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A Better Way to Get Information----Internet

It is said that the 21 century is the “century of information”.The ways for people to get information are varied.Between two main sources, internet and printed materials, I hold that internet is an obviously superior choice to printed books.My belief that internet is a better way to get information than printed books is based on the following two reasons.The first reason is that internet can provide us with information more conveniently.Just getting on the line, finding the right web-site and typing in the key words we want to search for, in several seconds, we can get thousands of pieces of relevant information.Sometimes, we can even get the exact message we want.But by reading books, we have to spend much time finding the right books, the right chapters, and then the right pages.The second reason for my preference for internet is that it can transmit the newest information much faster than printed materials.Internet can tell us what is happening throughout the world in few minutes.But if you want to get the same information in printed materials like newspapers or magazines, you have to wait until they are published.According to the above mentioned reasons, we can easily draw the conclusion that, compared with the printed materials, internet is for sure superior in conveying information.Which to Choose: to Further Study or to Find a Job?

A survey says that in recent years more students enter for postgraduate entrance examination.But many people argue against the tendency.They hold that to find a good job soon after graduation is more practical.Actually, different people have different opinions as to the question whether we should further study in graduate school or we should begin work, because both have their advantages and disadvantages.Many people appreciate the bright future a master’s degree may bring to them.Three years’ accumulation of knowledge is more likely to enable them to solve more challenging problems.And it is a fact that in many cases a graduate has more chances to get a promotion, and to have high salary than an undergraduate.But a promising job after college graduation is also attractive, especially when the job hunting competition becomes more and more fierce.A job in hand is worth two in the future.Another three years’ study means a delay but more heated competition with others later.However, both of them have their own problems.Academic study in graduate school may be difficult fir a freshman from college who has no practical experience, which may be also a problem when they search for a job three years later.Those without a master’s experience may come across many problems too, like special knowledge inefficiency, and research ability inadequacy.As far as I am concerned, I want to be more knowledgeable and capable through postgraduate study.So , given me the chance, I would choose to further study in graduate school.二、意义、重要性、危害性说明类作文

A Major Advantage of Advertising on TV

Some people complain abut the interference of TV adds in their enjoying excellent performances.Many others even turn to other channels when TV ads are released.They believe that TV ads mislead customers especially youngsters to have unreasonable consuming concepts.In spite of such hostile attitudes, we must admit that TV advertising is beneficial to us in various ways.The major advantage is to promote consumption.TV advertising promotes consumption for, firstly, it is an efficient way for manufacturers to publicize their products.TV is a medium, through which information can be spread quickly, vividly, and in a large scale.When WaHaHa, a kind of children’s drink, is released on TV, the song is imitated by children all over the nation nearly overnight.Along with its release the sales of the drink increases greatly.Without TV adds, a product would get a longer time to be acknowledged by a limited number of people.TV advertising promotes consumption for, secondly, it provides a good way for consumers to learn the products.This is a time when information is too excessive to be processed.Without TV adds, customers will spend large quantity of time looking for goods they want, and choosing from the alternatives.TV adds give them much information about products, the manufacturers, the places they can purchase or enjoy, and the possible effects.From the above reasoning, we can easily see the consumption promoting function of TV adds.We hope that TV ad agencies will give us more colorful and more trustworthy advertisements.The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood

Competition is one of the traits of this society.Heated competition in career and education has exerted great pressure on people, which brings about many physical illness and mental problems.In my opinion, a good mood is critically important for us under whatever situations.The importance can be show in the follow two aspects.For one thing, a good mood is beneficial to our health, both physically and mentally.People who are always gloomy, according to the Chinese traditional medicine, have more chance to suffer from physical illness such as kidney pains.On the contrary, keeping a good mood ,we can make ourselves relaxed and therefore can keep calm and optimistic in difficulties.Therefore , a good mood keeps doctors(including mental healing)away.For another, with a good, we are likely to work efficiently.The reason is that in a good mood we are more willing to cooperate with others, and are more willing to listen to others’ advice.With such relaxation, it is easy for all the people to cooperate to figure out solutions to the problems.Therefore it is not exaggerating to say that keeping a good mood is the precondition of working efficiency.From the reason we have presented above, we can surely come to the conclusion that keeping a good mood, we will be healthier, and in a good mood ,we are more likely to succeed in our career.Being Indulged in Computer Games Is Harmful

An excellent college student flunked because he could not concentrate on the study for being too indulged in computer games.He spent nearly all the money on games, which was earned by his father’s selling blood.When his father knelt down to beg him to return school, he was too much to show any regret.When computers’ entertaining function is highly spoken of, such a problem does deserve our serious concern.The most serious harm of computer games comes from their contents, which affect children’s mental health.Many games involve violence, such as fighting killing.To win or kill their opponents, children are permitted to use all various turn of mind is developed and rooted in them, which may induce future violent behaviors in their real life.Being indulged in computer games also does harm to children’s health.The computer can arouse many uncomfortable feeling , like a headache , poor eye sight and even losing hair.Being lack of sleep and dinner, children are more likely to get irritable and suffer from severe malnutrition.Of course, it is not the end of the story.Being indulged in computer games also affect children’s study, and their communication with others.All these facts show that it is time for us to manage computer games by the whole society.三,观点论证类作文

