucking it into the nearest sewer, or of doing aught else but deliver it, never gets “laid off” nor has to go on a strike for higher wages.我敬佩的是那些不论老板在还是不在都会坚持工作的人。当你交给他一封致加西亚的信时,他会迅速的接受任务,不会问任何愚蠢的问题,更不会把信随手扔到水坑里,或是做一些其他的事情,而是全力以赴的把信送到。这样的人永远不会被解雇,也永远不会为加薪而罢工。

Anything such a man asks shall be granted.He is wanted in every city, town and village and in every office, shop, store and factory.The world cries out for such: he is needed and needed badly-the man who can “carry a message to Garcia”.这样的人无论有什么愿望都能够得以实现。每个城市乡镇村庄,以及每个办公室,商店,工厂,都需要他参与其中。世界呼唤这种人才---非常需要并且急需---这种能够把信送给加西亚的人。

8、Chapter 08 Just for today 就为了今天

Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime.就为了今天,我将尽力只度过今天而不立刻去解决终身的问题。对一件令我沮丧而又必须坚持一辈子的事,我只能坚持十二个小时。

Just for today I will be happy.This assumes to be true what Abraham Lincoln said,that “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”


Just for today I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires.I will take my “luck” as it comes.就为了今天,我会做自我调整适应事物本来的面目,而不是想方设法使每一件事满足自己的欲望。当机会来临的时候我会抓住它。

Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind.I will study.I will learn something useful.I will not be a mental loafer.I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.就为了今天,我会尽力心强志坚。我会学习,学一些有用的东西。我不会做一个精神上的流浪汉。我会读一些需要努力、思考和注意力集中的东西。

Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways.I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out: If anybody knows of it, it will not count.I will do at least two things I don't want to do—just for exercise.I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt: they may be hurt, but today I will not show it.就为了今天,我会用三种方法来磨炼我的灵魂。我会做对某人有利的事但不能被发现,若有人发现了就不算数。我将会做至少两件我不愿做的事情——只为了磨练。我不会让任何人感到我的感情受到了伤害:它们可能受到了伤害,但今天我不想表现出来。

Just for today I will be agreeable.I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly, talk low, act courteously, criticize not one bit,and try not to improve or regulate anybody but myself.就为了今天,我会过得很惬意。看起来我达到了最佳状态,穿着得体、讲话谦虚、行为礼貌、一点不吹毛求疵,尽量改进和调节自己而不是别人。

Just for today I will have a program, I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it.I will save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.就为了今天,我会制定一个计划,我也许不会严格地遵守它,但我一定要有计划。我会避免两种错误:仓促行事和优柔寡断。

Just for today I will have a quiet half hour all by myself and relax.During this half hour, sometime, I will try to get a better perspective of my life.就为了今天,我将会独自静静地呆上半小时放松。在这半小时里,某个时刻,我会日后对我的生活有个更好的看法。

Just for today I will be unafraid.Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful,and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me.就为了今天,我将不再害怕。尤其我不会再害怕享受美丽的事物,并且相信我给予世界的,世界也会给予我。

9、Pinkie victory over big hammer 小手指获胜大铁锤

The world no.1 salesman was asked to share his secret of success upon his retirement.2,500 salesmen came to listen to his speech.He set a very big iron ball and a big hammer on the stage.世界第一名的推销员在他退休时接受邀请,分享他的成功秘诀。2500名业务员来听他的演讲。他在讲台上放置了一个很大很大的铁球和一把铁锤。Then he asked, “Who can move this iron ball?” one person in the audience said, “I want to try.” He went on the stage and knocked at the big iron ball once.It didn’t budge.Then came more men.The iron ball still didn’t move.这时他开始发问:“谁可以把这个铁球移动?”台下有一个人说:“我来试一下”那个人上台用大铁锤朝这打铁球猛敲一下,打铁球纹丝不动,然后陆续上来几个人,铁球仍然没有动。

At this time the speaker said, “Now I teach you the secret.” He then poked the iron ball every 5 seconds by his pinkie no matter how the audience reacted.The iron ball began to move a little after 40miutes.But the iron ball swung fiercely after 50 minutes.这时,世界第一名的推销员说“现在就让我来告诉你们秘密在哪,接着他就拿他的小指头对这这个铁球戳了一下,每过5秒又对着铁球戳一下,不管台下反应如何,40分钟后,铁球稍微移动了一点点,50分钟后铁球就开始剧烈晃动。

He then asked, “Who can stop the iron ball on the stage?” the people down the stage all said it couldn’t be done.The world no.1 salesman said, “This is my secret of success.I visit customers everyday until they give in.you see they just can’t block me when I succeed.”

他接着问:“谁可以上台来把这个铁球停住?”台下的人说这根本办不到。世界第一名 的推销员说:“这就是我成功的秘诀。我每次都拜访顾客,直到他们屈服并接受。你看现在当我成功时,连挡都挡不住。”

10、Why can not fleas jump out of a jar 为什么跳蚤跳不出罐子

You train fleas by potting them in a jar with a top on it.Fleas jump, so they will jump up and hit the top over and over and over again.As you watch them jump and hit the top, you will notice something interesting.The fleas continue to jump, but they are no longer jumping high enough to hit the top.Then, and it’s a matter of record, you can take the top off and though the fleas continue to jump, they won’t jump out of the jar.I repeat, they won’t jump out because they can’t.The reason is simple.They have conditioned themselves to jump just so high.Once they have conditioned themselves to jump just so high, that’s all they can do.你将跳蚤放进一个带盖的罐子里。它们在里面跳的时候会一次又一次撞到盖子。当你观察它们跳跃并且撞到盖子的时候,你会发现一件有趣的事情,跳蚤会继续跳,但是它们不再跳到能撞到盖子的那个高度。然后,当你拿下盖子的时候,尽管它们仍在跳,但是它们不会跳出罐子。我重复一遍,它们跳不出去是因为它们做不到。原因很简单,它们限制自己只能跳这么高。一旦它们限制自己只能跳这么高,那么这也就是它们能力的极限了。

Many times, people do the same thing.They restrict themselves and never reach their potential.Just like the fleas, they fail to jump higher, thinking they are doing all they can do.很多时候人们也是一样。他们自己限制自己,从来不去开发自己的潜力。就像跳蚤一样,它们没有能够跳的更高,还以为自己把自己的能力发挥到了极限。

11、Chapter11 The Dove And The Ant 鸽子和蚂蚁

An ant was drinking at a river.Suddenly he slipped, and fell into the water.一只蚂蚁到河边饮水,却不幸掉入河中。

