The Lady of the Camellias(《茶花女》英文书评)[合集]

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第一篇:The Lady of the Camellias(《茶花女》英文书评)

Love Is Blindly Bright

Is it love if a man hurt his lover cruelly because of jealous? Is it love if a woman forgive her lover no matter how deep she is hurt? If it is not love, what is it?

The Lady of the Camellias(French: La Dame aux camélias)written by Dumas is so famous a book that many years before I read it, I have heard of it for many times, from many sources.I couldn’t understand why this book was appreciated around the world, just telling a story of a courtesan, until I read it.I am 20 years old.There was far more than I expected.I am still moved and appreciate once I recall the memory.There has been nearly a month since I finished the book.I am late for the review, but I believe I can keep the feeling for long.Let it dates back to a month ago, I began to read the English version of the French novel, but I really found it difficult to understand at the beginning.Strangely, I knew the words but I just couldn’t get the meaning.That’s the reason why I stopped for few days and even considered of giving it up.I insisted reading but in a snail-slow speed.A week later, I decided to treat it more seriously.What I didn’t expect was that I could hardly stop when I reach the part Marguerite appeared.And the appreciation from the bottom of my heart began to climb up.Marguerite was not a common woman.As a courtesan, she appeared very different from other kept women.In addition to her incredible beauty, she was childish, lovely, pure, decent, kind and noble, sometimes a little wayward.She laughed gaily for small things, despite of her severe illness;she got angry just because she failed to play several keys of the piano;she kept showing unwelcome to refuse the duke she didn’t like;she didn’t accept Armand’s money because she didn’t want to be his mistress;she pawned and sold her things to collect money so as to travel and live with Armand in the countryside;she listened to Armand’s father and found excuse to broke up with Armand, because she didn’t want to ruin his family

and future, though she clearly know they both would suffer a lot;she forgave Armand for all he had done to torture her physically and mentally;she suffered extremely pain of tuberculosis in the last state of her life, but she didn’t complain much, instead of which she wrote and asked Julie to write diaries and letters, which later was sent to Armand, after Marguerite’s death.The book said she was an exception.Indeed, she was.Although sometimes she hurt herself and others——she continued to drink and smoke when she was seriously ill;she didn’t leave the old duke who gave her most money, when she had fallen in love and lived with Armand;she didn’t tell Armand the truth to avoid him continuing to stay with her——no one is perfect, and flaws make people real.Indeed, she was an exception.She deserved to be loved and respected.Thanks her for all.As for Armand, I could clearly feel his ineffable love for Marguerite.Actually, their love to each other should be respected, and they can do everything for each other, which was nothing to do with money.Though I had ever complained and even hated that Armand was so cruel to hurt and tortured Marguerite deliberately, I finally understood that love could turn to hate when one was jealous, if he extremely loved her.Marguerite used the Duke as an excuse to leave Armand, and later he got her good friend, another courtesan, as his new mistress.That made Marguerite heartbroken as well as me.However, now that Marguerite forgave him, I had to try to comprehend his crazy love.He was also a poor guy.The story was mainly told from the perspective of Armand, the hero, but the author Dumas set another person as “I”, who mainly appeared at the beginning and the end.“I” know Marguerite but just a little, by which the author led to the body and theme of the story.Also, Dumas used “MY” perspective to tell the grief of Armand after Marguerite’s funeral, through his words and behavior.Moreover, Dumas used “MY” words to emphasize the authenticity of the story.I think it is a good way to write stories and I will try.When it comes to something related to the society at that time, I recalled that

there were no true friends between the kept women, at least little.Prudence used to be a kept woman, but she was old then, who had to live depending on Marguerite.She once helped Marguerite so many times, even that Armand was introduced to Marguerite by her, but when Marguerite was badly ill and no longer gave Prudence money after leaving the Duke,Prudence stayed away without visiting poor Marguerite one more time!At that harsh time, nobody except Julie stayed beside Marguerite or helped her.Those who had ever given so much money to her remained unfound, including the old Duke, who ever treated her like his dead daughter.How cruel and cold the society was!Especially compared with such a noble woman, who was willing to sacrifice her own happiness so as not to ruin her beloved.Above are my feelings, some of which are more like to be tasted by myself rather than speak out loud.Despite its sorrow and sadness, I like this story, as well as Marguerite and Armand, who held the passion and love, fighting against the harsh times by all means.Dear Marguerite, thank you for loving and fighting.I never save my tears.One more time: thanks for all.Tanya





