第一篇:精读4The World House读后感英文版
The World House
There is no denying that we are living in a world full of discrimination.In some nations or regions, the black, the women, the homosexual are still being discriminated or even oppressed.Although we are living in the same world, which is becoming smaller and smaller owning to the development of technology, some people still see them as aliens.Seeing from this, we can know that technology seems to be no compensation to their moral.I guess this is exactly what Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr was worried about.Martin Luther King, Jr, the American clergyman, activist and well-known leader in the African-American Civil Rights movement, is best known for his struggle for the liberation of African-American.His out cry of “I have a dream” is haunting in our minds.However, in this speech, not only did he focus on the African-American Civil Right Movement, he also saw it in a broader horizon.He connected it with the struggle for global peace and revealed his vision of the future of the entire humanity.As is known to all, the world has been greatly changed by the force of technology.The world in which Martin Luther King, Jr lived was not the same as the one his forefathers once had lived in.At that time, the world is connected by plane, incandescent lamp, television, radio, telephone and many other technological breakthroughs.In our era, the world is getting smaller and smaller with the help of information technology.About 50 years ago, Marshall McLuhan put the concept of “global village” in his book, Understanding Media, for the first time.And around 10years ago, Thomas L.Friedman published his book, The World Is Flat: A Brief
History of the Twenty-first Century, in which he thought that the gap between different nations will be bridged in the tide of globalization and informatization.We can never deny his predictions.However, it might be too early to see that.What is the world like today?
The twin towers were toppled, resulting in the loss of hundreds of innocence.The American troops have just withdrawn from Iraq, leaving a shambles there.The Ukraine crisis appears in newspaper continuously.And we can see demonstrations almost in every corner of the world, people struggling to get freedom, equality, civil rights and many other things because they have been specially ruled out.I cannot conclude whether the gap is becoming bigger or smaller.At least, most of them are still there.Who is to blame? The technology? The potentates? Or the vested interests? As Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr revealed in the passage, it result from the gap between scientific progress and scientific progress.Technology is the extension of human body.Human can conduct them intentionally.Once this intention is evil, it may bring about a disaster.To have more self-control and higher moral is exactly what technology requires of us.With the help of technology, people are getting richer, but they just want to get more.With the help of technology, people become more powerful, but they also lose their temper easily.With the help of technology, people have access to all kind of information, but they turn out narrower.Thus, they abuse the technology and harm is doomed.The technology bring us a world house, we must learn to live with the people
around us.Let moral and technology go hand in hand.Finally, the goal of global peace is reached.
《沈从文精读》张新颖著 复旦大学出版社出版
沈从文的作品,写到家乡,写到辰河,态度常常是涵养性的。那种谦抑温厚的态度,仿佛让人看到真实的存在,不由自主发生的感情。沈从文常常提到的那条河,那条让他心里“软得很”的河,让我想起了一条路,那是胡适小时候从安徽老家到上海的路,从安徽南部经过浙江到上海,走了七天七夜,到了杭州,第一次看到警察;“以前走了七天七夜并没有看到一个警察或士兵,路上一样很太平。”那种太平,安详,用李敖的话说,就是没有任何的naked power。安徽绩溪的山水是很美的,进入浙江后是新安江,后来流淌为富春江,再到杭州的钱塘江。在这样的路上走七天七夜,人不由自主都会受到熏染。这一点天地的光影,透到沈从文心里,可以成为《湘行散记》《边城》,透到胡适心里,成就了他的《对中国古代政治思想史的一点看法》,“汉朝的四百二十年,可说是规定了以后二千多年政治的规模,就是无为而治这个观念。这可说是两千多年前祖先留下来的无穷恩惠。这个大帝国,没有军备,没有治安警察,也没有特务,租税很轻。”这样的地方不是没有苦难,苦难往往深得很,但是也有气节和涵养的盼头,有自然生发出来,因此也深厚得很的品德:正直与热情,一种自尊自立的人的“神气”。在现在这个社会中,乡村到底应该怎么对待,除了好的权力与坏的权力轮番介入,我们文化里还应该准备一些什么更基本的东西?
