初中英语说课稿 获奖范例 全英文版

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第一篇:初中英语说课稿 获奖范例 全英文版

Oral Presentation of Lesson Plan for Unit 12 My favorite subject is science Go for it Grade 7


[Presenting the 1st PPT about the introduction.] Well, good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to meet you all here.Today,I am going to present Unit 12 Writing.Well, please look at the teaching material together.Well, this is a letter in the book.Students are required to read it through, have a look at it, try to write a letter to Zhao Jie, a boy who doesn’t like any subjects at all.[Presenting the 2nd PPT about the given letter.]

Well, I think my teaching aims should include the proper form of English letter, and second, how to write a letter in an idiomatic way.[Presenting the 3rd PPT about the teaching aims.]Well, to achieve these goals, I am going to arrange my teaching step by step [Presenting the 4th PPT about the teaching procedures].Well, these are the steps, since so many, let me make it simple, actually, they are words, sentences and paragraphs.As we know that articles consist of words and sentences.So first, I would like to talk about the words.That is also the first step---revision.Well, you know, students have learned the names of the subjects in the former lessons.So, I am going to review the words by playing games with them.Here comes the first game: who can write more? [Presenting the 5th PPT about the 1st game]I am going to divide the students into two groups, for example boys and girls.They are given two minutes to rush to the blackboard and write down the subjects they know.The group which can write more will be the winner.Imagine how excited the students are, and at the same time, they are also reviewing the words.Well, what’s more, you may have noticed these two subjects, Physics and Chemistry.[Presenting the 6th PPT about the result of the game] Actually, these two subjects are not in this book.So, in this way, we can know that some students are showing us how much they know and all the students can also enlarge their vocabulary at the same time.Well, after words, I would like to turn to sentences.Here comes the second game, who can make it longer? [Presenting the 7th PPT about the 2nd game] I am going to give students a word, for example subject.Which students can make it longer? Well, you please.Favorite subject.Good.A phrase appears.Longer? You please.My favorite subject is English.Well, a sentence appears.Even longer? My favorite subject is English, I like it very much, it is so interesting.[Presenting the 8th PPT about the answers of the game]Well, you can see students are constructing words into sentences step by step.Well, this is the revision part.After that, it is time to read.From now, I am going to show students the given material so soon.Actually, instead, I am going to show them those separated pieces.They should put them into the correct order[Presenting the 9th PPT about the reordering task].You know before the lesson, I divided the whole letter into these four parts, why do I bother to do this? Well, you can see, in this way, students can put more attention to how to begin and how to end a letter.Then, they have a time, can have a chance to read through the whole article[Presenting the 10 th PPT about the reading material].Well, at the same time, they should also pick out those well used words and sentences, and share them with the whole class.Then, they have a discussion “what information can we use? [Presenting the 11th PPT about the discussion task]Why talking about subjects? Of course, it is easy for them to find these information like these three ones(time & day, teacher, reason), because they are in the letter.But what else? Students need to think about that.Well, why? As we know it is easy to copy, but difficult to create.Sometimes, the given material gives us a good example, but sometimes, they may also limit students’ ideas.So they need to go further.As some teachers may prefer to offer the answers directly to the students.But I am not.I think teaching students how to learn is much more important than just teaching knowledge.So students should think about that by themselves.Well, this part is also a brainstorm to them.Till now, they have known so much.Since that, they should be given a chance to put what they’ve known into practice.So I prepare two practices[Presenting the 12th PPT about the 2 practices].Practice number one, students have a Free Talk about their favorite subjects, if they can express themselves fluently and naturally, they won’t have much difficulty in writing them down.Well, second practice will be the real writing.They are given eight minutes to write a letter to Zhao Jie[Presenting the 13th PPT about the beginning of the letter].Well, when they finish writing, six students get into a group, they exchange their letters and try to correct mistakes.Why they should do that? Well, teachers may have noticed that not many students have the habit of rewriting and correcting mistakes when they finish writing, and I want them to realize this is also very important.Ok, after that, each group chooses two representatives, the best one and the one who has made great progress.Which two? I think not only those advanced students but also the less advanced students should be given a chance to show how good they are.Well, for example, yes, after that, some representative come to the front and show their letters to the whole class, but you can think it is a projector like this.This is a student’s letter and when all students finish writing it, they are welcomed to give comments.It is so-so, good or great.So which one? Can you find any beautifull sentences here? They are welcomed to give their ideas.Well, here comes the last part[Presenting the 14th PPT about the homework].Last part will be the homework.They can either write me an email or have a talk with some one or write an article about his or her favorite ********.I think both of these are highly connected with our daily life.So, students must be very interested.Ok, so that is all.Thank you very much!(答辩问答)

Questions:Anyhow, I appreciate your teaching, and allow me to say so.My question is “ how do you check the achievements of the homework you send to your pupils?

Answer:Well, about this question, I think, first, still the group work.They should exchange their letters and each group should also choose two representatives and hand in the letters or the articles they have written to me, and I correct them by myself.And then, put all these representatives’ works on the wall and show them to the whole class.By this way.Thank you!



Unit 6 Let‟s go by taxi

Good morning ,everyone.Today I‟ll talk about Unit 6 Oxford Primary English Boook 4: Let‟s go by taxi.I‟ll finish this Unit in four lessons,today I‟ll talk about the first period of the Unit.This Unit is very important of this book..The Unit is the continuation of Unit 8 Oxford Primary English Book3.It provides the new words of places:station ,supermarket,library,theatre,hospital and airport.The new phrases: by train,by plane,by minibus and on foot.When learn the new words and new phrases, the Ss will come into contact with the new pattern: Shall we go to …by …? As we know there isn't a long histroy that the Ss have learnt English in the primary school,so the main instructional aims of teaching English is to cultivate the Ss‟ abilities of listening, speaking and the synthetic abilities of communication,co-operation and investigation.And to cultivate their good sense of English.(本课是本册教材中较为重要的依棵,它是牛津小学英语3A第八单元知识的一个延伸。在本单元中提供了六个地点类的单词及四个交通工具类的单词和学生在学习单词的过程中将会遇到的一个新句型Shall we go to … by…? 我们知道小学生学习英语的时间不是很长,所以这一堂课的主要教学目标将一培养学生的听说读写能力及与人交流合作和初步调查研究的能力和较好的英语语感。)ⅠTeaching contents: 1.The new words of the places: station, supermarket, library and so on.2.The new words of vehicles: train, plane, minibus and foot.3.The new pattern: Shall we go to … by …? Ⅱ Teaching aims: 1.The aims to the knowledge a.To enable the Ss to read and spell the new wordsand understand the meaning of the new words.b.To help the Ss learn the new pattern: Shall we go to … by …?