The author of this book, Alexandre Dumas fils was the illegitimate son of Dumas pere, who is a giant of the literary world.He himself was also a famous novelist and dramatist in the 19th century.When I first knew this situation, I was surprised that the father and the son could both make so many contributions in the same circles.This reminded me of the “Three Su” in Song Dynasty, three poets whose names were SuXun, SuShi and SuZhe.Their relationships are similar to Dumas because they all have great achievements in history of literature.The heroine in the novel is Mademoiselle Marguerite Gautier, who is one of the most celebrated courtesans in social circles in Pairs.Even if she lives in the luxurious house and spends money like water, she put up with the

trauma of mental and physical at the same time.Eventually she suffered from a serious illness.Owing to the lack of love and solicitude, she felt spiritually barren and lonely.I think this foreshadowed her tragedy in life.At first, I didn’t pay attention to her attitude towards life, but as I got further into the novel, I realized that she felt used, abused and unloved in the upper class until the gentle Armand Duval came into her life and told her that he loved her wholehearted and not for what she could do for him.It needs great courage for her to abandon the life she had enjoyed for so long.Eventually, she sold out her jewelry to pay for the cost of living, and then lived happily and calmly with Armand in the countryside.I think it showed that Marguerite really loved Armand Duval for she could even change everything and persist herself in the world full of money.In my heart, she is really a beautiful girl who has pure soul like white camellia.However, happiness didn’t last for long.When M.Duval, Armand's father, came to her and pleaded for her to leave Armand to save both Armand's reputation and his younger innocent sister, she felt that it was her duty because her status influenced Armand's family.In order for the benefits of Armand and his family, Marguerite determined to make sacrifices.It meant giving up her own happiness and hurting Armand temporarily.She reluctantly returned to her former life, knowing that someday Armand would forgive her.Sadly, she died in debt and basically alone, except for her one female friend, Julie Duprat, who helped her during her illness.Ultimately, she couldn’t see her lover for the last time.Before she was dying, all the creditors came to her house with IOU and forced her to pay the debts.They have no mercy on the poor girl, only want to get benefits from her even when she was dying.I tasted people’s greed and unfeelingness.Some other characters that connected with Marguerite had their own purpose.I think Marguerite was right in saying that no one truly cared about her, the only person who is concerned about her is Armand.Others only wanted something from her.For example, the Comte de G.and Comte de N.simply care about her body and appearance.The Duke needed to “wake up and smell the coffee” and realize that she could never replace his dead daughter.If he truly cared, he would have helped her change her lifestyle.And lastly, Prudence was a bloodsucker who used Marguerite till the last time.I also think she was jealous of Marguerite that she had so much more courage than herself and someone truly loved her.I think the sources of the Camellia’s tragic fate are her kind-hearted character, her persistence with love and courage to life.Her tragedy also reveals the corruption and darkness in society.Camille is just like the camellia, she could never escape from the tragic destiny.But it wasn’t her fault;it’s because of the evil of capitalism and the darkness of that society.She is small and weak when faced with the whole society, and is difficult to shake off fetters of conventional views.But her seek for love, desire to freedom and strong belief in life encouraged me a lot.Camellia is the classical image in the literature circles of the world.She has filthy profession and beautiful soul, lowly status and firm character.Her final result gave me endless regret and sentimentalism

Those pretty women are like those beautiful flowers, their delicate beauty makes people feel they are scenery of life.However, even the God envies their beauty.It seems that beautiful women always have tragic endings.As we are normal persons, even we can see the darkness of humanity that results in their fate of withering, we can at most ask quietly in our hearts: Where have those

beautiful flowers gone? Where have they gone?




















