可舍弃 others 英语求职信 2 蹇林虹

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第一篇:可舍弃 others 英语求职信 2 蹇林虹

Jian Linhong(蹇林红)

Si Chuan Jin Cheng University.Xi Yuan street 1

Tel :***

June 5, 2013

Mr.Zhang , HR director

Chengdu Zhong Jian Company

Chengdu 610000

Dear Mr.Zhang:

My name is Jian Linhong.Your advertisement for a a project cost engineer ,on the job

Network on May 20 has interested me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.I am from Jincheng College of Sichuan of engineering cost specialty.In university period, I try to learn my professional knowledge, and I get good exam results.What’s more ,I am always willing to communicate with others.If you have requirements for English level ,I will often practice my speaking English for communicating with others in English freely.I have a very strong learning ability, although I have no work experience ,I will study the business and try to finish each job.I always hope that I could find a job which is conform to my professional knowledge.I’d like to be a project cost engineer ,I have strong interest in it.Your company is very famous in the city, your performance has been good, so it is easy to see the great development potential.The

company culture background is also very attractive.I have long been hopeful of working for your company after graduation, I’m sure that if I have the privilege of serving in your company ,I will greatly increase my experience and ability.In reference to your advertisement on the Internet ,I believe that I have the qualification to fit your position ,and I will be responsible for the job.I sincerely hope you can give me a chance.If you desire an interview ,I shall be most happy to call in person,on any day and any time you may appoint.Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely,Jian Linhong

第二篇:译林版四年级英语下册project 2教学设计

Project 2 A party



2.通过服装类单复数的巩固操练,能熟练掌握名词单复数的用法。3.通过复习,能熟练掌握并运用Whose…is this?/are they?的句型。4.通过复习,熟练掌握用英语打电话。



1.通过服装类单复数的巩固操练,能熟练掌握名词单复数的用法。2.通过复习,能熟练掌握并运用Whose…is this?/are they?的句型。3.通过Party的情景对话,训练学生的综合语言运用能力。






Step1 How to lead in 播放一段party的图片

T: What pictures are they ? They’re parties.What do they do at the party? Eat, drink, sing, dance.They meet many friends.Are they happy?

Today, our topic is project 2 A party.齐读课题

Step 2 How to teach T: I like parties.I can meet many friends.I’m happy at the party.What about you? Do you like parties? Why? Ss: …

T: What kind of party do you like to go? Birthday party, Children’s Day party or New Year’s Day party?


T: We can wear beautiful clothes for the party.教授单词clothes T: What do you want to wear? Dress, skirt, T-shirt? S: I want to wear… T: What about him/her? Let’s ask him/her together.引导生齐问某生

T: Boys and girls.Tomorrow is my birthday.I’m going to have a birthday party.Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow?

Ss: Yes.T: Welcome to my party.But before you come to my party, you should finish four tasks.课件显示四个任务的标题,师逐一介绍。Task1 Invites friends T: Now let’s start with task 1 Invite friends.How to invite friends? Look, they are my students, Lily and Tony.Lily wants to come to my birthday party too.She is making a telephone call to Tony to invite Tony come together.Let’s listen.播放录音

T: Now, let’s read together.解释What’s the matter with her?=What’s the matter? T: Now it’s your turn to make a telephone call to invite your friend to come to my party together.Look here, What’s the matter with her?=What’s the matter? 解释him, her宾格。

A: Hello, may I speak to Tony? B: Hello, this is Tony speaking.A: Hi, Tony.This is Lily.Can you come to Miss Zou’s birthday party tomorrow? B: Sure.I’d love to.A: Can your sister come to her party too? B: No, she can’t.A: What’s the matter with her? B: She’s ill.She has a fever.A: I’m sorry to hear that.See you tomorrow.B: See you.学生两两练习1分钟,2对展示。Task 2 Know the clothes 1.T: We finish Task 1.Boys and girls, you can wear beautiful clothes at the party.But you should know the clothes well.Now let’s go to task 2 Know the clothes.Can you find out the words, phrases, and pictures of clothes at once? Read and spell them out loudly.If not, read them ,then say “cross”.If you see the bomb, please say “bomb” loudly.Understand? Are you reay? 学生集体完成