My View on Man-Made Beauty

The Chinese traditional saying “Close make a person” reflects the importance of “appearance”.nowadays such a belief has its new content.Many people, especially young girls or ladies, are not content.with getting more beautiful by clothes.They turn to a more challenging practice of physiological reform to make them man-made beauties.I don’t think this practice should be advocated.The desire for beautiful appearance is one of human nature.The operations may really mean something to some people.At last they turn more beautiful.But a coin has two side, and so does the man-made beauty practice for two following reasons.Firstly, one’s appearance is the God’s blessing, and has been one part of our life.The reform of the original physiological structure may bring great harm to our body.After breast enlargement surgery ,many women look sexier than before.However many of them are found mammary gland disease.The more serious effect is that they risk being unable to breast feed.Secondly, the advocating for such a practice will mislead people in the judgment of true beauty.The concept of beauty is quite rich in its content.I should include many virtues like honesty, diligence, etc, which should be the real mainstream of our spiritual life.The practice and some contest about man-made beauty will confuse those who are to develop correct concept of beauty.Concerning the above possible harms the practice may bring about, we are strongly against it and advocate seeking true and natural beauty.四,现象解释类作文

Why do College Student Have Difficulty in Finding Jobs?

In recent years college graduates are facing greater challenge in job markets.To avoid such an embarrassment, many students even choose to further their study to wait for another there years for a possible job opportunity.The reasons for the employment difficulties lie in the following three aspects.Firstly, the enlarged college enrollment supplies more than enough graduates with a certain specialty.There has been an overabundance of executive secretaries, lawyers, etc.therefore in the contest for a single position by tens of hundreds of graduate, most will suffer the failure.Secondly, job-finding difficulty also comes from the curricula design of many colleges.They have not adjusted their majors and subjects to meet the demand of modern society, so that students can’t find a position in the market to apply their knowledge in practice.Thirdly, I believe the difficulty also come from graduate themselves.The job demand are quite unbalanced between developed areas and underdeveloped areas.A large number of graduate would rather stay jobless in big cities than take position in small or underdeveloped cities.Taking all these reasons into account, we’d like to suggest that the should have a micromanagement in college enrollment and major design, and students have a bboader and more reasonable vivd about caReer.五,提出建议,解决问题类作文。

The Best Way to Stay Healthy

In such a quick fixed soci%ty, peopld have to bear burdens from education, work and families.Therefore it is necessary for them to attach more importance to their health.As to the best way to keep healthy, some people insist on a balanced diet, and some others argue for physical exercise.I agree with the latter.My suggestion of sports as the best way to stay healthy lies in the following reasons.Firstly, doing sports can keep you fit, for it helps you burn your excessive fat, which is much safer than any wonder drug, miracle diet or liposuction to lose weight.Secondly, doing sports can contribute a lot to patient’s recovery.However severe one’s illness may be, the process of exercise can more or less do good to him or her, for it can speed up the rate of blood circulation, can help him or her to inhale more fresh air.In this way exercise can quicken the process of recovery.Thirdly, by doing sports you can get your brain refreshed, which is vital importance to the people working at office and student in intensive study.The benefits of sports are than I have listed.Doing sports will make us fit, strong, and in good working condition, namely, it helps us stay healthy.◆ 说明文,顾名思义,是用来说明,解释并阐述某一客观事物得特点,性质,原理,发展过程及揭示其客观事物本质的一种文体。说明文的目的在于给读者提供关于某一客观事物的信息,使读者对这一客观事物能有所认识,或是其原有的认识更新颖、更清楚、更完整。说明文一般用来解释或阐述某事物,比如机器的操作过程和工作原理,事物发展过程、自然现象或社会现象的原因、项目计划、解决问题的方法等。

◆ 议论文, 顾名思义,是用来对某事物的现象、问题等进行逻辑分析和论证,从而表明作者对这种事物所持的观点、看法、立场以及见解的一种文体。议论文的目的在于表达作者的看法、立场、观点和见解,并通过合力的客观逻辑分析及主观感性的劝说,让读者同意或接受作者的观点,或对读者原有的观点产生偏向性影响。比如,说服读者赞同一项政策或参与某种行动。政策演讲,新闻社论,倡议书等都属于议论文的范畴。◆ 比较:从上面两种文体的概念和写作目的可以看出说明文和议论文的共同点是,两者均围绕着某一事物或问题展开论说,各有说理的部分,使读者对所写的事物有所认识,所以两种文体的界线不易划分清楚;具体写作时,两者之间会相互渗透,因此,又将两种文体称为论说文。从两种文体的写作目的看,两者还是有一定的区别:

