
时间:2019-05-15 14:24:09下载本文作者:会员上传


To My Lost Youth


An ugly girl I am an ugly girl, which everyone told me from my birth.My aunt wouldn't like to take care of me.My parents didn’t take a 100th day photo for me, which nearly all parents would do for a souvenir.Whenever people around tell me such fact, I would smile silently, hoping my forgiveness would left a different impression on them.But, the reality didn't turn out as I expected.When I was five or six years old, I was going to have a short living at my aunt’s.At the gate of my aunt’s,we met her neighbor, a forty-year-old housewife, fashionable.She asked my aunt curiously “who is she ?” “what is wrong?” my aunt answered politely with a smile on her face.“How ugly she is!” She responded arrogantly.As young I was, I could sense her disdain for me in her straightforward words.The moment I lowed my head, a drop of tear drooped down.I didn't know how to carry off such an embarrassing situation, just stood there quietly, as if I had done something wrong.At that moment, my grandma obviously getting angry, responded loudly “Ugly? I don’t think so.However ugly my granddaughter is, she is my sweetheart.” My grandpa’s words lingered around my ears and such a situation curved hardly in my memory.Even today I remember how frustrated I was in such a dilemma and how brave and firm my grandma was when she protected me from the hush words.Had Experiencing so many such situations, I tried my best to adapt to their careless words and to accept the fact that I am an ugly girl.For what I can change is myself.You may comfort me like that “One day, the ugly duck will become the white swan.” But I think it is imposable.As the major premise of such outstanding transition is that the ugly duke originally is a swan.While, I am not.Anyway, let nature takes its course.My mother tells me that true inner detachment manifests as the ability to be immune to what people think or say about you.I can’t make it.But, I am trying.My Family

I am the oldest one of the threes children.My parents support the family by doing business, always rushing for business day and night.My father is short-tempered and impatient.As young as 13-month old, I was lifted up over his head and threw hardly to the corner of the sitting room, just because of my vesting cry.As for his impatience, even my

mother could’t stand him.When working with him, you must be wholehearted with quick response, which, to be frank, was not an easy job for a child in her teens.Thus, when my father called us for a help, my sister and brother would pretend as the deaf and slipped away with evil grit.While, I had no choice but go to help my father.Another occasion repeatedly occurred in my family.My father happened to use his ID card, which he could’t find anywhere.Then we three would rush to every room, searching for his ID card up and down, carefully and hurriedly.If we couldn’t find it out unfortunately, there would be a storm in my family.You could sense the air frozen, depressive.In such a tense atmosphere, we tended to sneak into our bedroom, sighing heavily, helpless.In my home, the last thing I was willing to do was answering phones.The caller usually spoke dialects in a very fast way and just for once.“Who is it ? For what?” “sorry”I couldn’t catch anything except some words like “Hello”.“Even such trivial things you can’t do.” Seeing my restlessness, my father walked away in a hurry.When I couldn’t stand my father, I would hided in the washing room, sobbing passionately.When I heard footsteps approaching, I washed my face with cold water franticly and walked out easily, as if I wasn’t the girl in deep depressive and aggrieved.Perhaps, you will not believe that once I purposely practiced dialects.Each world was marked in pinyin.I read word by word repeatedly.Even today my father believes that I pick up dialects just for fun.Sometimes I can't help feeling that it is really a miracle to survive in such a depressed family environment.However, I have to admit that I do learn patience and endurance.On the other hand, my father attaches great importance to family education, which lays solid foundation for my future career.Serious

I remembered that afternoon.I walked into the sitting room, seeing my father was sweeping the floor in the bent seriously.The broom was sweeping over and over in the corner of the block, where I had cleaned a few minutes before.Suddenly, my face got burning.My father often tells me that never do it, unless do it the best.That time, he set an good example by personally taking part in.Maybe, a good example is the best sermon.After that accident, I developed a good habit of seriousness.Independent