2.T: Look, this is the word puzzle about clothes.Can you make the words according to the sentences? Now, the first one.读谜面,学生拼出该单词。

Task 3 Choose the clothes 1.T: You did Task2 very well.Now we can go to task3 Choose the clothes.Look, they’re Tim and Amy.They want to go to the party too.Now they are choosing the clothes for the party.Look, here are some clothes on the table.But these are not theirs.They’re Ann’s, Mary’s, Tom’s, Simon’s and Sue’s.Can you guess whose is each of them? 学生对这些服装逐一猜测。

学生对于刚才的服装齐问齐答。(Now let’s ask and answer the clothes together.)

T: You have some clothes on your desk too.You can choose the clothes for the party.We can see the owner at the back of it.You can let your deskmate guess, whose? 学生互问互猜 2.T: Look, Amy chooses a coat and a pair of trousers for the party.Tim chooses a T-shirt and a pair of shorts for the party.Now, let’s introduce them.But we should pay attention to the form of the clothes.Look at the coat.This is the coat for the party.It’s Ann’s.These are the trousers for the party.They’re Tom’s.其余两个在提示下让学生说一说。

T: Please choose and introduce the clothes like that.学生选择,介绍。

3.T: We should choose the clothes according to the seasons.Right? Ss: Yes.T: Then we also can match the clothes.Tim and Amy can match the clothes well.And they can introduce the clothes according to seasons.Listen.In summer/in winter.…


T: Now ,please choose and match the clothes.Then introduce.边说边把夏季图贴于黑板,边说It’s summer.It’s hot.并板书。

一组服装贴于黑板,在黑板上板书These are my clothes for the party.This is _________________________.These are_________________________.学生根据季节选择并搭配自己的服装,介绍,2人展示。Task 4 Prepare for the party.T: You did task3 well.Now the last task.Prepare for the party.You can prepare for the clothes for the party.Discuss the clothes with your friend.But how to discuss? Watch Lily and Kenny.播放视频 T: Let’s read.朗读对话。

T: Now, discuss the clothes for the party with your friend.Look, it can help you.学生准备对话。2组展示。Step 3 How to end T: Today, you finished all the tasks well.So you can all come to my birthday party.Welcome to my party.Welcome to my home.This is my address.I’m waiting for you.See you tomorrow.六、教后检测



A: ____________________________________________________________ B: ____________________________________________________________ A: ____________________________________________________________ B: ____________________________________________________________ A: ____________________________________________________________ B: ____________________________________________________________ A: ____________________________________________________________ B: ____________________________________________________________

2.现在是冬天,你为你的生日聚会选择什么样的服装呢?请你来介绍一下吧。(提示:可用句型:This is… These are…,还可加上衣服颜色等形容词的描述,衣服原来的主人等)(不少于3句,写得越多越好)

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

七、Homework 1.Make a telephone call to invite your friends to come to your party, write the dialogue.(打电话邀请你的朋友参加你的聚会,把对话写下来)

2.Use “This is …” “These are…” to introduce your clothes for the party.(用“This is …” “These are…” 来介绍你参加聚会的服装,把句子写下来)

第三篇:模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others全单元语言点(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)

模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others全单元语言点(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)

1.practise vt.练习

He is practising the piano now.We often practise speaking English among ourselves.2.get along/ on 1).进展 get along with How are you getting along with your computer? We can’t get along well without courage.2).相处融洽 get along with My cat is getting along well with my dog.My family are getting along well with my neighbors.3.be worth 值得 1)Be worth+名词

I paid only 10 yuan for the book, but is worth much more.The book is worth 10 yuan.2)be worth + doing 表被动含义 The book is well worth reading.注意:be worthy of + 名词 或 being done be worthy to be done The experiment is worthy of careful try.The experiment is worthy of being tried.The experiment is worthy to be tried.4.What do you think are most important characteristics in a friend? Wh + do you think + 其他部分 用以征询对方的看法或推测等。Who do you think has got the first prize? Where do you think we will go for a picnic? Reading 1.betray 1)出卖,背叛

