Book Report Name: Tang Zihao(Reborn)
Title of the book: 《Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone》
1.“Harry Potter” this book, we can not think of the author can not become a fact of the matter.“Harry Potter” is the main character, a shaman, the wizard, ghosts, monsters, dragons and evil, justice.From a few books, friends can reflect on the friendship, respect for teachers, in the face of difficulties and evil never flinched in the face of the spirit of courage.With these, they have time and again to escape the difficulties.“Harry Potter” these books with him on his two best friends in school Huogewoci magic in the story.2.Everything is so magical!In that magical world of the shaman lived, there are fewer old.When the messenger owl.Cups, hats, are believed to be his opening remarks.Flying broom is their means of transport, and more can be compared to the birds and the sky.There are many castles in the ghost, they can walk and you can penetrate any object and sometimes engage in mischief(Pippi ghosts).There are so many wonderful!No wonder our small magician Harry Potter magic will be popular throughout the world.3.So Harry had been brought up by his dead mother’s sister and her husband.He had spent ten years with the Dursleys, never understanding why he kept making odd things happen without meaning to, believing the Dursleys’story that he had got his scar in the car crash that had killed his parents.And then, exactly a year ago, Hogwarts had written to Harry, and the whole story had come out.Harry had taken up his place at wizard school, where he and his scar were famous...but now the school year was over, and he was back with the Dursleys for the summer, back to being treated like a dog that had rolled in something smelly.
By Anchee Min
This semester I read a book called EMPRESS ORCHID which is written by a foreign citizen of Chinese orign Anchee Min.The whole world knows that Cixi is the last empress in china.She is not only a china empress, but also a china ruler.But , the minority of peole know that Cixi is a pity child when she was young.She is pretty poor that her family had not enough money to burry her father.She is pretty pathetic that her family had to live with their family.Not enough money, not enough food, not enough clothes.At the age of 17, she was forced to marry her stupid cousin.Fortunately, she had the rights to participate in the imperial concubine selection.Luckily, she was selected by emperorHiesn Feng.The first three years in the palace, Orchid is not the favourit concubine.What amazing me is that she had not been seen by Hiesn Feng after the selection.She was so sad that she started to resort to the hook way.And finally she got Hisen Feng’s heart and become more and more powerful.Comment
Before reading the book , I always consider that Cixi is a women whose family is wealth.I always think that she is lucky in her whole life.After read that book, I found the fact is on the contrary.She was poor like most of the Chinese in Qing Dynasty.She is a reflection on Qing women.If she was not select by Hiesn Feng, she would just a ordinay woman.Not as powerful as we think.Maybe we always consider that Cixi is a bad woman whose detory our country.But, every coin has two sides, we should read more and learn more to evaluate a person.Not just through ourlittle knowledge.
yesterday i read a book the name of the book is《dr bethune》.dr bethune was a famous doctor from canada.in 1938 he came to china.at that timechina was at war with japan.he worked as a doctor in the chinese army and saved many soldiers’ lives.he worked very hard and became sick.dr bethune died in 1939.he was only 49 years old.he was a good man and we remember him today.i think the book is very very good!
