
时间:2019-05-13 06:15:50下载本文作者:会员上传




事件过程:汶川地震后,在中央电视台举办的 “爱的奉献——抗震救灾募捐晚会”现场, “王老吉”品牌持有者加多宝集团以一亿元人民币的国内单笔最高捐款感动了每一个中国人。随后国内某个著名论坛出现了一篇《封杀王老吉》的帖子,倡议只要看到“王老吉”,见一罐买一罐,从货架上“封杀”王老吉„„ 网民不仅回复踊跃,更纷纷在其他的论坛进行转载,随后,qq群,个人博客等多种方式也都参与其中,甚至部分报纸和电视媒体也参与了对这一帖子的讨论。最后“害得”王老吉买断了货,只能是开足马力生产“抵制封杀”。至此,王老吉不仅取得了超高的销量,也赢得了全国网友的赞誉,可谓名利双收。怎样做好公关工作呢?可咨询优渡网的公关顾问。



















传媒大亨默多克及其子19日出席英国议会听证会,就《世界新闻报》窃听丑闻接受质询。在听证会开始两个小时后,一位男子将一盘剃须膏泡沫扔向默多克,使得现场秩序一片混乱。默多克妻子邓文迪迅速跃起反击,打了袭击者一个耳光。袭击者随即被警方铐走。这一荒唐场景传到国内,在网上已经演变成“邓文迪飞身救夫”而被网站和网民津津乐道。冷静一想,这不能不让人怀疑,这一闹剧是不是默多克集团自导自演的危机公关? 毕竟这一事件却使公众的情绪有所转变,不少人开始对默多克表示同情,觉得他遇袭时就像一个普通老人,人们随之也渐渐忘记了《世界新闻报》窃听丑闻。




第二篇:杨澜访谈录——菲尔普斯 英文台词

Swimming in the urchin

Moderator(Yang Lan): Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to “Interview with Yang Lan,” everyone has their own aspirations, a person's desire to have a little strength, when a U.S.swimmer Michael Phelps won eight people Gold, the world number of people who believe that, on August 17, he has won seven gold medals at the moment his personal desire to become the world's desire.Narration(in 2004 Athens Olympic Games, one of the world remember the name of Phelps.He was 19 years old, his six gold medals, two bronze shocked the world, this one took eight gold medals and became the most Olympic Star The bright star.Q: In general, held in the afternoon game, the Beijing Olympic Games start in the morning race, which many people fear of Phelps, for him Qizao bed is very difficult.Phelps: I drove to the school, I will look at the time, called her mother for the third time, said: it does not, to tell you upstairs.But I do in bed?

Moderator(Yang Lan): Do you have a very good state of mind, so you must sleep when they sleep on.In the Olympic Games will be like this?

Phelps: I can sleep anywhere.This game players, this is the biggest advantage, I love to sleep, sleep is my favorite one.I always fall asleep.This is not a problem.Q: Competition in the morning, there are many athletes have been complaints, you had a similar complain?

Phelps: I Haowuyuanyan, after all, this is the Olympics, to have the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games for your country and swimming for your team and the motherland, and in what time does not matter to me.When will I be able to swim, if I have 10 o'clock in the morning, the Olympic gold medal run, I see no problem.I will get up on time, very proud to wear the clothes and make their own efforts to win glory for the country.Narration(Phelps of the mother, not the name of the most difficult to get up, the headache is that he's ADHD as a child, why would learn to swim, his mother is the treatment of ADHD in order to come up with countermeasures.)

Moderator(Yang Lan): I have heard that you learn to swim in one of the original treatment for ADHD, and through this to your mother you release excess sperm?

Phelps: he was right.I said in a swimming pool in the stadium, I will feel very relaxed, free, by releasing its own strength to be happy.I am finally out of ADHD.I am all right now.I think either school as a child learning to swim, I can not be so strong, I always remember as a child to see a doctor, take medicine regularly, and finally one day I no longer need these.Moderator(Yang Lan): What makes you aware that you are swimming for health and it? Or to set up his own career as a swimmer's goal? This is the time to do what?