He who betrays his country will be punished.He betrayed his friends to the enemy.His friends were betrayed to the enemy by him.2)泄露(秘密)暴露

He betrayed the news to all his friends.2.We have been best friends since primary school.Since 1)连词

Unemployment in that country is now at its lowest level since World War II.She has been away from her hometown since five years ago.2)副词

She left her hometown five years ago.We haven’t seen her since.3)It is „ since „

It is just three days since they arrived at the mountain village.他们到达这个山村才三天时间。注意:

It is three years since I worked in the factory.我不在这个工厂工作已经三年了。3.I thought it would be quite easy and was not worried about the results.原以为 Here he comes.I thought he would be late.I didn’t think that he had done such a stupid thing.Worry about + sb./ sth./ doing sth 侧重于动作 be worried about 侧重于状态 He is worrying about getting a job after graduation.他正为毕业后找工作的事发愁。There is nothing to worry about.没什么可担心的。He is worried about his son’s safety.他担心儿子的安危。4.I must have sounded very proud of myself „ It must have rained yesterday, for the grand is wet.He has a good knowledge of Beijing very well.He must have been to Beijing before.注意:

Must be / must have done的否定式为 can’t

Mr.Smith cannot have left here for I say him just now.5.stupid with very slow thinking It was stupid of me to tell him the truth.我真傻告诉他真相。That is a stupid thing to do.6.I didn’t feel like I was overlooking my studies.Feel like +sth/ doing sth 想要;喜欢 I feel like going shopping.我想去买东西。She feels like eating ice-cream.她喜欢吃冰激凌。Overlook 1)forget;not see something important忽略;漏看 I overlooked the fact.我忽略了这个事实。

I overlooked this mistake in your paper the first time I read it.我第一次看你的试卷时没有看出这个错误。

2)look down at sth from above 俯瞰 My room overlooks the sea.7.I was determined to be cheerful.Be determined + to do / that clause 决心; 决定 He was determined.= He has made up his mind.He was determined that he would try his best to finish the work.He was determined to try his best to finish the work.注意:

determine to do侧重动作 切是终止性动词

He has been determined to work in Xinjiang for a long time.但不能用 He has determined to work in Xinjiang for a long time.8.admit Admit+ sth/ doing sth / that 承认; 供认 admit sth to be The thief admitted his crime.I admit that I was rude and I am very sorry.He admitted having stolen sth from the bank.I admit it to be true.9.How they must have laughed behind my back.How + adj/ adv +主谓 构成感叹句。但有: How time flies!How I regret I wasted the time when I was at school.10.swear swore sworn make a strong promise 发誓 宣誓

I believe that it is true but I cannot swear it.我认为这是真的,但我不能保证一定这样。He swore to speak the truth.他宣誓要说实话。

11.forgive not to punish someone who has done something wrong 宽恕 Forgive me for coming so late.We forgave him his mistakes.12.tease 挪揄; 戏弄 逗弄 取笑 The naughty boy teased the dog.The other boy teased John about his carelessness.13.dilemma a position requiring a choice between two evils.左右为难的状况 Don’t put me into a dilemma.不要使我左右为难。14.brilliant 1)very bright耀眼的 辉煌的 She is wearing brilliant jewels.2)very clever才华横溢的 非常聪明的 She had a brilliant idea.She is a brilliant student.15.focus focus on focus sth on 聚焦 对焦 He focused the camera and took a photo.He focused his mind on his lessons when studying.16.badly 1)非常 I miss you badly.He needs the dictionary badly.2)very seriously You mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt.He was badly hurt.17.absent-minded 合成词 adj-n+ed Blue-eyed 蓝眼睛的 warm-hearted 热心肠的 four-legged 四条腿的 18.keep on doing 与 keep doing The baby kept crying all night.这婴儿哭了一夜。He kept on learning Russian.他不断地学习俄语。19.kind of This kind of tree is nice.These kinds of tree(s)are easy to grow.20.blame blame sb / sth blame sth on sb be to blame Bad workmen blame their tools.He blamed his failure on the teacher.You are to blame in this.Word power 1.even though/ if Even though /if you failed in an exam, you still couldn’t give it up.Even though it is raining, we have to go to school.2.as;when;while As 用来强调主句和从句中动作和事情同时发生“一边„一边„” He looked behind as he was running.As time went by, the tree grew taller and taller.When 1)当什么时候 从句中的时间既可以是一段,也可以是一点。When you telephoned me, I was drawing a picture.When I was watering the garden, it began to rain.2)这时突然

