
时间:2019-05-13 07:48:11下载本文作者:会员上传


Role Play of Engagement In the Magpie Bridge Role-Play之《再会鹊桥》(中文在后面)

Aside:Once upon a time,two stars up in the sky called Niulang and Zhinv fell in love with each other.But their love was forbidden by the Mother Queen of the heavens,who separated them by casting down Niulang to live as a simple cow herder,while Zhinv became a cloud-weaver.Only once every year,on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calender is Niulang reunited with Zhinv and his children.That day is Chinese Valentine’s Day.When a flock of magpies is said to form a bridge between the stars,allowing the loved ones to be together.[Scene one]

The home of Niulang Aside:Today is an another Qiqiao festival.They are separated about 50 years.In the morning,Niulang is looking at the blue sky with a sweet smile,pondering what to take to see his wife when he sees his little granddaughter Ajiao walking out of the room with sleepy eyes, he seems to get something.Ajiao:Good morning,grandpa!Niulang:Good morning,look,my granddaughter is growing up.wow,the little face is becoming more and more beautiful, much more like your grandmother now.Ajiao:Grandpa,you always say,my grandmother is a fairy,but I have never seen her before.Can you tell me what does she look like? Niulang:um...she is the most beautiful woman in the world.You are grown up now,I will take you to see your grandmother, ok? Ajiao:really?Are you kidding? Niulang:No, absolutely not.Ajiao:So when will we go? Niulang:Today.Ajiao:wow,it’s one of the best news I have ever heard.um...I think I need to dress up.Aside:Ajiao skips into the room to dress up while Niulang prepares to meet his wife--Zhinv.[Scene two]

the bridge of magpies Aside:In the afternoon,Niulang arrives at the meeting place with his granddaughter ahead of time.Ajiao is surprised to see a lot of magpies flock together and a spectacular magpie bridge appear in the sky.Ajiao:Grandpa,look,there are many magpies dancing in the sky,it’s so beautiful,I like here.Niulang:Old chap,long time no see.This is really hard for you in the past few years.Magpie:My deal friend,it’s our pleasure to serve you.People all over the world are praising your love.Today is a great day,I wish you have a good time.Niulang:Thank you,thank you for your company.Aside:The time of the meeting finally arrived,Zhinv can’t wait to go through the bridge.When she sees her husband with white hair, her eyes are filled with tears of joy and love.Ajiao:Grandpa,(is this)my grandmother? Niulang:yeah.you are going to meet her.I’m getting old and can’t walk very fast.Ajiao:Grandma,grandma,I finally see you.Do you know how much I miss you? Zhinv:Oh,my cute baby,you’re growing up so fast.Zhinv:Darling, you have a lot of white hair and wrinkles this year.I can’t accompany you every day,I’m so sorry,sorry...Niulang:Don’t be sad.I live very well at home.Look,there’s our granddaughter with me...Aside:Every appointment of them sitting in the magpie bridge,eating the snack Niulang bringing from home,there are endless stories about family and mixed emotions to talk to each other,..time always goes by quickly,their appointment is ending.Days of wine and roses, parting bell rings.Niulang holding Zhinv’s hands reluctantly,looking at her adoring and saying:”My dear ,I really want you to have a happy life in heaven,don’t worry too much.Our human beings can’t protect ourselves from illness and death,but I will do my best to live long enough,so that we can have many times to meet each other in the future.I love you forever ,darling.”

“I love you,too...”Zhinv crys to choke with sobs.[Scene three]

Heaven(Jade pool)

Aside:The jade emperor see Zhinv so sad this time,feeling softhearted finally.So he goes to find the queen.Emperor:”Have you ever saw the scene our daughter met Niulang this afternoon? How could you have the heart to let them go on like this? lonely to death?”

Queen:”Blaming Zhinv so impulsive at the beginning,and she should take this consequence, What else should I do?”