Seeing this, a dove threw a small branch into the river.The ant seized the bough, and swam back to the shore.一只鸽子看见,扔下一段树枝,将他救起。

A few days later, the ant saw a hunter aiming a gun at the dove.He bit the man in foot sharply.The man missed the shot, and the dove's life was saved.过了不久,蚂蚁看见猎人正在拿枪瞄准鸽子,就狠狠地朝他脚上咬了一口,没让他打中。

The dove felt very grateful.She made good friends with the ant.鸽子非常感激蚂蚁。从此,他们成了好朋友。

12、Do not like you, then help you fail 不喜欢你,就“帮“你失败 Most people who fail for lack of social skills talk of “office politics” doing them in, but the politics may be nothing more than normal interactions among people.If you have trouble with office politics, you may really be having trouble dealing with people.大多数因为缺乏社交技能而失败的人常常谈到“公务”弄得他们筋疲力尽。但公务或许只不过是正常的人际交往而已。如果你“公务”碰到麻烦,你就真的可能在与人交往方面有困难了。

You may get along on brilliance alone for a while, but most careers involve other people.You can have great academic intelligence and still lack social intelligence---the ability to be a good listener, to be sensitive toward others, to give and take criticism well.People with high social intelligence admit their mistakes, take their share of blame and move on.They know how to build team support.你兴许在单独工作时显赫一阵子,但大多数工作都涉及到其他人。你可能具有非凡的学术智能,确认然缺乏社交能力---好好听取别人意见,体贴他人,善于给予批评和接受批评的能力。有高度社交能力的人承认自己的错误,接受自己应付的责任,然后继续前进。他们知道怎样建立相互支持的合作关系。

If people don't like you, they may help you fail.One day at an airport, a traveler observed a well-dressed businessman yelling at a poster about the porter's handling of his luggage.The more abusive the businessman became, the calmer the porter seemed.After the businessman left, the traveler complimented the porter on his restraint.“oh, that's nothing,” he said, smiling.“you know ,that man's going to Miami, but his bags--they're going to kalamazoo.” coworkers--even subordinates--if poorly treated, can do you in.如果人们不喜欢你,他们可能帮你失败。有一天,在机场,一位游客看到一位穿着入时的商人冲着一个搬运工人大喊大叫,对搬运工处理他的行李的方式大发脾气。商人越是无理,搬运工却显得越加心平气和。商人离开后,游客称赞搬运工能忍辱克己。“哦,没什么,”搬运工微笑着说,“你知道,那个人要干到迈阿密去,可是他的行李袋却给运往卡拉马祖。”同事,甚至下属,受到不良对待时,可能使你陷入困境。

On the other hand, you can get away with serious mistakes if you are socially intelligent.This is why many mediocre executives survive violent corporate upheavals.Sensitive in their dealing with others, they are well liked;when they make mistakes, their supporters usually help them recover.A mistake may actually further their careers if the boss thinks they handle the situation in a nature and responsible way.另一方面,如果你社交能力强,处事聪明,你就能避免一些严重的错误。这就是为什么许多能力平凡的主管人员能成功处理公司中突然发生的**事件的原因。他们因为在与人交往中周到地体贴别人而很受人喜欢;他们犯了错误时,其支持着常帮助他们改正错误,使之恢复原状。如果老板认为,他们用一种成熟而负责任的方式处理了局势,那么一个错误实际上也许能推进他们的事业。

People with poor interpersonal skills have trouble taking criticism.When confronted with a mistake, they let their ego and emotions get in the way.They may deny responsibility and became moody, volatile or angry.They mark themselves as “prickly” and “temperamental”.交际技能较差的人很难接受批评。他们面对错误时,让自尊心和自己的情绪成为绊脚石。他们可能推卸责任,变得不快,动辄发脾气。他们称自己是“易发脾气的人“,”生性易激动的人”

Social intelligence is an acquired skill.The more you practice, the better you get.Like good manners, it can be learned.社交能力是一种通过个人努力而获得的技能。锻炼的越多,就掌握的越好。象礼貌一样,它是可以学会的。

13、Chapter13 The Hare And The tortoise 龟兔赛跑

The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals.“I have never been beaten,” he said, “when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me.” 兔子向动物们夸耀他的速度,“我从来没有失败过,” 他说,“当我奔跑时,没有人比我更快。”

The tortoise said quietly, “I will race with you.” “That is a good joke,” said the hare.“I could dance around you the whole way.” 乌龟平静地说:“我要与你比赛。”“真是笑话,我可以边玩边和你赛跑。”兔子说。The race started.The hare darted almost out of sight at once.He soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.比赛开始了,一眨眼工夫,兔子已经跑得不见了踪影,但是他觉得自己跑得快,对比赛掉以轻心,躺在路边睡着了。

The tortoise plodded on and on.When the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and he had won the race.乌龟慢腾腾地却持续不停地走,当兔子一觉醒来,他看到乌龟已经快到终点线了。兔子输了比赛。


14、When Is a Man Old 一个人何时变老

“I dread to come to the end of the year,said a friend to me recently, ”it makes me realize I am growing old.” “我惧怕临近岁末年尾”,一位朋友最近对我说:“它使我意识到我正在变老。”

William James, the great psychologist, said that most people are “old fogies at twenty-five.He was right.Most men at twenty-five are satisfied with their jobs.They have accumulated the little stock of prejudices that they call their ”Principles, “ and closed their minds to all new ideas;they have ceased to grow.伟大的心理学家威廉·詹姆斯就曾说过,大多数人“25岁时就成了守旧落伍者”。他的话是对的。大多数人25岁时就满足于他们的工作。他们已经积累了一些他们称之为“原则”的偏见,对所有新的思想关闭心灵之门;他们已经停止成长。

The minute a man ceases to grow-no matter what his years-that minute he begins to be old.On the other hand, the really great man never grows old.一个人一旦停止成长--不管他年龄多大--他就开始衰老。反之,真正的伟人从来不会衰老。

Goethe passed out at eighty-three, and finished his Faust only a few years earlier;Gladstone took up a new language when he was seventy.Laplace, the astronomer, was still at work when death caught up with him at seventy-eight.He died crying, ”What we know is nothing;what we do not know is immense.“ 歌德享年83岁,逝世前几年才完成《浮士德》;格莱斯顿70岁时又开始学习一门外国语;法国天文学家拉普拉斯78岁死时还在工作着。临死前,他大声喊道:“我们所知的太少太少,我们所不知的太多太多。”

