
时间:2019-05-13 08:27:18下载本文作者:会员上传


My Impressions of the Disastrous Films

I.Introduction The Day after Tomorrow and 2012 are the science fiction films, involving the advanced digital video effects and many horrible and disastrous scenes to demonstrate the power of the nature and to make people worry about the future of environment and human beings’ existence and habitat.Indeed, the plots of these two movies are similar to each other.The Day after Tomorrow mainly tells us that Jack Hall, who is the climatologist, predicts that global warming will lead to a new ice age and he issues a warning at a New Delhi conference, hoping the American vice-president can take measures to deal with it.However, the vice-president refuses to listen to Jack and he doesn’t believe that prediction will come true.Before long, some abnormal phenomena happen in man cities.Actually, the scary disaster comes much faster than Jack has imagined before.Afterwards, tornados, floods, the snow, and the hailstones attack many cities.Then the president starts to pay attention to Jack’ suggestion and decides to evacuate residents of the north so as to save people as soon as possible.At the center of the story, Jack tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while he promises to save his son, Sam, who is trapped in New York.Finally, Jack succeeds in rescuing his son through many difficulties.In 2012, the main character, Jackson, a writer in Los Angeles, who works as a driver for the Russian billionaire Yuri, accidentally finds the big secret that the heads of government officials choose 400000 people to get on gigantic arks in order to ensure the continuity of human life when the world ends.So Jackson rents a private plane, and escapes from the disaster of destruction with his ex-wife, his son, daughter and his x-wife’ boyfriend, Gordon.The center of plot mainly tells us the process of his adventurous journey to get on gigantic ark.Eventually, a small percentage of humans survive from the disaster.Generally, these two movies show us the unusual trips and feasts for eyes and ears, which make us experience some moving scenes and learn some meaningful things.II.we can experience the warmth of the brilliant humanity of people from these two films.2.1 The brilliance of the deeply love.Love is the film’s principle and eternal theme, so do these two disastrous movies.Although these two films show us the terrifying scenes during the disaster, we still see the earnest and deeply love anywhere, such as the love between parents and kids, the love between the lovers, the love between the doctor and the little cancer patient, the love between dogs and the love between the strangers.These beautiful loves fill in the films and make us deeply touched.In these two films, what impresses me is the love between Jack and his son, Sam, and the love between Jackson and his kids, Noah and Lilly.Jack and Jackson are busy in working and have no time in accompanying with their sons, so Sam and Noah misunderstand that their father don’t care about them.Actually, their fathers really love them all the time.When Sam is trapped in New York, Jack determines to go from Washington D.C.to New York to rescue Sam through the ice sheets.In 2012 when the disaster happens, Jackson tries his best to save his son and daughter;when Jackson frees the drill and its cable from the closing mechanism, Noah works together with his father because he is afraid that he will never see his father again.Love between the fathers and kids are always impressed and valuable, if people touch it in heat of hearts.Sincerely, love is the greatest gift on the earth and it shows in any form and in any occasions.Love makes people great and powerful especially in the terrible situation.Because of love, people can work together to fight against the disaster.Besides, there are many moving sights which are full of love.For example, Frank chooses to die in order to save his teammates from death;the beggar gives his last sausage to his beloved dog;Laura tries his best to help the French woman and her children;Nima, a Buddhist monk helps Jackson’s family to get on ark;the American geologist Adrian convince other G8 leaders to let the remaining people on board.Altogether, these warm sights just show the brilliance of humanity, the beautiful love.2.2 The significance of the valuable bravery.Bravery is one of the most beautiful brilliance of humanity in the film.In these two films, most people keep brave to struggle against the disaster.The reporters are bold in reporting immediate news and message about the weather and environment.Doctor, Lucy is the only one person who has enough encourage to stay with the little cancer patient to wait the ambulance when others leave the hospital.The three scientists, who are trapped in the snow area, have nothing to choose, but to wait for death.Honestly, they are so brave and calm to confront of the disaster.Because of braver, they can face the disaster and deal with the situation calmly and optimistically.Due to the bravery, they devote themselves to their jobs with the heart and soul.Thanks to bravery, we can see many people stand fast at their posts.Therefore, bravery is one of the important key to overcoming the difficulties, conquering natural disaster and surviving.Without it, lives are lost, and dreams are destroyed.I think without bravery, people are easy to damage.2.3 The generousness of the great sacrifice.With the heavy heart, I find the brilliance of humanity, sacrifice, which always makes me shed tears.In the films, we can see many scientists sacrifice their personal interests so as to save the humans from the death;many daring rescuing teams make efforts to rescue others at the risk of their lives.Especially, the president in 2012 declines to get on ark but stays along with his people, making me moved deeply.What surprise me is that Yuri, who is a mean and selfish man, sacrifices his life to get his sons on board at last.Even if the disaster is terrible, and many people are eager to survive, there still are many people sacrificing their lives to save others in that they are great and disinterested in most cases.III.we can draw some important and profound lessons from these two films.3.1To value what we have possessed.After experiencing the disaster and surviving finally, the main characters in these two films both learn that value is very significant.At fist, they regard their jobs as the priorities, so that they don’t have enough time to stay with their family and express their love to those who they really care about.As the disaster happens, they just find out what is most important to them.When the death is coming, they just find that family is significant and they just regret not spend time on their family, their friends and their relatives.Unfortunately, the main heroes survive eventually, and they are reconciled with their family through the experiencing the disaster.It is obvious that people should better possess what they have at present, or we may have no opportunities in the future.Most people always fail to value something they have, but they often regret not to value before.They always understand the meaning of value when they lose something.So just spare some time to value some people who are important in your life and value the present as soon as possible.3.2 To revere the nature and protect the environment.The Day after Tomorrow and 2012 delivering the environmental message, which making people take seriously to revere the nature and protect the environment.In reality, we human always believe that we are the most senior creatures who can dominate the nature.We think we are so wise and powerful that we can deliberately and recklessly demand what we want from the nature and destroy the nature and environment as we please.Gradually, human being tries their best take advantage of any resources on the earth, and we human beings are only concentrated on the development of economy at any cost, but ignore to care about our nature and our environment.As a result, our environment is worse and worse, which threatens our habitat.Anyway, the nature is powerful, and the environment is very fragile, so we’d better revere and protect the environment.Otherwise, we will be punished by the nature the day after tomorrow and suffer a lot in the future.Ⅳ.Conclusion