A. 说明文的目的是提供信息,而议论文的目的是说服; B. 说明文基本上就事论事,不带个人感情色彩,强调通过阐述事理使读者对所写事物认识识更新颖、更清楚、更深刻;

C. 议论文写作时要求论点鲜明准确,论据充分有力,强调通过合理的客观逻辑分析和主观感情的劝说,即在客观上以理服人,在主观上以情动人,通过论证来影响或改变读者的思想和行动。

Topics: Exposition I.Illustration: 1.College Students’ Everyday Expenses are High 2.Changes in My Home Town or Beijing in the Last Ten Years 3.Life on Campus Is Interesting(or Monotonous)4.There Is a Generation Gap 5.Sunday Is the busiest Day of the Week to Me or to Many Chinese 6.What the Service Trades Can Do for Us

The Advantages of Temporary Jobs

Several years ago, people were often a little surprised when they heard that a college student was doing a part-time or a temporary job.“ Why? Maybe he is short of money,” they thought.Nowadays, lots of college students are working as tutors.Some serve as tour guides or do whatever work they can find during vacations.In big cities, students often put up advertisements on bulletin boards or wire poles near bus stops.Are they all short of money? Perhaps not.“By doing part-time jobs, we have broadened our vision and gained some experience,” those who do temporary jobs often say.Since most students enter college as soon as they finish middle school, they lack experience in the ways of society.When they graduate from college, they often find the outside world is not as simple as they thought and have difficulty in adjusting themselves to reality.Many students find doing temporary jobs is a good way to solve the problem.While working, they learn how to deal with different kinds of people and situations.Gradually, they increase their knowledge and deepen their understanding of society.One of my classmates taught English to senior middle school students in his hometown during the last vacation.The first difficulty he met with was to find a classroom.His request of using a classroom in a middle school was turned down.However, he did not lose heart and tried hard to find some other place.Later, with the help of a former teacher of his, he succeeded.Temporary jobs can also help students improve their academic studies.My own experience is an example.During the last winter vacation, a friend asked me to help him improve his ability to understand spoken English.When I saw the teaching material, I felt a little frightened.For it was something like TOEFL, and I had not had any practical experience with it.However, I accepted the job.Every time before teaching him, I would listen to the tape again and again in order to get everything clear.It was time-consuming and troublesome.But later I found my own listening comprehension improved too.If one works as a tutor, he ought to understand everything in the texts he is teaching, or he may not be able to answer the student’s questions.If one serves as a tour guide, he should know something about places of historic interest and scenic beauty.Whatever job it may be, one has to learn in order to be qualified.Part-time jobs can also provide students with pocket money.Nowadays, the expenses of college students are high.They spend 60 to 70 yuan per month on the average.Girl students like to have some fashionable clothes, while boy students want good sneakers and T-shirts.The pay for temporary jobs can help cover the expenses.Besides, doing temporary jobs makes students feel self-reliant.“I feel rather ashamed every time I receive money from home.I’m no longer a child, yet I still have to be supported by my parents” — such words are often heard on campus.Young people talk a lot about independence.They are aware if one is not economically independent, one cannot enjoy true independence.Recently, a report in China Youth said that about one fifth of the country’s college students have done or are doing temporary jobs, and as the economic reform is going on, the number is increasing.Today, when people hear that a student is doing a temporary job, they no longer think he must be short of money, but look at him with approval.II.Division and classification: of the 1990s Qualifications for a Good Teacher or Student My Requirements for a Friend Ways of Spending One’s Spare Time 5.Kinds of Second Jobs 6.Different Attitudes Toward Work, Life, Death, or Illness

What We Want from Sports

Students in our school have one thing in common — an interest in sports.According to their different intentions in taking part in sports, they fall into three groups.Many students go to the playground when they feel tired after a few hours of study.These students put much more stress on their study efficiency than the fun of sports.They just want to go back to their classrooms from the playground with a clearer and quicker mind.Thus they don’t actually care whether they can enjoy themselves on the playground.Most of them choose long-distance running, the kind of exercise which few real sports enthusiasts like.So this group of students can be well labeled as study-oriented participants.Students that make up the second group are real sports lovers.Sometimes they even put aside their studies for a match.They take part in the sport that interests them most, not caring whether it is most beneficial to their health.They may be called fun-oriented sports participants.The third group want beauty from sports.Boys want to become strong;girls want to be slim and graceful.Those who consider sports the only way of reducing weight also belong to this group.They are very careful in choosing the kind of exercise they do, and are afraid that certain sports may ruin their figures.Horizontal bars and parallel bars are the boys’ choice, and the hula hoop is now the girls’ favorite.The appropriate name for this group may be beauty-oriented sports participants.No matter which group we belong to, we all benefit from sports.If you look around the campus, you will find that bookworms have disappeared, and, instead, there are healthy, strong, clever, modernized students everywhere.III.Comparison and contrast 1.Life in Middle School and College 2.Chinese and Foreign Teachers 3.Youth of the 1990s and Youth of the 1950s 4.Traveling by Train and by Plane 5.Chinese and Western Medicine or Food

