
时间:2019-05-15 14:31:44下载本文作者:会员上传


Materials Chemistry

Good afternoon ,boys and girls.It is my great honour to be here to talk something about my major—materials chemistry

First of all,What is materials materials chemistry? Materials are properly more deep-seated in our culture than most of us realize.Transportation,housing,clouthing,communication,recreation and food production—Virtually every segment of our everyday lives is influenced to one degree or another by materials.Historically, the development and advancement of societies have been intimately tied to the members’ abilities to produce and manipulate materials to fill their needs.The development of many technologies that make our existence so comfortable has been intimately associated with the accessibility of suitable materials.Advancement in the understanding of a material type is often the forerunner to the stepwise progression of a technology.The discipline of materials science or materials chemistry in the context of these two lectures involves investigating the relationship that exists between the structures and properties of materials.Materials chemistry around us: Molecular electronic,medical materials, space exploration, new battlefield materials,etc.Materials science is an interdisciplinary study that combines chemistry, physics, metallurgy, engineering and very recently life sciences.Show you some of our core curriculum: Inorganic and Analytical


• Organic Chemistry

• Physical Chemistry

• Mechanics of Materials

• Science and Protection Technology of Material Corrosions • New Functional Materials……

As materials are everywhere around us,our career field is very wide.Our employment Direction Include chemical industry ,metal industry,pharmacy ,military affairs and

oceaneering.I believe that a and brighter future awaits us.Thanks for listening!


Mini Speech Good morning!Ladies and gentlemen,I am so pleasant to make a speech about introducing my hometown.Now let’s enter my hometown--TianZhu Mountain.It’s located within Qianshan country of Anhui province,and it is known for its main peak looking like a gigantic pillar propping up the heaven.It is listed among the First Key Scenic and Historical Interest Areas, National Forest Parks and National Geo-Parks.Here are some pictures of Tianzhu Mountain.Let’s see.The first photo was taken last summer vocation.They are my classmates,the behind is the Tianzhu peak.The next two photos are the cloud sea on the top of the Tianzhu Mountain.Cloud sea often appears after the rain or at dawn.So it is a pity that I didn’t see it that day.It does be a beautiful place deserving visiting,I am looking forward to your arrival.That’s all,thank you for listening!



With a population of just under eight million, London is Europe's largest city, spreading across an area of more than 620 square miles from its core on the River Thames.Ethnically it's also Europe's most diverse metropolis: around two hundred languages are spoken within its confines, and more than thirty percent of the population is made up of first-, second-and third-generation immigrants.Despite Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish devolution, London still dominates the national horizon, too: this is where the country's news and money are made, it's where the central government resides and, as far as its inhabitants are concerned, provincial life begins beyond the circuit of the city's orbital motorway.Londoners' sense of superiority causes enormous

resentment in the regions, yet it's undeniable that the capital has a unique aura of excitement and success – in most walks of British life, if you want to get on you've got to do it in London.For the visitor, too, London is a thrilling place – and in the last few years, the city has been in a relatively buoyant mood.Thanks to the national lottery and the millennium-oriented funding frenzy, virtually every one of London's

world-class museums, galleries and institutions has been reinvented, from the Royal Opera House to the British Museum.In the Tate Modern and the London Eye, the city can now boast the world's largest modern art gallery and Ferris wheel, and the first new bridge to cross the Thames for over a hundred years.Furthermore, following sixteen years of being the only major city in the world not to have its own governing body, London finally acquired its own elected assembly in 2000, along with a mayor who's determined to try and solve one of London's biggest problems: transport.In the meantime, London's traditional sights – Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, St Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London – continue to draw in millions of tourists every year.Monuments from the capital's more glorious past are everywhere to be seen, from medieval banqueting halls and the great churches of Christopher Wren to the eclectic Victorian architecture of the triumphalist British Empire.There is also much enjoyment to be had from the city's quiet Georgian squares, the narrow alleyways of the City of London, the riverside walks, and the quirks of what is still identifiably a collection of villages.And even London's traffic problems are offset by surprisingly large expanses of greenery: Hyde Park, Green Park and St James's Park are all within a few minutes' walk of the West End, while, further afield, you can enjoy the more expansive countryside of Hampstead Heath and Richmond Park.You could spend days just shopping in London, too, mixing with the upper classes in the tiara triangle around Harrods, or sampling the offbeat weekend markets of Portobello Road, Camden and Greenwich.The music, clubbing and gay/lesbian scenes are second to none, and mainstream arts are no less exciting, with regular opportunities to catch brilliant theatre companies, dance troupes, exhibitions and opera.Restaurants, these days, are an attraction, too.London is now on a par with its European rivals, and offers a range from three-star Michelin establishments to low-cost, high-quality Chinese

