
时间:2019-05-13 07:35:06下载本文作者:会员上传




一,从教学时间的角度来看,模块五一共三个单元,按照教学计划,每个单元是14个课时,加上单元测验和练习讲解,应该是17课时左右。而实际教学时间是二个月,超出了参考的教学时间和自己的计划安排。原因也是多方面的,一是对于有的单元版块的教学安排不能执行到位,如第一单元的Grammar and usage就包括TO-infinitive, Bare infinitive,Verb-ing form as a noun的内容,对于刚刚系统接触非谓语的高二学生来说每一个都是难点,而且每一个小节都是重要的语法点,(或高考考点),二个课时是很难讲透讲到位的。还有第二单元的task部分的step 1:listening to a lecture,本来只是一个任务引入部分的听力练习,但由于听力材料较长,有一定的难度,学生听后(两遍)没有能够输入足量的信息,所以在这部分停留的时间几乎占了一个课时的时间。二是其间进行了三次单元测验和一次月考,试卷的讲评占了几乎10个课时,其中月考采用了高考题型的试卷,加上试题难度教大,花费了三个多课时的讲评。所以对接下来的模块六,我觉得还是应该科学的对教学进行安排,有些版块可以进行整合处理的尽量整合,如可以把词汇的两个课时分散到其他的课型里,利用课前处理词汇,即消除了单纯词汇课的枯燥乏味,又和本堂课的内容相关,刺激学生记忆词汇,还可以把巩固(1课时)和workbook(2课时)尽量合成巩固练习课。而模块六project版块也删除了planning,preparing,producing,presenting 四个环节,而改成了8个问题,给我们自主的处理这个版块留了足够的空间。

二,从教学内容和方法的角度来看。我有着和许多老师同样的感慨,牛津高中英语是一本好教材,但就是不知道如何用好教材,课前总有力不从心,课后又总有言犹未尽的感觉。今年我是第一次接触牛津高中英语,对于高一所教授的四个模块只有一个模糊大概的了解,就像是被蒙着眼睛进了一扇门,一睁开眼睛,门就已经关上了,完全不知道自己是怎么进来的。所以在教学方法上,对于完全没有接触过的task 和project版块只能进行摸索试探,尽量上出task 和project的“味道”。第一单元的project完全是作为reading的课型处理了,之前也想过让学生自己准备一个“friendship”的project,但考虑到时间问题,材料准备等问题还是放弃了。第二单元准备上project的时候,正逢湘潭教科院在我们学校进行教学视导,陈红老师在评课时提到了这个project的上法,我顿时就有了醍醐灌顶的感觉,回去依葫芦画瓢的进行了备课,以保护湘江为切入口,把 project版块的文本作为范例,让学生仿写了这样一个报告,课堂上学生十分积极,大家踊跃发言谈污染情况,谈拯救措施,课后又一气呵成的写成了报告。学生的这个完成完成情况让我觉得教学还是要多动脑筋,多想办法,总之就是要变学生被动为主动,才能有好的教学效果。






牛津版教材为教师提供了一个展示个性和才能的良好平台。如:Welcome to the Unit这一版块,既对本单元内容进行了热身,又为培养学生的口头表达能力提供了契机,这就要教师提高教学的组织能力:可让学生事先准备,也可当场进行group discussion, 分小组发言,要创设条件让每个学生都能参与到课堂教学中来,对一些踊跃发言的学生,还要进行口头表扬或物质奖励,激发他们的积极性。对于Reading部分,教师可通过让学生参与pair work, group work, debate, role play等活动,激活学生的思维,利用小组竞赛等手段,增强学生参与课堂教学的主观能动性。课堂多边互动程度增高,课堂气氛变得更活跃,学生学习英语的积极性就会更加高涨。