Eating and Reading

As a creature, I eat;as a man, I read.Although one action is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy the intellectual need of my mind, they are in a way quite similar.To keep ourselves alive, we need all kinds of nutrition.Eating is the most important way by which we can get starch, protein, vitamin, sugar, fat, and some trace elements.On the other hand, we eat not only because we have to do so, but also because we enjoy doing so.Having satisfied our hunger, eating can then be a kind of enjoyment.The color, the smell, and the taste of the food are considered as important as its nutritive value.Very often we eat some food not because it is nourishing but simply because we like it.This partiality for certain food will not affect our health, so long as we do not indulge heavily in it.There are many people, however, who do not eat the food they dislike and consequently suffer from malnutrition.So, for the sake of health, we have to eat some food even though we may not like it.Similarly, to enrich our minds, we need information and knowledge, which can be obtained through reading.Reading is one of the most important ways of learning.Without reading our minds will become empty like that of an animal.Sometimes, we take reading as a pastime, and we relax and learn at the same time.Since recreation is involved, we will naturally have a partiality for some particular kinds of books, just as we do for certain kinds of food.It is all right if we read more books on history than books on literature.But suppose we focus on one subject only and pay no attention to anything else, we will face the problem of imbalance.Nutrition for our minds should be as comprehensive as the nutrition for our bodies.An educated person is a person who knows a lot of things about something and something about a lot of things.One’s mind needs all kinds of nourishment, whether they are to one’s liking or not.Besides, there are other similarities between eating and reading.We should not eat too much without digesting and assimilating, nor should we read too much without understanding.While we are eating, we should leave out the rotten part of the food which will do harm to our health;and while we are reading, we should be able to reject the poisonous content in a book, if any, for it will poison our minds.So, eat sensibly and read sensibly to give yourself a strong body and a healthy mind.IV.1.2.3.Cause and Effect Why Some Students Make Better Progress than Others Why People Want to learn a Foreign Language Why Many Young Men Do Not Want to Marry Capable Young Women 4.Job Discrimination Against Women in China 5.Causes and Effects of Divorce in China

Being Short

Being short is something that cannot be helped.One cannot choose one’s appearance;it is already decided at the time when one is born.And it happens that one’s parents are both short, it is inevitable that one will remain short all his life, whether he likes it or not.Being short is a lifelong pity.Almost everyone wants to look beautiful and to be moderately tall.For me, it has always been a bad time during medical examinations when I have to stand on that terrible scale and have my height measured and recorded.Year after year, the figure seems to remain the same.Although now I have more or less reconciled to this unchanging fact, I just cannot help feeling regretful at times.How nice it would be if only I could be just an inch taller.Being short is a “handicap” and this is something that I hate most.During military training, I stood at the end of the line, because I was considered the shortest.And if they did not want too many students to march in a review, they always discarded the shortest, never the tallest.Though I do not really mind a great deal about joining in a review, I just do not feel good.I used to attend a volleyball training class, and every time we needed to separate into teams to play a match, the coach would say,“ You twelve shorter ones go there, and you twelve taller ones come here, please.”It sometimes makes me furious about being treated so unfairly.Short as I am, I am not a poor player and should be reckoned with.Being short is being inferior.Every day I live among people who are mostly taller than I am.Whether it is out of friendliness or whatever, very often, they pat me on the head, or throw one of their arms conveniently over my shoulder, and look down at me, while I have to look up at them.These gestures might not be ill intended, but I feel that these people are taking advantage of my shortness, and want to show they are superior to me.Being short is an impetus.When we, the short, have to live with these day-to-day disadvantages — the pity, the handicap, and the inferiority, we turn to other things to get self-confidence.We work industriously against prejudices to tell people that we are by no means inferior or handicapped.V.Definition 1.Materialism 2.Individualism 3.Happiness 4.Freedom 5.Values 6.Project Hope