And there you have the real answer to the question, ”When is a man old?“ “一个人何时变老?”,从这类事例中对这个问题你已经有了真正的答案。

Laplace at seventy-eight died young.He was still unsatisfied, still sure that he had a lot to learn.拉普拉斯78岁逝世时依然年轻。他依旧不满足,依旧感到许多东西要学。

As long as a man can keep himself in that attitude of mind, as long as he can look back on every year and say , ”I grew,“ he is still young.一个人,只要他能够保持这种心态,只要他在回首过去的一年时能够说“我在成长”,他就依然年轻。

The minute he ceases to grow, the minute he says to himself, ”I know all that I need to know,“--that day youth stops.He may be twenty-five or seventy-five, it makes no difference.On that day he begins to be old.他一旦停止成长,他一旦对自己说“我该懂的都懂了”,这个时候他的青春也就完了。他可能在25岁时死去,也可能在75岁时死去,这都没有区别。就在那一天,他开始变老。

15、Never give up a chance of being a hero 决不放弃任何成为英雄的可能

Every time when I read the five thousand years old chinese history, I am moved and convinced by those earthshaking heroes.EmperorQin Shi huang, Liu Xiu, LI Shiming, Zhao Kuangyin, jenghis Khan…….I am also a unique creature of god, and the end product of thousands of years of evolution.Therefore, I am better equipped in both mind and body than all the emperors and wise men who preceded me.As long as I am crazy, and break though the limits, I will have hope.每次阅读中国上下五千年历史,我都会被一位位叱咤风云的英雄所感染和折服。秦皇汉武,唐宗宋祖,成吉思汗。。。我也是上帝唯一的杰作,况且我时人类千万年进化的产物,头脑和身体都超过以往的帝王和智者,只要我现在开始疯狂,不断突破极限,我就有希望。I will never give up a chance of being a hero.我永远不会放弃任何成为英雄的机会。

Only mediocre people are easily satisfied.I am a mediocre person by no means.Mediocrity is alien to me, just like the fire and water.I will challenge my limits again and again, never allow myself to bring regrets and sarrow into my grave.只有平庸的人才会知足常乐,满足现状,不思进步,我绝不是平庸的人,平庸和我就像水火一样,互不相容。我会一而再再而三的挑战知己的极限,绝不允许自己吧过多的潜能和遗憾带进坟墓。

Life is only once.anybody will die no matter what he will do.It may lie in different roads leading to the same ending.While the key to life lies in these different roads,I will walk the journey bravely and rigidly and exert my potential completely.Great era provides everyone great opportunities.My destiny is in my hand.I will try my best to carry forward my life.there is only one self in the world.I will walk only once in this world.无论怎么蹦达,生命只有一次,谁都得死。可谓殊途同归,关键也在这殊途上,我一定要在我所选择的道路上疯狂执着勇敢的走下去,最彻底的发挥出上天所赋予自己的独特潜力。伟大的时代给每个人伟大的机会,我的命运掌握在我的手中,淋漓尽致地弘扬我的生命吧,因为这个世界上只有一个我,我在这个世界上直走一回!

I will never give up a chance of being a hero.我永远不会放弃任何成为英雄的机会。

16、We need friend 我们需要朋友

The word, friend, covers a wide range of meanings.It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a confidant[n.密友,知已], a partner, a playmate, an intimate[a.亲密的;个人的] colleague, etc.朋友意义很广。可以使点头之交,通知知己,伙伴,玩伴,亲密的同事等等。Everyone needs friendship.No one can sail the ocean of life single-handed[n.丹枪皮马].We need help from, and also give help to, others.In modern society, people attach[v.缚,贴,系,连接] more importance to relations and connections.A man of charisma n.(大众爱戴的)领袖气质,魅力] has many friends.His power lies in his ability to give.人人都需要友谊,没有人能独自在人生的海洋中航行。我们需要别人的帮助,也给人以帮助。在现代,人们更加重视各种关系和联系。一个魅力非凡的人,他的权利在于他的奉献能力。

As life is full of strife[n.冲突,争斗] and conflict[n.冲突], we need friends to support[vt.支持;赞助] and help us out of difficulties.Our friends give us warnings against danger.Our friends offer us advice with regard to how do deal with various situations.True friends share not only our joys but also our sorrows.生活充满矛盾和斗争,我们需要朋友支持,需要朋友帮我们摆脱困境。朋友提醒我们警惕险滩。朋友主动给我们以忠告,告诉我们如何应付各种局势。真正的朋友与我们同甘共苦。

With friendship, life is happy and harmonious.Without friendship, life is sad and unfortunate.I have friends in high positions and friends in the rank and file.Some are rich and in power.Some are relatively poor and without power.Some are like myself, working as a teacher, reading and writing, content with a simple life.We all care for each other, love and help each other.We feel we are happiest when we chat and exchange ideas with one another.With my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share.有了友谊,生活幸福和谐,没有友谊,生活变得悲伤不幸。我们有地位高的朋友,也有地位低的朋友,有的有钱有权,有的较穷无钱。有的和我一样当教书先生,读读写写满足简朴的生活。我们都相互关心相互爱护,互相帮助。我们觉得我们朋友们在一起聊天交流思想时感到最高兴。对我们的朋友们,我知道该珍惜什么,容忍什么,分享什么。

I will never forget my old friends, and I'll keep making new friends.I will not be cold and indifferent[adj.冷漠的,不关心的] to my poor friends, and I will show concern[n.忧虑,焦虑] for them, even if it is only a comforting word.我绝不会忘记老朋友,同时继续结交新朋友。我对穷朋友绝不冷淡,而是关心他们,哪怕只是一句安慰的话。

17、The First Killer is Too Cold for Success

Why do I always try to cover my small accomplishments under blankets of words that make light of my work or excuses for my lack of ability? Worst of all, I have come to believe my excuses so that I willingly sell my days for pennies while consoling myself with thoughts that things could always be worse.为什么我总在试图用言语来掩盖自己的渺小,总在试图为自己减轻负担,又总在为自己的低能寻找托辞?糟糕的是,我似乎已经相信了自己编造的借口,心安理得,得过且过,安慰自己“比上不足,比下有余”。

It is time to study the reflection in my looking glass until I recognize that the most harmful enemy I have is myself.At last, in this magic moment, the veil of self-deceit is beginning to lift from my eyes.I am not a fool.Henceforth I will stand on my own feet and my terrible crutches of self-pity and self-contempt have been cast aside forever.当我终于开始自我反省时,我意识到最可怕的敌人正是我自己。在那神奇的瞬间,自欺欺人的面纱从我眼前飘逝。我不是蠢人,从此我要靠自己的双脚前行,永远抛弃那自怜自贱的拐杖。