由于牛津版教材内容的丰富性,教师可利用的教学资源就变得十分广泛和多样。如模块2第二单元的Welcome to the Unit中展示的四幅图,就为学生提供了广阔的想象和思维空间。教师就充分利用网络资源,让学生领略到非洲大草原的风光、澳大利亚迷人的海滩和海底世界、令人叹为观止的巴西热带雨林以及中国那一望无际、令人生畏的大戈壁滩。这大大丰富了课堂内容、增大了信息的输入量、激发了学生的学习兴趣、开阔了学生的视野、拓展了学生的思维方式。而且生生互动、师生互动,构建了和谐、愉快的课堂气氛,增强了课堂教学的效果。


牛津版教材中编排的Task和Project两个版块,是以往教材所没有过的。这一变革重视了学生的个性差异和个性发展,重视了学生的探究学习能力和创新能力的培养。如在学完模块2第二单元中Project的阅读材料后,教师可把学生分成4人或6人一组,向他们布置一个长作业,要求每组设计一个 “A travel leaflet”,一周内完成。同学们在小组活动中充分展现了他们的个性才智和合作能力,有的设计整个版面,有的撰写文稿,有的进行美工创作,有的收集资料图片,分工有序,合作融洽。从交上来的作业,教师就会发现,学生的创造力是无限的,只要教师相信学生,愿意给他们提供机会,学生个个都是好样的。






3、有些单元中的Word power 和Task部分过于注重形式,可操作性和实用性不强,教师完全放弃不用

尽管编者的出发点是很好的 ,也用心良苦,但在实际教学中表明,这两部分在教学中是难以做到位的,有的还缺少实用性.如:Task中所提出的要求有相当一部分脱离教学的实际情况,学生也不太熟悉,因此很难在教学中完成,一方面教学进度不允许,每个单元的容量很大,如果按照这一部分所布置的任务去做,那就不能按是完成教学任务,另一方面,缺少操作性,因为该部分所布置的任务适合小班教学,事实上,目前大部分中学每班的学生数都较多,这样就不可能使每个学生每次得到练习的机会,很显然,这与中学的实际情况是不相符的。但我们通过反思认为,这部分也不能完全放弃,Task这部分体现了新课标中提出的任务型教学的理念,是帮助学生提高综合运用语言能力的重要组成部分,我们可以有选择性加以运用。如模块4第三单元中的Task是要求学生能用英语对某一问题写出提案,探讨解决问题的方法,我们认为这个Task就很实用,可让循序渐进地的完成,作为一个长作业分小组合作来完成,相信学生是会做好的。

4、每单元的Reading 和Project中所选的文章有些可读性不强,连贯性不够,教师在教学中很难处理和把握




牛津高中英语教学设计与反思 单元:Unit1 School life


靖江市第一高级中学 闻震宇


第一模块第一单元的主题为“School Life”, 整个单元内容的设计围绕高中生活这一主题展开,本节课的教学内容为“Reading School life in the UK”课文理解。在这一部分,学生将学会skimming &scanning阅读策略,并对英国学生的在校生活有所了解。

Teaching aims: 1.to read a magazine article about school life in the UK;2.to learn to apply two basic reading skills: skimming and scanning;3.to learn some expressions about school life;4.to get some information about what school life in the UK is really like.Teaching procedures: Step1 Lead-in Play the song of ‘High School Life’ and show students’ photos.Can you guess the name of the song? What can you think of when we talk about school life? Now we are going to read a magazine article which is written by Wei Hua, an exchange student.She has been studying in the UK for one year.She will give us a brief introduction of her school life there.Let’s first preview the words that will be used in the article, the definition of the word is given, please match the meaning with the word.Step2 reading Before we read the article, we are going to learn the reading strategies: skimming and scanning.1.Reading strategy-scanning We scan the text when we want to find certain information in a text quickly.Apply scanning to finish PartC1.C2.2.Reading strategy-Skimming We skim a text when we want to get a general idea of what it is about.Apply skimming to find the key sentences of the paragraph.Find out the main idea of each paragraph and answer questions concerning the content of each paragraph.Part1: School hours: 1.Was she happy with the school hours? ______________ 2.School in Britain _______ around 9 am and __________ about 3:30 pm, while schools in China begins before 8a.m.We believe that ___________早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

