
时间:2019-05-13 08:25:48下载本文作者:会员上传







黄色的是生词 绿色的是固定搭配 红色句子是写得比较好的

Honesty Almost all of us heard the story “Here comes the wolf” when we were little kids.What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest.However, there’re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays.Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself.Take the case of fake milk powder for example.After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health.To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end.Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get.Being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be friendly to you and support you.In a sense, if life is a long journey, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way.Let’s pick up our “backpack” – honesty, and start the wonderful journey!




让我们背起我们的背包 – 诚信,开始我们精彩的旅途吧。

第二篇:英文作文(Honesty is the best policy)

Honesty is the best policy

Just as the famous saying goes, “Honesty is the best policy”.When talking about honesty, many of us have too much to say.It is definitely a thought-provoking problem.Cheating in the public servants examination, plagiarizing the publications of others, and dishonesty in other aspects always exist.Cheating in the public servants examinations nowadays is still a big problem.The stability and relatively higher income of this work attract too many people.Also, the keen competition and the desire for the position make many people cheating in the exam.Academic plagiarism is another big problem.In many universities and research institutes, the quality and quantity of papers one publishes become the major way to judge one’s ability.Consequently, some students, and sometimes, even some teachers, who want to take a short cut and become successful quickly, plagiarize the publications of others.Similarly, dishonesty exists in other aspects in our daily life, Such as fabricating evidence by the witness, drawing up budgets by some officers and so on.In a short time, if not caught, some people may take advantage of dishonesty to get what they want.But, if caught, then these people will no doubt be thoroughly discredited.Besides, in the long run, it will do harm to the moral character of the whole society.Now, as postgraduates in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, maybe, in the future, most of us will choose scientific research as our lifetime work.However, whatever jobs we choose, we should make honesty as our basic principle, and always remember: “Honesty is the best policy”.

第三篇:演讲稿Honesty is the best policy[模版]

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.Thank you for your attention.Before my speech, please let me introduce myself to you.My name is Wang Yueting, and my major is CFA, Chartered Financial Analyst.Today I would like to begin with a story, which is about how a young boy’s behavior teaches the world what honesty is.In early times, there were only few people who set foot in south of the Himalayas in Nepal.Later, many Japanese went there.You may ask, why? It’s said that the change was due to a young boy’s honesty.One day, several Japanese photographers asked a native boy to buy them some beer.Without any hesitation, the boy readilypromised a help, though it took him 3 hours’ running.The next day, that boy volunteered to buy beer.This time, the photographers gave him a lot of money, however, till the third day, that boy didn’t come back.So, they buzzed and thought that boy cheated them of the money.The third night, someone knocked at the door.It was that boy!It turned out that he only bought 4 bottles of beer.And only after he went through a mountain and swam through a river did he buy the other 6 bottles.Unluckily, 3 of them were broken.The honest poor boy told the truth in tears.People were deeply moved by the truthful boy and after that more and more tourists went there.Yes, this is the story.To me, the story not only presents me a boy of transparent honesty and careful kindness, but also acts as a timeless reminder that integrity is the most cherished quality that a person

should always stick to.Today, we live in a more impersonal, more competitive and of course more materialized society.It seems that more and more people are eager for quick success and instant benefits.So, in this circumstance, it seems that honesty is the most possible character that can be abandoned.But, who cares!

Many job seekers cheat in the civil service examinations simply for the excuse of firm competition.We can also painfully see some students copy others’ test paper with the purpose of getting a quick success.Worse still, most of them even can’t be aware of how dangerous it is to lose the basic integrity.But I know, ladies and gentlemen, and that is why I think we are here today.Without honesty, what you have already owned, money, fame, position, talent are nothing but eye mist.Without honesty, we will never have real friendship, sincere love, even family relationship.Without honesty, our society will reduce to the heaven of speculators, the hotbed of corruption.It will become much more frightening to lose honesty then the law.To sum up, no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our mind, there is always a principle to be pursed, to be possessed, to be kept.That’s honesty.Thank you very much!

第四篇:英语演讲稿《The honesty is the best policy》

The honesty is the best policy Just as the famous saying goes, ”Honesty is the best policy.” There is beyounddount that the words should be given deep consideration.And when we are talking about honesty, mang of us have too much to say.Because honesty is of vital important in our life, it is like a lucky star to help us light our road.Honesty is a thought-provkingproblem.But dishonesty in other aspects always exist.For example, cheating in the public servants exam is stil a big problem.The stability and higher income of this work attract too many yound people.Also, the keen competition and the desire for this position make same people cheating in exam.Based on the above condition, I believe, you and I should lose no opportunity to understand the essentian concept of honesty and the success of individuals.But in a short time, if not caught , same people may take advantage of dishonesty to get what they want.So we, as individuals, should practice the concept of honesty to confront the new temptation and competition in society.However it is easier said than done.In the long run, we must focus on practicing it.Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in.

第五篇:英语课作文Is honesty always be a good policy

英语作文:Is honesty always be a good policy?

It is universally known that honesty is one of the most valuable characters of a person.But in the reality, sometimes we may wonder if honesty is always the best policy.I argue that sometimes white lies could be good.Almost everybody tells lie in daily life.If these lies are form good intentions, like to protect someone or to not hurt someone, and won’t lead to bad consequences, I think they can be accepted.For instance, you lie to your friend that she is a good cook;you lie to your kid that his drawing is amazing and so forth.In these cases, it won’t be a big deal if you don’t tell the truth.What’s more, your lies may make you a nice person and you will be acceptable and understandable even if they know it was a lie.My point is white lies sometimes can be harmless and even be good.But I discourage lies for personal gains or do harm to others’ interests.Life is more complicate than you think.Is honesty always the best policy? Well, my answer is that—it depends.



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