The Day after Tomorrow and 2012 are the same types of the disastrous films, in general.Personally, I like The Day after Tomorrow better.In The Day after Tomorrow, the disaster results from that people excessively exploit the natural resources on the earth, which destroys the ecological balance of the earth.Just as the vice-president say that“we are wrong, I am wrong.We are wrong to treat the environment badly.” So the reason of the disaster and the president’s word are good for people to reflect and think deeply about the nature’s power and the environmental protection.While in 2012, the disaster happens because of solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement.Seemingly, people are just the victims of disaster.So people hardly repent their errors and they cannot aware of the consciousness of environmental protection.What’s more, comparing these two movies, I am totally affected by the The Day after Tomorrow due to its deeply and strong emotions, and I am satisfied with its ending.While, I don’t agree the result of 2012, in which only some rich people and scientists and government officials survive.In fact, many people have no any opportunities to know the fact that the big disaster will comes because everything was kept by government around the world from the ordinary people.As far as I am concerned, all people have right to survive, whether they are rich or not.After all, everyone is equal and important.Generally speaking, I can benefit something meaningful and helpful from these two films.








对资深影迷来说,会习惯性地挑剔拷贝的质量;会嘲笑冻裂楼体的严寒竟然像追踪猎物的猛兽一般,在炉火前停步不前;会诧异科考探险者居然能够把脸单独暴露在冰冻的天气下而若无其事。苛求真实在这里没有太大的意义 因为这个光明的尾巴无非是一个象征。包括杰克和山姆,包括“大人物”们,都无非是象征。象征着人类的理智,象征着人类的未来,象征人类的短视和反省。理智让我们对灾难保持警觉,未来命悬一线,而短视使我们对灾难毫无戒备并且自食苦果。在好莱坞大片里,每当地球和人类灾难临头,不管是彗星撞地球,还是外星人入侵,或者是致命病毒袭击,总会有一个凡人英雄,凭着超人的意志和九死一生的好运气,拯救人类于生死边缘。《后天》里没有“救世主”,在巨大灾难面前,谁也不能充当英雄,但却不乏智者和勇士,杰克就是这样一个主角。还有英国科学家莱逊。他们预见到了人类即将遭遇的悲剧性结局。在灾难片里,英雄常常是这样一些人物,他们所从事的职业在平时与“英雄”和“勇气”毫不沾边,比如杰克,一个古气候学家。而现实恰恰如此,假如不是“非典”,谁会知道一个叫钟南山的疾病防治中心的医生?