restaurants and Indian curry houses.Meanwhile, the city's pubs have heaps of atmosphere, especially away from the centre – and an exploration of the farther-flung communities is essential to get the complete picture of this dynamic metropolis.有着不到八百万的人口,伦敦是欧洲最大的城市,以泰晤士河为中心纵横620平方英里。它也是欧洲最多元化的大都市之一:约200种不同的语言,超过30%的人口是由第一,二,三代移民组成的。尽管苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰的权力下放,伦敦仍然主宰着国家:这就是国家的新闻和金融中心,是在中央政府所在地,就居民而言,省级的生活开始超越电路城市的轨道高速公路。伦敦人的优越感在该地区造成巨大的不满,但它无可否认的是资本兴奋和成功的独特的气氛-在英国生活的大部分阶层,如果你想获得你必须在伦敦了。





I always say “Nothing is impossible” You never look smart, You never say anything, One day, you are rocking on stage, I'm just the common one in the crowd looking at you, I ask you why? You say “Impossible is nothing, if you persist in what you love” Well, yeah, nothing is possible, I was right.But most importantly, you have to believe Impossible is Nothing.In China, we know the sentence : Time can change everything.And it really is.There is no useless substance, but brains and sights.Everything is possible.Nothing is impossible.Happiness is a good thing and easy to achieve.Felicity is a fine thing and worth fighting for.Create new things.When new things are created, it becomes very useful in that job and it saves time and energy to everyone and the creater is celebrated.But in total, it is the

Same treditional way that gave you the strength to make new ideas and ways on the same subject.For everything what we need is the Base, which is the pillar.With the help of this pillar, you are constructing the ideas.“Impossible Is Nothing”还是Adidas广告语:)~~

没有什么是不可能的我总是说: “没有什么是不可能的”你永远看起来聪明,你永远不会说什么,有一天,你在摇滚舞台上,我只是普通人群中看着你的一个,我问你为什么?你说“不可能是什么,如果你坚持你的爱”那么好。没有什么是可能的话,我是对的。但最重要的是,你必须相信不可能是什么。






Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to have you all come to our lecture presentation this evening.Before we start off with the lecture, may I say a few words about tonight's guest speaker by way of introduction?

Tonight's guest speaker, as you all know, is Mr.Song Jiang, currently president of Vtech pacific company.He was born in ChongQing in 1965 and grew up there until he became 18 years old when he was drafted into the chinese air force to join a special squad called “Flying Dragon.” He narrowly escaped death in the military mission, and after the War, started his own business, and now you know the rest of the story.Forty years later, he is an owner of one of the leading companies in ChongQing with the annual business of NT US$ 5 Million.Tonight he is going to talk about the secret of successful management of his company as he gives us a lecture entitled, “Strategies and Tactics for Corporate Management and Expansion” ladies and Gentlemen, Mr Song Jiang.Notes:

lecture presentation:演讲会

be drafted into:征招入伍

the annual business:年营业额

strategies and tactics:战略和战术



ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to have you all e to our lecture presentation this evening.before we start off with the lecture, may i say a few s about tonight's guest speaker by way of introduction?