c.To enable the Ss to communicate with the others using the new pattern.2.The aims to the abilities a.To improve the Ss ability of listening and speaking.b.To encourage the Ss to communicate with the others actively.3.The aims to the emotion a.To educate the Ss to be polite and helpful to the others.Ⅲ The key pionts: 1.To enable the Ss master the new words.2.To enable the Ss study in groups and co-operate with the others.3.To arouse the Ss‟ interest in English.Ⅳ Teaching methods: To cultivate the Ss‟ abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing,to increase the Ss‟ability of learning English by themselves and to arouse their interest ,in this peroid,I‟ll use the teaching methods below:(为培养学生的听说读写和学习英语的自主能力,为激发他们学习英语的兴趣,在这堂课中,我将会采用以下的教学方法:)

1.Communication method(交际法)

I‟ll set up a real situation,in this way ,the Ss can say in pairs or in groups,they can say freely and needn‟t worring about making mistakes.2.Task-based method(任务法)

That is to say I‟ll let the Ss finish a task by making a short dialogue and acting it out.To help the Ss get a better undersangding of the key structure.Ⅴ Teaching aids: In this lesson, the CAI,some pictures will be used.Ⅵ Teaching procedure: Step 1 Warm up 1.Sing a song << They sing happily>>.2.Make a free talk between the T-S ,S-S.Are you happy today? Let‟s go to the park,OK?...This step is to form a better situation for rhe students by singing and speaking.They will come into the real surrounding of English learning,And it can also review the learnt knowledge for the next step.(这一环节通过唱歌和自由对话为学生营造了较好的语言环境,他们会很快地进入英语学习的情境中来,在此同时也复习了旧知,为下一步的学习做好了充分的准备。)

Step 2 Presentation I‟ll mainly talk about this period.1.Learn the new words of places a.CAI shows a big beautiful picture of a city.b.A little cat go around the city and tell the Ss what place it is.c.Write down the words on the blackboard.Ask them to read and spell ,pay attention to the pronunciation.d.Show some pictures of the places,ask sb to say and put the pictures in the right places on the blackboard.e.Practise the new words:(1)Show some signs of the places and ask them to guess what place it is.For example show a red cross to guess that is a hospital.(2)Guide them to make a short dialogue and practise with their partners.Shall we go to …? All right.This step is not to present the new words one by one,just with the help of the CAI and the pictures,it can provide a real situatian to understand the meaning of the words and to arouse the Ss‟interest in English learning.A competition can encourage them to try by themselves and improve their ability of learning.(这一环节,并不是简单地逐个呈现要学的新单词,而是借助于多媒体和图片,为学生的学习提供了一个较真实的情境,让他们在情境中学会新知,对所学新单词的意思有比较好的理解,同时也大大激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。设置的竞赛的环节能够鼓励学生大胆尝试,提高他们英语学习的能力。)2.Learn the new words of vehicles a.CAI provide some sounds of the vehicles,and ask them to guess b.Listen to the sound and learn the new words.c.Read and spelll the words.Have a competition:Who can recite the words quickly.d.Practise the new words: 1.Look at part of the picture and guess.2.Learn the new phrases Act and say:(边表演边说)

Train,train,go by train Plane,plane,go by plane Minibus,minibus,go by minibus Foot,foot,go on foot This step I use the CAI to show the sounds and let them to guess,they will be happy to try and be interested in the procedure of the learning.And the acting will help them get a more better understanding of the phrases.(这一环节,我使用多媒体提供不同交通工具发出的声音,让学生去猜一猜,他们在学的过程中会很高兴地去尝试并会对学习的过程本身产生浓厚的兴趣。边说边演的环节,可以通过调动学生的所有感官,让他们对所学词组的意思有更好的理解,同时印象也更深刻了)

Step 3 Practise 1.A guesssing game The CAI show a big picture.There are many places in the picture,and there are different vehicles in the way to the different places.Ask them to guess and give them a smiling face or a crying face.There can be a competition between the groups.Using the structure: Shall we go to … by…?

2.Work in pairs Ask them to make a dialogue with their partners.They can speak to several classmates who they want to co-operate with,so they can walk freely in the class.This part is very important of the lesson.The Ss‟ abilities of speaking and communication will be well trained.Use the CAI to set a real surrounding and encourage the Ss to communicate with the others.They can say loudly and freely.They will feel happy and successful during this part.By way of communication ,the Ss will understanding the meaning of the structure better and master the knowledge firmly.(这部分在这一课中非常重要,因为在这一环节中学生说和与别人交流的能力将会得到很好的锻炼。用多媒体创设真实情境,鼓励学生与他人进行交流。他们可以大声自由的说英语。在这过程真他们会体验到快乐和成功。通过与别人的交流,真实的语言运用,学生对重点句型的意义用法也有了很好的理解,这将促使他们牢固地掌握所学的知识。)

Step 4 Consolidation The CAI show two characterswho are fimilar to the Ss.Give them a task: Make a short dialogue between the two to talk about their weekends.This part is the consolidation of the key structure,and also is an extensive activity for the Ss.During this part ,the Ss can think and say by themselves,they will be glad to use the knowledge they have learnt,and their creative power will be well trained.(这一环节是对重点句型的复习巩固,也是给学生设置的一项拓展延伸的学习活动。这部分,学生可以自己大胆的思考,大胆的说,非常乐意地去用所学的知识与他人对话,他们的创造能力也得到了很好的培养。)

Step 5 Homework

Do a survey

Investigate they can go to some place by which vehicle..一、英语说课讲稿的要素及撰写方法





说教材的地位和作用,应简要分析本课内容在单元整体教学中和整个教材体系中甚至在素质教育英语教学中的重要地位。例如,在分析SEFC Bl L37的教材地位和作用时可做如下表述。

SEFC Bl L37是对话课,对话课是单元整体教学的重要环节。作为单元的第一课,对话课的作用首先是为第二、三课提供话题和语境。由于整个单元都是围绕一个话题操练特定的功能项目,对话课又具有为二、三课的学习扫清语言和文化障碍的作用。

本课对话内容紧紧围绕体育运动话题展开,谈论运动项目必定使人联想到奥运会、奥运历史、奥运精神等,这就为下一课阅读教学提供了话题和语境。本课操练的功能项目是表达个人喜好的句型“prefer...to”,学习并熟练掌握该句型有助于学生能就“prefer A to B”表达自己对运动项目的爱好及爱好程度。



教学目标的确立首先要根据单元教学的目的和要求(对语音、词汇、日常交际用语、语法等方面的不同程度的要求),结合学生的实际水平,确定贯穿单元教学的总目标(goal)。总目标可以是相当概括的,如SEFC Bl L37的总体教学目标可定为“了解奥运会历史,学习表达个人爱好的交际用语”。一节课的教学目标(objective)则应落实到与本课教学内容相关的具体语言知识或某项技能上,即:通过本节课的教学,重点解决什么问题(知识和能力),达到什么样的要求。为了贯彻“寓思想教育于语言教学之中“的教学原则,教师还要深入挖掘教材的德育因素,从而确定德育(情感情意)目标。