Never again will I pity or belittle myself.我永远不再自怜自贱。

Now I know that patience and time can do more than even strength and passion.The years of frustration are ready to be harvested.All that I have managed to accomplish, and all that I hope to accomplish, has been and will be by that plodding, patient, persevering process which builds the ant heap particle by particle, thought by thought, step by step.我终于明白,耐心与时间甚至比力量与激情更为重要。年复一年的挫折将迎来收获的季节。所有已经完成的或将要进行的,都少不了那孜孜不倦、锲而不舍、坚忍不拔的拼搏过程。这种过程是一点一滴的积累,步步为营的拓展,循序渐进的成功。

Never again will I pity or belittle myself.我永远不再自怜自贱。No longer will I look mournfully to the past.It will never return.Instead, with these success principles and vows, I will shape the present because it is mine and I will go forth to meet the mysterious future without fear, without doubt, with out de-spair.There is nothing I cannot achieve if I try.我不再悲伤地追忆过去,过去的不会再来,在这些成功法则和誓言的启示下,我把握现在,努力向前,去邂逅神奇的未来,没有恐惧,没有疑虑,没有失望。对我而言,有志者事竟成。

Never again will I pity or belittle myself.我永远不再自怜自贱。

18、第18篇:Seek the Seed of Triumph in the Adversity 在困境中寻找成功的萌芽

There is no better school than adversity.Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve my performance next time.Never again will I contribute to my downfall by refusing to face the truth and learn from my past mistakes.Because I know: gems cannot shine without polish, and I can not perfect myself without hardship.逆境是一所最好的学校。每一次失败,每一次打击,每一次损失,都蕴育着成功的萌芽,都教会我在下一次有更出色的表现。我再也不会逃避现实,也不会拒绝从以往的错误中获取经验,我不再因此而促成自己的失败。因为我知道,宝玉不经磨砺就不能发光,没有,我也不能完善自我。

Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity.我总是在困境中寻找成功的萌芽。

I am better prepared , now ,to deal with any adversity.No matter what fate has in store for me to know that I will relish it or I will suffer it for only a brief,brieftime.So very few understand this obvious truth while the rest allow their hopes and goals to vanish as soon as tragedy strikes.These unfortunately people carry with them, until they die their own bed of thorms and look to others.every day, for sympathy and attention.Adversity will never destroy the person with courage and faith 现在我已经做好准备,去对抗逆境。无论我今后面对什么样的命运,我都将细细品味他,痛苦也会很快过去。只有少数人知道这个显而易见的真理,其他人一旦悲剧降临,希望和目标就消失的无影无踪了。这些不幸的人们致死都在苦难的深渊中,每天如坐针毡,祈求别人的同情和关注。逆境从来不会摧毁那些有勇气有信心的人。

Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity.我总是在困境中寻找成功的萌芽。

Now I know that there are no times in life when opportunity, the chance to be and do gathers so richly about my soul as when it has to suffer cruel adversity.Then everything depends on whether I raise my head or lower it in seeking help.Whenever I am struck down, in the future, by any terrible defeat, I will inquire of myself, after the first pain has passed, how I can turn that adversity into good.What a great opportunity that moment may present……to make the bitter root I am holding and transform it into fragrant garden of flowers.现在我知道,灵魂倍受煎熬的时刻,也正是生命中最多选择与机会的时刻。任何事情的成败取决于我在寻求帮助时是抬起头还是低下头。无论何时,当我被可怕的失败击倒,在最初的阵痛过去之后,我都要想方设法将苦难变成好事。伟大的机遇就在这一刻闪现-这苦涩的根必将迎来满园芬芳!

Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity.我将一直在困境中寻找成功的希望。

19、Chapter 19 Teach the stranger how to walk properly 教教新人怎样走路

Many years since in a small territory, there was not one of the inhabitants who did not stutter when he spoke, and halt in walking;both these defects, moreover, were considered accomplishments.A stranger saw the evil, and thinking how they would admire his walking, went about without halting, after the usual manner of our race.Everyone stopped to look at him and all these who looked, laughed, and holding their sides to express their merriment, shouted, “Teach the stranger how to walk properly”


The stranger considered it his duty to cast the reproach from himself.“You halt.” He cried, “It is not I, you must accustom yourselves to leave off so awkward a habit!” this only increased the uproar, when they heard him speak;he did not even stammer, this was sufficient to disgrace him and he was laughed at throughout the country.这位外地人认为有责任驳斥他们。“是你们又瘸又拐,不是我。”他高呼;“你们必须戒除这种不雅的习惯!”当地人一听到他这样说话,就更加起哄;因为他说话竟然不口吃,这就够他丢脸了。他走遍这地区,到处受嘲笑。

Habit will render faults which we have been accustomed to regard from youth, beautiful.In vain will a stranger attempt to convince us that we are in error.习惯会使我们从小看惯了的缺陷变成美好的事情,外地人欲使我们承认自己犯错只会枉费心思。

20、Chapter20 Power of Self Talk 和自己交谈的力量

Life is like a big swing, dangling between the depths of happiness and sadness.As soon as we descend down the slope of sadness, we accelerate over the ever-feel-good acclivity f happiness.At times of distress, when we are down we slip over an abyss of emotional trauma and frustrations.One who can rise above the occasion, is the architect of many wins over sorrows.生活像一具大秋千,总在开心和忧愁间摇摆。每当我们陷入忧愁的低谷时,我们以开始冲向开心的谷顶。在深陷悲痛,跌入感情创伤和绝望的深渊的时候,能够从中走出来的,就是战胜悲伤的赢家。

To come above tougher times you have to pep yourself up, when you are feeling low, lost and confused.This can be done effectively by self-talk.Self-talk is a way of talking to oneself.It can be effectively used for soul searching.When talking to ourselves, we hardly lie as our conscience controls our speech.Self talk is efficient because when we are vocal about our thoughts, it makes a larger impact on our mind.Our brain then receives the same message from the mind as well as the ears.This repetition pep talks and thoughts fine tunes the performance of brain.当你感觉情绪低落,失落和迷惘时,要从艰难中走出,你要不断激励自己。这可以用自我交谈的方式有效地实现。自我交谈其实就是与自己对话,它能够有效地运用于灵魂的探索。当我们和自己谈话时,我们很难说谎,因为我们的良心支配着交谈。自我交谈之所以有效,是因为我们可以听到自己的想法,这对我们思想有很强的影响力。我们的大脑像耳朵一样从思想中接受信息。重复激励的谈话和想法会调节大脑的反应。