I was doing my homework when he called me.While 1)从句中用延续性动词,常用进行时态

While they were having a party, the light went out.2)然而

The husband was looking after the baby while his wife was cooking in the kitchen.Grammar and usage 1.We had nothing to do but watch TV.But to do/ do They had no choice but to lie down He can do nothing but wait.2.rather than I’d like soda rather than water.He is a pianist rather than a musician.3.persuade Persuade 说服 指劝说成功 try to persuade 尽力说服 不强调劝说的结果 Persuade sb to do sth/ persuade sb into doing sth I have persuaded him to give up smoking.I persuaded him into doing it.He was persuaded to study harder.He tried to persuade her but failed.Advise 建议 有劝说的意思但不指劝说的结果 advise sb to do sth 4.note Take notes of sth 记笔记 compare notes 对笔记 5.discourage The difficult work discouraged Alan and he left school.The village was hit by a big flood but all the villagers were not discouraged.Discourage sb from doing sth 劝阻某人干某事。They discouraged me from taking that step.6.absurd 1)荒唐的 荒谬的 不合理的

It is absurd to argue with him without any reason.2)愚蠢的,可笑的

It is absurd to ask him such easy questions.An absurd man 愚蠢的人 7.daily 1)adj everyday There is a daily train service.2)adv every day The milkman comes daily to our house.I clean my teeth twice daily.3)n 日报 China Daily 8.come over 1)来访 过来 来玩 I’ll come over and see you.She wants to come over to visit his teacher.2)突然掠过 产生

A strange idea came over his mind.A soft smile came over her face.9.had better 表示建议 had better do sth had better not do sth You’d better go to school at once.You’d better not run after dinner.Had better put on more clothes.It is cold outside.Better follow the teacher’s construction.10.I would rather go swimming.1)would rather do sth.would rather not do sth I would rather stay here.2)would rather sb did I would rather you came tomorrow.3)Would rather„than„平行结构

I would rather go to the concert than stay at home.11.Why not visit your cousin in Japan? 表示建议 Why not do ? 也可以说 Why don’t you do? Why not go to see a film with us? Why don’t you go to see a film with us? 12.Isn’t it wonderful to have good friends? 否定疑问句表示说话者的批评,责备,惊讶等感情色彩。

Look!What a long cut!Haven’t I told you not to climb the tree? Aren’t you my teacher? I have the right to ask you questions.Task 1.anxious 1)worried and afraid be anxious about We are all anxious about him because he hasn’t come back yet.Don’t be anxious if I am late.2)wanting sth very much be anxious to do be anxious for He is anxious for his wife’s news.He is anxious to get a job.I am anxious to see what the new neighbour are like.2.suffer 1)suffer from/ for 遭受

Do you often suffer from headaches? They were ready to suffer death for the sake of their country.2)遭受不幸,痛苦 We all have to suffer at some time in our lives.在人生的道路上我们都要随时受苦的。She has learnt to suffer without complaining.她已经学会了吃苦的时候不抱怨。3.I am of the same opinion Be of +noun(1)表特征,性质,质量,色泽,状况等

Of+ use, importance, help, effect, value, interest, quality, benefit, courage, character, necessity, Computers are of great help to the technicians.You have got an A, butg I don’t think there is anything of interest in your composition.(2)表共同特征,种类,数量,度量等

