第一篇:Handout For unit 4
Reading, Writing & Translation
Unit Four Career Planning
In-class Reading:Career Planning
Words and Phrases
Acceptablealternativecounselordefensivedemonstratedominantestimateignoranceimplicationinsightlogicallyoccupationphasepursueresortstrikingtrendundergoat stake in caseseize(up)ontake stock of
1)Of course, complacency is appropriate for any decision in which nothing much is
at stake, but that does not describe career decisions.(Line19-21)
2)When confronted with a decision and unable to believe they can find an
acceptable solution, some people remain calm by resorting to wishful thinking or daydreaming.(Line 23-27)
3)They search frantically for career possibilities and seize on hastily invented
solutions, overlooking the consequences of their choice as well as other alternatives.(Line 35-37)
4)Taking inventory of progress and planning further steps can help you cope with
the changes that you undergo and the changes that take place in the labor market..(Line 60-61)
5)Society no longer attaches the stigma of “instability” to the idea of career hopping,as it once did.(Line 71-73)
After-class Reading Passage One:Summer Job Planning
Words and Phrases
commuteintern/internshipoptionpersonnelretailsenioron the spotSentences
1)If you happen to have a contact such as an editor who might be willing to meet
with you, so much the better.(Line 16-17)
2)It is important at this stage of your life to find a summer job that will enhance
your future career.(Line 23)
3)That aspect has to be weighed against the fact that they might not help your career
plans(Line 27-28)
4)Naturally if the job is career-oriented, it makes better reading.(Line 29-30)
5)By the time I was a senior I knew that I did not want to go into retailing, but it was
my hedge against the future.(Line 57-58)
After-class Reading Passage Two:Which Career Is the Right One for You? Words and Phrases
accountantambitiousanalyticalbondcategoryconcreteconsultantconventionalcooperativecoordinationenlightenexecutiveimaginativeinteriorinterpersonalpersistentsociablesystematicfigure outin naturestraighten out
1)These are mainly skilled trades or technical jobs, usually involving work with tools1
Reading, Writing & Translation
or machines, frequently called “blue-collar” positions.(Line 8-9)
2)People who are attracted to realistic jobs are usually robust, practical, physically
strong and frequently competitive in outlook.(Line 10-11)
3)Realistic people tend to see the world in simple, tangible and traditional terms.(Line 18-19)
4)The tasks involved in artistic occupations usually involve working with workds,music or other art forms.(Line 60-61)
5).They like to work in free environments that allow them to express themselves in a wide variety of media-writing, music, drawing, photography—in general, any art form.(Line 69-71)