Part2: Attending assembly: 1.Who was the girl sitting next to her on the first day?_____ 2.The headmaster told them about ______ during assembly.3.The best way to earn respect from the school was to _________and ___________.Because____________________(知识就是力量)

Part3: Teachers and classmates: 1.Who was her favorite teacher?_______.2.Was it easy for her to remember all the Ss’ faces and names? Why ? ________.Part4 / 5 / 6: Homework and subjects: 1.The homework was not heavy, but why was it a bit challenging for her? _________.2.Why did her English improve a lot? _________.3.Did she enjoy cooking? How do you know? ________.4.Do Ss have to learn all the subjects even if they don’t like them? ________.Discussion: Do you think we should learn more foreign languages? If you have a chance, would you like to learn a foreign language?

Part 7: British food and her activities: 1.Why did she miss Chinese food a lot at lunchtime?_____.2.She usually played on the school field.Sometimes ____.Sometimes _______.Discussion: If you are abroad, what kind of Chinese food do you think you will miss?

Step3 Detailed reading Read the text again carefully and find out the similarities and differences between lives of British and Chinese students.Step4 Consolidation 1.Task-based gap filling exercise

(1)___________ life in the UK

The(2)_____and(3)______ experience of school life in the UK On the first day, all students went to attend(4)_______.During it, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school and the best way to(5)________ respect from the school was to work hard and(6)_______ high grades.My(7)_______ teacher taught us English Literature.Homework was not as(8)_______as what I used to get in my old school.My English(9)______a lot as I used English everyday and spent an hour each day reading English books.Students can(10)______some subjects if they don’t like them.2.Comprehension of the whole text.Finish some multiple choices

Step4 Language focus Showing some pictures(including attending class/school, attend a church, attend assembly, attend a wedding)to indicate “attend”.1.On the first day, all the students went to attend assembly.(1)vt.出席,参加

(2)attend(on)sb.照料某人,看护某人 attend to sb.(3)attend to sth.注意,专心干(某事)Exercises concerning “attend”.Distinguish the following four notions: “attend, join, join in, take part in” 1)He _______ the army in the year of 2003.2)How many of you will ____________ the coming sports meeting? 3)Who is going to ____________ the concert with me tomorrow? 4)Won’t you ________ us ______ the tennis match?

2.Students at that school have to study Math, English and Science, but can drop some subjects if they don’t like them.drop v.放弃,落下,断绝(往来),减少,降低

Try to tell the meaning of “drops” in the following sentences.1)It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.2)His voice dropped./ He dropped his voice to a whisper.3)Please drop me at the Post Office.4)It is wise of you to drop the habit of smoking._______ Drop n.滴;点;下降;落下;下跌 a drop of water 一滴水

eye drops 眼药水 teardrops 泪珠 a drop in the price of wheat小麦价格下跌 e.g.1.The worldwide economic recession has led to ___________in people’s salary.(下降)2.I didn’t see any _________ on Liu Xiang’s face when he quit running in the Olympic Games Vocabulary extension drop in / by顺便拜访 drop sb.a line 写封短信 drop in on sb.造访某人 drop in at a place造访某地

1)The headmaster asked me to_________ him at his office.校长让我去他办公室。2)_____________ when you have time.有空时写封信给我。

3)I want to ____ out of math class, which is too hard for me.我不想上数学课,它对我来说太难

4)I missed Chinese food a lot at lunch time.miss v.思念, 想念;错过,避免,躲过;未击中,未抓住,未达到(目标)n.小姐

missing adj.丢失的,不在的,失踪的 miss a chance 错过一次机会 Exercises, 1)He fired at the tiger but missed(it).miss means: ___________ 2)Her son has gone to the USA, and she misses him very much.miss means: ___________ 3)He missed the 9.30 train and therefore missed the accident.miss means: ___________ 4)We missed seeing the film when it was at the local cinema.miss means:___________