Self-talk is a software, which when properly loaded onto our mind directs ourselves for better results and a healthy mind.Actually many times in our life, we find others advising us to do better in studies, sports, life etc.We usually get bugged by these people and blank our ears out of their constructive suggestions.It is because it doesn't come from within us.And when something comes from within you, you always try your best to do justice to it.Self-talk can thus ameliorate our status.自我交谈是一个软件,当它被恰如其分地转载我们的思想时,它就能指引我们得到好的结果和一个健康的心态。实际上我闪在生活中常发觉别人劝告自己要在学习、体育和生活等方面做得更好。我们经常对别人在我们耳边的唠叨感到厌烦,对富有建设性的建议也听不进去。这是因为这不是来自我们内心的声音。当这个声音来自你的内心时,你就会全力以赴去实现它。因此,与自己对话可以改善我们的现状。

Each one of us has some good points and some bad ones.Though we hardly admit in pubic, we know in our mind that we could do better in some areas of our personal landscape.This get better attitude can be converted into a practical reality using self-talk.每个人都有优点和弱点。虽然我们不会在公共场合承认,我们清楚自己在个人生活的某些方面可以做得更好。通过自我交谈我们可以做得更好,这个观点就能在生活中变为现实。

If you are an introvert and you want to be the gregarious person like you friend next door, all you need to do is talk to yourself.Tell yourself with all the sincerity and emotions that ”I can be like him.I am a natural born speaker.I do like people and speaking comes naturally to me.I just have to be ready to listen and speak“.Suppose you love a person and want to tell him or her, then just say to yourselves ”I love her with all my heart.She is the only one and I know it.If I don't let her know, it would be grave injustice on my part.Every person loves to be loved.Even she will“.These are just some examples I have explained.It's up to you to program your own mantra.如果你是内向型的,你想如你隔壁的朋友那样出众,你所要做的就是和自己交谈。充满诚挚和感情地告诉自己“我可以像他一样,我是个天生的演说家。我确实喜欢人们,和人交谈很自然。我只要准备好倾听和谈话就是了。” 假设你爱一个人,你想告诉他或她,那么就对自己说“我全心全意地爱她,我知道她是我的唯一。如果我不告诉她,这对自己很不公平。每个人都喜欢他人所爱的。她也一样。” 这些只是我用来解释的例子,怎么说取决于你自己。

If you are highly optimistic to do better, there is no better motivator than self-talk.So guys start talking.如果你非常乐观地想做得更好,自我交谈就是最好的办法。所以,开始交谈吧!

21、第21篇:Do you have a lighthouse in mind?你心中有座灯塔吗?

It was a dark and stormy night.The officer on the bridge came to the captain and said, “Captain, captain, there is a light in our sea lane and they won’t move.”


“What do you mean they won’t move? Tell them to move.Tell them starboard right now.” “他们不愿意移开使什么意思?叫他们移开,告诉他们立即右偏。”

The signal was sent out, “starboard, starboard.” The signal comes back, “starboard yourself.” 信号发了出去。右偏,右偏发回来的信号说。你自己右偏

“I can’t believe this.What’s going on here? Let them know who I am,” the signal was sent out, “this is the mighty Missouri, starboard,” the signal comes back, “this is the lighthouse.”

我就不信,这是怎么了?让他们知道我是谁。信号发了出去;“这是密苏里巨轮,请右偏” 信号发了回来,这里是灯塔。My friends, correct principles are lighthouses, they do not move.They are natural laws.We cannot break them.We can only break ourselves against them.We might as well learn them, accommodate them, utilize them and be grateful for them.Then it enlarges us and emancipates us and empowers us.朋友们,正确的原则又如灯塔,他们不会移动。他们是自然法则。我们打破不了。我们要么让自己与他们相悖,要么去学习他们,调整他们,利用他们,并感激他们。然后我们自己得以发展,得以解放,得到使用这些原则的能力。

Eliot once said something I think is appropriate as we come to the conclusion to our visit together.He said, “We shall never cease from striving, and the end of all of our striving will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time.”


22、Confidence is More Than an Attitude 自信远不只是态度的问题

Nothing succeeds like confidence.When you're truly and justifiably confident, it radiates from you like sunlight,and attracts success to you like magnet.自信是成功的关键。当你真正有充足的理由自信时,自信会像阳光一样从你的身上散发出来,像吸铁石一样把成功吸引到身边。

It's so important to believe in yourself.Believe that you can do it,under any circumstances.Because if you believe you can,then you really will.That belief just keeps you searching for the answers,and then pretty soon you can get it.相信自己非常重要。在任何情况下都要相信自己的能力,因为如果你相信自己,你就真正能做到。那种信念使你不断寻找答案,然后很快你就会得到答案。

Confidence is more than an attitude.It comes from knowing exactly where you are going,exactly how you are going to get there.It comes from acting with integrity and confidence.It comes from a strong sense of purpose.It comes from a strong commitment to take responsibility,rather than just let life happen.自信远不只是态度的问题。自信来源你知道自己往哪里去,你如何才能达到那里:来源于沉稳和自信的行动;来源于很强的目标感;来源于负责任的承诺,而不是随波逐流。

One way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you.提高自信的其中一个方法就是去做你害怕做的事情,从中获取成功的体验。

Confidence is compassionate and understanding.It is not arrogant.Arrogance is born out of fear and insecurity.Confidence comes from strength and integrity.自信蕴含同情心和理解。自信不是自负,自负来源于害怕和缺乏安全感。自信来自力量和诚实。

Confidence is not just believing you can do it.Confidence is knowing you can do it.Knowing that you are capable of accomplishing anything you want,and live your life with confidence.自信不只是相信你能做到,还需要知道你能做到。知道你有能力完成任何你想做到的事情,从而充满自信地生活。

Anything can be achieved through focused,determinedeffort,commitment and self-confidence.If your life is not what you want it to be,you have the power to change it,and you must make the changes on a moment by moment basis.Live your priorities.Live with your goals and your plan of action.Live each moment with your priorities in mind.Act with your own purpose,and you will have the life you want.通过重点的明确的努力、承诺和自信,没有做不到的事情。如果你生活得不如意,你有力量去改变它。但你要一步一步地改变。在生活中,考虑生活的优先秩序,寻求生活的目标,实施你的行动方案,每一刻都要记住生活的优先秩序。有目的地行动,你就会得到你想要的生活。

