
时间:2019-05-15 14:36:21下载本文作者:会员上传


Solving traffic jams

Traffic problems are common trouble in various regions in china because of its huge population.How to solve it, it’s a troublesome problems for government and the citizens.Many experts provide many useful advices, concluded to the following points.Developing public transportation is the first consideration when it comes to solving traffic jams, it’s the most effective ways to reduce traffic jams and environmental friendly.Then limiting the use of private cars, with citizens become richer and richer, more and more private cars flood into streets, which is the main causes to traffic jams, therefore, it’s time to limit the use of private cars.Last but not least, implementing flexible working hours, in the city, people go to work and get off work at the same time in common.Adjusting working hours to avoid people flood into streets at the same time.In conclusion, solving traffic jams need everyone’s effort, government and citizens make concerted effort, then we could change.


My Friend

开头语:Hello, everyone!My name isXX.You can call me XX.I have a best friend and

her/his name is XX.OK, let me introduce him/her to everyone.第一段:描写外貌:

女孩:She is a pretty girl with a round face and two big black eyes.She has long/short hair.And she is taller than me.She is also a optimistic girl and you can always see smiles on her face.Moreover, She is also a kind-hearted girl.When I have difficulties in learning English or maths, she is always happy to help me.男孩:smart boythin fat


女孩:Of course, She also has many hobbies, such as dancing, running and playing computergames.Her favorite hobby is drawing, because she likes all the different colors.It is fun tolook at the pictures when she finishes drawing them.She wants to be a doctor when shegrows up.男孩:playbasketball.He is the best basketball player of our school.第三段:期望

We always have fun.And I hope our friendship will last forever.结语:Do you have a best friend? Can you tell me something about your friend?


My Family(可带一张全家福或是三人的照片)

开头语:I live in a happy family.Look!This is a photograph of my family.There are three

people in it.分段介绍家人:

爸爸(可一边用手指着照片一边介绍)Look!This is my father.He is 年龄.介绍外貌+ My father works as an assistant.He is very busy.I am proud of him.Because

he always helps the people who need necessary things.How great he is!

妈妈(可一边用手指着照片一边介绍)Look!This is my mother.She is 年龄.介绍外貌

+My mother is also an assistant.She is not busy as my father, but she does many

housework.How hardworking she is!

自己(可一边用手指着照片一边介绍)I am a 12-year-old boy.After school, I always

help my mother do some housework.And I always go to the park with my familiy on

the weekend.结语: That’s my family!How happiness we are!I love my family!

My School Life

开头: My name is XX.I'm 12 years old, and I study in No.1 Middle School of Hui'an.My

school is very big and beautiful.I'm very happy in the school.中间:分两段

第一段:I usually go to school at 7 every morning.when Iget to school, I have to do the cleaning with my classmates.After that I have 4 lessons in the morning and 2 lessons in the afternoon.And the school is over at about 4:30.第二段:Besides all kinds of classes, there are many lovely classmates and teachers.My

classmates always help and study each other.And the teachers are always enthusiastic and kindhearted.My favorite teacher is English teacher, because she is kind to us.结语: That`s my school life,my happy and wonderful school life.My Favorite Season

开头:I’m a lover of nature.Everyone has their favorite season in their minds, I think.And I

like the autumn best.中间:I like the golden autumn best, for it gives me piece of mind.The leaves on the trees

may shed.The plants become withered and yellow.The air in the morning is the freshest in the four seasons.The sky is so blue.I think that the color is the most beautiful in the world.I like autumn also for the weather.I feel neither too hot nor too cold.It’s moderate.I

also think it’s a good time for my study.结尾:In a word, the golden autumn is my favorite season, and I will never change my mind.Protect the Earth

开头:As is known to all, our earth is just like our mother.But the environment of the earth is

getting worse and worse.So how to protect our earth has become the most important thing.中间:Of course, to protect the earth, we can do many things.Specifically ,we need to pick up litter around us.We mustn't cut down too many trees.We should use less plastics.And We can protect factories from polluting the rivers.结尾:In fact, protect the earth is to protect ourselves.Let’s try our best to make our mother more beautiful!


Friendship is the forever theme in one’life.We need friends whenever it is.We need friends when we are in trouble(When we get in trouble,we always turn to friends).We need friends when we are feeling longly.We need friends to give us a smile when we doubt.So what dose it mean when we have a friend? It means we can face the hardship with friend’s hand.It means we can get up with friend’s help after we are beaten.And we will be happy with friend’s company.Thank you,friends!As with you,I live a happy life.So I think making friends is necessary and important.Come on!Let us make more friends!