教学目标的表述要准确、具体、简洁、全面,要明确写出本节课的知识目标、能力目标和德育目标。如,JEFC B3 L82的教学目标可表述如下。





说课稿要写出该课的重点、难点和关键点分别是什么,并写出确立该重点、难点和关键点的理论依据,即在列举该课重点、难点和关键点的同时,说明为什么该重点是本课教学的最主要部分或最重要内容,为什么该难点在本课教学中是学生最难理解和最容易出现错误的部分(有时重点和难点相同),为什么该关键点对本课教学的成败起决定性的作用。例如,JEFC B3 L2l说重点、难点、关键点及其依据可表述如下。



例如,SEFC Bl L37的说教法可表述如下。

对话课重在培养学生的口语表达能力。因此选择使用交际教学法在具体教学中以情景教学为主,活动教学为辅,充分利用直观教具和电化教学手段创设情景,利用图片、投影仪、录音机等辅助设备,培养学生直接用英语理解、表达和思维的能力。在具体教学过程中贯彻交际教学原则,采用3P教学模式,组织各种课堂活动,如表演猜谜、演讲(Iprefer A to B because...)、讨论(Which sport do Chinese people prefer?)等,培养和强化学生的语言实践能力和自主学习能力。











(4)先听说,后读写。直接法主张,有声语言是第一性的,书面语言是第二性的,重视语音语调和口语教学,主张先耳听口说,后眼看手写,在口 Unit 4 What can you do?说课稿 A Let‟s learn

英语是一门工具学科。小学阶段需要学生练就扎实的听、说、读、写基本功。从这点出发,良好的英语学习习惯的养成主要是靠教师。教师必须十分重视良好学习习惯的培养,注意在 日常教学活动中有计划地、有步骤、严格地训练学生。可以说,英语学习的过程也是习惯养成的过程。小学生良好的英语学习习惯主要是指良好的听、说、读、写的习惯。








四、备教具 [小学教学设计网....www.xiexiebang.com....更多英语说课] 学生思维直观形象,为了激发学生的兴趣,创设情境,让学生从趋于真实的环境中习得语言,并且根据教学内容和教学目标要求,准备如下教具:录音机、CAI课件、描述家务活的动词词组卡片和一些实物。


在上课前我们明确要求学生要做好课前准备,包括怎么等待老师来上课,文具的准备和课前预习,这不仅对于五年级的学生对于始学英语的学生也是十分重要的。在预习中,我们要求学生把重点和难点圈出来,这样不仅可以为接受新课打好基础,还可以养成良好的学习习惯。本课中,empty the trash学生是第一次接触,发音较难,学生在进行听录音预习时会对其读音有困惑,因此会带着疑问全身心的投入到课堂学习中去。从而提高了学习效率。

(二)教学目标与要求[小学教学设计网 www.xiexiebang.com 更多说课设计]


能够听、说、认读动词词组empty the trash和句子“I'm helpful!I can sweep the floor.” 能够听、说、读、写动词词组cook the meals, water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom。

能够听懂、说唱歌谣“Dog, dog, what can you do?”,并初步掌握句型:What can you do? I can




2.本课时教学难点是四个动词词组的书写以及运用句型“I‟m helpful, I can....”进行表述(四、)教学过程

ⅠWarm-up 1听歌做简单动作


2.教师通过自己示范让学生自由讨论自己能干什么, 引导学生用“I can …”句型.T: I can dance.I can speak English.I can draw a tree.What can you do?

S: I can swim , I can draw, Ican play computer games.设计意图: 英语学习是一种语言学习,尤其是一种在汉语重重包围之中且与英语截然不同的语境中的外语学习。任何一种语言学习自然离不开勤讲、多练、常用,包括课内地和课外的。因此,如何让学生大胆开口、多讲、常用,应当要为全体学生提供尽可能多的说话机会,培养学生大胆开口的习惯.3 设计要进行教室大扫除的场景,引导学生进一步运用:I can …句型,为引出sweep the floor, empty the trash做铺垫.Step2 Presentation 1、学生在热身阶段大扫除中自然引出了所学短语sweep the floor,在此基础上教师利用教室里的垃圾桶引导学生说出节下来的动词短语empty the trash, ”empty“和”trash“ 都是新单词且发音较难.在这里结合几个学过的单词进行语音教学是什么有必要的。、在教学water the flowers时,我采取了启发式教学方法,利用实物在提问下帮助学生意会老师的意思,从而达到教学目的.这中方法有效的培养了学生自我思考,自学的习惯。[小学教 学设 计网 www.xiexiebang.com 更多说课设计] 3、为了进一步提高学生的学习兴趣,在教学cook the meals时,我故意装作解不开围裙,让一个学生来帮忙,在情景中引出helpful一词..然后采用生生评价的方式,进一步巩固。

设计意图:极大的调动了学生的兴趣, 又通过学生之间的评价极大的鼓舞了学生的学习积极性。在呈现时,我特别加入了语音教学,让学生在复习同音节的单词基础上加强对新词的记忆.本环节主要培养学生准确的模仿习惯




在培养规范的书写习惯方面: 具有良好的书写习惯是小学英语教学中的重要内容之一,教师不仅是学生的楷模,还必须重视对学生教育的引导。英文是拼音文字,与汉字截然不同,与汉语拼音字母也有许多差异,因此要让学生及早了解这一点,严格按照英语的要求书写出一手漂亮、流利的英文。需要强调的是,有些学生在书写时往往忽视具体的要求,如大小写混淆、单词之间无间隔、标点符号漏写或错写、增减单词中的字母,造成词不达义、句不达义的尴尬现象。(拼背)单词,都应要求学生先读一遍单词,再拼读字母,然后再读一遍单词。培养学生拼读单词的良好习惯,十分有益于学生认读单词,正确拼写单词。三年级学写字母时,教师十分重视培养学生按照规范笔顺书写,在四线三格中位置正确。小学生由于写汉字的习惯,横平竖直,有棱有角有顿笔,四方端正。因此,在书写英文时,常出现直、方、角现象。对此我们进行研究,运用“比较法”教学,及时指正,教学效果很好。随着学习的进展,进入高年级,教师继续坚持不懈地抓好单词、句子、段、篇的书写及标点符号的正确使用,切实做到英文书写规范、美观,使学生养成良好的写的习惯。5、听录音,跟读录音.培养良好的听的习惯,既包括听课习惯还包括听录音的习惯。