Of a/ the same+ weight, age, size, kind, piece, type, height, depth, shape, color, width, length All the houses in this street are of a piece in construction.Project 1.Puzzle(1)problem, something that is difficult to understand.His wife has disappeared;it’s a puzzle.(2)谜

It is a puzzle to me how he could come here.He has found out the puzzle.(3)v 困惑;苦思 make you think a lot because you don’t understand it I am puzzled by the difficult question.This mystery puzzles me.It’s all very puzzling.2.absorb(1)take in water, heat, light,etc The heat is absorbed by the water.(2)吸引注意力 His task absorbs him.3.attitude 看法;态度

What’s your attitude to this idea? I don’t like his unfriendly attitude.4.consistent一致的,调和的,无矛盾的 be consistent with The president has no consistent policy.Your conduct is not consistent with what you say.5.hesitate(1)犹豫,踌躇

Andrew hesitated before he took the last cake.If you hesitate too much, you’ll lose the game.(2)不愿,hesitate to do I always to advise my friends on what to read.I hesitate to take the risk.6.respond respond to The wireless calls were soon respond to.对无线电的呼叫不久有了回答。Bob responded to his insult with a blow.对于他的侮辱鲍勃回敬以一拳。Nerves respond to a stimulus.神经对刺激有反应。

The disease responds to the new drug.这个病对新药表现出良好的反应。7.regardless不注意的,不关心的,不留心的 regardless of The boy went swimming in the deep lake regardless of his mother’s fears for his safety.那个男孩不顾母亲对他安全的担忧,跑到深湖中游泳。

Regardless of life 不顾生命 regardless of one’s duties 不尽职责

第四篇:译林版英语四年级上册Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad教案

译林版英语四年级上册Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad教案


本单元由Story time, Fun time, Cartoon time, Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time, Ticking time七个部分组成。安排了“说明自己有某物”、“询问他人是否有某物”这两个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,本单元要求能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a banana, a grape, a mango, a pineapple.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Do you have…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.I have….因此,对单词的字体、书写方法、规格等方面要进行示范、指导,使学生逐步形成良好的书写习惯。


1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a banana, a grape, a mango, a pineapple.2. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Do you have…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.I have… 4. 了辅音字母h 在单词中的读音。6. 能诵读歌谣Purple grapes.三、教学重点:

1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a banana, a grape, a mango, a pineapple.2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Do you have…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.I have….3、了辅音字母h 在单词中的读音。


1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a banana, a grape, a mango, a pineapple.2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Do you have…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.I have….五、课时安排: 本单元共安排5课时 Story time


Fun time, Rhyme time及新单词

1课时 Cartoon time, Sound time及课课练


Checkout time, Ticking time及补充习题

.1课时 复习本单元中单词、句型、做听读训练。1课时



译林出版社《英语》四年级上册第二单元、第一教时(Story time)


1.能初步听懂、会读、会说单词a banana, a grape, a mango, a pineapple.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I have … Do you have„?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I don’t 来回答。

3.能明白并理解any, some在不同句型中的使用。



1.能初步听懂、会读、会说单词a banana, a grape, a mango, a pineapple, any, some.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I have … Do you have„?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I don’t 来回答。


1.能明白并理解any, some在不同句型中的使用。




实物水果,卡片,多媒体(PPT),磁卡some, any



3、板书准备:课前预先写好课题Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad

六、教学过程: Step 1 Warm up Listen to a song before class, Do you like it? 1.Greeting 2.Free talk T:Look at these baby animals.What are they? Please guess, are these…s? S: Are these pandas? T: Yes, they are.S: Do you like pandas? T: Yes, I do.S: Are these lions? T Yes, they are.S: Do you like lions? T: No, I don’t.I like monkeys.Look at these monkeys.Do you like monkeys? S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.T: Monkeys like bananas.Do you like bananas? 用第一单元的动物单词引出水果类词汇。Step 2 Presentation T: Look.I have a banana here.And I have some other fruit in this bag.Please read after me, fruit, fruit.Do you know what else is in my bag? Please guess and ask Do you have a…? 1.Play a guessing game.What’s in my bag? I see you know many fruit.Let’s read these fruit names.2.Read the fruit names they have learned before.Learn to use the sentence pattern: I have a …