5.Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.experience(1)un.经验,从经验中获得的知识和技能(2)cn.经历


(4)experienced adj.有经验的,经验丰富的

The _________________ mountain climber _________________a lot, and he gained much _________________ from his own adventurous _________________.那个有经验的登山者经历了许多,他从自己的冒险经历中获得了许多经验。Attributive clauses I sat next to a girl.Her name was Diane.I sat next to a girl whose name was Diane.我坐在一个名叫Diane的女孩旁边。

All my classmates enjoyed the cake that I made.All my classmates enjoyed the cake.The cake was made by me.我的所有同学都喜欢吃我做的蛋糕。Attributive clause定语从句

“a girl”& “the cake”——antecedent先行词 “whose”&“that”——relative pronouns关系代词 “whose name was Diane”& “that I made” ——attributive clause 定语从句

She was the teacher who taught us English Literature.。

Step5 Discussion What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?

Step6 Homework 1.Write a short passage about 100 words according to the discussion“What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?” Prepare to interview Wei Hua.二.设计说明






牛津英语第二单元所面对的是入学两周的一年级学生。由于是初学英语,所以他们的语言积累不多,可以运用的只能是幼儿园或前一单元所学的内容,因此课前的复习必不可少。学生只有完全掌握了这些单词后,才能顺利地进行后面的词组跟读等练习。刚入学的学生生性好动,如何让他们在“玩中学”,是上好课的关键。在Yes or No这个练习中,我要求学生回答时配以一定的动作,如做小兔子表示对,做小猪表示错,增加了练习的童趣,受到学生的欢迎。在Activity中,我让学生先听数字,用手指表示,然后过渡到听短语,用学习用品来展示。整个练习中,学生始终处于“动”的状态,而他们这种“动”是围绕授课内容有目的地动,对习得语言起着积极的帮助作用。Guessing game是最受学生欢迎的活动形式,在这个活动中,答案是否正确已经不再重要,关键是让学生都开口,都得到充分练习的机会。现代英语教学强调语言的交际性,学习的目的在于交流。由于我们面对的是初学英语的孩子,让他们马上熟练而完整地用英语表达是不可能的。因此,我让一位同学看一张图片,图中显示Sam书包里的学习用品,有的是一件,有的是多件,要求学生把自己看到的和简单的英语表达出来,告诉同桌。对方听到后,把学习用品的数量记录下来,填空完成表格,最后再用英语反馈,从而检查他们是否掌握了学习内容。这个练习对学生的语言要求不高,学生学得轻松,有利于激发他们学英语、讲英语的热情。



教 材:牛津高中英语(模块四)高一下学期


单 元:unit 1 advertising 板 块:reading 1 作 者:唐敏芳


本堂课是以听、说、读为主的阅读课。阅读课旨在培养学生根据不同的阅读目的使用不同的阅读策略的能力,从文章中获取和处理主要信息的能力,理解文章主旨和作者意图的能力以及通过上下文进行整体理解语篇的能力。本篇阅读材料是一位中学生根据研究性活动写成的一篇说明文。学生应在阅读本文的基础上掌握说明文的阅读策略,了解说明文由三大部分组成。即:导入主题,支撑主题的细节材料和结论。同时,学生可以在第一课时学习的基础上学习广告的基本知识。teaching aims: 1.to get a general idea of the whole text.2.to train gist-reading skill and learn the main point of each paragraph of the text.3.to be familiar with the detailed information about the text.4.to master the reading strategy for expository writing.teaching procedures: step 1 lead-in the students are encouraged to have a brainstorming about advertisements in order to review what they have learned before the class and get more knowledge related to advertisements.【设计说明】让学生对广告一词进行头脑风暴,可引导学生在复习第一时的教学内容的基础上,激活学生脑中有关广告的图式,拓展与广告相关的知识,并自然流畅地导入本课主题。step 2 before-reading 【设计说明】通过简单的练习设置检测学生对新学词汇的理解, 为下一步的阅读理解铺设道路。