5、游戏: 快速记单词 6、游戏:猜动作 Step3 Conselidation 设置情景: 帮助孤寡老人做家务 设计意图:尽可能地培养学生的发散思维能力







低年级始学英语,要求学生大声讲英语,但随着年级的升高,学生说英语的声音却越来越低。我们注意到这个问题后,给学生提出要求:对于活动、小组操练宜轻声些,班上发言得响亮些,让全班同学都能听到。有的学生急于发言,在连续说英语时,停顿过长,还常加“嗯”“那个”等。为此,我们要求学生先想后说,想好再说。或者先同桌练习再面向大家说。另外,我们还要求学生说话时要仪表自然、大方,不要低着头,或眼望天花板,或往窗外看,要面对听众,对话时要face to face,举止要自然,不拘束,从小养成良好的说的习惯。



总之,良好学习习惯的培养与训练,本身就是教学工作的一项任务,应该有步骤、有计划的在教学过程中逐一落实。提早开始,严格要求,持之以恒。好的学习习惯会成为学生英语学习的催化剂,使他们的英语水平得到迅速地提高。教材分析: 本课是小学英语PEP第一册第四单元第二课时,主要内容是:Let‟s learn, let‟s do.根据这一主要内容,我确定了本课的目标如下所示,重点为单词:monkey, duck, panda, cat, rabbit, dog 和句子:Act like a monkey….依据内容我采用了听、说、学和做的四步

教学方法,利用先进的教学设备增强教学的趣味性和新颖性,通过在玩中学,学中玩愉快教学思路,将快乐贯穿于课堂教学中。教案: Teaching aims and demands:

1.Knowledge :Students can learn the words about animals as followings: dog duck cat monkey panda rabbit.2.Ability :Students can understand and do the actions: Act like a cat / duck / panda / monkey / rabbit / dog.3.Feeling: can love the animals and protect the animals.Main Points:

Students can learn the six words: dog duck cat monkey panda rabbit.Difficult Points:

1.Students can point and say out the six animals.2.Students can pronounce “ panda rabbit act like” correctly.Teaching aids:

Tape ,tape-recorder, six animal pictures, cards, six toy animals, six kinds of exercise papers.cards.Teaching Methods: The Principle of the situation;Total Physical Response.Teaching Periods: One V: Teaching steps:教学过程

1.Warm-up(热身)Organize teaching组织教学.Sing a song.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you ,too.T: Today we‟ll study the new lesson.At first, we‟ll sing a song together, ok? Ss: Ok.T: Let‟s sing.设计意图:课前唱一首歌,可以活跃课堂气氛,同时让学生有良好的情绪准备进入新课的学习之中。

2.Into new lesson导入新课:The teacher says: This is Zoom.Today is Zoom ‟s birthday.Some animals are going to take part in his party.Listen and look, please.设计意图:以Zoom办生日宴会,其他小动物要去参加宴会为由,自然引出本课的学习重点,即一些小动物,并为学生营造一个宽松、民主、和谐的学习氛围。

3.Presentation新课展现 :show a forest on the cream.Listen who is coming? Learn the words

设计意图:通过课件,为学生创设一个森林中动物去赴宴的前景,一个个小动物出现,把学生带入一个生动的画面中,激发学生的学习兴趣,为let‟s learn中单词的学习和动画的出现做了铺垫。

4.Let‟s learn.学

1)Show out the animals: 用图片出示小动物

Ask the students to look at the picture and tell the teacher: what can you see on the picturer? The students should know the meaning of the animal.设计意图:用图片出示小动物,一方面吸引学生的注意力,另一方面让学生在观看中明白汉语意思,省去了教师用汉语解释单词意思的程序,为下面学习英语单词做好了准备工作。2)Learn to say new words by computer and tape.通过电脑和录音机来学说单词

Have the students look at the word on the computer.Look and listen carefully, and learn to say.Play the tape once and let the students listen carefully.Play it a second time, pause it after each utterance and get the students to say out.设计意图:挖掘学生听力的潜能,培养学生仔细听英语的习惯,为提高英语听力水平做出日积月累的效用,听后模仿出所听到的英文单词,训练学生的听力,让学生自己在听录音的过程中自觉主动地学习英语,目的就是要授之以法。3)Act like some animals.表演各种动物

Have the students look at the computer, repeat the sentences and act out the animals.设计意图:通过演示文稿,展现移动的小动物,激发学生的求知欲,产生主动学习的自主性。让学生在观看中学习模仿动物名称的英语单词,跟着学、说、做,特别是对Act like duck等句子的表演及跟读,充分掌握单词、句子并加深了对单词、句子的理解。4)Check: connect with word and picture.识字检测 

设计意图:融合在游戏listern, pat, and stick 中,把直观的图片与抽象的单词结合起来,也达到了识字检测的目的。

5)Play a game.做小游戏活动

Have a rest, play a game.Show out the four-six pictures of the animals, have the students watch carefully, and then close the eyes.At this time, the teacher take one away, and make the students open the eyes, then guess: what‟s missing?

设计意图:爱玩是孩子们的天性,设计小游戏。此游戏为what‟s missing?游戏,出示4-6个动物图片,让学生注意观察,然后闭上眼睛,教师去掉一个,睁开眼睛再猜什么丢了?学生在猜的过程中可以把直观的图片与抽象的单词结合起来,做到在教学中,不用实物也能说出所学的英文单词。在游戏过程中让学生走上讲台,展现在学习过程中的所得,让他们在课堂中体验学习的乐趣,增强收获成就感,充分树立学习英语的自信心。5.6)Let‟s do.做的当 中,Understand the meaning of Act like a monkey by computer通过电脑理解句意

Act out the animals, so as act like monkey…It „s so easy to understand the meaning of the sentence for the students.Also, its makes difficult sentence become easily.Of cause , the class will be full of the lovely.设计意图:让学生跟着课件做出动物的特性表演,像act like monkey等,不用教师解释句子的意思,学生就可以在表演中理解句意,边表演边说,难的句子也就成了有趣的话语,做到了化难为易的效用。

8)Listen and do by computer.在课件的辅助下学习表演Have the students listen to the tape设计意图:播放录音,让学生戴着头饰跟录音机又说又做,在欢乐中学习,在实践体会英文句子的表达方法,学会用英文表达自己喜怒哀乐与说学动唱,充分体现学生在学习中的主体地位,让学生的主动学习的欲望在欢乐中成长。