23、第23篇:The Crow and The Pitcher 口渴的乌鸦

A crow felt very thirsty.He looked for water everywhere.Finally, he found a pitcher.一只乌鸦口渴了,到处找水喝。终于,他找到了一个大水罐。But there was not a lot of water in the pitcher.His beak could not reach it.He tried again and again, but still could not touch the water.然而,水罐里面的水并不多,他的尖嘴够不到水面,他试了一次又一次,都没有成功。

When he was about to give up, an idea came to him.He took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher.Then he took another and dropped it in.就在他想放弃的时候,他突然想到一个主意。乌鸦叼来了一块小石子投到水罐里,接着又叼了一块又一块石头放进去。

Gradually, the water rose, and the crow was able to drink the water.渐渐地,水面升高了。乌鸦高兴地喝到了水。


24、第24篇:Be a Fighter 做一名进攻型战士

A young friend of mine asked me in a letter, ”What kind of man should I be?“ My answer was, ”Be a fighter.“


Another friend of mine inquired, ”How should I live my life?“ Again my answer was, ”Be a fighter.“ 另一个朋友问我:“怎样对付生活了,我仍旧答道:“做一个战士。”

The author of In Praise of the Fighter says: 《战士颂》的作者曾经写过这样的话:

Riding on the ceaseless rushing torrent of life, I should pursue and overtake it so as to create an even greater and deeper torrent of my own.“我激荡在这绵绵不息、滂沱四方的生命洪流中,我就应该追逐这洪流,而且追过它,自己去造更广、更深的洪流。” If I were a lamp, it would be my duty to light up thick darkness.If I were the sea tide, I would marshal rolling waves to cleanse the beach of all accumulated filth.“我如果是一盏灯,这灯的用处便是照彻那多量的黑暗。我如果是海潮,便要鼓起波涛去洗涤海边一切陈腐的积物。”

This quotation reflects aptly the state of mind of a lighter.这一段话很恰当地写出了战士的心情。

Fighters are badly needed in our time.But such fighters do not necessarily go to the battle-field with gun in hand.Their weapons are not necessarily bullets.Their weapons may be knowledge, faith and strong will.They can bring the enemy sure death without drawing his blood.在这个时代,战士是最需要的。但是这样的战士并不一定要持枪上战场。他的武器也下一定是枪弹。他的武器还可以是知识、信仰和坚强的意志。他并不一定要流仇敌的血,却能更有把握地致敌人的死命,战士是永远追求光明的。

A fighter is always in pursuit of light.Instead of basking in the sunshine under a clear sky, he holds a burning torch in the darkness of night to illuminate people's way so that they can continue their journey till they see the dawn of a new day.It is the task of a fighter to dispel darkness.Instead of shirking darkness, he braves it and fights the hidden demons and monsters therein.He is determined to wipe them out and win light.He knows no compromise.He will keep on fighting until he wins light.他并不躺在晴空下享受阳光,在晴夜里燃起火炬,给人们照亮道路,使他们走向黎明。驱散黑暗,这是战士的任务。他不躲避黑暗,却要面对黑暗,跟躲藏在阴影里的魑魅、魍魉搏斗。他要消灭它们而取得光明。战士是不知道妥协的。他得不到光明便不会停止战斗。

A fighter is perennially young.He is never irresolute or inactive.He plunges deep into teeming crowds in search of such vermin as flies and venomous mosquitoes.He will fight them relentlessly and refuse to coexist with them under the same sky.To him, life means nothing but continuous fighting.He either survives by winning light, or perishes with his body covered all over with cuts and bruises.In the course of the struggle, it is the ”future“ that serves as the beacon light to him;the ”future“ gives people hope and inspiration.He will never lose his youthful vigour.战士永远是年轻的。他不犹豫,不休息。他深入人丛中,找寻苍蝇、毒蚊等等危害人类的东西。他不断地攻击它们,不肯与它们共同生存在一个天空下面,对于战士,生活就是不停的战斗,他不是取得光明而牛存,便是带着满身伤痕而死去。在战斗中力量只有增长,信仰只有加强,在战斗中给战士指路的是“未来”,“未来”给人以希望和鼓舞。战士永远不会失去青春的活力。

A fighter will never lose heart or despair.He will pile up broken pieces of brick and stone to rebuild a nine-story pagoda on the ruins of failure.No blows will ever break his will.He will never close his eyes until he has breathed his last.战士是不知道灰心与绝望的。他甚至在失败的废墟上,还要堆起破碎的砖石重建九级宝塔。任何打击都不能击破战士的意志。只有在死的时候他才闭上眼睛。

A fighter is always fearless.His steps are firm.Once he has settled on an objective, he will press right ahead.He is never afraid of being tripped by a stumbling block.No obstacles will ever make him change his mind.His eyes will never be hoodwinked by false appearances.His actions are guided by faith.He can endure any hardships or sufferings while striving to attain his chosen objective.He will never abandon work as long as he is alive.战士是不知道畏缩的,他的脚步很坚定。一旦他认准目标,便会向前走去。他不怕被绊脚石摔倒,没有一种障碍能使他改变心思,假象绝不能迷住战士的眼睛,支配战士的行动的是信仰。他能够忍受一切艰难、痛苦,而达到他所选定的目标。除非他死,否则他决不放弃工作。

This is the kind of fighter we now need.He is not necessarily possessed of superhuman capability.He is just an ordinary person.Anyone can be a fighter so long as he has the determination.Hence a few words of mine about ”being a fighter“ to encourage those young people who wander about in a depressed state, not knowing which way to go.这便是我们现在需要的战士。这样的战士并不一定具有超人的能力。他是一个平凡的人。每个人都可以做战士,只要他有决心。所以我用“做一个进攻型的战士”来激励那些还在苦闷中彷徨,不知何去何从的年轻朋友。

25、第25篇:Excellence is not an act, but a habit 卓越仅仅是一个习惯

Our character, basically, is a composite of our habits.“Sow a thought, reap an action;sow an action, reap a habit;sow a habit, reap a character;sow a character, reap a destiny,” the maxim goes.人的品德基本上是又习惯组成的。俗语说;思想决定行动,行动决定习惯,习惯决定品德,品德决定命运。

Habits are powerful factors in our lives.Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness.习惯对我们的生活有绝大的影响,因为他是一贯的。在不知不觉中,经年累月影响着我们的品德,暴露出我们的本性,左右着我们的成败。

