
时间:2019-05-15 14:24:41下载本文作者:会员上传


The film review of” The Lord of the Rings”

When it comes to my favorite movie, I will say” The Lord of the Rings” without hesitation.Directed by Peter Jackson, the movie is very popular and has drawn large audiences by it magnificent scene of war and the vivid description of people.Telling aboutsacrificing lives todefend the homeland for the world‟s bright future, the movie consists of three parts, they are“the fellowship of the ring”, “the two towers”and” the return of the king”.There is a character that moves me most, whose name is Frodo Baggins.He is a hobbit living in Shire, but the ordinary hobbitbears the burden voluntarilywhich seems can‟t be completed.It‟s true that he is one of the Nine Walkers in the company of ring but, nevertheless, all the main job falls upon his shoulders.Frodo Baggins, like Jesus, bears his cross throughout the three parts of the fantasy adventure, not trusting anyone with his heavy and, at times, dangerous burden.Despite knowing that his true friend Sam is always ready to help, Frodo knows-he is the one responsible for the outcome of the journey.Frodo, as we all know, is a strong character bearing the One Ring longer than anyone else.Prolonging his life, the ring undermines his health however.After the journey, his distinctive mark is the scar on his left chest, wounded by the King „sNazgul‟s blade.What‟s more, he was short of one of his fingers, which was bitten off by Gollum together with the ring on the slope of the Mountain Doom.It‟s hard to imagine that an ordinary person can complete the task.Frodo wants to give up during the journey, but he doesn‟t turn back, for he holds on to the belief that there must be something good in this world which worth fighting for.Even if you are not powerful, not strong, you can change the world like any great man.This is what I learn from” The Lord of the Rings”.Everyone can be a lord.



这是一部带给无数人震撼的电影,它改编自一部让魔幻文学界叹为观止的巨著——英国的托尔金原著,《THE LORD OF THE RINGS》(又译《指环王》或《魔戒》)




小说中的主角是佛罗多,电影也是这样的。然而我却觉得阿拉贡更像主角一些。且不说他后来身为人皇所具有的天然的魄力。单是在远征队中,阿拉贡就表 现出了领导的风范。在经历了甘道夫与炎魔同归于尽,佛罗多和山姆单独离开,梅利和皮平被半兽人掳走,这样四分五裂的局面后,阿拉贡仍能平静的带领莱格拉斯和吉姆利,并做出正确的决断。无论是圣盔谷战役,白城之战,还是最终决战。各国国王的光辉的胜利都是靠阿拉贡广博的人脉,英勇的抗争,睿智的决断,坚定的信念而得到的。在圣盔谷战役中,他本可以置身事外,却选择了与洛汉国的人民共患难;在白城之战中,他冒着生命危险,带来了亡灵军团;最终决战,他一剑砍下了索隆使者的头颅。