The Red, Yellow, and White Roads

On reading the title, you may feel quite puzzled.“ What does it mean?” you may ask.To be frank with you, when a friend used this phrase, I was also at a loss what make of it until she explained it to me.“The red, yellow, and white roads”is a popular phrase among senior students in Chinese colleges.In their last year in college, students begin to consider their future jobs.It is time for them to decide whether they will be officials, businessmen, or intellectuals.Of course, different people make different choices.These choices, by and large, are generalized as the “red”, “yellow”, and “white” roads.The red road is considered to be the most promising one.Red in China is the color which has some connection with communism.The one who chooses to follow this road will, first of all, join the Communist Party.A diploma and a Party card will make it much easier for him than one without the two things to be promoted, first as section chief, and then as head of a department.Gradually, he will climb up the social ladder.The red road seems to provide a good chance for one to achieve his political goal.The second one is the yellow road.Yellow may remind us of gold.To be well-to-do is the goal.How does one achieve it? Positions in joint ventures run by China and some foreign countries are the most desirable for people who have chosen this road.Though they may have to work hard, they get good pay.Aside from that, those graduates who know foreign languages may have more opportunities to go abroad than people working elsewhere.On the whole, this is a profitable road.Lastly comes the white road.The color is not so delightful as the first two.People who choose this road will work very hard so as to become graduate students, and to be successful in the world of knowledge.It is an arduous road without much concrete and immediate benefits.Just like the color itself, the road is very clean and pure.The three roads reflect some characteristics of our society and show, in a way, what young people are thinking and dreaming of.It is good to know that young people are very practical now.But it is also rather disappointing to find that knowledge which is vital to our modernization is placed last.People are so obsessed by power and money that knowledge is devaluated.Argumentation  Requirements for argumentation: 1)a debatable point 2)sufficient evidence 3)good logic: Inductive reasoning;deductive reasoning 4)clear logic 5)good use of the other three types of writing 6)an honest and friendly attitude 1.Everyone Should Be Given an Opportunity to Study in College 2.Wealth or Power Is a Sign of Success 3.Clothes Make a Man or Cosmetics Make a Woman 4.People’s Worth Are Shown in the Reward They Earn 5.Opportunity, Diligence, Perseverance or Resolution Is the Key to Success 6.Life Can Be Happy and Meaningful

The Three Gorges Project Is Beneficial

The Three Gorges lie in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.After years of investigation and research, many scientists and engineers have suggested that to control the floods brought by the Yangtze River to its lower reaches, a large dam should be built there.But many scientists and engineers disagree.Thus a heated debate has begun as to whether the project is beneficial.I am in favor of the project and believe that it will have more advantages than disadvantages.Those who are against the project argue that the project will bring about serious consequences.The Three Gorges are among the most beautiful and famous places in China.Here the tourists see not only the natural scenery, but also a lot of ancient cultural relics, which are of great historical value.Many of those places of interest will be submerged when the dam retains water at the normal level(175m).The project will affect the ecological environment of the Yangtze River.Some rare species of aquatic animals are faced with the danger of extinction.Moreover, the river-bed will be worsened.More seriously, when the dam begins to retain water, there may be earthquakes and landslips in the Three Gorges area.The Persian Gulf War gave rise to another doubt: if there should be a war and the Three Gorges Dam destroyed, the consequence would be ghastly.In short, the risks of the project may be too great for it to be beneficial.Their worries and warnings are well justified.But we should not give up eating for fear of choking.First of all, the feasibility of the project has been thoroughly examined.A new feasibility report by hundreds of experts has been submitted to the government.In the report, all the harmful effects have been taken into consideration and appropriate measures suggested.For example, to solve the problem of earthquakes and landslips that may be caused by the project, monitoring and forecasting will have to be stressed.The success of the Gezhou Dam which has stood the test of many great floods proves that our technology of water conservancy is up to the mark and able to withstand the stiffest test of natural disasters.It is estimated that once the Three Gorges Project is completed, the loss in agriculture caused by floods will be reduced by six to eight hundred million yuan each year;if there is a catastrophic flood, the loss will be reduced by twenty billion yuan.More importantly, the project will protect the lives of three hundred and fifty million people living in the plain east of the dam.The hydropower station on the dam will have a generating capacity ranking first in the world, five times that of Gezhou Dam.That means each year fifty million tons of coal will be saved.The electronic power it will produce will greatly push the development of industry in our country.The project will improve the transportation of the Yangtze River.Those dangerous shoals and rapids in the gorges today will disappear.The river in the dam area will be broadened.As a result, giant vessels will be able to sail straight from Shanghai to Chongqing.This is of vital importance to the economic development of Sichuan Province.It is clear that the Three Gorges Project will be beneficial to the country.Everything has its advantages and disadvantages.Since the project will bring more benefits than losses, it is worthwhile to take some risks.Life Can Be Happy and Meaningful

Not long ago, a poll was conducted among students in a middle school.They were asked to make a choice between these sentences — “No one can be happy”, and “One can be happy.” Shockingly enough, about 20 percent of the students agreed to the first statement.When I asked some of my friends for their opinions, most of them thought the former statement was true.When asked for explanations, they said, “Frankly speaking, life is bitter and meaningless.But to live on, we’d better say to ourselves that there is happiness in life.”

