
时间:2019-05-13 07:26:41下载本文作者:会员上传


My friend

My friend is not tall.He has two round eyes and square face ,short black hair and big mouth.He is about eight and half years old.He is my same building.He is wearing a green shirt, trousers, white socks and a pair of blue and black sport shoes.I think he is a handsome boy.He is honest, funny and friendly.I like him very much!

My day I have a good day!In the morning , I read books and do homework.In the afternoon.I go shopping ,play computer games and ride a bike.In the evening.I clean the room ,wash the cloes and watch TV


Dear Miss Mao,Hi, I am Shi Qi.I like playing pingpong and reading books.My father likes playing pingpong, too.My mother likes watching TV and playing computer games.What is your hobby?

Yours, Shi Qi My good friend and I Hi!I am Liang Shuaikang.I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.We play games together in our school.On Saturday,we play basketball.On Sunday,we read books in the bookstore,then we drink orange juice.Every weekend we have a good time.



My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn’t he? Today, we have science class.

We are very happy. Because he is so funny.

Who is he? He’s a Mr. Zhou .


Mr. Wang is my PE teacher. He is very tall and strong. He’s a bit fat. His skin is swarthy, but it looks healthy. He has a round face. There are two big eyes on his face. He always wears a pair of glasses. I think Mr. Wang is very handsome.

Our PE lessons are very interesting, because Mr. Wang is very humor. He always plays games with us. Sometimes he makes jokes with us. We feel very happy in PE lessons. We all like Mr. Wang.(约85字)


In my life, Ms. Wang is the most important person to me. Her teaching skills are spanerse. In class, she usually uses games and posters. She works hard for us. When other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. When we are mischievous, she is good at giving systematic guidance.

We are really grateful for what she has done for us. We want to say ”thank you” to her.


There are four seasons in a year. I like summer best. Summer is hot and fun.

In summer, I can eat ice creams and watermelons. They are very nice. And I can swim in the pool. It’s very interesting.

Last summer, I went to the beach with my family. I played with the sand with my brother. We had a lot of fun.

Do you like summer?


Everyone has a lot of habits. Some are good habits and some are bad. Good habits are good for us, while bad habits are bad for us.

For good habits, we should keep them. I have some habits too. I go to bed early and never get up late. Just as an old saying goes, “An early bird catches the worm.” Besides, I always brush my teeth after every meal, because that's good for my teeth. I often put my things in order, this makes my room clean and tidy. Usually, I finish my homework before dinner. I think it’s good for my study. Do you think so?

For bad habits, we should get rid of them. Unluckily, I have some bad habits too. I don't like drinking water. I only drink a little water every day. That's not good for my body. I like eating cold food, such as ice creams and cold cola. But they often make me ill. I should say “NO” to them.

Do you have any good habits or bad habits? Let’s form good habits and get rid of bad ones!


The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Do you know the Dragon Boat Festival? If you don’t understand. Now, let me tell you.

Do you know the origin about this festival? The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan. He loved his country very much. But his king didn’t like him. And banished him twice. But Qu Yuan still loved his country. Finally, his country was perish and he died too.

What will we do at the Dragon Boat Festival? At this festival, we will make some rice dumplings. The rice dumplings are very delicious. Except making rice dumplings, we are going to have some dragon-boat races. We love this sport very much. Because it is very exciting.

Do you know about this festival? If you understand. Please tell your friends about the knowledge about Dragon Boat Festival.

Wish you have a wonderful Dragon Bout Festival!


Spring is in March , April and May, it’s warm. We see many big trees and nice flowers in spring.

We fly kites in spring.

Summer is in June , July and August, it’s hot. We see many green trees and red sun in summer. We eat ice creams and watermelons in summer.

Autumn is in September, October, and November, it’s cool. We see many apple trees in autumn. We have picnics and climb mountains in autumn.

Winter is in December, January, and February, it’s cold. We see much snow in winter. We make snowmen and skate in winter.


If you want to be a helpful person you need to help others. For instance, if someone drops a bag and you pick it up for the person. It is a nice thing.