9)Let‟s act.(teacher and students do together)师生互动

The teacher joins to the activity of the action, shares the happiness with students, it‟s better to study English for the students.we‟d better make the students feel the happiness in the class.设计意图:教师也戴上头饰加入到学生的表演之中,体会他们学习的乐趣和存在的问题,在大家玩的氛围中协调、引导学生掌握难点,把握教师的主导作用,充分做到让学生在课堂中体验学习的欢乐,有玩的机会和动的时间,最终做到让欢乐充满课堂、充满孩子心灵。6.Consolidation and extension.延伸拓展 Say something each other after class.Have the students continue the activity in pairs or with their parents.Tell the students to find a friend or their parents to practice the English, bring the gain to class the following day.设计意图:让课中学习到的东西在课后得到充分的巩固,因为课后学生有很多的时间,可以用来练习英语,让学英语的浓厚兴趣进一步得到发展和加强,教师在上下一节课时可以作为检测的基础。

VII: Thinking over after class.课后反思 a)Get some effect.效果.Students like playing a game in the class ,also they like watching computer/TV in the class, in a word, they are interested in new idea, new view, new things.Because of their thought ,they all like playing all kinds of game.设计意图:抓住学生对新事物的新鲜感、好奇心,又对新的观念、新的思想有探究的欲望,引导学生进入主动学习的境界,达到课前预期的效果。b)Add new content.增加的新内容

 Beside the animals in the text, the teacher can help the students to find the other animals ,and they can play with them in or out class.It‟s better to make the students interest in the other knowledge.Also give a chance to the students that they can have a chance to play with each other in or out of the class. 设计意图:依据新课程的主旨思想,为学生创造一个玩的机会,让他们的天性得到最大的发展,在欢乐的玩耍中体会学习的乐趣及知识的无限性,培养他们的探究能力和勇往直前的精神。c)The others.其他. Give a place of free talking to the students, it maybe takes one class or two classes, even too much time to wide the students‟ eyesight.We need much time to do it better and better.设计意图:根据学生自己的喜好、愿望、及想做的事、想说的话,创设一个说话的空间,此空间的延展性要好,不仅可放在课中、课后,而且可放在任何想说话的时候,不期望它们一次完成,只期望一步步做好。

我说课的内容时pep小学英语四年级下学期unit 4 part b的第一课,包括let's learn和let‟s do两部分。

一、教材分析 1. 教学内容

本单元围绕“天气”这一题材开展,是学生掌握表示天气状况的九个形容词,并能运用五个新句型对天气状况进行询问、预报、统计及讨论和确定相应着装。本课是本单元中第四课时。在a部分学习掌握了四个相关气温的形容词并运用它们讨论相应着装的基础上继续深入,学习rainy, snowy, sunny, windy, cloudy五个相关天气状况的形容词。天气与人们的日常生活密切相关,因此我注意鼓励学生收集表示天气的图表,掌握各种天气预报符号及各种天气情况下人们从事的活动形式。通过用中学、学中用、反复实践、学用结合的方式,在巩固和丰富“表述天气”这一项目的同时,也促进了学生语言技能的发展,为后阶段“问天气”的英语学习打下扎实的基础,提供充分的知识准备。2. 教学目标



(2)只是目标:能够听、说、认读本课的重点单词,windy, sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy.(3)情感、策略、文化等有关目标: a 情感态度:注重培养学生学习的愿望,鼓励学生参与实践活动。b 学习策略:注重观察,交际功能。c 文化目标:了解世界主要城市的天气差异。3. 重点与难点

依据以上对教学内容和教学目标的分析以及小学生的认识规律和英汉语言差异,我认为对五个形容词及交际性语言的学习是本课的重点及难点;世界几个重要城市的名称及地理位置也是一个教学难点。4. 教学方法



1. 以学生为主体,复习导入

当课堂奏响“以人为本”的主旋律,课堂也有专制走向民主。我反思传统课型,一改复习由教师唱主角的现象,根据学生一周内读写的综合表现评选出几名优胜者,通过教师的指导在第二周的课堂上带领同学们进行有目的的复习。本课时也采用此法,请两位同学先领唱歌曲“thunder”,然后作天气预报并带领全体同学复习a部分的单词cold, worm, cool, hot.学生a: good morning.this is the weather report.学生b出示词卡并领读weather.这种方法可以突出学生的主体性,激发其兴趣。2. 变课堂为生活,句中学词


心理学研究,人们对初次接触的材料尤其是生动形象的实物或实景会有很深的印象。我根据这一心理特征,运用多媒体课件展示色彩逼真,形象生动的动态画面,分别反映风、雪、雨、晴、多云等五种天气状况。并且继续以天气预报为主线,在句子中领读单词,适时出示相应词卡。进一步引导学生用新词对已学城市进行不同天气现象的描述,让学生在一系列既关联又相对独立的语境中自主学习,达到基本掌握本课的五个重点词汇,并能熟练运用句型it's rainy in … 这一环节充分调动学生的积极性,吸引全体学生的注意力。(2)以游戏为方式,突破难点

正如新课标所强调的,传统课注重机械传授,忽略了体验与参与。在本课的设计过程中,我力图有所改进,设计了多种多样的游戏。a 找朋友

在课前我事先让学生通过观看天气预报,自行制作天气预报符号的小卡片。教师出示词卡,学生朗读并出示相应的符号。反映最快的同学带领大家继续联系。b 比记忆

操练完毕后教师出示一张世界地图:this is a world map.let's say the world weather.由此进入下一个记忆力游戏。教师出示符号让学生齐读,并将其贴于特定城市旁,同时慢速重复:it's rainy in london.也可让学生跟读。贴完五个词卡后马上出示并领读本课涉及到的五个城市名称,然后由学生凭记忆将名称贴于相应天气符号旁。这一活动既练习了新词,又使学生很自然的了解到五个重要城市的名称及地理位置。由于此任务的目标明确,学生的注意力指向性强,所以在突破难点方面可达到事半功倍的效果。c 我最棒

由教师指词卡领读个城市名称并将其放入句子中:it‟s windy in masco.替换其他形容词和城市进行练习。可由教师领读转为有单组学生领读。为了调动学生的积极性,利用work in pairs, in groups, in row, in term以及 boys say, girls say等多种不同方式操练巩固。在此基础上小组操练:it‟s the world weather.it‟s rainy in london.进行表演,比比谁最棒。使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。



小学段学生活泼好动,所以tpr活动会深受儿童喜爱。节奏和动作能刺激大脑皮层,激活记忆,使学生在对各指令的反应中自然习的语言。运用全身反应法来充分发挥tpr活动的优势。对于let's do部分,我分三步进行教学。第一步让学生静静地听录音,仔细观察图片,理解语句;第二部分图片模仿并做动作,为放慢速度,可由教师领读;第三步听录音做动作,对于有能力的同学鼓励其跟读。3. 变生活为课堂,自主学习