Emperor:”Oh well, actually, Just a word from you is enough to let Zhinv accompany Niulang over the rest of his life, and I don’t want you to regret for separating them forever The queen Nod her head in approval and calls in Zhinv who just walk through,”Baby come and I have a thing to tell you.From today,you can be free to descend to the world,and get along with Niulang over the rest of his life,what he really needs right now is you.”

On hearing this, she didn't dare to believe her ears, she is dying to return to Niulang’s side immediately.She gives her mother a big hug and says:”Thank you for the kindness of my dear mother,Niulang must be very happy if he knows this.Thank you so much,I have to find him and give him a big surprise!”

After saying this, Zhinv left her parents,The jade emperor and the queens look at each other, smiling with joy.The end.Role-Play之《再会鹊桥》








阿娇满惊讶的看着牛郎:“姥爷,是真的吗?你真的要带我去见姥姥?!!” 牛郎:“真的!”

阿娇:“那我们什么时候去?” 牛郎:“就今天。” 阿娇高兴地快要哭了:“太好了,姥爷你怎么不早点告诉我,我一定要穿的漂漂亮亮的去见姥姥。”



鹊桥 旁白:下午牛郎早早收拾好东西带着阿娇从家里出发,提前到达了他们和织女见面的地方,这时喜鹊已经聚集在一起,鹊桥已经快要搭好。阿娇看到这个场景震撼地目瞪口呆。







牛郎:“是啊,那就是你姥姥,你快去迎接她吧,我走地没你快。” 阿娇飞快地朝织女跑去:“姥姥姥姥,我终于见到美貌如花的姥姥了。” 织女也朝他们走来:“看,这就是我可爱的小外孙女吧,都长那么大了。快让姥姥好好看看。”


















第二篇:英语话剧剧本 之新版笑傲江湖

laughing in the wind 人物:令狐冲(linghuchong),小师妹(little sister),任盈盈(yingying),东方不败(invincible eastern),小尼姑(little nun),田伯光(tianboguang),林平之(linpingzhi)



令狐冲:little sister ,you are the most beautful girl in this world!i will love you forever.小师妹:(害羞)oh!really?you are the most handsome boy I have ever seen!i love you too!令狐冲:I love you too 小师妹:I love you too too 令狐冲:I love you too too too!(小师妹的剑不小心落下令狐冲捡起)令狐冲:oh little sister ,your sword!小师妹:no it’s your sword!令狐冲:your sword!(扭扭咧咧)小师妹:your sword!令狐冲:your sword!小师妹:it’s madness when I say it ,but not when you say about it!令狐冲:ok , you are right ,it’s my sword.(顺从态)令狐冲:little sister ,there is one thing I want to tell you ,master asked me to go downhill for a few days ,so during my absence ,brother lin will be with you ,take good care of yourself ,I will be back soon.小师妹:rearlly?oh , my life will be boring without you!(伤感)so,good-bye!(突然兴奋)第二幕

(令狐冲在下山后遇见正在调戏小尼姑的田伯光)小尼姑:give away!田伯光:come here!小尼姑:if you talk any more nonsence, I’ll hit you with my sword!小尼姑:keep away!keep away!田伯光:let me take good care of you!don’t be afraid of me , I’m the most handsome man in china.令狐冲:stop that!Don’t hurt that girl!田伯光:who is that man?run far away if you don’t want to pass away!令狐冲:so ,let’s fighting!(音乐,用功夫里面的那首)(两人打斗,令狐冲不敌田伯光)田伯光:give out that little boy!you can’t stop me from enjoying my life with her!令狐冲:no ,if that!if that ,I’d rather die!(再上,再被打败,重伤)(突然闪出一人,身手凌厉,田伯光被秒掉)小尼姑:unbelievable!he’s my hero!东方不败:what a handsome man ,it would be a pity if you die here.and that’s why I save you ,so ,don’t fall in love with me ,forever!令狐冲:you are a man ,how can I fall in love with you!东方不败:but what if I ware a girl? 令狐冲:if that ,I won’t believe in love for any longer 东方不败:wait for me here!i’ll be back soon!(熄灯,东方不败换女装)令狐冲:you you are so beautiful!I love you 东方不败:no!we can never be together ,not because of you ,nor because of me ,it’s the world to blame!goodbey honey ,we won’t meet again.(灯灭,第三幕)(麻将声响起,四人麻将,分别是令狐冲,小师妹,林平之,任盈盈,令狐冲面对的是林平之)(中文对话: 林平之:八筒 小师妹:吃 林平之:九条 小师妹:碰 林平之:五条 小师妹:杠!令狐冲:五桶 小师妹:糊了!)令狐冲:I lose again ,little sister ,brother lin is always help you!what’s the matter with you honey? 小师妹:so I will tell you the truth ,I am in love with brother lin ,compared with you ,he is more hot, he have strong kiss with me every now and then.but you ,have not even touch my hand during the past few years!令狐冲:I’m so sad to hear that