written by wu qingxiang
how to do research
-------reading after a science paper
these daysi am busy preparing my dissertation which is about web usage mining.i read some english papers and learnt much from them.and nowi want to say something about a paper titled “web usage mining :discovery and applications of usage patterns from web data”.this is the first english paper i read about dissertation and gave me great help.this paper is a review about web usage mining.it introduced web usage mining in detail.although it is a little old for it was published in XXits contents are very useful today.it is organized according to the sequence of web usage mining and the six main parts are introduction which tells me what is web usage miningthe sources and abstraction of web datathe three steps of web usage miningtaxonomy and project surveywebsift overviewprivacy issues.the third and fourth parts are most important.it had a list of existing project about web usage mining which i saw many times in other papersbut this paper is the one creating this list.besidesit has been referred for more then twenty times.as we all know thatthe higher the referred number isthe more important the paper isso i consider this paper to be an important and successful one in this region.in my opinionthe success of this paper dues to three reasons.the first reason is the profound computer knowledge owned by the authors.web usage mining relates to many subjectssuch as artificial intelligenceontologysemantic analysisbut the most basic knowledge is computer science.the four authors are all professors of department of computer science and engineering in university of minnesota.for myselfi am not major in computer science and i am not very good at computersso i feel a little difficult to understand technologies used in this region.secondthey had read a large number of papers before they wrote this paper.there are fifty nine references listed after main contents.“stand on the shoulders of giants”this sentence tell us a truth : one can never successful all by oneself.and what’s morelearn from others can save a lot of time and energyespecially for us new learner.how to learn from others is a skill all of us should masterbut learning doesn’t mean copy or plagiary.other people’s knowledge and production is just our foundationupon this foundationwe must have our own thoughts and creation.there are many remarks in this paper where referred other’s production.thirdthe authors had the experience of developing a web usage mining project.they don’t just engage in idle theorizingso their comprehension on this issue is greatly profound.they know what we may meet in a real project development and they know how to resolve them.after reading this paperi also read some other papers written in chinese.some of them are not based on real project and can not give useful resolution.websift is the name of system they developed which can be used to data mining and analysis.
The great Gatsby
In fact ,if our teacher don’t require ,I will never be interested in this kind of story.However ,after my reading ,I have to say it’s so dramatic and profound that I have already been fond of this story deeply.“The great Gatsby” is about a story which took place in the 20's.A poor guy named Nick came to New York and lived next to a millionaire who called Gatsby.He began to know the story of this wealth person and witnessed the voluptuous life of the rich.Gatsby was not wealthy like now when he was young, who was just a lieutenant in the army.At that time, he lost his heart to a girl called Daisy.They loved each other deeply.But it changed after the First World War, during which Gatsby was dispatched to Europe.When he came back, he found the love vanished.Behalf displaced chasteness, love was supplanted by money.He dreamed to recovery his love, but nothing happened and it only became worse.One day Daisy was in a drunken driving Gatsby’s car ran over and caused an accident that killed Tom’s mistress, and she planned a plot with Tom to put the crime to Gatsby.It led to the mistress’husband shot Gatsby.Gatsby died, only his fathrand Nick attended the funeral.Nick witnessed the virtual mood of human reality.At the end, Nick backed to his hometown with a tragedy mood.It is a novel which has intrigued and fascinated so many readers.It is worth noting that Fitzgerald never shows the reader a single scene from Gatsby
affair with Daisy.The narrative is Nick‟s story, and, aside from when they remake each other‟s acquaintance, Nick never sees Gatsby and Daisy alone together.PerhapsNick‟s friendship with Gatsby allows him to empathize with his pain at not having Daisy, and that Nick refrains from depicting their affair out of a desire not to malign him.Whatever the reason, Fitzgerald leaves the details of their affair to the reader‟s imagination, and instead exposes the menacing suspicion and mistrust on Tom‟s part that will eventually lead to a confrontation.Clearly, as a self-proclaimed “tale of the West”, it is exploring questions about America and what it means to be American.In this sense Gatsby is perhaps that legendary opus, the “Great American Novel”.Nick senses that people everywhere are motivated by similar dreams and by a desire to move forward into a future in which their dreams are realized.Nick envisions their struggles to create that future as boats moving in a body of water against a current that inevitably carries them back into the past.“Her voice is full of money.” it’s iconic.At that time, every one’s voice is full of money.Gatsby’ American dream will just be a joke.Nick pertinent had pointed out the false of society and the heartlessness, caused the readers compared to the American dream necessity which pursued to be disillusioned regarding to Gatsby.Of course, it already has a profound impression on me.In the end, I have to say that after reading The Great Gatsby, reading his shattered dream of love, of vanity, I do not only have known the conception of the American society in early 20th century, but also know that the value of a time, a nation, and an individual is so significant.There is a very conspicuous symbol in the novel, the eyes of Doctor T.J.Eckleburg painted on an old advertising billboard over the valley of ashes.It is a warning that our development and morality will always be stared upon and judged by God.Remember it.