下面我想分享一下我从论语中 论语对大学生为人处世的思考
这是一种宽容的心态.自己所不愿承受的事也不让别人承担,能以一颗大度的心去对待每一位人每一件事的人,我们对他只有敬佩的份儿:他这人太好了,太会体贴人了!看到这里,低头想想我们自己日常与人交往,我们是否也“己所不欲,勿施于人”?我们会为自己的某些行为感到汗颜吗?事实恐怕不是这样.我们大多数人在大多数时候想到的只有自己,从来没有说换位思考一下,将心比心,设身处地的为别人想一想.我们为人处事总是对别人要求苛刻,而对自己却听之任之.这实在是我们今人的悲哀.“与人诚信, 耻其言而过其行”
大学生活中,难免会遇见一些言过其行的人,并且也天天同他们打着交道,我们也许恨他们,讨厌他们,但厌恶的同时,我们并没有勇气去提醒他们改变一下自己的言行.我们由于切身利益的原因,怕得罪人,只好任由其发展,因为他们的这种行为没有伤害到我们的当前利益.时间长了,就滋养了一种风气,也就是虚荣浮夸慕财之风.小恶不除,酿成大罪.今天我们与人交往很累,就是遭了我们自己种下的恶.我不知当今社会这种爱慕虚荣浮夸之风是否是一种历史陋习,为什么我们的社会会到这种地步?信乃立人之本,口头上的诚信是一种承诺,但兑现这种承诺就要看这个人是否真心诚意了.也许我们一部分人由于某种原因受骗多了,诚信二字逐渐淡忘了,对别人只留下口头上的许诺.现在,有时你当着众人的面说“诚信”时,别人会笑你傻,不知为何? 论语对大学生专业学习的思考
“三人行则必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之” 在学习上不耻下问,多向他人请教,同样在生活中亦是如此,比如在生活中,有的人并不是很受大家欢迎,于是通常情况下大多数人是远离这个人,极端一点的,甚至会对其产生厌烦心理,而深谙这句话真谛的人会仔细发掘这个人的优点,学过来,据为己有,而真正悟透这句话的人,就会在学来他人优点的同时,像朋友一样去帮助他。就说我们班上的吧。在这个近60人的班集体里,有篮球上的猛将、绘画巧匠、书法好手、象棋大师。有的是上晓天文,有的是下通地理;有的是满脑子的数字;有的能歌善舞„„多向我们身边的这些平凡的人学习,就像置身于万绿丛中的小苗吸收着丰富的养分。这样的话,你即学会了他人的优点,同时你又交到了朋友,那何乐而不为呢?所以说,每个人都有优点,也都有缺点,优点用来学习,缺点用来警惕,在警惕缺点的同时也是一种学习,如果每个人都能做到如此,那么人生必会丰厚,社会必将和谐。
This is a story about generation gap.The mother flew to see her daughter.The daughter picked her up at the airport.They lived together, went out for shopping, and met some friends at home.Everything seemed to go smoothly.However, only the daughter and the mother knew what a mass it was.The daughter was not interested in her mother’s experience on the plane.The daughter did not like her mother taste on hats and was angry about what she had told the salesgirl.Of course, the mother was not satisfied with her daughter friend.While reading between lines, I could feel what was lying between them.That is the generation gap.Generation gap has been inevitably existed since ancient time.No matter you admit or not, it must have affected your relations with your parents and some other elders.In modern society, there is often a gap of understanding between parents and children.Parents dislike what their children think and do, while children often complain that their parents cannot understand them.This is often called generation gap.Generally speaking, generation gap results in different understanding and
appreciation of the great and constant changes of the world, different reaction to new things, and different attitudes to tradition principles and beliefs.Therefore, we may say where there are the old and the youth;there is the generation gap.In the story, Cord, the generation gap seemed to have come from the long-time separation.This kind of separation is common among college students.And of course, we are suffering from the generation gap the same as Claire.Separation may have contributed to it, but is cannot be the main force.It is lying there not because we do
not live together, but we are different in so many aspects.Parents love children and children are filial to parents, but this inevitable
principle become confusing because of generation gap.Even though both of them always care about each other, but they may probably fall into clash and argument because of difference ideology.Parents are not willing to see their children suffering too much hardship, and their good intentions always become mandatory.Thus, to some extent it abolish the opportunity for their children from getting some lesson and exploring the world.For those children who are in the debut of their independent ideology, they are labeled by others as “rebelious”.Children always have more or less contradictive reaction toward their parent's restriction.They even seriously rebuke their parents, yet they do not know that what they have done may have broken their parents’ hearts.Ever since I went to school, I have gone farther and farther from home.In high school, the distance between my home and school was 2-hour bus way, while in college it became 9-hour train ride.The long distance made us treasure the time we spent together more.However, conflicts cannot be avoided.My parents don’t like my hair style, my clothes, and my living hours.I cannot bear the sight of their bargaining with pedlars, their old-fashioned clothes, and their knowing little about internet.We are always finding faults with each other.But we do love each other.Generation gap is natural, but very influential.If we cannot deal with it
appropriately, the gap will be greater and greater, and consequently(结果)affect the work and the relation between the old and the young.Individually speaking, if it has greatly affected your relation with your parents, you can try to communicate with them.If it does not matter that much, perhaps you can just leave it under control, and enjoy both love and difference.