I have been thinking of this opinion ever since.The more I think, the more I am convinced that if we have a right attitude towards life, our lives can surely be happy and meaningful.It is true that all people have some bitter experiences.But it is through overcoming hardships that our happiness emerges.Many people admire Madam Curie, and say with a sigh, “If I could live like her, I would be the happiest person in the world.” But if we take a close look at her life, we will find her happiness is closely connected with her misfortunes.First of all, she did not have a happy childhood.When she was in France, she studies twice as hard as others but lived a poor and simple life.In her research work, she had to sit up late night after night.She experienced many losses, too — she lost her beloved father, her dear husband, and later her eyesight.But she never complained and never stopped working for the benefit of mankind.That is why her life was happy and meaningful.She fought against life’s bitterness and difficulties and conquered them all.Some people complain that their work is insignificant and thus their lives are meaningless.But what kind of work is significant? Workers, peasants, teachers, and scientists, they are all working for the welfare of mankind, themselves included.That is where the meaning of life lies.But some people seem to think little of such a life.Once a friend of mine told me he felt very wretched for having to work as a teacher.“Our lives can be compared to candles.While giving light to others, we ourselves are burning out.Our students may become famous one day, but what will become of us? We shall only remain what we are — fameless and wealthless.” Paradoxically, I would rather think he was giving a vivid description of nobleness of a teacher.If I can live the life of a teacher, to contribute the only thing I own — my knowledge — to the upbringing of young people, I will be very happy, because I am useful to others.Different people may think of differently.But of one thing I am certain: happiness never favors those who merely care about themselves, and the meaning of life cannot be understood by those who refuse to sacrifice anything for others.便条的写作



3.对收信人的称呼(后面的标点一般用逗号)4.正文 5.结尾客套语(后一定有逗号)6.签名(后面一定不能有标点符号)7.职务名称(如果写信不是以集体的名义写的,这部分则不要)便条则相对简单,仅仅由时间、对方称呼、正文、结尾客套语和签名组成,当然如果便条是以集体的名义写的,则要添加职务名称。


Dear Professor Ma,Feb.11 We would be very grateful if you could give us a talk on “the Skills for TeM-4 Writing” on this coming Friday, 3p.m.to 5p.m...If this subject does not suit you or that time is not convenient for you, any other similar topic and time would also be welcome.If you have any decision, call me at the cellphone number, 131X.Thank you.Respectfully yours,Mei Ying

Chairman of Students’ Union

July 15 Dear Professor Smith, These days I am very gloomy, because I meet many troubles in my thesis writing.I do not know how to define some key words of my study.So I am wondering whether you can give me some instruction.If it does not trouble you too much, shall we meet at your office this Friday morning and give me a call at 130x? Thank you.Sincerely yours, Wang Ling


July 15 Dear Sir or Madam,I’m writing to bring your attention to a problem I’ve had with information availability with your product.I have been trying to get a person on the phone, but I filed by trying several departments.I hope you will address this problem to my satisfaction, or I will never do business with you again.I expect to hear from you soon.My telephone number is 0751X.Thank you.John Smith

Jun.15 Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing to bring you attention to the noise from your construction site.It is time for many high school students to prepare for their college entrance examination.But your noisy working always lasts till midnight, which has disturbed their study and interfered in their normal rest.Therefore, it would be very considerate of you to stop working before 10 o’clock at least in these 10 days.Heartfelt thanks.Sincerely yours,John Smith

Chairman of Qingya Residential committee 道歉便条

Mar.1 Dear Professor Liu, I’m sorry I couldn’t make 2 o’clock appointment.There is to be an urgent conference in my department this afternoon and I have to make some preparation for it.Could we meet at 3 o’clock on this Friday afternoon? If that is not convenient for you, please leave me a note in my mailbox.With many apologies.Sincerely yours, Pan Yang

Mar.15 Dear Lucy, I’m terribly sorry for not being able to return you the book you lent me several months ago.You see, I’m writing my thesis paper, and this book is one of my important references.If it is possible, I want to keep it for another month.If not, I’ll return it soon.Many apologies and thanks again.Yours, John


Mar.5, 2005 Dear Martin, I’m so pleased to hear that you’ve got the scholarship to the University of Columbia.Congratulations on your success.You really deserve it because you are such an intelligent and hardworking student.I’ve never doubted your ability to achieve great aims.You will have a brilliant future, and I wish you all the best in your life and academic studies in the USA.Yours, Ann


Jun.15 Dear Peter, I’m writing to show my gratitude for your invitation to your birthday party.That was a really wonderful party.I appreciate your considerate arrangement and wonderful performances you had prepared.And it also offered me a chance to meet many old friends.I really enjoyed that night and do hope you will have a wonderful life.Yours, Helen


Mar.15 Dear Mr.Zhang, A Mr.Lin Min who recently arrived from Beijing called you this morning when you were out.He said he wished to see you, for he had something important to consult with you.You’re requested to ring him up at any time this evening from 8 p.m.to 10 p.m.at 500-5566.Yours,Zhang Wei



May 18, 2005 Dear schoolmates, To improve our English, an English evening is going to be held by the Students’ Union of English department at the Students’ Center from 7 p.m.to 9 p.m.this Saturday.You can enjoy short plays, English songs and poems at evening.Many foreign friends will be invited to the evening and they will offer us wonderful performances.All the teachers and students are welcome to attend the English evening.Come and enjoy the evening.Students’ Union

Football Match

English 0401 vs.Chinese 0402 Time: 3 p.m., Dec.10, 2005 Place: The University Stadium Please contact the Physical culture and Sport commission.Tickets are limited.Fans should be quick.The Physical culture and sport commission