Do you like sports? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.Yes.I like sports very much.I think playing sports is fun.And it gives people the opportunity to make new friends.I have made some good friends when playing sports.It is good for my health,too.Besides that, I think playing sports is a good way to relax my mind.After a long day of schoolwork, I always fell tired.But after I play basketball or tennis with my friends,I feel easy and comfortable.No I don’t.First,in my opinion,people are easily hurt when playing sports.If I get hurt,my lessons and life will be affected.Second,I’m too tired to play sports after a long day of schoolwork.I just want to have a good rest instead of playingsports.And I think playing computer games is a good way to relax.Do you like English? Why or why not? Give least two reasons.Yes I do.First,I think English is very interesting.Our English teacher always makes the English classes enjoyable.So I have a lot of fun learning English.Second,English is very useful ,for it is the most widely spoken language in the world.I want to travel around the world.It will be fun to make friends with people from other countries and talk to them in English.What’s your favorite TV peogram? Why do you like it? Give at least two reasons.My favoritetvprogrem is Animal World.I watch the show every Sunday evenig.The show is about the animals’ life.I have learnt a lot about animals from it.As in the human world,there are also opportunities,competitions and love in the animal world.Animals are our friends.It is wrong to kill them for food.We must do our best to peotect them.What’s your favorite food? Why do you like it.Give at least two reasons

My favorite food is the dumplings that my mother makes.Although my mum is very busy,she makes dumplings at least once a week.The dumplings are really delicious.They are a symbol of my mum’s love.Mu mum sometimes puts some coins into some of the dumplings.Every time I eat such kind of dumplings,I feel excited and lucky.So,I love the dumplings my mum makes best.What do you usually do for your parents’birthday? Why do you do that? Give at least two reasons.I often make dinner for my patents cook food for them to show my love for them.Though I am a poor cook ,they are happy to eat the food.My parents give me life and do everything for my well-being.Since I am order now,I oughr to honor my parents in my way.Do you think teengers should be allowed to choose their own clothes? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.Yes ,I think so.Firstly,I think many parents choose clothes that teengers don’t like.They think the clothes are ugly.Sometimes they refuse to wear them.It’s really a waste of money.Secondly, teenagers are not small children.They should learn to make decisions by themselves.If they choose their own clothes, they will feel more comfortable and that is good for their mental health.If you go sightseeing,what transportation will you take? Why ? give at least two reasons.If I go sighting,I will take a plane.I think a plane is the fastest and safest trasportation.I don’t like to spend too much time on the way.I prefer to spend more time on the places I would likd to visit.When I am on a plane,I can enjoy beautiful clouds and watch different places through the window.It’s amazing.So I choose to sightseeing by air.Do you like playing computer games? Why or why not? Give at least two reason.No,I don’t.First ,I think playing computer games is boring.players kill monsters or grow vegetables in the game.We can get nothing useful from the computer games.It is a waste of time.Second,when we play computer games, we watch the scteen for a long time.It’s bad for our eyes.So I don't like playing computer games.What’s your favorite color? Why do you like it?(two reasons)I like blue,because it is the color of the sky and oceons.My hometown is a city neat the seashore.It is not as clean as it was several years ago, but I still hope people can save our environment to keep our sky and sea blue.The blue is also a kind of music which I often listen to when I am tired.It can help me forget my hard work and pressure.So blue is my favorite color.Do you like keeping pets in your home? Why or why not?(two reasons)Yes,I do.I think a pet is good company.When I am happy,I can play with my pet.When I am sad and want to shate my sadness,my pet is a good listener,never getting bored.Sometimes,a pet is helpful.For examplane,some pets can be good home guards.Other pets can carry things for their owners.So I like keepng a pet.What do you usually do after school? And why do you do that?(two reasons)I usually do my homework and review what I have learnt after school.I do my homework because it can help me review what I have learnt at school.And I can also check if there is something that I don’t really understand when I do my homework.Of course if I don't do homework,my parents and teachers will be mad at me.So I have to.Should we keep animals in the zoo? Why or why not?(two reasons)No,I don't think we should keep animals in the zoo.First,the cages in zhe zoo are too small for animals to live in comfortable.For some large animals,they can hardly move about.Second,some visitors often throw food or garbage to the animals.It hurts the animals or brings diseases to them.Furthermore,when animals are given food every day and they don't need to find food themselves,they will lose their survival skills.They will die if they are released into their natural environment.So people should’t keep animals in the zoo.Do you like rainy days? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.Yes ,I do.Rainy days often make me feel quiet.I can stay at home and read my favorite books.I think the sound of the rain is the music from the sky.I like to listen to the music when walking in the light rain with my umvrella.Besides, rain water makes our city clean and the air fresh.So I like rainy days.What’s your favorite subject? Why or why not?(two reasons)My favoritesybject is English.Because when I entered junior high ,I met a really good English teacher.Her English is pretty good and her lessons are interesting.We never found it boring to learn English.Besides,nowadays English plays an important role in society and life.Most jobs require a good command of English.So I like learning englih and decide to learn it well.Do you want to be a volunteer? Yes ,I do.First,being a volunteer makes me happy.I have fun when I help with the housework or sing songs for the old people in an old people’s home.Second, I can put my love to good use.I am happy to spend time helping others,which is something I always love to do.And I can meet lots of people, too.It surely is a good experience for my furute job.Do you like your father? Why or why not? Yes,of course I do.My father is an honest man.He teachs me what I should do and what I shouldn’t.He is also a kind-hearted man.He not only often helps the people arounds us, but also the people in poor areas.He gives me lots of love and care.He encourages me when I am in trouble.He looks after me when I am ill.So I like my father.Do you like to wear uniforms? Yes,I do.On the one hand,wearing school uniforms helps us save time.We don't need to think about what to wear before going to school every day.And we don’t have to spend time buying clothes.On the other hand,wearing school uniforms helps us do better at school.When we are in class,we can concentrate on our school work,not on what our classmates’wear.We will learn more and better.That’s why I like to wear school uniforms.What’s your favorite season? My favorite seasons is summer.I like summer because I can have a sunbath on the beach.I can go swimming in the sea.And I can play beach volleyball on the sand.When I feel hot,I can enjoy ice cream to fight the heat.The most important reason is that we have a long vacation in summer.So I have lots of time to relax and do things I like.Do you often help your parents with chores? Why or why not?