tonight's guest speaker, as you all know, is mr.song jiang, currently president of vtech pacific pany.he was born in chongqing in 1965 and grew up there until he became 18 years old when he was drafted into the chinese air force to join a special squad called “flying dragon.” he narrowly escaped death in the military mission, and after the war, started his own business, and now you know the rest of the story.forty years later, he is an owner of one of the leading panies in chongqing with the annual business of nt us$ 5 million.tonight he is going to talk about the secret of successful management of his pany as he gives us a lecture entitled, “strategies and tactics for corporate management and expansion” ladies and gentlemen, mr song jiang.notes: lecture presentation:演讲会 be drafted into:征招入伍 the annual business:年营业额 strategies and tactics:战略和战术 shanghai ,china.this is my third trip to the united states, and i really enjoy staying here.i am working for a trading pany as an assistant manager in the overseas distribution(更多精彩内容请访问首页)section.thank you.i'm ma li.i am a system engineer for ibm.my job is to develop new puter software and i enjoy the job very much, because software development is very creative and imaginative work.so if anyone here is interested in puter and puter software, please let me know.we can spend hours talking about puters.hello, everybody.i am ning cai chen from beijing, i am working for an agent for a electric pany in beijing.it is about five months since i came to the united states, and i miss my family very much.it'll be several months before they e here, and i hope to continue to have an enjoyable single life till then.thanks.is about five months since i came to the united states, and i miss my family very much.it'll be several months before they e here, and i hope to continue to have an enjoyable single life till then.thanks.from:sjbssb./xpj/ woaisjb./wyb/ sjbjcgz./888zr/ bxsjb32q./xamylc/ sjbssb./dfpk/ hello!how’s it going? eh…this time i want to talk about the spring festival.you must hear about this festival many times though you are not chinese, because the spring festival is one of the oldest festival in china and every time when you ask a foreigner “what do you know about chinese culture?” majority of them might answer “the spring festival!”.for chinese, that’s true the spring festival is a traditional and important festival.so let me introduce something about it.there are some key points of it.“new year’s eve” ”poetic couplet” “paper-cuts” “do spring festival shopping” “propose a toast” “fireworks” “red packets” “give new year’s greetings” and so on.following is more clearly.days before the new year on the days before the new year celebration, chinese families give their home a thorough cleaning.it is believed the cleaning sweeps away bad luck and makes their homes ready for good luck to arrive.all brooms and dust pans are put away on new year's eve so that good luck cannot be swept away.some people give their homes, doors and windowpanes a new coat of red paint.homes are decorated with paper cutouts of chinese auspicious phrases and couplets(short phrases)that speak of “happiness,” “wealth,” “longevity.” reunion dinner a reunion dinner is held on new year's eve where members of the

family, near and far, get together for celebration.the new year's eve dinner is very large and traditionally includes chicken.fish, but not eaten up pletely(and the remainder is stored overnight), as the chinese phrase(nián nián yǒu yú), which means “may there be surpluses every year”, sounds the same as “may there be fish every year”, since “yú” is also the pronunciation for “yú”(“leftover” or “surplus”).money given to children on the night of new year’s eve or the first day of new years, just after the big dinner when people are gathered for talk, relatives usually put “yā suì qián” or “end of year money” in the red packets.that’s what kids all love.and at the same time kids should give new year’s greetings like “happy new year!” “live a happy life!”

the spring festival is more than what i told you.and sometimes i just think of it as a holiday.hope to hear from you.cheryl 英语演讲短文——公司俱乐部介绍

hello, it's a pleasure to meet you all.i am yu lin jeng.i am from shanghai ,china.this is my third trip to the united states, and i really enjoy staying here.i am working for a trading pany as an assistant manager in the overseas distribution section.thank you.i'm ma li.i am a system engineer for ibm.my job is to develop new puter software and i enjoy the job very much, because software development is very creative and imaginative work.so if anyone here is interested in puter and puter software, please let me know.we can spend hours talking about puters.hello, everybody.i am ning cai chen from beijing, i am working for an agent for a electric pany in beijing.it is about five months since i came to the united states, and i miss my family very much.it'll be several months before they e here, and i hope to continue to have an enjoyable single life till then.thanks.death in the military mission, and after the war, started his own business, and now you know the rest of the story.forty years later, he is an owner of one of the leading panies in chongqing with the annual business of nt us$ 5 million.tonight he is going to talk about the secret of successful management of his pany as he gives us a lecture entitled, “strategies and tactics for corporate management and expansion” ladies and gentlemen, mr song jiang.notes: lecture presentation:演讲会 be drafted into:征招入伍 the annual business:年营业额 strategies and tactics:战略和战术 states, and i miss my family very much.it'll be several months before they e here, and i hope to continue to have an enjoyable single life till then.thanks.from:sjbssb./xpj/ woaisjb./wyb/ sjbjcgz./888zr/ bxsjb32q./xamylc/ sjbssb./dfpk/ to celebrate the inauguration of our new pany president, mr.cheng-en lin.i would like to give a brief profile of mr.lin for those of you who do not know him well.mr.lin graduated from tsinghua university in 1980.right after graduation he started working for our pany in the sales department.between 1983-1995, he visited and lived in six different foreign countries including the united states, canada, australia, and new zealand, to develop our overseas market.upon returning from abroad, he began to assume the position of executive manager of the sales department and has remained in that position until the appointment to the president this time.he is very aggressive in business, but at the same time, a good husband and a caring father of three children.ladies and gentlemen, our new president, mr.cheng-en lin!notes:

inauguration:就职典礼 aggressive:积极进取 caring:慈祥



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