step 3 fast-reading ask students to listen to the recording of the reading text and skim the text to get the general idea.【设计说明】通过听课本录音和快速阅读,了解学生对文本表层的理解情况,引导学生逐步提高阅读速度,从而提高阅读理解水平。step 4 detailed-reading let students read the text carefully and work out the main idea of each paragraph.【设计说明】这一环节可训练如何学生处理信息,有助于培养学生语篇和段落的分析能力的,有利于引导学生主动学习,帮助他们形成以能力发展为目标的学习方式。step 5 further reading the true or false statements are designed to check students’ further understanding of the whole text.【设计说明】通过从整体到局部,再从局部到整体的策略来培养学生对文本的整体理解能力。step 6 post-reading(consolidation activity one)【设计说明】这是初步的学生表达拓展活动,旨在培养学生分解和整合信息的技能和灵活运用语言的能力。

step 7 post-reading(consolidation activity two)ask students to retell the whole text with the help of the key words on the ppt.【设计说明】要求学生复述课文内容,是在有效输入语言的基础上进行的输出活动,对学生的表达提出了更高要求。这样不仅能增强学生的语言实践量,也有助于培养学生运用英语思维的习惯,提高语言综合运用能力。step 8 about the reading strategy draw the students’ attention to the reading strategy about expository writing.【设计说明】阅读策略的学习是训练学生阅读能力的有效措施,让学生了解说明文的基本结构,能在阅读训练中达到事半功倍的效果,并为他们今后的学习打下良好的基础。step 9 homework ask students to finish reading the article on page 95, to list the difficult language points on their notebooks, and retell the reading text.【设计说明】通过家庭作业巩固并拓展所学内容。要求学生列出语言难点,鼓励学生利用网络了解更多有关广告的知识,有利于培养他们的自主学习能力。篇二:牛津高中英语教学设计


教材: 牛津高中英语(模块九)高三上学期 文档内容: 教学设计——教案

单元: unit 4 behind beliefs 板块:reading(language points)作者: 庄如英

thoughts on the design: 课文教学,除了对文章内容的阅读理解之外,分段讲解课文语言知识点,也是相当重要的。由于短语句子必须在一定语段的情景中才能更好地显示出它的语言交际能力,分析一些复杂句子的结构时,更是只有把句型教学与课文教学有机地结合起来,才能真正把句型学到手,并能在真实的交际中灵活运用。因此在语言点的教学过程中,我主张以段为单位,先逐段通读,整体上把握内容含义,再逐个分析重要语言点,其中讲解操练相辅相成,学生和老师都要动起来。最后再进行一系列由简到难的强化训练,当然都是要在一定语境基础上的,当场巩固当场掌握,从被动接受到主动运用。teaching aims: after learning the language points in this text, the students will be able to get familiar with the meanings of some words and expressions.also, the students will be able to use them correctly.students are expected to go over some important sentence structures and their ability of translating or paraphrasing will also be improved.teaching procedures: [explanation]

一直感觉课文语言点的讲评课形式比较刻板,学生们基本上都是以听、记或者机械的回答问题为主,课堂气氛也比较沉闷。因此设计这个竞赛作为整节课的开始,既起到了复习上一节课所学内容的作用,又能有效的让学生参与进来,充分调动学生的积极性,课堂气氛也顿时活跃,为下一步学习作了良性准备。step 2 language points paragraph 1 1.read the paragraph together.2.line 1-2 an idiom is a group of words or an expression whose meaning often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of the separate words in it.*translate the sentence..key:习语是词组或者一种表达方式,其意义无法从孤立的单词中获得。*separate here is used as an adjective with the meaning ‘each or individual(word in the group of words or the expression)’ or ‘ not together’.e.g.这对双胞胎共享一个房间,但是他们各自睡一张床。

the twins share one room, but they sleep in separate beds.e.g.要将两头正在争斗的公牛分开是非常困难的。

it is extremely hard to separate two fighting oxen(播放幻灯片5)3.in other words换句话说 类似于 “that is(to say)„.”