I helped others, too. One day, we played hide-and-seek at the playground happily. We ran and found place to hide. Suddenly my classmate slipped and fell down. My sister and I help her to get up. “What's the matter? Are you all right? ”I asked anxiously. But she didn't answer me.

Then, My sister and I took her to the school clinic quickly. The doctor said that her knee was injured. Next morning when the bell rang, we swarmed out of the school and the classmate came with us. “I am grateful for your help. ”The classmate said thankful.

It's a happy thing to help others.


Everyone has his dream. They work hard to make their dream come true. I have a dream too.

Each student should study at school and serve our country in the future. There are many children want to go to school but they can’t. Because they live in the mountains. They have no money to go to school.

So I want to be a teacher. I want to help the poor children go out of the mountains. To make my dream come true, I will study harder. I should read more books and help my classmates.

If everyone’s dream come true, our country will be stronger and stronger. Wish everyone’s dream can come true some day!


Joy and happiness are very important to everyone. If you lost joy or happiness you cannot live.

Friends and books make me happy and bring me joy. When my family and I eat out. I feel very joyful and very happy. Sometimes a game or a beautiful place also can give me joy. If I feel joyful I will think the world is full of happiness.

I cannot only let another person give me joy and happiness, I should bring joy and happiness to them, too. For instance, if our mother or father are very thirsty, we can give a glass of water to them. They will be very joyful and happy. How can we make our teacher happily? Let's study hard and they will feel happy.

Everyone can find joy or happiness in their lives. Wish you to joy everyday!




My Chinses Teacher

I have a Chinses Teacher. Her name is Lui Xiaohong. She is from Lanchang. She’s very active and strict. She has two big eyes. She’s very nice.But she is short. She like to smile. I don’t know what season she like. Because I don’t know her very well. Her class is very funny, I like it.

In a word, I love my Chinese Teacher.







I have a dog. My dog name is DuDu. DuDu is 9 years. DuDu is fat. It wears a white coat. DuDu has two big eyes and two small ears. It has one short mouth. My dog is smart. I like my dog. Do you like it?









My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn’t he? Today, we have science class.

We are very happy. Because he is so funny.

Who is he? He’s a Mr. Zhou .


Hello!My name is Weiwei. My father is very handsome.My mother is very beautiful. So I’m very lovely. Look!My coat is red. My eyes are blue. I have a long tail. Fish is my favorite food. I like mice too. Guess!Who am I?


My father is very tall. He has two bright eyes. He looks very young. He is fourty-nine years old.

My father is very nice. I know he love me very much. I feel lucky to have such a good father.




1.数字 Number

基数词:one1 two2 three3 four4 five5 six6 seven7 eight8 nine9 ten10 eleven11 twelve12

thirteen13 fourteen14 fifteen15 sixteen16 seventeen17 eighteen18 nineteen19 twenty20

thirty30forty40 fifty50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety90hundred 百 thousand 千


序数词:first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五 sixth第六 seventh第七


2.食物 food

meat肉 noodles面条 bread面包 rice米饭 sweet 糖果 peanut 花生 biscuit饼干soup

汤cake蛋糕 milk牛奶 fish鱼 ice-cream冰激凌fast food快餐chocolate巧克力

cheese奶酪egg 鸡蛋 hot dog 热狗tea茶chips薯条 moon cake月饼

hamburger 汉堡cola可乐 beef 牛肉 water 水 chicken 鸡肉 pork 猪肉 vegetable蔬

菜 tea 茶coffee 咖啡juice果汁(breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐dinner 晚餐)


apple苹果pear梨子mango芒果banana香蕉orange橙子 watermelon西瓜

4.时间 Time

morning早上 afternoon下午evening晚上tonight今晚 year年tomorrow明天minute分钟 today今天yesterday昨天 weekend周末 o’clock时钟 night 晚上break课间休息 sometimes 有时 holiday 假日someday有一天 week星期Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday星期五

Saturday星期六 Sunday星期日 month月份January一月February二月March 三月April四月 May五月 June六月 July七月 August八月September九月 October十月November十一月December十二月hour小时