我今天说课的内容是PEP Book2 Unit6 At the zoo PartA的第一课时,包括Let‟s learn和 Let‟s do两部分。








① 能听清形容词,并根据指令做出相应的动作。② 根据图片说出单词和句子。

③ 有节奏地说、做 Let‟s do。






2、能听清形容词,并根据指令做出相应的动作,而且能有节奏地说、做 Let‟s do。





材及学生的年龄特点,我在上课前让学生齐唱歌曲:“ABC song”,调动学生的学习积极性,活跃气氛。



给学生出示几张图片,利用旧知“What‟s this?”对图片进行提问,然后由最后一张球的图片引入新知。






语言的社会功能是作为交际工具,为社会的各项活动服务的,因此,光会背书本内的几个句子是远远不够的,只有结合实际,创造性的使用所学单词和句型,将“知”和“做”结合起来,才能让学生用所学的知识进行扩展、活用,也是培养学生能力的具体表现。于是,我设计了以下两个环节:① 看图片,利用一对对的反义词对比着练口语。② 多媒体课件中出示几个句子,让学生从这几个句子的描述中猜动物。




Today I’m going to talk about Part B of Unit 2, PEP Primary English, Book 3.This lesson includes two parts: Let’s talk and let’s practice.In section 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about “What’s in the schoolbag?” and the answers.And in section 2, it provides a real situation for the Ss to practise the pattern: How many +n.(pl.)+ do you have? And the answer: I have … +n.(pl.)Teaching aims 1.Aims on the knowledge(1)To enable the Ss to understand and speak: “My schoolbag is heavy.What’s in it? Thank you sooooooo much.” Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.(2)To help Ss finish the survey.2.Aims on the abilities(1)To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.(2)To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups.(3)To foster Ss’ abilities of communication and their innovation.3.Aims on the emotion(1)To foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.(2)To lead Ss to show their loveliness to the poor.Key points

(1)To help Ss ask and answer the question: What’s in it?(2)To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.(3)To develop Ss’ interests in English.Difficult points(1)To help the Ss ask and answer the question “What’s in it?” and make sure they can use the plural nouns correctly.(2)To finish the survey by themselves.Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing.I’ll finish this lesson in five steps.Step 1.Warm-up and preview 1.Free talk between T and Ss about things in the classroom.2.Sing the song together: Books and pencils.3.Do some TPR, for example: Show me your English book.Show me your crayon.4.Review the numbers by asking: “How many crayons do you have?”

Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.Step 2.Presentation Now I’ll mainly talk about this step.1.Present the pattern: “My schoolbag is heavy.” “What’s in it?.”

(1)Show a bag and say: “Look!I have a bag.” Carry it and say: “Oh, it is heavy.My schoolbag is heavy.” Help the Ss understand the meaning with the help of my body language.Then lead the Ss to read the sentence.Make sure they can say it correctly.(2)T: My schoolbag is heavy.Open the bag and say: “What’s in it? What’s in my schoolbag?”

Take out a Chinese book.Then do the action again.Let the Ss read the sentence.2.Play a guessing game.Divide the whole class into four groups to have a competition.Let them guess: What’s in the bag? How many? Purpose: To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings.Proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning.3.With the help of the CAI to present the dialogue.Set a situation to help Ss understand: Two Ss are coming.One girl is carrying a heavy bag on her back.They are talking.Girl: My schoolbag is heavy.Boy: What’s in it?

Girl: 20 story-books, 32 pencil, 9 rulers, 12 crayons and 30 picture-books.Etc.Boy: What will you do? Girl: They are for the poor.Boy: Great!I’ll bring some school things too.The boy comes back home and puts a lot of things into the bag.Then he goes to school again and gives them to a teacher.While he is taking them out, he is counting the numbers of all things.The teacher says: Thank you sooooo much.4.Mention that we should take care of the poor.5.Play the cassette.Let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue.Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.Purpose: CAI can provide a real situation for the Ss to understand the dialogue and the relationships between people better.Tell the Ss we should show our loveliness to the Ss.Step 3.Practice Divide Ss into groups of six children.Each one would finish the printed form by asking and answering: How many storybooks do you have? Find out which group finishes faster.Story books picture-books sharpeners crayons pencils erasers pencil-cases rulers Chen Jie 8 24 3 32 26 4 1 3 Purpose: Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.Step 4.Consolidation Help Ss finish “Let’s check” of this unit and workbook.Purpose: To check the knowledge Ss have learned in this period.Step 5.Extension 1.Let Ss tell each other how many school things they have after class.Tell their parents how many school things they have at home.2.Take care of everything they have.Purpose: Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they as in class or after class.It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.一、说教材


结合新课程标准和大纲提出的基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标和具体要求我将本课教学目标设计如下: 语言知识目标:

1、使学生掌握介绍他人的句型: ① Whoˊs this ? ② This is..2、学习认读单词:grandfather , grandmother 语言技能目标:






1、介绍他人的句型 This is „„









激趣设境——语言交流——人格发展 下面说一下教具的安排和使用 依据英语教学的直观性,趣味性、实践性的教学原则,结合合作学习和任务型教学的新理念,我利用了电子零、照片、头饰、幻灯、录音、竞赛板、贴画、小礼物等媒体设计教学,学习则利用自制的组标、头饰、家庭照等媒体积极参与教学活动。


整个教学程序我采用了听、说、玩、演、唱一系列的教学活动,具体设计为热身——新知——趣味操练——巩固练习。Step1 课前热身

1)电子琴伴奏演唱Father and mother 渲染课堂气氛

2)出示组标并请四个学生到讲台前,背对学生戴上father , mother , brother , sister 的头饰,猜一猜他到底扮演的是哪一角色。3)检查上节课布置的对话表演。(小组活动)Step


1)教师把一张自己的家庭照片放在投影仪下并介绍This is a photo of my family.Whoˊs this? Do you know.自答:This is my father.为教学Whoˊs this 做准备,然后教师带着满脸疑惑反复用Who′s this? 询问照片中的其他人,这样一来Who′s this? 这一句式就会在情景中被输入。

2)教师指着祖母的照片说This is my father′s mother.She′s my grandmother.然后指着爷爷的照片。反问Who′s that, do you know? Oh,自答She′s my grand father.板书三会单词并进行教学。

3)每组学生拿着自己的家庭照在组内进行练习,然后选代表在班内介绍家人。Step 3.趣味操练

1)玩比大小游戏:每组、每轮各派一名选手参赛,在讲台上抽出一张图片,根据图义说句子。This is my„„说对的奖励小组小礼物一件,抽到爷爷、奶奶的加3分。抽到爸爸妈妈的加2分,抽到daugter, son ,sister, brother 加1分。几轮后统计得分,为获胜队颁奖。

2)玩猜谜游戏:教师说:This is my father′s father 学生抢答;答对的奖励小礼物一件。学生也可说出This is my mother′s father。这个游戏可以让学生懂得英语中的gand father即表示爷爷也表示外公,grand mother 既可以表示奶奶也可以表示外婆。