其他和word有关的短语及固定用法: in a word 简言之,总之

have a word with sb与某人谈一下 have words with sb与某人吵架 keep one’s word守信,信守承诺 word came that „有消息称。。(播放幻灯片7)课堂操练: your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard-______,you failed.

a.in the end b.after all c.in other wordsd.at the same time key: c(播放幻灯片8)4.a number of 许多(用于修饰可数名词)the number of。。的数目


the number of the stamps _____ limited, so a number of people _____ to have a look at them.a.are;want key: c(播放幻灯片9)paragraph 2 1.read the paragraph.2.line 8-9 : the bible was first written in hebrew and then translated into greek, both of which use many idioms.translate the first sentence..key: 《圣经》最初是用希伯来文写成的,后来被译为希腊语,这两种语言都是用很多习语。

*代词+of which/whom引导定语从句的用法: most, both, all, neither, either, none等代词+of whom(指人)/which(指物)可以引导定语从句。如: she has two daughters, neither of whom lives at home.he has five dictionaries, all of which are practical.(播放幻灯片10)*代词+of whom(指人)/which(指物)引导定语从句也可转换成of whom(指人)/which(指物)+代词

b.is;wants c.is;want d.are;wants 引导定语从句。如:i have many story books, of which all are interesting.【考例】last week, only two people came to look at the house, ________ wanted to buy it.a.none of them b.both of them c.none of whom d.neither of whom(2007 安徽)key: d 简析:d。定语从句与先行词可连成neither of the only two people came to look at the house,因此应填neither of whom引导定语从句。(播放幻灯片11)3.the connection to„ 也可以用介词with 与。。的联系 4.before long 不久以后,很快 long before很久以前

5.be used to do 被用来做某事used to do 过去常常做某事be used to doing习惯于做某事


as a young man, tom used to in the town, ________to find a job for a few coins.a.knocking about;waited b.knocked down;waiting c.knock about;waiting d.knocked down;waited(播放幻灯片13)paragraph 3 1.read the paragraph.2.line 14-16 biblical idioms originally had straightforward and clear meanings because they were often meant to underline the moral of a story and to give audiences an image to help them understand the story better.translate the first sentence..key: 圣经习语原本都有着直白、清晰的意义,因为它们通常意在强调某一故事的寓意,给听众或读者一个意象以帮助他们更好的理解故事。

3.a hidden weakness 隐藏的弱点,不为人知的弱点 hidden过去分词作定语(播放幻灯片14)paragraph 4 1.read the paragraph 2.line24-25 this is used when people want to say that they know something but not who gave them the information.*paraphrase this sentence.key: when people want to express the meaning that they know some information but they don’t know who tell them the information they will use this idiom.and that which hath wings shall tell the matter’.translate the first sentence..keys: 这个习语来自《圣经》上的一段话,原文是这样的:“因为空中的鸟必传扬这声音,有翅膀的也必述说这事”。

*句中hath是古英语,相当于现代英语的has(播放幻灯片15)5.lead a life of luxury 过着奢华的生活 lead a „life / lead a life of „ 过着。。的生活 6.mend one’s way 培养好习惯,改进生活方式

eg.there’s no sign of him mending his ways.看不出他有改进生活方式的迹象。(播放幻灯片16)7.in honor of„ 为了纪念,为了欢迎,为了庆祝


christmas is a christian holy day usually celebrated on december 25th ____ the birth of jesus christ.a.in accordance with b.in terms of c.in favor of d.in honor of(播放幻灯片17)paragraph 5 1.read the paragraph 2.things related to food与食物有关的东西 be related to sb/sth 与某人或某事物有关