When I was very young, My dad began to purposely teach me how to get independent.When I was 12 years old, I, taking four packs containing beddings and household items, rode the bus for my new junior high school.It took me two hours to reach the new school.Before I started my trip, my father said to me seriously “There might be some difficulties, but I still want you to do it by yourself.When outside, you are alone.You must learn how to get independent”.Along the way, I was upset how to deal with my luggage.I had to go through the procedures.And, during this period, it was not possible to carry my luggage all the way.Just as my father had told me, the whole day, I was running around the offices, even having no time to have lunch.Finally I completed all the trivial things, sat on the bed, watching my classmate's mother making her bed carefully.Suddenly I felt so poor, for it was the first time to live in a strange place alone.Many years passed, I had accustomed to deal things independently.At high school, I had to get up at 3:00 to take bus for home.Two hours later, at about 5:00, I arrived the nearest station, 8 miles away from my home.As my father did not had a custom of getting up early, I often walked home on myself, singing all the way to encourage myself.Many interesting things happened.Once, I paced back and forth for several times in my community, just couldn’t find my home.Another time, the snow was so heavy that it covered the roads completely.I missed the road which leaded to my home.At the most miserable time, I missed the appointment which my father was waiting for me.He said he would pick me up.It would be a happy thing, but was messed by my carelessness.I felt guilty, wondering my dad must get angry.I quickly shouted at the driver to stop the bus.It was dark outside.I did not know how far I was from the place where my father was waiting for me.Carrying my luggage, I walked alone the main road.At that moment, I would rather my father had forgot our appointment.Not knowing how long I had covered, suddenly it began to rain.Without umbrellas, I had to put my bag over my head, running all the way.The rain was beating on my face.Far away, I caught the vision of my father.He drove slowly, looking right and left for me.I waved toward him excitedly.Suddenly, my father’s poker face shined a hint of a smile.I hastened into the car and apologized to him.To my surprise, my father did not blame me, just looked at me for several seconds, then gently petted on my head, and drove the car home.From that time, I knew maybe I misunderstood my father.He cared about me, really.Study My parents had no choice but drop out because of poverty of their family.So they pined expectations on me, hoping I could get ahead in school.They were very strict to me in study.I skipped grades, not attending kindergarten.In first grade of primary school, I performed bad in study

because of poor basic knowledge.My parents were worried about it.At that time, my classmates often laughed at me.I felt inferiority.Examinations always put a lot of stress on me.I remembered the day before exams, on the way home, I held the new pencil tightly, kept telling myself “Don't be afraid;Don't be nervous” One minute before the exam, I still was reciting reviews.My hands kept trembling the moment I got examination papers.So, taking examinations was the thing I was scared of the most.When I was in the second grade, I made better performance.At the first midterm exam, I ranked first, which was a major turning point in my academic career.How cheerful it was.Such astonishing transformation also surprised my parents.In the following five years, my school performance was stable, ranking fairly high among the whole school, except that exam in the second half of the semester.I was the fifth in that exam.My mother was so mad that she pulled my ears, with her teeth baring and grinning, and yelled loudly “What on earth do you want to do? Don't you want to pass university entrance exams?” As a result, I was shut in the study through the whole winter vacation, doing oceans of homework, boring and dull.Even on the Spring Festival, I was not allowed to hang out with my friends.At that time, I felt inferior to the extreme.The whole holiday, my parents were not nice to me.I didn’t know how I went through such gloomy and repressive days.At junior and senior high school, with heavy schoolwork, I didn't have a bit of free time.Even at breaking time, I was doing my homework.I was such a dull person.There will always return.Fortunately, I successfully passed the university entrance exam and landed in English Department.Schooldays at university were relatively pleasant.Schoolwork was easy.But exam still haunted me trepidation.Sometimes I would wake up from nightmares, in which I was late for exams or I did not finish the examination paper when time was up.How terrible it was.The days when I prepared for the postgraduate entrance examination, were really tedious.I went to the self-study room in the first wisp of sunshine and returned to the dormitory in the moonlight.In times of stress, I would run away from such depressive staff, indulged in my own world.The days of the exam were approaching.Two days before the exam, my close friend came to visit me.we stood face to face in the sunshine, cheerfully describing how wonderful life would be after exam.Suddenly I turned my back to her, keeping my head held high in order to hold back tears.Noticing something was wrong with me, she made a detour, stood before me, wiped out tears on my cheeks and hugged me tightly.“Everything will be OK.” She murmured for several times.Two days latter, when I completed the last piece of paper, raised my head and looked at the other candidates around.I told myself “Everything is over.”