Phelps: I would like to have been the hour, may be in 2001, when I created the first world record time.At the moment I think may be some very special things.Before I have taken part in the Olympic Games.But then, I feel a little different.Aside(although participate in the Athens Olympics, he is only 19 years old, but it is not the first time.In 2000 in Sydney, his 70 years as the youngest U.S.player, has participated in the competition.Moderator(Yang Lan): Your first Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000, then you only 15 years old, but it still got a fifth of the results for the first time you feel how the Olympic experience?

Phelps: It was the first time I have to go abroad for the first time with the national team play, I also experienced the first international match, I no more than 15 years of age.There are swimming pool 1800, Australia in the scream, as if the entire pool all in shock, the thunder sound as they scream too much, in fact I am not really ready to play.But also a kind of experience from which I know more about their own.When I get only the fifth time, I am very disappointed.But six months later, I broke my first world record, because I have the strength, I'm ready.Narration(2001 in the 200-meter butterfly race, 1 minute 54 seconds to break the world record of 58, Phelps began swimming at the world's gold on the road.Jun 29, 2003 held in California to create competition 200-meter individual medley world record, a month after the decision in the Barcelona world championships, broke his own 200m individual medley record of 41 days, he created the game 7 of World Records, he was just 18 years of age, In the world's top swimmer, he is a child, the talented juvenile began his second trip to the Olympics.Moderator(Yang Lan): A gold medal is more important than the use of it? In the Athens Olympic Games, if you do not have to adhere to Thorpe in the freestyle competition in one fell swoop, you can be a gold medal?

Phelps: I like to do one of the world's best game together.In the 200-meter freestyle, almost the best players, the tour's fastest players had participated.I would like to contest them, I never give up, especially in swimming inside,Moderator(Yang Lan): This is beyond anything the gold medal?

Phelps: I just want the best players and games.Moderator(Yang Lan): I think this is where you plug the Olympic spirit!

Phelps: Yes,Narration(desire for a gold medal, the desire to break Spitz's record seven blocks gold medal he was looking forward with the best players in the world for the excellent and the best game.He had to overcome their own Crocker's photo hung in the bedroom, indicating there is The existence of such a rival.'s Old rival Ian Thorpe retired Phelps let a lot of disappointment.)

Moderator(Yang Lan): Who is your biggest rivalry?

Phelps: You can not say that a particular person, there are so many people around the world.I am doing the same with swimming, I swim in the competition, and so many people.I am in the world and the best player of the competition, this is my favorite, let me be more strong.Moderator(Yang Lan): You do not need to see them encouraged to do your fighting spirit?

Phelps: I do need result, I guide the direction, I will mark out a place I can see every day.A few years ago that Thorpe can not be a race to get seven gold medals, Phelps can not do.Those words in particular have been marked out, and then note in my locker, no matter what time to open my locker, I can see them.Narration(Indeed, now is not the time Phelps will be their opponents on the bedside photograph of a child, he was very clear victory, if not enough self-confidence, than their opponents have to redouble our efforts, he likes a bow Man saying, “If you break one day, strength will be back two days”)

Moderator(Yang Lan): You know you are training hard, even in the same is true of Christmas,Phelps: a price to pay for growth.I gave up.Moderator(Yang Lan): We like to describe your training, such as a day to travel long?

Phelps: I swim every day 2-5 hours each training swim about 5-6 miles now.Therefore, the basic day to the upper reaches of 5-12 miles, seven days a week is so.7:30 every morning, 15 o'clock, the training twice, each time for two hours or so.Moderator(Yang Lan): how to find joy in these circumstances it?

Phelps: I enjoy the view that, in addition to swimming, I want to, do I like to do.Play games or watching TV, or anything.In any case entirely on their own time, can do, can be very happy.If I could live in a swimming pool, that would be the safest.Aside(due to Phelps's Incredibles results, he studies why some people travel so fast, it was his physical condition, have concluded that the physical characteristics of the largest Yao Zhi long and short legs, so that the Is the proportion of Athlete of the devil figure, combined with powerful muscle relaxation category, to ensure continued momentum and accelerate the outbreak of the force)

Moderator(Yang Lan): We all said in your arms, legs, feet, hands, your sense of water and so on, do you think is the best so why would it?