November 8, 2005



There is no consensue of opinions among people about.....(争论焦点).Some people are of the view that...(观点一),while others take an opposite side,firmly believe that...(观点二).As far as I am concerned,the former(latter)notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all,...(论据

一).Furthermore,...(论据二)Among all of the supporting evidences,one is the strongest.That is,....(论据三).A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that...(总结观点).As college students,we are supposed to......(支持某种观点)模板二

The vast majority of people argue that....(观点一)By saying that, they mean.....(对观点一进行阐释).But a few other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that....(观点二)An example they have presented is that.....(支持观点二的一个例子).According to a survey performed by......(某种权威机构),almost 80% of people are in favor of the idea of.....(观点二或者观点一).There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief.But if we consider it in depth,we will feel no reservation to conclude that....(从两种观点中选择你的观点).There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all,......(论据一)More importantly,....(论据二).Most important of all,.....(论据三).Based on the zbove discussions,I can easily forecast that more abd more people will......(支持你的观点)


Some people are in favor of the idea of doing.....(某种行为).They point out the fact that....(支持某种行为的第一论据).They also argue that....(支持某种行为的第二论据).However, other people stand on a different ground.They consider it harmful to do....(某种行为).They firmly point out that......(反对某种行为的第一论据).An example can give the details of this argument:.....(反对某种行为的第二论据).There is some truth in both arguments.But I think the disadvantages of......(某种行为).outweigh the advantages.In addion to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about,......(某种行为).also may......(可能产生的另一种弊端)

To conclude,......(你所得出的结论)A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent.....(某种行为)from bringing us more harm,常用高分句型

1、(1开头)、Now, ti is commonly(generally/widely)believed(held/acknowledged)that___,but I wonder whethe___.现在人们普遍认为___,但我想___。

(2)、when asked about___, the vast majority of people say that___;but Iview a bit differently.当问到___问题的时候,大多数人认为___,但是我的看法稍不同。

(3)、There are different opinions among people as to___.关于___,人们的观点大不相同。

(4)、When it comes to__ _,some people believe that___,and others argue that the opposite is ture.谈到___,有些人相信___,而另外一些人的观点正好相反。


(1)、The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.A相对于B来说优点更多。

(2)、Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.显然,它既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。

(3)、there is no doubt that ___has its drawbacks as well as



(1)、it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。

(2)、personally,I am standing on the side of___.就个人而言,我站在___的一边。

(3)、all in all, we cannot live without ___,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems would arise.总之,没有___我们是无法生活的,但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来应对可能出现的新问题。














A or B ,which one do you agree with? Give specific reasons for your answer.(A,B 表示供选择的两种观点。Do C 指题目中提及的某件事情。如:some people prefer

A in order to Do C.雅思写作观点选择类型的写作模板:


As for the question that which is better, A or B, different people have different opinions.A has its advantages, but at the mean time, it has many disadvantages.In my point of view, I would prefer B.First of all,(1)支持 B 的原因之一。For example,(2)举例说明支持 B 的原因之一。

Another reason is that(3)支持 B 的原因之二。

The third reason, however, goes this way:(4)支持 B 的原因之三。

So from what has been discussed, one can reach only this conclusion that(5)重申观点。


Some people believe A, they point out the fact that(1)人们支持 A 的原因。However, other people believe B.They hold that(2)人们支持 B 的原因。

As far as I’m concerned, I prefer A.As we all know(3)我支持 A 的原因之一。I remember(4)举例说明。

In addition,(5)我支持 A 的原因之二。

On the other hand,(6)从反面论证 A 的优势。

Last but not least,(7)我支持 A 的原因之三。

As a matter of fact, there are also some disadvantages in A,such as(8)举例说明 A 的劣势。But these can be compensated by its advantages.模板三:

There are two different views on the matter of DOING C.Some people believe that(1)支持的观点 A.By this , they argue that(2)进一步阐述观点 A.For example,(3)举例说明。

Others hold, on the other hand, that(4)反对的观点 B。

Furthermore,(5)进一步阐述观点 B.For instance,(6)举例说明观点 B。

Considering the views on the two sides, I prefer to put weight to the pros rather than cons.personally,(7)我支持 A 的原因。






...C.恢复(fù)闷雷(mân)千万匹(pǐ)...2.请选择没有错别字的一组词语,把序号写在括号内。()A.人声鼎沸 横惯江面 白浪翻滚 B.齐头并近水天相接 山崩地裂 C.昂首东望 风平浪静 引人注意

3.许多珍贵的林木和花卉生长在人迹罕至的地方,各种野生动物攀援穿梭其间,真不愧“植物类型博物馆”和“动物王国”的美誉。这里“植物类型博物馆”和“动物王国”引号的作用是:()A.表示引用 B.表示特殊含义 C.表示特定称谓


B.第一个“鸟的天堂”是指大榕树,第二个是指大榕树是鸟儿幸福生活的乐园。C.第一个“鸟的天堂”是指大榕树是鸟儿幸福生活的乐园,第二个是指大榕树。5.俗话说,在 《题西林壁》 这首诗中,说明“当局者迷” 这个道理的诗句是:()A.横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。B.不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。C.山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。