Work experience

At university, I have done some part-time jobs, like tutor, teacher, promotor and so on.However, these are not like full-time jobs.In April, I came to Beijing.Considering I was too bookish, I preferred a job beyond my profession in a real estate company, which could enhance social ability in a short time.As I had expected, it was a high demanding task.I had to work from 8 a.m.to 11 p.m, one-day break in each month.The basic wage is 3000 RM.After two-day training, I started my new job.My first task was to get familiar with each community of Chongwen District, including a range of apartment layout maps.I had to remember such trivial things like “How many bins in the community”.It lasted for ten days.During that time, I went back and forth, trying to remember the surrounding of the community.For some time, I went into a deep depression and could have given up entirely.Then, I accepted some professional training, including how to calculate the tax, how to help the customer loan from banks.After nearly half-month training, I started my real work.Each day, we gave calls to potential customers, asking them whether they need service in house deal.Distributing leaflets at the gate of the community, malls or supermarkets was also my business.I aways dragged myself home, tired out.Every day I was doing the same repeated things under routine.I made the first deal dramatically.It was on the threshold of the third months, I would leave for graduate school the next month.However, there was a set of house still at my hand.The owner of the house was intended to exchange a bigger one with the money got from the old one.So, every day at six o'clock in the morning to 7 o'clock in the afternoon, I stood holding a board bearing advertisement about that house at the gate of the community, just like what a promotor did in the supermarket.No matter how bad the whether was, I never loaf on the job.When it rains, I would have to go to a small pavilion for shelter.The day I met Mr.Jiang was very hot.I had stood in the sun for seven hours.He looked a little tired with one of the trouser legs rolled up, his hair messy.From the appearance, he looked like a farmer.Out of work, I asked him whether he had an intention to buy a house.Unexpectedly, Mr.Jiang asked me to recommend some houses in Chongwen District.But, when I leaded him into the community, Mr.Jiang hesitated.He rushed away to pick up his wife and daughter, asked me to wait for a moment.According to my experience, I asserted firmly that it was an excuse to walk away.Perhaps he felt shy to directly refuse me.I waited for a while, of course, not purposely waiting for Mr.Jiang.It was not the right time to finish my work.Not for a while, I heard someone in the discussion about the community.Looking back, I saw Mr.Jiang, his wife and daughter walking forward to me.I immediately hit the spirit and invited them to visit the house.Later, I learnt that Mr.Jiang was planing to buy a house at about 3,000,000.RM for his son.At my invitation, Mr.Jiang agreed with me to have a look at other communities.My manager introduced many kinds of house according to their requirement.Finally, Mr.Jiang decided to consult with his son, who was on his business tip out of

Beijing.On the second days, Mr.Jiang required to have a look at other larger houses.We recommend the most cost-effective one, which both Mr.Jiang and his son were very satisfied and paid a deposit of 200,000RM.In this way, a set of house worthy 5,000,000 was sold out in two days by a newer.To outsiders, I, as a rookie, am very lucky.In fact, it is not so.They have not seen me at the eleven o'clock in the evening, I alone run all over the parking lot and put the leaflets in the gap between the windshield and the glass;They do not know even at six in the morning, I stand at the gate of the residential area to recommend the houses.It is said that all things will come round to you, if you will wait.Maybe it is true.I did what I can do and get my first bonuses.The ending

Man’s youth is a wonderful thing: it is so full of anguish and of magic and he never comes to know it as it is,until it has gone from him forever.It is the thing he cannot bear to lose;it is the thing whose passing he watches with infinite sorrow and regret;it is the thing whose loss with a sad and secret joy;it is the thing he would never willingly relive again.That is youth.I am always wondering what is the essence of that strange and bitter miracle of life.All passes;nothing lasts:the moment that we put our hand upon it, it melts away like smoke, gone forever.You see, life flies in such way.When we are old, we will recall the days when we are young;the days in pleasant, the days in sorrow, the days when we are in ups and downs, twists and turns.As it is said, life is a box of chocolate, you never know what you would get.But whatever you get, tressure it.For it is what makes you a complete life.






















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1:询问信 Dear ______,I am ____________(自我介绍).I would like to know whether you could provide me with information concerning with _______.(要询问的内容)

In the first place, I am wondering ____________________?(第一个问题)In the second place, when will___________________?(第二个问题)Besides, is __________?(第三个问题)

I would also like to inquire ________(将最重要的问题单独成段).Could you please give me any advice about the aspects mentioned above? Thanks for you kindness, and any favorable consideration of my questions will be highly appreciated.Sincerely yours,Li Ming

2:请求信 Dear___________,Thank you for taking the time to read my requirements about ___________(请求的内容)

The reason why I am writing this letter is that ______(给出原因).I_____, so I_____(给出细节).I would also like to ask for ______(提出进一步的要求).I am sorry for having caused you so many troubles.Thank you so much for concentrating on my requests.My telephone number is _______(电话号码), please contact with me at any time as soon as you have any questions.I am waiting for your helpful reply.Yours sincerely