As Horace Mann, the great educator, once said, “habits are like a cable.We weave a strand of it everyday and soon it cannot be broken.” I personally do not agree with the last part of his expression.I know habits can be learned and unlearned.But is also know it isn’t a quick fix.It involves a process and a tremendous commitment.美国著名教育家曼恩曾说:“习惯就仿佛是一条缆绳,我们每天为他缠上一股新索,不要多久就会变得牢不可破。”这句话的后半段我不敢苟同,我相信习惯可以养成,也可以打破,但绝不是一蹴而就,而是需要长期的努力和无比的毅力。

Those of us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 11 were transfixed as we saw the first men walk on the moon and return to earth.But to get there, those astronauts literally had to break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the earth.More energy was spent in the first few minutes of lift-off, in the first few miles of travel, than was used over the next several days to travel half a million miles.宇航员搭乘阿波罗11号太空船,首次登陆月球的刹那,的确令人叹为观止。但宇航员得先摆脱地球强大的引力,才能飞往月球。由此在刚发射的几分钟,也就是整个任务一开始的几英里之内,是最艰难的时刻,所耗的力量往往超越往后的几十万英里。

Habits, too, have tremendous gravity pull-more than most people realize or would admit.Breaking deeply imbedded habitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives.“Lift off” takes a tremendous effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom takes on a whole new dimension.习惯也是一样,它具有极大的引力,只是许多人不加注意或不肯承认了。想要革除因循苟且,缺乏耐心,吹毛求疵或自私自利等不良习性,若是缺乏意志力,不能大刀阔斧的改革,便难以实现目标。“起飞”需要极大的努力,然而一旦脱离重力的牵绊,我们便可享受前所未有的自由。

Like any natural force, gravity pull can work with us or against us.The gravity pull of some of our habits may currently be keeping us from going where we want to go.But it is also gravity pull that keeps our world together, that keeps the planets in their orbits and our universe in order.It is a powerful force, and if we use it effectively, we can use the gravity pull of habit to create the cohesiveness and order necessary to establish effectiveness in our lives.习惯的引力就如同自然界所有的力量一般,可以为我们所用,也可能危害我们,关键看我们如何运用。不过,习惯或许一时有碍于达到目标,但也有积极的一面。宇宙万物各循轨道运行,彼此保持一定的秩序,毕竟也都有赖于引力的作用。所以只要我们善于运用习惯的庞大引力,就能使生活有重心,有秩序,有效率。

26、第26篇:Six Ways to Turn Desires into Gold 化渴望为财富的六大步骤

The method by which desire for riches can be transmuted into financially equivalent, consists of six definite, practical steps, they are: 化渴望为财富的方法,包含了如下的六大实际步骤:

First: fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire.It is not sufficient merely to say ”I want plenty of money.“ Be definite as to the amount.(There is a psychological reason for definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter.)第一:牢记你所渴望金钱的“确切”数目。光是说:“我要很多钱。”这样子是不够的。对其额度要非常肯定。(确定性之必要,有其心理学上的缘由,随后的章节会加以说明。)Second: determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire.(There is no such reality as ”something for nothing.“)


Third: establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.第三:设定你想“拥有”所渴望金钱的确切日期。

Fourth: create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are read or not, to put this plan into action.第四:草拟实现渴望的确切计划,并且“立即”行动,不论你准备妥当与否,都要将计划付诸实施。

Fifth: write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.第五:简单明了地写下你想获得的金钱数目,及获得这笔 钱的时限。说明你打算凭什么去取得这笔钱,并详加描述你累聚这笔钱的计划。

Sixth: read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after rising in the morning.As you read--see and feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money.第六:一天朗诵两遍你写好的告白,早晨起床时念一遍,晚上睡觉前念一遍。念的时候,要有如亲见目睹一般,实际体会真正拥有这笔钱时的感觉。

It is important that you follow the instructions described in these six steps.It is especially important that you observe, and follow the instructions in the sixth paragraph.You may complain that it is impossible for you to ”see yourself in possession of money" before you actually have it.Here is where a burning desire will come to you aid.If you truly desire money so keenly that your desire is an obsession, you will have no difficulty in convincing yourself that you will acquire it.The object is to want money, and to become so determined to have it that you convince yourself you will have it.遵行这六大步骤的指示是非常重要的。你有必要切实遵照这六个段落的指示,并奉行不渝。你可能会嘀咕,你又没有真正拥有这笔钱,要“目睹自己实际拥有这笔钱,” 似乎不太可能。这就该是沸腾的渴望派上用场的时刻了。如果你真的热切 渴望要有钱,你的渴望会变成魂牵梦萦的迫切企求,要让自己 有如置身其境也就易如反掌了。你的目标就是想要有钱,并且要坚定不移,坚定到你相信自己会拥有这笔钱的地步。

27、第27篇: Stick to your special talents 固守自己的优势

You were born with a special talent.It may be to sing, write, teach, paint, mentor, preach, defend or befriend.You have something special to offer the world, something you can do better than 10,000 others.You must keep learning and trying new things to find your special talent.The world needs your gift.Be aware that even a special talent can go stale if you don’t keep using and honing it.Endeavor to keep your talents and all your skills up to date.你生而有自己的特殊天赋。你的特长可能是唱歌,写作,教书,绘画,劝导,步道,辩护或交友。你总有些特殊之处可以贡献给这个世界,有些事你可以做的比另外一万个人做的都好。你必须不断学习和尝试新的事物从而发现自己的特殊才能。时间需要你的贡献馈赠。要明白即使是特殊才能如果不经常使用而且磨练的话也会失效。因此要尽力使自己的天赋与所有的技能跟上时代。

An advantage isn’t an advantage unless you use it.Find ways to use your advantages to set and reach your goals.Likewise, you should recognize and then try to minimize the impact of your limitations.Remember that not all advantages are transferable.Just because you are talented in one area doesn’t mean that you will be talented at everything you try.The successful real estate investor can easily lose her money opening a restaurant.Stick to your advantages and don’t stray from them without reasoned justification.任何优势如果不用的话也就不称其为优势了。找到办法运用你的优势来确定并实现你的目标。同样的你应该意识到自己的不足之处并尽力将其不利影响限制在最小程度。切记并不是所有的优势都能够相互转换的:你在某一方面有天赋并不意味着你在自己所尝试的一切事情上都有天赋。一个成功的房地产投资商很可能因为开餐馆而亏本。因此要固守自己的优势,在没有理性的确定判断之前不要轻易离开自己擅长的领域。y and restrictions, rules to follow from which we can grow and gain strength.Restraint is a necessary counterpart to the winds of opposition.Some of us tug at the rules so hard that we never soar to reach the heights we might have obtained.We keep part of the commandment and never rise enough to get our tails off the ground.有时我们真像这风筝啊!上苍赋予我们困境和约束,赋予我们成长和增强实力所要遵从的规则。约束是逆风的必要匹配物。我们中有些人是如此强硬地抵制规则,以至我们从来无法飞到本来能够达到的高度。我们只遵从部分戒律,因此永远不会飞得足够高,使尾巴远离地面。