阿尔芒在路上,想起《Am Rauchen》(法语,译/原文如此)中那个痴心追求自己心上人的骑士的故事,他想到我宁可经过漫长的等待,做出巨大的牺牲才愿意获得她的爱情,而如果有人对我说只要花上三十个路易便可以成为她的情人,那么我会拒绝并哭泣,就像一个孩子在醒来时却发现自己夜里梦中的宫殿化为子虚乌有。阿尔芒不断地想象,让这些美丽的想象给器官以诗意,化肉欲为心灵的升华。在强烈的爱欲与恐慌夹击下,阿尔芒竭力想要组织自己的话语——生怕爱情在自己的话语中转瞬即逝——那爱情是多么崇高而又天真无邪啊!














第四节: 良辰美景奈何天,赏心乐事谁家院? 美丽的爱情使人陶醉,美丽的幻象使人沉醉,半梦半醒。














The Reading Report of Camille

Dumas Alexander fils was a French playwright and novelist, he was one of the founders of the problem play—that is, of the middle-class realistic drama treating some contemporary ill and offering suggestion for its remedy.Dumas fils, the illegitimate son of Alexander Dumas pere, possessed a good measure of his father’s literary, but the work of the two men could scarcely be more different.His first success was a novel, La Dame aux camelias(1848), but he found his vocation when he adapted the story into a play, known in English as Camille, first performed in 1852.Among his most interesting plays are Le Fils natural and Un Pere prodigue, a dramatization of Dumas’s interpretation of his father’s character.I read Camille this semester.I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier.Camille Camille or The Lady of the Camellias by Alexander Dumas, fils, is the story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid 1800's, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past.Unfortunately, it comes back to haunt her and she ends up returning to that life and dies painfully and alone, but with the knowledge that she was a noble woman at heart.She felt used, abused and unloved, until the gentle Armand Duval came into her life and showed her that he loved her as a person and not for what she could do for him.It must have taken great courage for Marguerite to leave the life she had lived for so long, knowing all along that it was probably too good to be true and would not last indefinitely.And it also showed that Marguerite really loved Armand Duval for she could even change herself for him.However, happiness didn’t last for long.When M.Duval, Armand's father, came to her, pleading for her to leave Armand to save both Armand's reputation and that of his younger innocent sister, Marguerite saw a way to become pure of heart, if not in body.She felt that it was her duty, because she loved Armand so much, to do this even though it meant giving up her own happiness and hurting Armand

temporarily.She reluctantly returned to her former life, knowing that some day Armand would forgive her.Sadly, she died in debt and basically alone, except for her one female friend, Julie Duprat, who helped her during her illness.She had her journal sent to Armand after her death, explaining why she had made the choice she had.When I first began to read the book, I did not care for Marguerite of her attitude of lifestyle, but as I got further into the narrative, I realized that her saucy attitude was a front to cover the lonely woman that she really was.I think Dumas's last few lines about Marguerite being the exception, not the rule were quite true, and I also agreed with his view that while her lifestyle could not be condoned, we as a society assume that all of these type of women are cold and heartless, while this may not always be the case.A person can make the wrong choices in life when they are young, and try to redeem themselves, but sometimes past situations prevent them from changing their lives, even though they desperately wish to do so.This applies to both men and women in many different types of circumstances: involvement in crime;drug or alcohol abuse;gambling;prostitution;financial problems;poor marriage choices;etc.And this is the fact, which exists in the whole society.As far as the other characters in the book, I think Marguerite was right in saying that no one truly cared about her, but only wanted something from her, the only exceptions being Armand and Julie Duprat.Of course, the Comte de G.and Comte de N.wanted her body and appearance.The Duke needed to “wake up and smell the coffee” and realize that she could never replace his dead daughter.If he truly cared, he could have helped her leave her lifestyle without “keeping” her himself.And lastly, Prudence was a blood-sucking leech who used Marguerite almost worse than the men.I also think she was jealous of the fact that Marguerite had so much more courage than herself and someone truly loved her.Camille is just like the camellia, she could never escape from the destiny of withering.But it wasn’t her fault;it’s because of the evil of Capitalism and the hideousness of that society.Suddenly, I remembered a saying:” Women are like the flowers”.Those pretty

women are like those beautiful flowers;their delicate beauty makes people feel they are the miracle of life.However, even the God envies their beauty.It seems that beautiful women always have tragic endings.As we are normal persons, even we can see the hideousness of humanity that results in their fate of withering, we can at most ask quietly in our hearts: Where have those beautiful flowers gone? Where have they gone?

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