7.对下面的这句话理解正确的是:()“要是你的手指不费一点儿劲,休想拉下爬山虎的一根茎。” A.爬山虎的脚巴在墙上不牢固,不费一点儿劲,就能拉下一根茎。B.爬山虎的脚巴在墙上很牢固,不费一点儿劲是不能拉下一根茎的。C.爬山虎的脚巴在墙上很牢固,费多大劲,也拉不下一根茎。



10.下面这段话所运用的描写方法是:()蟋蟀用前足扒土,还用钳子搬掉较大的土块。它用强有力的后足踏地。后腿上有两排锯,用它将泥土推到后面,倾斜地铺开。A.外貌描写 B.动作描写 C.语言描写 D.心理描写













二、将画“ ”的部分改换成成语。












1.“那里春天鲜花盛开,夏天绿树成阴,秋天鲜果飘香,冬天白雪一片。”这句话运用了排比的修辞手法。()2.童话分为两大类,一类是由作家创作的,比如安徒生、格林兄弟;另一类是在人民群众中口头流传的,如《王尔德童话》。()3.《去年的树》的作者是日本作家埃林·比林。()4.童话中的主人公多是神仙精灵、山魔水怪、鸟兽虫鱼,它们都有超常的魔力,还能像人一样的说话。()5.笑是最重要的,没有笑就没有办法过快乐的日子,其它的表情是不需要的。()6.作家丰子恺,通过叫声、步态和吃相的描写,表现了一只白鹅的高傲。()7.“我们不胜其烦”表达了丰子恺对侍候白鹅吃饭的厌烦。()8.白公鹅的主人是村里的少年斯焦普卡。()9.老舍写《母鸡》,是为了表达对母鸡欺负同伴、炫耀下蛋的讨厌之情。()10.老舍写《母鸡》,是为了赞扬母鸡作为母亲负责、慈爱、勇敢、辛苦。()11.《白鹅》中,作者采用了做比较的写作手法,写出了鹅步态的高傲。(五、根据所学的知识选择正确的答案。1.下面成语中没有错别字的一组是()A.望子成龙 来龙去脉 群龙无首 龙飞风舞 B.如虎添冀 调虎离山 骑虎难下 照猫画虎 C.天马行空 汗马功劳 马到成功 老马识途 D.牛刀小式 笨鸟先飞 呆若木鸡 胆小如鼠 2.下面几句音节没有错误的一项是()

A.慈爱(cí ài)可恶(kě â)反抗(fǎn kàng)毒手(dú shǒu)B.成绩(chãng jì)供养(gîng yǎng)辛苦(xīn kǔ)遭殃(zāo yāng)C.开辟(kāi pì)任凭(rân pín)忧虑(yōu lǜ)勾当(gōu dàng)D.魔杖(mï zhà)可怜(kě lián)铁锹(tiě qiāo)脸颊(liǎn jiá)3.下面几个句子中不是比喻句的一句话是()



一 选择题


A.人们把每块搭石之间(jiān)按二尺左右的间(jiàn)搭成两排 B.每年汛期,山洪暴发,溪水猛涨(zhǎng)。C.母亲脉脉(mài)含情地注视着远去的孩子们。




3、“劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。”中“尽”的意思是()A.再饮完 B.尽头 C.尽力


A.崇山峻岭 气魄雄伟 金碧辉煌 B.神清气爽 屏息凝视 清波漾漾 C.理所当然 胁调有序 人影绰绰


A.比喻 B.作比较 C.打比方






8、彼岸: A.比喻追求、向往的境界





A.琼州海峡 B.台湾海峡


A.1999年9月22日,早晨7时30分 B.1999年9月2日,早晨7时30分

二 判断,对的在后面括号里打“√”,错的打“×”。















A.满足个人生活需要 B.振兴中华 C.挣钱 2.“有志者当效周生”中的“效”解释为()

A.效果 B.效力 C.效法、仿效






A.余晖(jūn)楷(kǎi)模 肖(xiāo)复兴 B.反驳(bî)假(jià)期 挣(zhâng)钱 C.寂寞(mî)冒昧(wâi)患(huàn)者


A.原始社会 B.农耕社会 C.科学社会 7.“千里眼”、“顺风耳”在文中指的是()



A.时间 B.空间转换 C.事情发展

9.住宅里的所有电脑全部设在暗处“暗处”,引号的作用是()A.表示引用 B.表示特殊含义

10.在神州五号飞船上,有一批“特殊乘客”——植物的种子。这里的破折号作用是()A.表示解释说明 B.表示意思的递进 C.表示意思的转折 11.“太空水稻”、“太空黄瓜”等新品,这里的引号作用是()

A.表示引用的部分 B.表示特定称谓 C.表示重要指出的部分 12.“这幅古生物学家们描绘的画卷”指的是()












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