
时间:2019-05-15 14:44:38下载本文作者:会员上传


this section contains three scholarship essays:

scholarship essay onenational merit scholar

scholarship essay threewon $3,000 scholarship

like mr.crabiel, i literally work tirelessly in many academic and leadership roles.i sleep no more than six hours a night because of my desire to expertly meet my many commitments.throughout my life, i have worked as long and as hard as i possibly can to effect beneficial changes in both school and society.during the summer of tenth grade, i took a number theory course at johns hopkins university with students from alaska, california, and bogota, colombia.similarly, during the summer following eleventh grade, i was one of ninety students from new jersey selected to attend the governors school in the sciences at drew university.at drew, i took courses in molecular orbital theory, special relativity, cognitive psychology, and i participated in an astrophysics research project.for my independent research project, i used a telescope to find the angular velocity of pluto.with the angular velocity determined, i used einsteins field equations and keplers laws to place an upper bound on the magnitude of the cosmological constant, which describes the curvature of space and the rate of the universes expansion.in addition to learning science, i recently lectured physics classes on special relativity at the request of my physics teacher.after lecturing one class for 45 minutes, one student bought many books on both general and special relativity to read during his study hall.inspiring other students to search for knowledge kindles my own quest to understand the world and the people around me.as president of the national honor society, i tutor students with difficulties in various


Dear Sias Foundation Board members:

I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for you give me this opportunity to interview me and grant me award.As you know, I am a student of SIE(school of international education).Thus, my tuition fees for my family is a big cost.If it had not been for your assistance in innovative award, I fear that I would have been chase my dream and my idea.When I was a freshman in Sias, I thought the the college life should be used to chase dream.So, I used one year time to think about what I really suit to do.Most importantly, I met a few like-minded people.Thus, we did many think to improve our creativity.Such as entrepreneurship competition and robot competition.What’s more, we also want to do some business projects.After one project failure, we figure out what project we should do.Now, our project joined in incubation center and I have more energy to achieve my goal.From this experience, I do really appreciate you for giving me this opportunity.One reason is that, I need this resource to achieve my goal.As is known to all, products from r&d to marketing is a very difficult process, especially for us college students.Thus, we need courage and resource to achieve our goals.At present, our project development process is nearing an end.We used about 6 months to do this things.Our team from product design, material selection, prototype development to product completion.For us, it is just a begin.There are many things to do in this summer vacation.Our team will be stay in the school at first half of summer vacation to finish our project.And this award is very important to us to begin our project and raise us stepping by stepping for a long time.Whereas, I’m appreciate that this opportunity because I can build my emotion and this opportunity encourages me that I did a correct way in my freshman’s year.This award is not only a prize but also a positive inspiration for me to keep on my “stay hungry,stay foolish”way.As far as I'm concerned, I study information system and education system in SIE.I will keep on studying harder and harder, have an active attitude on projects, work hard and discipline.And I will take care the usual daily life to find some interests and share with my partners and to relate these interests things with our major which can practice my knowledge with my hobbies!I do enjoy this life very much because this habit not only can help me to get the social ability of sharpness, but also can bring e a creative brain as I expected!So this award is just a beginning, and I will pay all my attention on our project then, because our project is so sweet for all the customs who have a phone that I’m sure it is very useful when their battery power is low.Our project is contributed to the easy life for the human-being!

What’s more, I would like to express my warm thanks to you!Please accept my gratitude.Sincerely, Many thanks.Nico Liu Yang

Email:ly122724367@gmail.com Sias Foundation Innovative Award


Dear Professor Yu Renqiu,I am ++++, a student from Class 1, Grade 10 of Physical Education of ++++ College.Time flies, and my college life is going to be an end.As a child from a poor family, I thank for all people and things that help me all the way, which have made me grow up happily.I am so honored to accept the Zhen Ru Scholarship in 2010, which made me so moved for the care from the country and government and let me know the uneasiness of our parents during bringing us up.I know it would make me hold more motivation and more determined to study hard.I cherish this opportunity of study that is so precious.Thank for the help of country’s student policy, which made my dream to start and became the basic of my student.More honored, I gained the National Motivational Scholarship that gave me not more surprise, but more realization after my effort.I am not a person who is more enjoy the material.I will not forget those help.I am not sure about my future, but I will insist my principles.I will go further along this road.I know I must to be a person to reward those help.About my study, I will work more hard as possible as I can to improve myself.In my spare time, I will read more books.And I will be thriftier to lessen my parents’ burden.With the help of my teachers and my classmates, I have gained some progresses in my study and my social relationship with the persons around me, which will make a better me.Thank again for the National Motivational Scholarship.I will study more hard, and I believe that I will not let the people who love down.Sincerely,++++


Recommendation Letter

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my great pleasure to recommend Miss Liu for your scholarship program.As a student majoring in nursing, Miss Liu has put a lot of effort into her study and has been a brilliant student in class 14001.Miss Liu is a polite, bright, active and energetic student.She loves to take part in the activities in our college and gets on quite well with her classmates.Both the teachers and students who are acquainted with her speak highly of her.She is very independent, but she is also someone everyone wants to work with.Miss Liu is very fond of English and she has been preparing for this program for months.I am sure she has had sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainly has the ability to undertake the study.I recommend Miss Liu without reservation and shall appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.Sincerely yours





我热爱我的专业,所以我也喜欢我所学的课程,包括PLC、DCS、控制仪表与控制系统 及化工单元操作等,并努力去学习它,所以我在专业成绩上也是比较优秀的,并很荣幸在今年获得院“三好学生”荣誉称号并成为一名入党积极分子。除了专业课程学好外,我也热衷于参加本专业的一些技能竞赛,包括“亚龙杯”自动生产线的安装与调试技能大赛、“三菱电机杯”自动化专业技能大赛等,并获后者一等奖的好成绩。平时,我喜欢在实验室做一些专业相关的实验,以工学结合、学以致用。


此致 敬礼






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