Phelps: I guess because I have a gift swim in it.God gave me this talent, and gave me the will.I think from my parents, where many of the genetic characteristics of my personality, I am a very hard-working people, I am persistent and I do not words fail, to achieve our goals, I will make every effort, which is all of these together, creating I had that with my success.Aside(it can be said that Phelps warm sense of survival and swimming pools on the very obsession of many swimmers could not overcome the nature of his reasons, he also received a “aquatic animals” nickname.His rotation “under the surface ”Bluntly: his aversion boring, repetitive use of his legs around, very much perturbed by the non-stop commercial activities in the water would only be nurtured and enjoy the feeling of Qing Fu.)Moderator(Yang Lan): to leave the pool, you will feel a little awkward right?

Phelps: Yes, I left the pool very clumsy, I think is the safest in the water.Moderator(Yang Lan): In the swimming pool outside what harm?

Phelps: I always keep falling, the opponent and feet, I was a fish out of water, I had better return to the water, I can swim, or even to sleep, I will start things safer.Aside(because of less fame, the big kids have slowly come to understand that the success of the arrival there will be a lot of trouble, in 2004 a few weeks after the Athens Olympics, was also proved that he did not grow up.He lives in accordance with the law in Maryland He drunk driving, because he can not reach the drinking age, he was 19 years old.)

Moderator(Yang Lan): Do you drink-driving incident is what's going on?

Phelps: Yes, you made a mistake.It is very different from my life.This is also a lesson in life, and I now made great progress since then, when I told my friends together, because they may make mistakes, I will stop them from committing the same offense, if I can help them To prevent other people guilty of similar mistakes.I think this is, because I can to help them.Moderator(Yang Lan): This is a growth experience

Phelps: 18, 19-year-old to 22 years old, I have to live independently and have their own house, own cooking, living completely different.The life bit by bit, I do not useful.Aside(the 19-year-old age will face up to its mistakes, he returned to a conventional life back in the water, things change in the bright side.Melbourne in 2007 he created a world record 7 gold medals, so that the swimming talent Before the Olympics has become the most watched player, he early to prepare for the Beijing Olympic Games.)

Q host(Yang Lan): I have heard that you had to learn Chinese?

Phelps: I am a school, but very difficult, very difficult to do, I'm learning a course.But also to learn the course entry Stage.Moderator(Yang Lan): Now what can be said of?

Phelps: women, men.I learned are based.There are water, coffee, tea, very, very well.Narration(in Beijing to participate in eight matches, means that the opportunity to record the impact of eight.There is no doubt because they believe he has such power)

Moderator(Yang Lan): The convenience of our goal to tell you?

Phelps: This question has been asked numerous times.Only two people in the world, I know.Bob and I, even my mother is completely unclear,Moderator(Yang Lan): India does not intend to come out on the bed?

Phelps: I can only see.Moderator(Yang Lan): Everyone you expect to break Spitz created a world record!

Phelps: But I have a lot of goals.And that these goals are very high.I just want to do in the first Phelps, not the second Spitz.I do not want to do our predecessors, the sport is new.This is my goal.Narration(in the Beijing Olympics, Phelps eight gold medals from child prodigy to the evolution of the legend, his 23-year-old can one go further, we have to see if he can do in the pool and a race against time to play the game.)

Moderator(Yang Lan): I have heard that you are 12 years old to participate in a game to throw the goggles?

Phelps: Yes, I threw.Moderator(Yang Lan): lost because of it?

Phelps: I often get angry at that time, but I do not now the case.I learned from the mistakes committed as a child, to draw lessons.Moderator(Yang Lan): after the coach say? Phelps: He could not do so, so I changed a lot.Learned from the mistakes and change.Moderator(Yang Lan): Phelps incredible, these days many people use the flying fish, and even alien to describe his incredible that he has anything to do with it? He broadens the human imagination, so far, he has 14 Olympic gold medals, he also said that the participation in the 2012 London Olympics, will not terminated our imagination, Thank you for watching this edition of “Interview with Yang Lan.”



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