电影的主旨是提请每个人:关心我们的未来!片名“后天”(the day after tomorrow)无疑是一个警示——别以为灾难离我们很远,它就在眼前。



九十年 路漫漫, 水迢迢,我党依旧风雨如磐。幸逢90圣诞,愿我党与时俱进,成功从希望走向新希望

沧桑几度 风雨如磐

九十年 水迢迢

与时俱进 千锤百炼



与时俱进 千锤百炼 九十年前


从电影中解读地球 期末影评 12359060 罗舒婷 2012级中文系乙班


不同以往的好莱坞大片 ——电影《后天》有感



接下来的第二个镜头几股龙卷风袭卷着洛杉矶城,一位大厦内的清洁工人对外面发生的事情好像全然不知。一支的白光闪过他的眼睛,这时导演特写他的脸部,带着惊恐和小心翼翼,他拿着吸尘器一步步走到门前,再推开一间屋子的门,却发现脚下已是深渊——龙卷风早已席卷了这座大厦,以至于把大厦的外皮刮落!此时镜头外拉,整个洛杉矶城一片废墟,满眼荒凉。不得不震撼于此片对于大自然力量反扑社会的表现,在一种有些混沌的深灰之中,加之象征着恐怖的黑 1




“如果我们不在明天就即及时采取措施,那么灾难就在后天”,面对大自然的灾难,人类要意识到这些年人类对自然的肆意的掠夺的破坏性,一切皆有灵,就如总统在结尾所言:“过去的几周让我们深刻认识到人类有多渺小,大自然的反扑力量有多强大。一直以来,我们相信我们可以无休止地浪费自然资源而不会带来任何后果。而我想我错了,我们都错了”。是的,故事结尾我们再看到那一片美丽的地球,蓝白相间的它,清澈动人。人类是可以与自然和谐共存的,作为这样一部教育意义的灾难片,尽管一些科学知识的表现仍遭人诟病,但其深远的教 2





科学谬误:对纽约被冰封的原因,影片中的科学家的解释是,飓风迅速从地球的对流层吸收了大量温度在零下100摄氏度的强冷空气,然后来到地面,所以威力足以冰封一切。但事实上,对流层的空气压力仅为地面空气压力的约十分之一,当空气从对流层下降到地面,空气的压力增大,体积减小,根据热力学第一定律,空气在体积减小的过程中会释放能量,同时由于空气是很好的绝缘体,被释放的能量不会流失,而是保持在空气中,致使空气温度升高。那么,被飓风吸收的零下100摄氏度的强冷空气到达地面后,温度是多少呢?答案是57摄氏度。这样高的温度,怎能产生冰封的效果?即使是最保守的计算,加入能量损失等因素,“冰冻飓风”的最低温度也就在零度左右,顶多叫“清凉飓风”罢了。【参考资料: 《好莱坞大片 作假没商量》(节选)作者:温俊华】

第三部分:电影中涉及到的地球科学知识的拓展介绍 冰河世纪的威胁 严重的温室效应

大陆冰雹,欧洲水灾、印度热浪、美国一天16次龙卷风,去年八月九日也创下百年最高温38.7°C。这一切让人不禁要问,地球究竟怎么了?世界卫生组织研究指出,温室效应是地球气候异变的元凶。气候暖化使得两极?融冰、海水增 3






新仙女木事件的独特之处,并不仅仅是平均气温降低---------历史上,地球的平均气温曾经降得更低,而在于她发生于冰川期结束,全球气温不断上升这样一个背景下。从18000年前的末次盛冰期,第四纪冰川期达到顶点开始,地球的气温就在不断上升,冰川在不断融化,但是在这个气温上升的过程中,却突然 4












一旦墨西哥湾暖流终止,西北欧地区气温就会降到同纬度其他地区--------加拿大北部和西伯利亚的水平,冰川会在挪威、瑞典、芬兰和苏格兰等地开始发育,洁白的冰雪会把更多的太阳辐射反射回太空,减少地球所能获得的热量,进一步降低气温;气温降低又会促进冰川的发育,如此反复。虽然温度下降的速度 6






祝: 工作顺利!身体健康!

罗舒婷 2013年6月

第四篇:后天 英文影评(简短)

Imagine that you’re in another ice age, shuddering from stem to stern in the biting wind, struggling to find any possible food deep in the pristine layer of snow.This , however, can exactly be true, just as the movie indicated.While scientists today fiercely argue about global warming, people actually knows little about the terrible chain reaction it could produce during a long period of time.It can be easily noticed that the movie attempt to strike the audience with a series of catastrophes.The dominant hue is dark and cold, always put the viewers under a sombre occasion.Even scientists themselves were not able to make any difference in face of the centurial tremendous change.Everyone could only try to save people close to them, regardless of so-called heroism.There is also a spectacle in this film when comparing with other blockbusters.People have been convinced that we human beings can conquer all since Renaissance period.Optimistic movie directors tend to have a supreme hero just as a super man who can eventually settle the problem once for all.Realizing that, Roland Emmerich, together with other artists, have always been drawing our attentions to the reality.Therefore we saw the great success of and the later<2012>.They warn us in such deafening words:”No solution at the end of the world!”

We can’t wait until the last day, since no one can afford to pay for it.Gazing at the lovely world around you, how can you imagine its extinction? To make a change is painful, but also necessary.


《后天》(The Day After Tomorrow)观后感







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