eg:wealth is seldom related with happiness.财富鲜与幸福相关。(播放幻灯片18)3.line 33-35 for instance, children are often referred to as the ‘apple of their parents’ eye’, meaning that their parents love them very much and are very proud of them.*translate the first sentence..keys:例如,孩子们常常被说成是“apple of their parents’ eye”,意思是他们的父母非常爱他们,以他们为荣。* for instance 例如,同 for example * refer to „ as „ 将。。看作。。* be proud of„以。。为荣,以。。为骄傲同 take pride in„(播放幻灯片19)4.be worth nothing 一文不值 be worth sth/ doing/$值。。;值得做某事;值。。钱


she is not worth.a.to get angryb.getting angry c.getting angry with d.to get angry with(播放幻灯片20)paragraph 5 1.read the paragraph 2.line 50-52 when you have a thorough understanding of english idioms and their origins, you can better understand and appreciate the history and cultures of english-speaking countries because idioms are carriers of history and culture.*translate the first sentence..keys: 透彻了解英语习语及其起源,你可以更好地理解和欣赏英语国家的历史和文化,因为习语 是历史和文化的载体。

* a thorough understanding透彻的理解(播放幻灯片21)[explanation]

以段为单位,先逐段通读,整体上把握内容含义,再逐个分析重要语言点,其中讲解与操练相辅相成,注重的并非是字词短语的死记硬背,而是在具体语境中的实际运用。包括一些复杂句型的翻译分析,不光从语法的角度分析,也要从整个段落的意思分析。让学生明白学语言的最终目的是为了交际。step 3 practice 1.fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box below.change the form where necessary.by and by mend one’s ways in other wordsin honour of for instance refer to take care of for a long time quite a few throw away 3.the stadium was named _________ the club’s first chairman.4.old english was in many ways similar to modern german._____________, the nouns, adjectives, and verbs were highly inflected.5.the hospital now ________ patients by name, not case number.6.i have been waiting for her _________, but she hasn’t turned up yet.7.now even ________ scientists continue to doubt whether cloning is beneficial to human beings.8.britain must now _________ this opportunity by electing a labour government.9.while he is away, his neighbour would like to _________ his house and pets.10.he didn’t do well in the college entrance examination.____________, he may not go to any key university.1.mend his way 2.by and by 3.in honour of 4.for instance 5.refers to 6.for a long time7.quite a few8.throw away9.take care of10.in other words(播放幻灯片22-23)1.we chinese lifestyle is ___________________(完全不同于)british people’s lifestyle.2.since he came out of prison, he ____________________(改过自新,迷途知返),later he has turned into a worthy man.3._____________________(除非天气有好转),we will have to cancel the game.5.___________________(自从战争结束以来),over five thousand prisoners have been released.6._______________(一旦发现偷窃行为),you must report it to the police immediately.8.the discovery is _______________(被认为是)a major breakthrough in the field of medical science.3.unless the weather improves4.is meant to 5.since the end of the war 6.once you find any thefts 7.worth keeping watch over8.referred to as(播放幻灯片24-25)[explanation]




元:Unit 2 Getting a job 板

块:Welcome to the unit

Thoughts on the design: 本单元话题主要围绕找工作展开。Welcome to the unit在整个一单元中起到了对单元总话题的导入作用。以课本上4张图片为基础,笔者将教授内容划分了三个板块。何处找寻工作信息,为找给工作该做哪些准备(材料上的准备和经验上的积累),面对严峻的就业形势该如何应对找不到工作的局面。课堂活动形式主要以小组自由讨论,发表意见为主。

Teaching aims:

After learning welcome to the unit, the students will be able to: 1.Know where to search job opportunities.2.What to prepare to get a job.3.How to face the difficulties of failing to find a job temporarily.Teaching procedures:

Step 1 where to find job opportunities(PPT4)1 Encourage students to think of where to find job opportunities.2 Encourage students to compare the different ways of find job opportunities.[Explanation] 根据自身的生活经验,高三的学生一般都能列举出若干工作信息来源。为培养学生的深沉思考能力,笔者又设计了



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