I read a book called childhood, which is one of the golgi stories. The book is very moving. It tells the story of gorky, who died in childhood, and lived a painful life.
Gorky is a very sensible child, saw someone brutality, stingy, he hates all this, learn the integrity, diligence, selflessness, courage, make him since childhood know hate oppression, hate exploitation, sympathy for the laborers suffer gradually constitute his strong to the excellent quality of the old world.
I want to learn from gorky, learn his excellent qualities, learn from golgi's childhood, collect and sell money, and use it for home. The students laughed at him, and the priest thought he was poor, but gorky was deeply moved by his tireless spirit. He got two prizes and a diploma.
After reading the biography of Madame Curie, it was clear that Marie Curie had been humiliated and expected in her youth. Mary always stood by her belief that she could not let anyone or anything down with her. No matter meet anyone or anything to a firm conviction, and these have to be fostered, no matter in her life were killed, or in her study, can put these play out. And in the course of her schooling, it was hard. No matter how difficult in the process of road walk, Mary insisted down, these all let me understand start to cultivate good character and character, not bow in front of tribulations, don't be afraid to go to deal with it, to overcome it. These trials will also help you succeed.
I was so touched by the book “charlotte's web”, and several times I dropped tears of emotion. The book is about a pig Wilbur who was about to become a delicacy. In the barn he knew the spider charlotte, who had not slept for two days and two nights in order to rescue it, because it had to “write” the words on the Internet. Then Wilbur was saved and famous. Charlotte was dead tired! In the second spring, Wilbur remembered charlotte, a spider who had helped him before. You must shed tears when it comes to this! I believe this story must make you deeply moved! Yeah! The story of spider charlotte and Wilbur, the pig, makes millions of people cry.
3.主线不突出,语言描述混乱。说课教师要善于用“Step 1,Step 2,Step 3,…”,“Pre-reading,While-reading,Post-reading”等来加以区分。
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(3)书设计合理,字迹工整规范。一个中学英语教师应在教学工作中充满生机和活力,富有创新意识和超前意识,对待教学实践中所遇到问题应经常反思,并保持探索的习惯。创新在本质上是一种超越,要越过传统和现实以及自我的障碍。教师如果富有创新意识和创新能力,能使学生的创造能力在潜移默化中不断提高。 中学英语教师在教学过程中会遇到很多意想不到的问题,这就要求中学英语教师进行反思。上完一节课后,静静地坐在办公桌前,从容地整理自己的教学思路,反思自己的教学行为,总结自己的教学得失。使自己的教学更上一个台阶!