3)学生拿出自己准备的全家福玩听音指图游戏,教师发出指令,mother 学生即指出自己的妈妈并说:This is my mother.等等,每组都有必备答题和抢答题。


Step 4.巩固补充 1)作出一个chant Dad Dad father.Mum Mum mother.Grand pa Grand pa.Grand father.Grand ma Grand ma Grand mother.学会区分口语和书面语的小区别,扩充了学生的知识面。2)教师给学生听一段串门的录音,然后创编并表演对话。Step 5.小结并布置任务




Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B 2b

Yuanzhuang Middle School Zhao Youli Hello!Everyone , I’m very glad to have this opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas.My topic is “What does he look like ?” take from book 1,Unit9 section B 2b of go for it.I divided it into five parts to talk about.They are Analysis of the teaching materials , Teaching aims of this lesson , Key points and difficult points, The teaching methods and the teaching procedures.Analysis of teaching material.This is an important lesson in this unit.In this lesson ,the students will learn some new words and phrases to describe people’s looks and they will do some listening , speaking and writing

The teaching aims of this lesson 1.Aims of the knowledge

(1)Learn the new words and expressions in this section

(2)Learn how to describe people’s looks

2.Aims of ability(1)Develop the students’ ability of listening and speaking(2)Train their ability of communication 3.Aims of emotion Make the students describe various people to improve the friendship Key points and difficult points 1.Master the different using of the new words 2.Use these words and phrases to describe people’s looks Something about the students 1.The students are lack of vocabularies 2.Most of them don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others 3.Some of them are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.The teaching methods

This section is close to our daily life.so I decided to choose the situation teaching method , give the situation to the student , and they want to learn how to say it in English.Let them learn the knowledge by listening and speaking, give them more chances to practice that is “learning by doing , learning by using”.in order to make the class lively and the students can learn it easily , I will use the multi-media computer and a tape recorder as teaching aids.The teaching procedures Step 1

Warm-up Free talk between the students.Review some key words and language points learned in previous units.(Purpose of my designing : I think it’s important to form a better English

surrounding for the students and it’s necessary to provide situation to review learned knowledge.)

Step 2 Presentation 1.real criminal

2.a police artist

3.a good picture of each criminal

4.be of medium build.5.long straight brown hair.6.in the end

7.a short and heavy old man.8.crime

In this part,I will finish 2a and 2b.Listen and circle “is” or “has” below,and fill in the chart of 2b,pay attention to their pronunciation,then I will check the answer。

Let the students Describe their friends.I ask: I think you have many friends, Can you describe your friends?” Then I’ll let the students work in pairs to make a dialogue ,and then choose some groups to show the dialogue.(purpose of my designing :Let the students have a chance to practice their listening and speaking ability,develop the students ability of communication and their ability of co-operation)Play a guessing game Describe some one in the class , the other students guess “Who is he ?” Who get the right answer , Who can get a flag.(purpose of my designing :This part can make the students are interested in English and improve their friendship)Summary

I’ll let the students do some exercises and check if they have got the knowledge.homework Write a short passage to describe your favorite movie star or singer.The blackboard design

Unit9 What does he look like?

The orders of many adjectives :

Eg: long straight brown hair

short black hair



Teaching plan for Unit 16 book1 Good afternoon, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson withyou.The content of my lesson is Senior English for China Book1B Unit 16 Scientists at work.I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts.Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about science and scientists.By studying of this unit, we’ll Enable the students to know the serious attitude towards science and develop the interest in science.At the same time ,Let the students learn how to give instructions.this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.This is an important lesson in Book One.From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each passage.Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.As we all know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning.The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing.According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus(新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings: 1.Knowledge objects: a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns

b)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.c)The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation.2.Ability objects:(1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.(2)To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.(3)To Improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.3.Emotion or moral objects: a)By completing the task,the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in science;b)Teach the Ss what is “science”, put the moral education in the language study.now,let’s come to the Important points and the Difficult points.Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stress the important points and break through the difficult points? As is known to us all,The modern teaching demands the teacher should improve the students’ ability.A good teaching method requires that the teacher should have the leading effects.According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods.Part 2 Teaching Methods: In my opinion,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language.So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” Approach(交际教学法), “Whole language teaching”(整体语 2 言教学法)and “Task-based”

language teaching(任务教学法).That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue.According to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the TSA method(情景教学)and TBLT method(语言任务教学)in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.The former is a “scene — activity” teaching method.It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss.The latter offers the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use language to achieve a specific outcome.The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language they want.At the same time, I’ll make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English.Part 3 Studying Methods:

Our students are almost from the countryside.They are lack of geography knowledge and the cultural background of those foreign countries.As senior students ,they have a certain ability to read.And the beautiful places are most attractive and easily arouse students learning emotion.As for the learning methods, they are poor in cooperative learning skills.Some students are not active in the class ,and some students don’t like English.therefore, I ’ll have Ss study in a relaxed atmosphere.Ss understand the new knowledge in certain degree through the mental process of seeing, hearing, saying, observing, thinking etc.And make preparation for completing the new study task.After feeling and understanding the language points, 3 let Ss get the knowledge actively by probe study and cooperative study.In a word,we’ll

1.Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.2.Let the Ss pass “Observation—Imitation—Practice ”(观察—模仿—实践三步教学法)to study language.3.Teach the Ss how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.Part 4 Teaching Procedure: Step 1 Lead-in.As we all know ,Benjamin Franklin is a famous politician and writer.But today, we will read a passage about him as a scientist.His serious attitude to science.Let’s see how Franklin made his famous electricity experiment by flying a kite. 1).Group competition In the 18th and 19th century, scientists all over the world made many important discoveries and inventions in different fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, biology and so on.Divide the whole class into four groups to name some of them.2).Group work

A match competition.Match Column B with Column A correctly.give more examples to make Ss get information.Purpose of my design:To get to know something about the story of famous scientists.To have a better understanding about the importance of experiments in science.It is really difficult for the scientists to achieve their goal , and only after tens of thousands 4 of attempts, experiments, thinking and failure can they be successful in their research.Today, we are going to learn one example of them: Franklin’s famous kite experiment.Step 2 Reading 1).Individual work Skimming: Read the material fast to find out the right picture about Franklin’s experiment.2).Individual work Scanning: Listen to the tape part by part to find out the topic for each one.Para 1-3 the description of the experiment Para 4

the equipment of the experiment Para 5-6 the steps of the experiment Purpose of my design:Enable students to understand the given material better using different reading skills.To present Sample A by CAI(电脑辅助教学)is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings.CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture and it makes the relationships between the Ss better.In this course, Ss can understand the main contents of this dialogue and get the key points by following the example.Step 3 Practice 1).Class work With all the equipment ready(a handkerchief made of silk, two pieces of light wood, strings, a sharp piece of metal, a key, a silk ribbon), one student acts as the host to conduct two students how to make a kite as the one made by Franklin.5 2).Individual work