3.Learn the new fruit names: a banana, a grape, a mango, a pineapple Read in groups or read one by one.Then say the sentences with the new words.T: I don’t have any apples.Do you have any apples? 4.Practice the sentence pattern: Do you have any…s? Yes, I do.No, / I don’t.5.Explain the new words any一些,任何的 and some一些 6.Say a chant to summarize and take a rest.Step 3.Story time 出示课文图片

T: Wow, we have so many fruit, Let’s make a fruit salad, shall we? Look they are making fruit salad, too.1.Look and say: Where are they? Who are they? Ss: They are Miss Li, Yang Ling, Su Hai, Wang Bing, Liu Tao and Mike.T: How many people are there? Ss: Six.2.Listen and circle(把听到的水果圈出来)T: What do they have in their fruit salad? Ss: They have…

T: Can you remember who has the pineapple? Let’s watch the cartoon and link.3.Watch and link T: Please say like this: Hi, I’m Liu Tao.I have …

Did Yang Ling say, I have a grape? S: No.T: She said I have some grapes.What does this mean? Please read again, some grapes.But what does Yang Ling have? Let’s read, look and answer.4.Read, look and answer.(跟读课文回答问题)

a.What do you have, Su Yang?

b.Do you have any oranges, Wang Bing? c.What does Miss Li say? 5.Check the answers.6.Read together.T: Now, let’s read together.Try to read fluently, beautifully and with expressions.7.Read in groups.8.Read in role.Step 4 Consolidation 1.Learn how to make a fruit salad.2.Enjoy a flash.3.Sweet fruit, Nice friends, Let’s share.4.Summary 让学生说说这节课学了什么,让学生自己来总结。A.复习单词 B.复习句型 C.复习课文

Step 4 Homework 1.Read the new words and Story time.读新的单词和课文。

2.Finish the word part in the Copybook.完成抄写本上的单词部分。3.Make a fruit salad at home.在家做一次水果色拉。


Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad I have a/some…

Do you have„?

a banana

a grape

Yes, I do.a mango

a pineapple

No, I don’t.八、教学反思:



译林出版社《英语》四年级上册第二单元、第二教时(Fun time, Rhyme time及新单词)

二、教学目标 1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写单词a banana、a grape、a mango、a pineapple;复习水果类单词an orange, a peach,a pear,an apple。2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you have„?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I don’t 来回答。

3.能初步会用How many„?询问可数名词的数量。4.能明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处 5.复习数字1-12

三、教学重点 1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写单词a banana、a grape、a mango、a pineapple;复习水果类单词an orange, a peach,a pear,an apple。2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you have„?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I don’t 来回答。

4.能明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处


能初步会用How many„?询问可数名词的数量。




Step 1 Greeing and warm up


2.Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls.How are you? S: I’m fine/well/good/Not so good… 3.Warm up(1)Question box 教师出示一个盒子----Question box,盒子里装了过去所学的问题,让学生在盒子一抽出一张纸回答问题。例如:

What’s this? What colour is it? I have a pencil.Do you have a pencil? Do you like tigers? I like apples.What do you like? „

Find friends 例如:教师出示an apple, 在所有所给单词中找出相同类的。通过这两个趣味活动帮助学生复习之前学过的单词和句型,也可以提前进入英语学习的状态。Step 2 Presentation Fun time(1)Drawing time 教师出示Fun time 的光盘内容----Draw pictures 出示教师所画的图片,做示范,让学生快速简笔画(2)Speaking time 对话练习

A:Do you have a book? B: Yes, I do.Do you have any apples? A: No, I don’t.Do you have any bananas? B: Yes, I do.Showing time A: I have…(I don’t have…)B: I have…(I don’t have…)Review Story time 跟读(教师注意语音和语调的指导与纠正)自读(任选一种方式读)自己单独读