任盈盈:brother linhu ,don’t be sad ,when you are longly ,I will be right by your side!令狐冲:thank you yingying ,when everbody leave me ,you are the only one stay with me.任盈盈:when you are longly ,I can play music for you ,so ,let us be together!I wana be your girl , and you are my boy!令狐冲:ok,you are my girl now, do what you want to do!(任盈盈抱住令狐冲,吻了他)(灯灭)

(旁白:two years later ,it is said that invincible eastern was killed by linhuchong , the biggest enemy died , but the world get worse , people suffer from songshanpai.linghuchong live with renyingying from that day on , but is he happy ? who is the girl really in his heart?)第三幕


田伯光:welcome to “no honesty no bother” I’m the compere xiaotiantian.taday there are 4 girls waiting for their boy.now let’s welcome the sunny boy linghuchong!(音乐)令狐冲:holle everybody , I am linghuchong from huashan mountain,I’m a strong man as well as a handsome boy,you will never regret if you choose me.田伯光:so girls , it’s time to turn down your light , to turn or not to turn it is a question(都没有熄灯)田伯光:it’s out of my surprise!all of the lights are on!so you can choose the girl you love best.小师妹:brother , it was all my fault before, brother lin is no longer a real man I am so longly these days, the boy I really love is you!小尼姑:brother , you have saved me , all my body ang heart are yours!任盈盈:brother chong ,I am the girl who accompanied you.when you feel longly ,I played music for you.when you are happy ,I played music for you.when you are sad ,I played music for you!令狐冲:but don’t you know I don’t love music?(径直走向东方不败,牵住她的手)令狐冲:I thought you have passed away, it is so good to see you again 东方不败:I was saved by your master fengqingyang(停顿)。You wanted to kill me ,why choose me now? 令狐冲:I did’t want you know?it was not decide by me!belive in me ,you are the girl in my heart!whether past or present!东方不败:I won’t belive in you any more , you have so many female friends ,any of them can be your girl friend , isn’t it? 令狐冲:the girl you love is not the one who grow up with you ,nor the one who like you ,nor the one who play music for you!she is the one you feel right ,and that is the most important.belive that you will always be my girl!东方不败:thank you for your love , which I can’t afford to.we can never be together, it is decide by God.I will not marry you , nor see you again.so ,it is the last time we see each other.choose the one you like best and be kind to her.Good-bye



The Duel between two Swordsmen

SCENE 1 :西门吹雪与叶孤城


旁白:A quiet village is covered with white snow.Birds are dancing in the cold.A man is walking along the street ,step by step.Wind is coming in silence.Another mysterious man approaches.西门吹雪与叶孤城相遇.

西门吹雪:Oh ,I am sorry to knock you!

叶孤城: Ha ha, Never mind.西门吹雪: Excuse me,who are you on earth? could you tell me your name?

叶孤城: Ha ha, I won’t change my name!no matter what happens.I’m the most famous-------叶孤城.Who are you?

西门吹雪:I am 西门吹雪.叶孤城 惊讶:Ar, 西门吹雪?