After that, all the students try to tell how to make such a kite in their own words with the help of the pictures on the screen.Step4 Further understanding 1).Pair work Read through the passage to fill in the blanks in the form in pairs.2).Class work Listen to some sentences to judge whether they are true or false.Purpose of my design: “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.Tell the Ss we should be polite and take good care of our things.We should love our life.I think proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning.If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English.By this step, it achieved the teaching aim of understanding and talking the dialogue of this lesson.Step 5 Post-reading 1).Pair work

Franklin was doing the experiment with his little son, and he was a bit curious about what his father was doing.On the other hand, many people were watching Franklin doing the experiment.Divide the class into two groups to make a dialogue in pairs, one is between Franklin and his son ,the other Franklin and a person watching the experiment.2).Group work 6 let Ss read the passage carefully and answer the question: Discuss the following questions in groups: Students make a conclusion of de process of Franklin’s experiment and retell the tips of doing the experiment。let Ss find out the keys of the exercises after their reading.Purpose of my design: Most Ss can take their parts in the activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English study.In the group activities, they can speak a little English.Without doubt, this will encourage them to speak English.In fact, it is a kind of demand of human being.Suhuomulinsiji(苏霍穆林斯基)says:“In one’s mind, there is always a kind of deeply rooted demand, that is the hope to feel oneself a finder and explorer.In Ss’ spirits, such demand is specially strong.”This step also leads to the emotion objective of this lesson, that is to have moral education in this step.Step4 Homework.Summarize the whole lesson,and arrange the homework.1.Do the exercises in the workbook.Check the mastering of knowledge of this lesson.2.Ask Ss to interview their friends asking the price and size of their clothing and make records of the information.Purpose of my design: I think homework is so important that the Ss should speak English as much as they can in class or after class.It is necessary for the Ss to do some exercises after class to master the knowledge they learned.This content is an 7 extension of the previous lesson, to meet the needs of increasing communicating demand of some Ss.Part 5 Blackboard Design.Anyway, the teaching of this lesson aims to develop not only the Ss' language technical abilities, but also the various intelligence by gathering teaching methods.Purpose of my design:

1、Make the students be free to talk about social behaviors

2、Understand the reading passage and can talk more about teamwork.3、Improve the students’ reading and writing skills.As teachers, to make our English classrooms shine with vitality, we are laid with heavy burden, and we still have long way to go.Deal with the language points.Ask the students to pick out the useful expression from the text, give them more examples, and do some exercises to practice the language points.Above is the lecture notes of my lesson.Thank you very much!


Teaching Interpretation

Chen Shuai

Good morning ,examiner!My name is Chenshuai.Today I’m very pleased and nervous to be






talk about some of my teaching ideas.There are five parts in my interpretation.They are the teaching material, the teaching aims, the important and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching procedure.Part 1 Teaching Material

The teaching material is Unit 9 Lesson 1 On your bike of senior high English.It is





version.This lesson is a reading passage.Its name is Return of <>.It plays a very important part in this unit.By studying this passage , Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the transport and the life in Amsterdam.At the same time, we should get the students to master some new words and we should also make students understand some difficult sentences in this passage.The Ss should do some speaking and writing, too.Let the Ss understand the bikes better, love the sports and save the energy and reduce pollution.Part 2 Teaching Aims

According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus , and after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings: 1.Knowledge objects

(1)The Ss can master some new words such as : benefit ,convenient , insert argue ,arrest ,hopeful

(2)The Ss can use the Present perfect continuous in the proper situation.(3)The Ss can understand the lesson , talk about the advantages of bicycles.2.Ability objects

(1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of reading , writing and speaking,(2)To guide Ss to set up effective studying ways.(3)To improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.(4)To train the Ss’ abilities of cooperative learning.3.Emotion objects

(1)By learning this passage, the Ss increase their interest in cycling and make them save energy and reduce pollution

(2)Let the Ss learn the life of other countries

Part 3 the Important and Difficult Points Based on the requirement of the syllabus.The important and difficult point is Present perfect continuous such as

People have been enjoying the benefits of cycling in Amsterdam for years.There is already less traffic in central Amsterdam, because both locals and tourists have been using the white bikes.Part 4 Teaching Methods

We all know , a good teaching method is not only to give the students the knowledge but also to help the students get the knowledge and solve the problem which they meet.For achieving these teaching aims, I will use the following methods according to Task-based Language Teaching

Part 5 Teaching Procedure Step 1.Lead-in.1,To write down the learning aims on the blackboard : 1: To master: Present perfect continuous(主语+have|has +been +v-ing)2: To speak out the advantages of bicycles.2, Talk about which transport is the most popular in our life.Step 2.Pre-reading Task 1.To make students answer the following questions : 1, Do you use a bicycle?

2, What are the advantages of bicycles ? Purpose of my design:(1)to catch Ss’ attention about the topic.(2)To set up the students’ interest in cycling.We know the cycling is very popular in our country.Do you know what the situation is in Amsterdam.If we want to know more , we’d better read <>first.Purpose of my design:(1)to get to know something about Amsterdam

(2)To have a better understanding about benefits of cycling.Step 3.While-reading Task 1.Skimming: Ss should read the material fast to find out the answers of the following questions in 5 minutes

Question 1: why is Amsterdam called the “City of Bicycles”? Question 2: Why did the first “white bikes”plan fail? Question 3 : What effects have the white bikes had ? Question 4: Do you think the “white bikes” would be good for your town ? Say why.Task 2.To make students read the material again ,cycle or underline the words or sentences which they don’t understand or they think they are more important.Task 3.The students can talk about their answers or get help from their partners

Task 4.To make students show their answers ,speak out their questions and get other students to solve most of the questions.During the activities,the

teacher can help them ,too.Purpose of my design: Enable students to understand the given material better by using different reading skills.“Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ ability..Step 4.Post-reading

Task 1.To act 4 out in roles according to the pictures on 36.Remind students to pay attention to the usage of Present perfect continuous.Task 2.Discuss the usage of Present perfect continuous with other group members, finish 5 , 6 and 7 and then choose a reporter to share their opinions with the whole class.Task 3.Make some students retell the news

in Ss’ own words according to the main words

Purpose of my design: I think If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English.Most Ss can take their parts in the activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English study.Step 5.Homework 1,To finish the rest exercise on page 37, 78 and 79 and show them 2,To retell the news again using their own words

Purpose of my design: Homework is so important and necessary for the students to master the knowledge which they learned after class.It will check whether the Ss achieve the teaching aims.

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