Yes , I do My parents give me all of their love and care.They help me when I need them.They give me special care when I am ill.Now I am old enough to do something for them.It is my duty to do some of the housework,for I am a responsible member of my family.Besides,doing chroes is a good way to show how much I love my parents.So I often help with family chores.What’s you favorite fruit? Why do you like it? My favorite fruits are watermelons.Every time when I go to the supermarket, I always buy a watermelon, especially in the hot summer days.Whenever I eat a watermelon, it seems the summer heat is a little bit easier to bear!I really love the taste.It’s so delicious,the sweetness flooding all over me.Second,watermelons are rich in nutrition,and are thus good for my health.So I like watermelons best.Which country do you want to travel to? Why ? I want to travel to australia.I hope to see how people live on the southern part of earth.When it is summer here in China ,it is winter in australia.And there are many animals unique to australia ,such as kangaroos and koalas.These animals are really interesting and lovely.What’s more, I also hope to pay a visit to the sydney opera house.What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? I want to be a police officer when I grow up.To me, this is an exciting job.Though I may have to face dangers, I really want to be a hero.This job is also important.If I become a police officer,I can help and protect people when they need me.People, men and women, young and old, always admire and trust police officers.Which do you think is better,getting up early or late? Why? I preper getting up early.As benjamin franklin puts it.“early to be bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” If you want to be healthy,please remmber to go to bed early and get up early.And by doing this, you will have enough energy to spend on your school work the whole day.It’s also good for your studies.Do you like your English teacher? Why? Yes,I do.Our English teacher is very kind to us.He always encourages us to be confident and speak English whenever possible.The teacher tells us not to be afraid to make mistakes.Besides ,he cares about dailu life very much.He often reminds us to keep safety and health in mind.And he never gives us too much homework.What's your favorite animal? Why? Pandas are my favorite animals.They are from China and are called China’national treasures.Pandas look pretty cute with their black and white fur.They have black eyes like sunglasses.And most of them are quiet and gentle.They mainly feed on bamboos shoots and leaves.They seldom hurt or attack others.So pandas are well liked all over the world.Do you like to make a penple from an English-speaking country? Why? Yes,I do.First, I can learn the culture and customs of the country from my pen pal.It is also good for the development of my communicative skills.I can more freely express my feelings and opinions.Second,having a pen pal from an English-speaking country will help me improve my English.I can parctice my writing skills and gtammar through writing letters or e-mails in English.Who do you admire most? Why do you admire him or her? I admirte my mother most.She is an English teacher and a very good one.She spends a lot of time preparing her lessons before class.And she has a great sense of humor,so students all enjoy every minute of her class.She is very popular among her students.My mother is not only a good teacher,but also a great mother.She is patient with me,always smiling while talking to me.She encourages me to solve problems on my own to build up confidence.Do you want a robot? Why? The robot could make our life easier, though it is just a machine.First,a robot can help us do our housework or some dangerous tasks.For example, it can cook the breakfast,clean rooms,fight fires and so on.Then