商务英语口语实训已经结束了,通过为期两周的学习,我受益匪浅,口语能力得到了一定的提高,同时还学到了许多英语知识。 本实训旨在使学生更加重视英语口语训练并掌握口语表达的有效技巧,使学生进一步强化英语口语能力以适应职业的需要,从而培养较强的商务英语口语实际交际能力。通过本实训,介绍几种有效提高听力和口语的学习方法,力图克服学生开口难的畏惧心理,最终为学生提高商务英语的应用能力、增强商务环境下的英语口头沟通能力提供具有建设性的语言学习启示,从而建立起具有持续性的语言学习能力。
本次商务英语口语实训主要学习了国际音标和情景剧练习。通过这两大部分的训练,培养了我们用英语朗读各种题材书面材料的能力,培养我们在没有文字凭借的情况下用英语表达自己的观点的能力,清楚而逻辑的论证自己的观点的能力,培养在特定的商务情境下不借助文字辅助资料进行连贯而得体的交谈的能力。 实训要求我们认真参与、刻苦训练,在准备阶段能运用各种工具解决所遇到的问题,必要时能进行成功地团结合作,在检查中能自如发挥,独立完成所要求的任务。
学习的第一大部分是国际音标。标准英语中共有48个音标,其中20个为元音音标,28个辅音音标。发音时声带振动且气流在通路上不受发音器官阻挡的是元音。发音时气流在通路上受到发音器官阻挡的是辅音。老师首先讲解了基础音标的读法,通过重新学习语音音标,让我对音标有了新的认识,发现了我以前在读音标时存在许多错误。对于口语中常出现的惯例性的特定读法,老师也给与我们及时的改正。让我们的英语口语更流畅,更标准。 在学习了基本音标的基础上,有根据这些音标列举出常见的单词、短语、例句,让我们能更好的消化这一读音,让我们的发音更标准。 通过音标的学习让我认识到准确的学习音标为我的英语口语发音打下了良好的基础,成为我学习英语的优势。通过英语音标记单词是快速记背单词的最有效的一种方法。如果熟练掌握了英语音标发音的规律,就能很好的背下单词。通过基础语音训练让我确信它确实带给我很大的改变,可以培养我的语感。而英语学习的最高境界就是语感的形成。这不仅让我们的口语变得更流畅、标准,也会在我们的英语笔试考试中起到极其重要的作用。
在面试时应做的准备工作,包括:面试前、面试中、面试后。 通过面试的口语对话练习,让我了解到面试时的常用语。通过把学到的英语知识运用到实际中,锻炼了我们的口语能力。同时面试也是我们步入社会的第一步,对我们的`将来起着极其重要的作用。第二章《reception and visit》学习的内容主要是如何向外宾致欢迎词,如何与外商进行对话,以及与外商讨论公司合作的有关事宜。 通过学习这一部分的知识,使客人更好地了解我们的公司,相信我们的公司,才能更好的进行交流合作。第三章《meeting and organization》学习的主要内容是组织会议的流程,包括会议的开始,回顾过去,陈述会议目标,重申会议重点,提醒大家注意时间,评论与反馈,结束会议等等。第四章《negotiation》主要讲的是谈判的一些技巧,比如如何开始谈判,如何理解和赞同对方或反对和不赞同对方,如何进行讨价还价,如何结束谈判等等。第五章《marketing and sales》市场销售是对外贸易也是商务活动中重要组成部分,其中包括市场调查、产品介绍、销售产品、售后服务等方面。只有进行良好的市场调查才能更好的销售商品。
确的介绍产品,并安排正确的销售手段、提供最好的售后服务。只有做好这些,才能销售好商品。第六章《advertising and public relations》主要讲了公司怎样去做一些广告宣传,比如如何确定广告的目标和战略,如何制定广告的预算,如何设计广告的信息及如何处理公关关系等等。第七章《business telephone》主要讲的是当你不能亲自前往时,电话可以帮助你实现预定宾馆房间、进行商务预约、寻求商品信息、上午留言等方面的要求。,这样既可以节约时间,又可以不影响到商务活动。同时也学习了如何根据传真的信息进行电话通话,如何在与外国客户的交谈中获取更多的信息。第八章《business dinner》这一课主要学习的是餐桌上如何点餐以及正确的餐桌礼仪。 良好的餐桌礼仪能够给我们的顾客留下良好的印象,获得更多的青睐。给我们带来无限的商机。第九章《business presentation》在进行产品介绍前要通过三步选好自己的主题。一是确定为什么要选择这件商品,既要容易表达也要有足够的特点。二是要明确听众是什么类型。如果是同行,就要提供更多的信息。如果只是顾客,就要提出吸引他们的地方。三是明确听众知道些什么关于产品的知识,想知道些什么。通过这些过程,一定可以做出吸引人眼球的产品介绍会。