New Year新年Christmas圣诞节Spring Festival春节 Children’s Day儿童节

Thanksgiving Day感恩节Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Flag Day国旗日Lantern festival元宵节 Mid-Autumn festival 中秋节

6.学校 school

bag书包 book书 paper纸 pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 ruler尺子 chair椅子 desk书桌homework作业pencil-box铅笔盒word单词dictionary字典classroom教室

card 卡片,贺卡 letter字母middle school中学Chinese语文Math数学 Science

科技课 Music音乐课English英语

7.运动类 sport

ball球 basketball篮球football足球 table-tennis乒乓球high jump跳高swimming

游泳long jump跳远morning exercises早操race比赛 baseball棒球 Olympic

Games 奥林匹克


bird鸟 fish鱼 panda大熊猫 snake蛇 cat猫 lion狮子 dog狗parrot鹦鹉 dragon龙tiger老虎monkey猴子elephant大象chicken 鸡duck鸭子pet 宠物pig猪cow

牛sheep羊horse马 frog青蛙rabbit兔子 mouse老鼠kangaroo袋鼠monkey 猴子

panda熊猫 snake蛇


blue蓝色red红色yellow黄色black黑色white白色brown褐色 orange橙色green 绿色


car汽车 plane飞机 bus公共汽车boat小船 ship轮船 train火车 bike自行车spaceship 宇宙飞船

11.肢体部位 Body

ear耳朵 hand手 arm手臂 eye眼睛 head头 foot足mouth嘴巴 leg腿 nose鼻子hair头发shoulder肩膀


shirt,衬衣 shorts短裤skirt短裙 jacket夹克 trousers裤子sock袜子 cap鸭舌帽hat有沿帽 swimsuit泳衣 coat外套 dress连衣裙T-shirt T恤衫sweater毛衣pocket口袋shoe鞋

13.国家 country

China中国 Chinese中国的 England英国 English英国的India印度 Indian印度的American美国的 America美国Scotland苏格兰Australia 澳大利亚UN联合国

14.家庭 Family

Dad爸爸father父亲parent父母brother兄弟mum妈妈mother母亲grandpa祖父grandma祖母cousin堂兄弟sister姐妹grandparent祖父母son 儿子


friend朋友children孩子们 child 孩子(单数)boy男孩girl女孩 queen女王kin亲戚

men 男人(复数)women 女人(复数)pen friend 笔友


teacher老师doctor医生driver司机nurse护士farmer农民pupil小学生worker工人fireman消防员painter 画家postman邮递员policeman警察 model模范


music音乐guitar吉他 drum 鼓 zither古筝pop music流行音乐 song歌曲Classical music古典音乐flute笛trumpet喇叭 violin 小提琴dancing 舞蹈


room房间 bedroom卧室 bathroom 浴室living room 客厅kitchen 厨房dining room 餐厅

window窗户hammer锤子 floor 地板 light灯 chopsticks筷子house房屋 shelf架子

oil lamp油灯newspaper 报纸 sofa 沙发vase 花瓶 bed床 ticket票 toothbrush牙刷fork 叉子 knife餐刀 stamp邮票 cup茶杯 door门 photo相片 picture图片cooker炊具

box盒子 doorbell 门铃


sea海river河流island 岛 stone 石头 mountain 大山hill小山 water水lake湖tree 树flower花sky 天空cloud云sun 太阳bamboo竹子 fire火 world 世界


Barbie doll芭比娃娃teddy bear玩具熊jigsaw拼图游戏kite风筝 slide滑梯swing秋千chess 国际象棋game游戏magazine杂志pet宠物balloon 气球

21.城市 City

Washington D.C.华盛顿New York纽约San Francisco旧金山 Canada加拿大

Sydney悉尼Hong Kong香港 Shanghai上海 Beijing北京Fujian福建Xiamen厦门


22.天气 Weather

warm温暖 hot热的 cool凉爽的cold寒冷的 rainy下雨的sunny阳光充足的 windy刮风的snowy下雪wet湿的 season,季节spring春summer 夏autumn(fall)秋winter 冬