B.跟伙伴扮演角色读 C.跟伙伴齐读


3.Cartoon time T: Now, let’s have a rest.Let’s watch a cartoon.Watch the cartoon and choose the best answers.Today, Sam is a




D.teacher Sam’s stage properties are


B.pineapples C.apples

D.Bananas 让学生说说这个故事的幽默之处。

(2)Read after the tape 逐图跟读,注意语音语调。让学生可以加上自己的表情和动作。How many„? +可数名词的复数形式, 问数量 用身边的物提问

A: How many„do you have? B: I have… 看图完成对话

例如:______ you _________?_______, I __________.Read by yourself A.自己单独读

B.跟伙伴扮演角色读 C.跟伙伴齐读

比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能。Step 3 Consolidation Fun time Make cards to help you remember words.步骤一:画

要求学生独立完成,可以画不同种类的 步骤二:问

Do you have a /an„? Yes,I do.No, I don’t.Do you have any…? Yes,I do.No, I don’t.步骤三:说 I have…

说说自己有什么 2.Summary 说说本课学了哪些 Step 4 Homework

1.准备默写单词表单词和划线句子 2.Recite Cartoon Time after class.Step5 Assign homework.七、板书设计:

Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad

Do you have a /an„? Yes,I do./No, I don’t.Do you have any„? How many„do you have? I have „




译林出版社《英语》四年级上册第二单元、第三教时(Cartoon time)




3.能初步会唱本单元歌曲:Do you like purple grapes?




3.能初步会唱本单元歌曲:Do you like purple grapes?


1.能初步会唱本单元歌曲:Do you like purple grapes? 2.能理解并且会读/h/,能总结归纳过去所学单词




Step 1 Greeting and warm up Greeting

单词和句子默写 Free talk T:I have a book.Do you have a book? S:Yes, I do./No, I don’t.T:What do you have? S: I have… Step 2 Revision

1.Story time 跟读(教师注意语音和语调的指导与纠正)自读(任选一种方式读)自己单独读

跟伙伴扮演角色读 C.跟伙伴齐读


2.Cartoon time(1)Read after the tape 逐图跟读,注意语音语调。让学生可以加上自己的表情和动作。(2)Read by yourself A.自己单独读

B.跟伙伴扮演角色读 C.跟伙伴齐读


Step 3 Rhyme time and song time 复习过去所学的小诗

Mango, mango ,I love you.One for Tommy, one for Joe.„

复习过去所学的歌曲 Seasons song, I like rice.„

3.Do you like purple grapes?(1)复习水果以及颜色

教师出示部分被遮挡的水果图片: T:What’s this/that? S: It’s a/an … T:What are these/ those? S: They’re…

T:What colour is it/are they? S: They’re… 出示葡萄的图片 T:What do I have? S: You have some grapes.T:What colour are the grapes? S: They are purple.T: Do you like purple grapes? S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.出示歌曲Do you like purple grapes? 欣赏歌曲 B.猜一猜

They’re nice and sweet.意思是: 糖果()



配着动作,边唱边跳„ Step 5 Consolidation 编唱新歌曲 小小歌唱家

把自己的歌词写一写,唱一唱。T:I can give you some words.根据提示,用今天新学的歌曲编唱 例如:

red apples

big and sweet white cats

small and lovely 2.Checkout time Listen and match 这部分的要求可以适当提高,要求学生听写。

3.完成同步探究翻译词组和选择填空,并且讲解个别题目 Step 6 Homework 完成部分同步探究练习

2.背诵----Sound time和Rhyme time 3.编一首属于自己的歌曲,唱给朋友、家长和老师听。




译林出版社《英语》四年级上册第二单元、第四教时(Sound time, checkout time & Ticking time)




3.能熟练会唱本单元歌曲:Do you like purple grapes? 4.能明白字母Hh在单词中的发音/h/,能总结归纳过去所学单词 5.完成补充习题全部练习以及同步探究的部分练习




3.能熟练会唱本单元歌曲:Do you like purple grapes?