Let us each rise to the great heights, recognizing that some of the restraints that we may chafe under are actually the steadying force that helps us ascend and achieve.让我们每个人都飞到高处吧,并且认识到这一点:有些可能会令我们生气的约束,实际上是帮助我们攀升和实现愿望的平衡力

28、第28篇:What is your direction indicator of ascending 什么是你攀升的方向标

One windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites.Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds darting and dancing.As the strong winds gusted against the kites, a string kept them in check.在一个有风的春日,我看到一群年轻人正在迎风放风筝玩乐,各种颜色、各种形状和大小的风筝就好像美丽的鸟儿在空中飞舞。当强风把风筝吹起,牵引线就能够控制它们。

Instead of blowing away with the wind, they arose against it to achieve great heights.They shook and pulled, but the restraining string and the cumbersome tail kept them in tow, facing upward and against the wind.As the kites struggled and trembled against the string, they seemed to say, “Let me go!Let me go!I want to be free!” They soared beautifully even as they fought the restriction of the string.Finally, one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose.“Free at last,” it seemed to say.“Free to fly with the wind.”


Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze.It fluttered ungracefully to the ground and landed in a tangled mass of weeds and string against a dead bush.“Free at last” free to lie powerless in the dirt, to be blown helplessly along the ground, and to lodge lifeless against the first obstruction.然而,脱离束缚的自由使它完全处于无情微风的摆布下。它毫无风度地震颤着向地面坠落,落在一堆乱草之中,线缠绕在一颗死灌木上。“终于自由”使它自由到无力地躺在尘土中,无助地任风沿着地面将其吹走,碰到第一个障碍物便毫无生命地滞留在那里了。

How much like kites we sometimes are.The Heaven gives us adversity and restrictions, rules to follow from which we can grow and gain strength.Restraint is a necessary counterpart to the winds of opposition.Some of us tug at the rules so hard that we never soar to reach the heights we might have obtained.We keep part of the commandment and never rise enough to get our tails off the ground.有时我们真像这风筝啊!上苍赋予我们困境和约束,赋予我们成长和增强实力所要遵从的规则。约束是逆风的必要匹配物。我们中有些人是如此强硬地抵制规则,以至我们从来无法飞到本来能够达到的高度。我们只遵从部分戒律,因此永远不会飞得足够高,使尾巴远离地面。

Let us each rise to the great heights, recognizing that some of the restraints that we may chafe under are actually the steadying force that helps us ascend and achieve.让我们每个人都飞到高处吧,并且认识到这一点:有些可能会令我们生气的约束,实际上是帮助我们攀升和实现愿望的平衡力

29、第29篇:How do we take our places? 我们凭借什么所向披靡

Progressive future and successful life require discipline and character.These things are embedded into the pattern of our lives through proper education and interaction with fellow human beings.A solid foundation of time tested nurtured values attach a character to each and every one of us.Finally, wherever we go we carry our character subconsciously with us.进步的未来和成功的生活需要纪律和个人品质:他们通过教育和其他人的互动根植与我们的生活方式中。久经考验的价值观奠定的坚实基础赋予每一个人品质。最后不管我们走到哪里,我们身上都会潜意识地随时反映我们的品质。

A person is character personified only if he has enough credibility.Credibility is an essential attribute that is built on the elements of integrity, reliability, veracity, competence and commitment.Credibility shines in those people who are ethically motivated.Credibility is an important tool in improving your people skills.Credibility ensures a person to win the genuine respect, confidence and trust of others.To build up enough credibility we have to have a lot of following elements: 如果有足够的诚信,品质就会个性化。诚信是一个基本的特质,是建立在正直,可靠,诚实,能力和承诺的基础上。诚信是崇尚道德的人的身上发出的光芒。诚信可言提高你做人的技巧。诚信使人们获得由衷的敬意,自信和别人的信任。要建立足够的诚信,我们必须拥有以下的品质:

Integrity: in simple words it means standing for your values and be firm on your views.Integrity is an essential factor to win the adulation and trust of others.Integrity is the solidarity with which you make your presence felt.正直:用简单的话而言就是捍卫你的价值观,坚持你的观点。正直使你得到别人的尊敬和信任。正直使人们无法无视你的存在。

Reliability: reliability is a very addictive breeding ground for mutual trust and improved interpersonal relations.Evidence of reliability lies in the consistency with which we deliver on commitments, promises and statements.可靠性:可靠性是培养相互信任和提升人际关系的基础。可靠性反映在我们和别人的沟通,对他人的承诺和陈述的一致性。Competence: competence is the combined effort of knowledge application, experience and conscientious effort to the best possible solution for a given problem.When deadlines have to be met at the earliest a person’s competence is the only handy tool that will see him through that deadline.A competent person has no ifs and buts in his vocabulary.He won’t fix a blame for failure on something or someone, but will modulate himself to rectify the situation.能力:能力是知识应用,经验和认真应对解决问题的综合表现。当要赶一个期限时,个人的能力就是助他达到期限目的的唯一方便工具。有能力的人的词典里面没有“如果”和“但是”这些字眼。他不会为失败而责备其他人和事,而是调整自己去改变处境。

Commitment: a proper canalization of one’s energy, enthusiasm, talent and thoughts into completing a given project or thoughts is commitment.Commitment calls for a firm mental resolve to fulfill the job at hand and see it through.A committed person won’t rest on his laurels till he has completed his duty.承诺:正确投入个人的能量,热情,才能及思考去完成一个项目或实现一个想法就是承诺。承诺需要坚定的决心去完成手头的工作。一个守承诺的人不完成任务是不会言休的。

No one is born perfect.But one can hone one’s skills by being true to oneself.Early realization of the important change in your life can take you places.So be far-sighted and do let me know the results.没有人生来是完美的,但可以通过坦诚对待自己来不断磨练自己早些实现生活中的重要变化,会使你所向披靡。因此保持远见,并告诉我结果如何。



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