24.感觉 Feeling:

sad悲伤的 hungry恶的 thirsty渴的 tired累的 shy害羞的 exciting兴奋的 happy高兴的angry 生气的bored无聊的excited兴奋的nervous紧张的normal 正常的pleased高兴的25.形态

fat胖的 thin瘦的 tall高的 short矮的 long长的 small小的 big大的 old老的young年轻的 little年幼的 strong强壮的large 大的light轻的26.方位词

at在…方面 in在…里面 on在…上面 next to相邻 under在…下面 down向下over在…上 up向上 near附近left左边right右边north北west西around在…周围 east东 south南 inside在…内


he他 I我 it它 my我的 she她 they他们 we我们 you你(你们)your你(你们)的them他们(宾格)me我 us我们 myself我自己their他们的mine我的yours 你(你们)的 hers她的 his他的 herself她自己


this这个 that那个 these这些 those那些 here这里 there那里all over 到处


how怎么 what什么 where哪里 why为什么how much 多少whose谁的 which 哪个


now现在 about关于 any一些bit一点 every每一个 for为了by乘 all所有的from来自 just仅仅 so所以 some一些 then然后 very非常 with和---一起everything任何事 than比… one某物also也need要but但是 very很too也

well很好地 badly很糟的 together一起 slowly 慢地 still仍然 abroad国外another另一个 quickly 迅速地 already已经never从不soon不久 more更多maybe可能 again再一次 always总是 hurry 赶紧 often常常 such这样的(地)because因为 loudly 大声地 everyone每个人


favorite最喜欢 dear亲爱的 new新的 old旧的 lost迷失的 quiet安静的right正确的dark黑暗的 nice美味的well好的young年青的 cute可爱的clever聪明的 naughty淘气的powerful功能强大的 expensive昂贵的 unnecessary不必要的beautiful美丽的difficult困难的 better比较好的 worse更坏的 boiling沸腾的 famous著名的fun有趣的 scary吓人的 fast快的 great伟大的 heavy重的 high高的 wide宽的lovely 美好的welcome 受欢迎的different困难的busy繁忙的really真的lucky 幸运的enough足够的fantastic了不起的tidy整齐的useful 有用的blind 盲的surprise令人惊奇的dangerous危险的interesting有趣的talented有天赋的traditional传统的deaf聋的special 特殊的 proud 骄傲的 wrong 错误的noisy 吵闹的32.动词

play玩sing唱歌read看write写listen听talk说 draw画drink喝jump跳ride骑 row划run跑 swim游泳 train训练 wash洗 hold拿 wear穿 dance跳舞 walk跑eat吃click点击type 打字clean 打扫catch 接住collect收集copy模仿born生于

point指look看like喜欢 watch看see看 count数 want想 love喜爱think想agree同意start开始meet见见hear听见feel 感觉phone打电话prepare准备leave离开believe相信clap 拍掌miss 思念show展示stamp 跺(脚)enjoy 享用shine照耀ring 响

stand站 know知道 help帮助 pass通过 take拿 let让turn转 live住 past通过please请buy买 come来 find找到 make做 put放 repair修理 try尝试 visit拜访wait等待 send送 learn学习call称作 speak说 go走 finish完成 begin开始change改变 fall落下 happen发生 carry搬运 bump砸 invent发明shop购物cost花费pay 付款 fly飞argue争吵control控制tell告诉smell 闻到cross 穿过cook做饭travel旅游return 归还prefer 更喜欢solve解决suggest 建议disagree 不同意sound 听起来 become 成为 spend 度过 draw 画 laugh笑 understand 理解,明白 study学习practice 练习worry 担心

第五篇:小学二年级英语作文-A Trip

I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer.¡¡¡¡

It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way.One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn't move any further.Nobody knew what to do.¡¡¡¡One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area.Luckily we brought a tent with us.We put it up and let him rest in it.He took some medicine.Then he drank some water, and ate some food.After a while, he felt much better and we walked on.We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain.



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