六、教学过程 Step 1 Greeting Greeting Dictation Sing a song:Do you like purple grapes? Show time 把自己回去编的歌曲在班级里唱一唱 Story time Cartoon time Step 2 Play a game----Perfect artist 游戏规则:老师出示一些基础形状,让学生在此基础上画各种东西,涂上颜色。最后展示,让其他同学猜是什么。S1:Do you have a/an„? S2: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.Step 3 Sound time 出示图片

T:Who’s this girl? Let’s listen to Sound time.S: She’s Helen.2.出示Helen Hh /h/ T:Who can read it? 教读Hh ,个人读,小组读 3.归纳Hh 发音

behind have horse hot hurry

he Helen 4.Sound time 出示Sound time 句子。学生比较喜欢这样的环节,尤其是当老师配上动作的时候,更是激起了学生的表现欲。have 吃

组词:have breakfast/lunch/diner 回忆以前的课文:

Have some rice ,Mike.OK,thanks, Mum.I like rice.讲解词组:a hot cake with a cherry 有一个樱桃的热蛋糕 a girl with big eyes 长着一双大眼睛的女孩 Step 3 Consolidation 补充习题


翻译词组,选择题 题目选择,一些难的题目可以做为附加题,对于班级学习成绩比较优异的学生可以有这方面的要求。在作业上可以分层作业,减轻后进生的学习负担,提高英语学习兴趣。

Step 4 知识拓展


our vegetable salad 我们的蔬菜沙拉 a sour pineapple 一个酸菠萝

some cherries 一些樱桃 how many 多少个 how much 多少钱


Make cards to help you remember words.做卡片帮你记单词。

I can name some fruit.I can talk about fruit too.我能说出一些水果的名称。我也能谈论水果。

Let me draw an apple.让我画一个苹果。

Taste the fruit salad.Wonderful!尝一尝水果沙拉。好极了!Step 6 Ticking time Step 7 Homework Finish the exercises


第五篇:译林版四年级英语 Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad知识汇总

4A Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad知识汇总


H h, for / h /, behindhavehorsehothurry

Helen, Helen, please hurry.Have a hot cake with a cherry.二、词汇。

三会单词:let’s咱们fruit 水果salad色拉 pineapple菠萝 mango芒果

grape葡萄 thinks谢谢 cool酷,真棒 wonderful精彩的,绝妙的how many多少

四会单词:make 做;制作any一些;任何的 banana香蕉 some一些 our我们的 词组:1.have some bananas 有一些香蕉2.have some grapes 有一些葡萄

3.have some mangoes 有一些芒果4.how many mangoes 多少个芒果

5.my toy monkey我的玩具猴子6.our toy pandas我的玩具熊猫7 make a fruit salad 做一个水果色拉8 a hot cake一块热蛋糕

9.have an apple有一个苹果10.have an orange 有一个桔子

11.here you are给你12.How nice!多么好看啊!

14.a yellow banana 一个黄色的香蕉15.like mangoes 喜欢芒果


1.I have a pineapple.我有一个菠萝。

2.I have some grapes.我有一些葡萄。

3.Do you have any bananas?你有一些香蕉吗?

4.Do you have a banana?你有一个香蕉吗?

5.Let’s make a fruit salad.让我们做一个水果色拉。

6.Look at our fruit salad.看我们的水果色拉。

7.How nice!多么好看啊!

8.How many mangoes do you have?你有多少个芒果?

9.Have a hot cake with a cherry.吃一块有樱桃的热蛋糕。


1.have 有;吃;喝;拿。have这个单词可以表示不同的意思,例如: I have a mango.我有一个芒果。

Can I have a cake? 我可以吃一块蛋糕吗?


some 一般用于肯定句中,意思是“几个、一些、某个”; 例如:I have some apples.我有一些苹果。

any一般用于疑问句或者否定句中,意思是“任何一些、任何一个”; 例如:Do you have any apples?你有一些苹果吗?I don’t have any apples.我没有一些苹果。

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下载可舍弃 others 英语求职信 2 蹇林虹.doc


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