I will have more free time to do what I like.Second ,robots can even give us emotional support when we feel sad.This makes our life happier.What will you take if you go traveling? Why do you do that? I will take a camera and an MP3 player.With the camera, I can take photos during the journey.It can record the senery along the way and capture the happy moments I have as well.An MP3 player is also very important.When I feel tired or bored on the tirp,I can listen to the MP3 to relax.In this way I can refresh myself and enjoy the journeyl.Should friends be different or the same? Why do you think that way? I think friends should be the same.On the one hand, friends who are similar to me understand me, because they know me well.We can share the same hobbies and interests.We will have a lot of common topics to discuss when we are together.On the other hand, when who friends are very different, they may not be able to get their ideas across to each other.However, this disadvantange usually does not exist among friends who are similar in character.




Interviewer: Please come in and sit down.Make yourself comfortable.I received your resume a few weeks ago, and I must say I’m very impressed.You:Thank you.Interviewer: May I ask why you are interested in this job? You: I decided to have a try when I saw the position your company advertised on the China Daily.Well, I’ve always enjoyed a challenging job.And Your company has an impressive reputation.Interviewer: That’s good to hear!Why do you want to change your job?

You: I want to try something different.Interviewer: How long have you been in your present job?

You: Two years.Interviewer: What contribution did you make to your current(previous)organization? You: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.Interviewer: What do you think you are worth to us?

You: I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.Interviewer: Do you work well under stress or pressure?

You: Yes, I think so.The trait is needed in my current position and I know I can handle it well.Interviewer: What is your strongest trait?

You: Helpfulness, caring, Cheerfulness and friendliness.Interviewer: How do you normally handle criticism? You: Silence is golden.Just don't say anything;otherwise the situation could become worse.Interviewer: What provide you with a sense of accomplishment?

You: Doing my best job for your company and finishing a project to the best of my ability.Interviewer: Does your present employer know that you are planning to leave the company? You: Yes, I talked about it with him.Interviewer: If we hire you, how soon can you start?

You: Well, I would need two weeks, of course, after you give me the green light.Interviewer: How long would you like to stay with this company? You: I will stay as long as I can continue to learn and to grow in my field.Interviewer: Well, you might be just the person we’ve been looking for.Do you have any questions?

You: Yes.What kind of benefit package do you offer?

Interviewer: Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year of employment.You: Well, I see.Interviewer: Is there anything else you’d like to know?

You: No, not at the moment.Interviewer: Well,I enjoyed talking with you.We’ll call you within a week with an answer.You: Thanks, I appreciate the time you have given me.2、Communicating with the boss

A是员工,B是Boss。A上班迟到了.A: Mr.Wang, I'm sorry to be late.B: You should have called me, I have been worried about you for about two hours.A: Sorry about that.B: You should be sorry!Well, now try to make contact with Mr.Lee immediately.I have something to talk to him about our contract.一会之后

B: Miss Zhang, have you made contact with Mr.Lee?

A: Not yet, Mr.Wang.But I’m working on it.B: What seems to be the problem?

A: I just keep getting a busy signal.B: Maybe his phone is out of order.Anyway,keep working on it.I really need an answer about the contract I sent him.A: All right, I’ll let you know when I get through.Mr.Lee打来了电话,A敲B办公室的门。

B: Come in, please.A: Mr.Wang, Mr.Lee is on the phone.Do you wish to talk to him?

B: Yes, of course.Put him through.下班的时候,A来找B请假。3

A: Excuse me, could I have a talk with you, Mr.Wang? B: Yes.What’s the matter?

A: It’s a personal matter and it’s urgent.B: Well, just calm down.What’s the matter?

A: Thank you.It’s about my daughter.She is ill and I sent her to hospital this morning.B: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.Is this the reason why you are late?

A: Yes, at that time I was too worried and I forgot to ask for leave.B: OK, I know.Is your daughter OK, now?