Li Ming 3:道歉信 Dear ___________,I am extremely sorry to say that _________________________(道歉的原因).Now, I am writing you this letter to apologize to show my deep regret.Please accept my sincere apology I hope you will understand me and excuse me for my failing to_____(做错的事).The reason for______ is that_(介绍原因), and I had to ______(不得已的原因).Therefore , it’s not in my power to ________(错误所导致的结果).Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.Yours sincerely

Li Ming

4:感谢信 Dear______,Thanks so much for your sincere help in ______(某方面的帮助)when I was _________(无助的时间、地点或情况).Without the help you have offered me, I’m afraid that I would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果).Every one agrees that your help was a great shot in the arm for me.Again, Please accept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget.Please accept my gratitude.Yours sincerely Li Ming 5:建议信 Dear ___________,I am delighted to learn that _______(写信的原因), however, in my opinion, _____(建议)should be taken into the consideration.In my humble opinions,you would be wise to take the following actions: ____(建议的内容):On one hand, you can__________(第一条建议); On the other hand, _________(第二条建议)may be not a bad choice.Finally,why not try to _______(第三条建议).I hope these suggestions could be helpful for you, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.Good Luck with your_______(祝愿)and please inform me if my proposals have been accepted.Yours sincerely

Li Ming

6:求职信 Dear Sir or Madam,I read an advertisement advertised in______(报纸名称)of______(广告发布时间), so I write this letter to apply for the position that I think I would be competent at.I graduated from ___ university and major in _____.I am thoroughly experienced Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a_____(工作名称).In the one hand,______(第一个原因).On the other hand, _______(另一个原因).Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful.If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at _______________(电话号码)

Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely

Li Ming

7:邀请信 Dear________,The______(组织者)will hold a ____(内容)at/in ____(地点)on ____(时间)。It would be pleasant to have you there with us.During the _____(活动),we will have a lot of activities which you would be interested in。First,_______________(一个安排);Second, we’ll ______(另一个安排).Besides, I believe you will be very interested our last activity, that is ______(第三个安排).I really hope you can make it.The ____(活动名)would not be complete without your presence.The ____(活动名)will begin at _____(具体时间)and we do hope you can come./ hope to see you in the party.Yours sincerely

Li Ming


1:投诉信 Dear_______,I am ______(自我介绍).I’m feeling forced to write this letter to express my dissatisfaction with _____(所不满的事物)I bought from your department.To my disappointment, some problems occurred in the use.First of all,_______(抱怨的第一个方面).Secondly,___________(抱怨的第二个方面).This product turns out to be very _______(形容这个事物不好的形容词)。

I would be very grateful if you could _______(提出建议和请求), and I would be perfectly satisfied if you can kindly ______(进一步的要求)。I shall very much appreciate the help you can offer。Thanks a lot and hope to receive your reply as soon as possible。

Yours sincerely / faithfully Li Ming

2、辞职信 Dear______, I am writing to inform you about my decision to resign from my current position.I plan to leave my job here___.There are several reasons involved, First of all, __.In addition,__.Most importantly, ___.Therefore, I would like to ___.Please let me take this chance to thank you for the rewarding experience I have enjoyed during my employment.I am sorry for inconvenience caused to you!My best wisher for the company’s continued growth.Yours Li Ming


Congratulations on you __.I know how hard you have been working and Ian very proud of you for your achievement.I understand for sure that it is your excellent ability that leads you to the current success.This new position, on the other hand, adds a new dimension to your life and is bound to __.What’s more, I also believe that __.May all goes beautifully in your new post!

Yours sincerely,Li Ming

4、介绍信 Dear___, It affords me much pleasure to recommend __(人)to you.During his graduate years he was my ___.(介绍此人关系)His performance in the school years was outstanding.First, he has showed great talents in __.In addition, he has a very pleasant personality.He has developed a strong sense of __, and working with him is always cheerful.I can state that he has all the qualities of being __.(介绍此人能力)

Therefore, I here recommend him to you with all my heart.Should you favor him with a position in your company(should you accept him in your university?)? I am sure that his future conduct work will prove worthy of your confidence.I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible moment.Yours sincerely,Li Ming






长大后我想当一个画家,我要画一所学校, 让失学的贫困儿童重返校园,得到知识。


长大后我想当老师,我一定不像有些老师那样,整天板着脸,冷若冰霜,我要像同学们的大姐姐 大哥哥。上课是老师,下课是朋友。

















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