西门吹雪:Yes, what is wrong?

叶孤城:I heard that you are the best swordsman?

西门吹雪:Great, you know me!

叶孤城 抱腿:Please, please…… Don’t kill me!let mego!

西门吹雪: No, I must kill you!

叶孤城: I don't want to be killed.There is an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year old son to be looked after by me!

西门吹雪: Noway!Because we are fighting now!you know?

叶孤城 突然站起冷冷的说:Don't force me!

西门吹雪: Pardon!


西门吹雪抢过牛奶:milk, very good!I like drinking it.how do you know that?

喝完牛奶Thanks,叶孤城: Do you still want to kill me?

西门吹雪: Sure, must!milk is milk.叶孤城(恼怒+冷酷):Very good!Very good!I hope you will not forget what you said!? 西门吹雪: I’m sure I won’t!


西门吹雪 捂着肚子,蹲下:Oach,Oach!

叶孤城 大笑:HaHa……so quickly

西门吹雪可怜状: Son of a bitch!三鹿!!

叶孤城 掏出纸屑吹:This is genuine snow!

花满楼:Stop!Protecting the environment is a basic obligation!

叶孤城:Who are you?

花满楼:Hua---man----lou!Have you seen ximenchuixue?

叶孤城:Yes, he was beaten by me and fled away

花满楼 惊讶:Now you are the best swordsman in the world!

叶孤城:You are right!

花满楼:Teriffic!you are the one my king looking for!Do you want to join us?

叶孤城:Yes,It’s very good.花满楼:Ok, follow me, Let’s go to see my king!

叶孤城:Ok,Let’s go!

SCENE 2:无间道

花满楼:My dearest!let me introduce Yegucheng to you!(指Y)this is Yegucheng.King:sit down plese, yegucheng.花满楼走到Y前,《婚礼进行曲》起,H神甫状:Yegucheng!Do you want to follow my king no matter what happens such as cold headache,sair and aids?

叶孤城: Yes,Ido.King: Huamanlou, come here.let me put the ring on your


西门吹雪(看到戒子): this ring should be mine!

King:But who are you? Why should it belong to you?

叶孤城 急切: king!Dear king!I must go now,my mother is looking for me!

西门吹雪冷酷:yegucheng!Come here!Do not make excuses!

叶孤城 抱X的腿:old brother!Forgive me!

西门吹雪:Forgive you? Why?

叶孤城: Once there was a chance before me, I lost it.If the god give me an other chance, I’ll tell you,I love you,If there must be a limited period,I hope it isa thousand years!

King:Oh,god!You are gay?

西门吹雪:gay?you said I am a gay?fuck you!

King: I’ll kill you for you saying dirty word to me!

西门吹雪:What?(侧耳装着听不到)You---kill----me?come on!

花满楼:King,let me have a try!

旁白:After a fierce battle between the two men,both sides lose

叶孤城:Ha,you are both dead men。Now I will kill you ,my king


叶孤城:It is my plan,Now no one can stop me.And after I kill you ,I will be the king.(Y抓住K)

King:yamedei(日语,不要啊),someone helps me。

King 边跑边求救,Y在后面追赶,当他们经过H旁边时,H忽然起身抓住了Y

叶孤城:Why are you OK now ,you should be badly hurt.花满楼:It is my plan too.叶孤城:You are not huamanlou.Who are you?

花满楼:I am 陆小凤.叶孤城:Oh,I should have thought of you.Now what are you going to do with me?

K:Bitch!It is my turn to kill you.叶孤城: 给我个机会吧?(此段用中文说)







King:OK,I can give you a chance.西门吹雪,Please come here ,it is the duel(决斗)between you and Y

叶孤城:I want to show something to you

西门吹雪;Where is it

叶孤城:On my body

叶孤城 脱衣服,显示UFO图片




叶孤城(惊愕):好剑法,我叶孤城英明一世,没想到… …(吐血而亡)(此时响起音乐《再见,警察》




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