A: She has got flu or something.And she must be in hospital.B: Yes, I see.A: I need a few days off to look after my daughter while she is in hospital.B: How long will you need?

A: Just one week.I will be back when my daughter is out of the hospital.B: Well, I’m sure it will.You’d better stay at home to take care of your daughter.A: That’s very kind of you.B: Don’t mention it.I understand, family comes first and job second.By the way, Can you arrange everything on hand?

problem.A: No

B: Ok , fill in an absence form, and I will sign it.A:Thanks a million.3、Establishing business relations

A: Good morning.My name is Mr.Brown.I’m from Australia.Here is my card.B: Thank you.I’m pleased to meet you, Mr.Brown.My name is Kathy Smith, the representative of Beijing Import and Export Corporation.A: Pleased to meet you too, Ms.Smith.I travel a lot every year on business, but this is my first visit to your country.I must say I have been much impressed by your friendly people.B: Thank you for saying so.Have you seen the exhibition halls? On display are most of our products, such as silk, woolen knitwear and cotton piece goods.A: Oh, yes.I had a look yesterday.I found some of the exhibits to be fine in quality and beautiful in design.The exhibition has successfully displayed to me what your corporation handles.I’ve got some idea of your exports.I’m interested in your silk blouses.B: Our silk is known for its good quality.It is one of our traditional exports.Silk blouses are brightly colored and beautifully designed.They’ve met with great favor overseas and are always in great demand.A: Some of them seem to be of the latest style.Now I’ve a feeling that we can do a lot of trade in this line.We wish to establish relations with you.B: Your desire coincides with ours.A: Concerning our financial position, credit standing and trade reputation, you may refer to Bank of Hong Kong.B: Thank you for your information.As you know, our corporation is a state-operated one.We always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.Establishing business relations between us will be to our mutual benefit.I have no doubt that it will bring about closer ties between us.A: That sounds interesting.I’ll send a fax home.As soon as I receive a definite answer, I’ll make a specific inquiry.B: We’ll then make an offer as soon as possible.I hope a lot of business will be conducted between us.A: So do I.4、Making invitations A.Hi buddy, how is everything going?

B.Pretty good.And you?

A.No changes.B: You look so tired.What happened?

A.Too much home work and I can't handle that.B.Poor guy.Anyway, do you have time this Sunday afternoon?

A.I really don't know yet.I have to check my notebook.So why did you ask me that?

B.It’s Jim's birthday and we're having a party for him tonight.Do you think you could come?

A.Oh, I didn't know it was his birthday today.Sure.I'd love to come.What time and where?

B.Well, we're all meeting at Jim's neighbor's apartment at about seven thirty.It's at 789 Peace Street, Apartment 3.A.That's great.I really need a break.Will everyone be pitching in with some food?

B.It would be great if you could bring a side dish, but the rest of the food will be provided.A.What should I wear?

B.This is a pool party, so make sure to bring your bathing suit.A.Sounds like we'll have a great time.When you've figured out the details, drop me an e-mail.What do you want me to bring?

B.Bring some flowers if you can.A.OK, no problem.B.See you in Sunday.A.I'm looking forward to it.B.Well, we can have a good talking then.A.Yeah.See you.B: See you.5、Reservation on the phone

A:Advance Reservations.Can I help you?

B:Yes,I’d like to book a single room with a bath from the afternoon of October 4 to the morning of October 10.

A: Yes,we do have a single room available for those dates.

B: What is the rate,please?

A: The current rate is$50 per night.

B: What services come with that?

A: For$50 you’ll have a radio,a color television,a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room everyday.

B: That sounds not bad at all.I’ll take it.

A:Very good. Could you tell me your name,sir,please?

B: Yes,it is Moore.

A: How do you spell it,please?

B: Its M-O-O-R-E.

A:M-O-O-R-E.And what is your address,please?

B:It is Room 42, Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City, Henan Prov.China

A: Excuse me,sir,but could you speak a little more slowly,please?

B:Sure,no problem.It’s Room 42, Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City, Henan Prov.China.Have you got it?

A:Yes,so it is 3600 Montague Boulevard,Hattiesburg,Mississippi 39401 USA. B: That’s right.

A: What about your telephone number?

B:(601)264-9716. By the way,I’d like a quiet room away from the street if that is possible.

A:A quiet room away from the street is preferred.OK.Well mail you a reservation card confirming your booking as soon as possible.We look forward to your visit.

B:Thank you and good-bye.




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