故事开始于史前世界,一位名叫佛罗多•巴金斯的年轻人,无意中得到了一只魔戒。这只戒指拥有无穷的神秘力量,戒指原来是黑暗君王索伦所有的,却意外地到了佛罗多手里。佛罗多决定将戒指摧毁,以免索伦夺回去巩固自己的势力。人类,精灵和矮人组成了联盟,九人护戒队组成,前往魔多火山。索伦为了阻止佛罗多,于是派出了手下的兽人加以追杀,一场正邪大战眼看着一触即发„ 随着护戒队伍中的波罗莫被强兽人杀死之后,两个哈比族人皮聘和梅里也被强兽人绑架,因为强兽人接受到白袍巫师萨鲁曼的指示,找到霍比特人夺回魔戒,但是真正拥有魔戒的佛罗多却和另外一个生死至交的霍比特人山姆继续进行摧毁魔戒的艰巨任务。随着佛罗多与山姆、咕噜前往末日山脉,其他英雄们也正积极对抗索伦魔君,捍卫中土世界,人皇阿拉冈将拾起王者之剑重掌刚铎王位,“为佛罗多争取时间”,并在帕兰诺平原展开奇幻文学史,甚至是影史上最壮观的浴血战役。没有苦难,就没有胜利;唯有牺牲,才能成就自由。摧毁魔戒的经历,是一段考验人性的旅程,也是一项必须完成的使命,结局是美丽的凯旋,却也伴随着令人惋惜的失落.The story begins in prehistoric, a man named frodo, bajin's young, accidentally got a ring.This ring has infinite mysterious power, the ring is dark, but the Kings sauron all surprise to frodo.Frodo decision will ring to destroy, lest sauron takes back to consolidate their forces.Humans, elves, dwarves and the nine fellowship, to mordor.Solon in order to prevent frodo, then sent to the orcs, under a pigsty war watched reflexive...As the Baltic ring is mo team after killing, two orcs holistic stuntmen dislocated his family is also strong orc kidnapping, because strong orcs to accept SaLuMan instructions, white wizards find hobbits back, but really have fellowship of the ring frodo and yet another life intimate hobbitses Sam continues to destroy the formidable task of rings.With frodo and Sam, to the mountains, and other gate heroes are positive, defend against the prince sauron, huang Allah middle-earth Oregon will pick up excalibur reclaim just Tudor, “for the throne frodo time”, and magic at pelennor fields, or even of literary history's most spectacular bloody battle.No pain, no palm;Only the sacrifice, to freedom.Destroy the ring, is a test of human nature, and also a journey to complete the mission, ending is beautiful, but also with the regret • Sauron creates one Ring of Power designed to rule over the other Rings of Power;it will give him the power to rule the world.• Sauron is defeated and the One Ring is lost for many years • The Ring is found by the Hobbit(霍比特人)Bilbo Baggins.• Frodo is the cousin of Bilbo Baggins.He has to take the • Ring to Mordor and destroy it with the fires of Mount Doom • Gandalf is a wizard in grey(灰袍巫师)in the first film but he becomes white.Grey and white determine the power of the wizard.He has amazing fighting skills with his staff and sword.• Aragorn is a ranger of the west and heir(继承者)to the King of Gondor.He has supreme(超高)fighting skills with a sword.He is also the holder of the broken sword • Legolas is a woodland elves(山地精灵)and he is the prince of the Mirkwood.His fighting skills are amazing with the Bow(弓)and his white knives • Saruman is a wizard with the idea that he gets the Ring of power if he finds it first • Sauron is the owner of the Ring.He has wanted to take over Middle Earth(中土).• Nazgul were men once.Then Sauron gave to them nine rings.Each of them fall into darkness.Now they’re under Sauron’s control • 魔戒1:护戒使者

An ancient Ring thought lost for centuries has been found, and through a strange twist in fate has been given to a small Hobbit named Frodo.When Gandalf discovers the Ring is in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, Frodo must make an epic quest to the Cracks of Doom in order to destroy it!However he does not go alone.He is joined by Gandalf, Legolas the elf, Gimli the Dwarf, Aragorn, Boromir and his three Hobbit friends Merry, Pippin and Samwise.Through mountains, snow, darkness, forests, rivers and plains, facing evil and danger at every corner the Fellowship of the Ring must go.Their quest to destroy the One Ring is the only hope for the end of the Dark Lords reign!魔戒2:双塔奇兵

The Fellowship has been broken.Boromir(Sean Bean)is dead, Frodo Baggins(Elijah Wood)and SamwiseGamgee(Sean Astin)have gone to Mordor alone to destroy the One Ring, Merry(Dominic Monaghan)and Pippin(Billy Boyd)have been captured by the Uruk-hai, and Aragorn(Viggo Mortensen), Legolas(Orlando Bloom), and Gimli(John Rhys-Davies)have made friends of the Rohan, a race of humans that are in the path of the upcoming war, led by its aging king, Théoden(Bernard Hill).The two towers between Mordor and Isengard, Barad-dúr and Orthanc, have united in their lust for destruction.The corrupt wizard Saruman(Christopher Lee), under the power of the Dark Lord Sauron, and his slimy assistant, GrímaWormtongue(Brad Dourif), have created a grandUruk-hai army bent on the destruction of Man and Middle-earth.The rebellion against Sauron is building up and will be led by Gandalf the White(Sir Ian McKellen), who was thought to be dead after the Balrog captured him.One of the Ring's original bearers, the creature Gollum(Andy Serkis), has tracked Frodo and Sam down in search of his 'precious', but is captured by the Hobbits and used as a way to lead them to Mt.Doom.The War of the Ring has now begun...魔戒3:王者归来

While Frodo & Sam continue to approach Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring, unaware of the path Gollum is leading them, the former Fellowship aid Rohan&Gondor in a great battle in the Pelennor Fields, Minas Tirith and the Black Gates as Sauron wages his last war against Middle-Earth.• I thought “The Fellowship of the Ring” was a great movie.I thought the filmmakers made excellent use of the medium, so it was easy to excuse the deviations from the book.I thought the movie's approach really complemented the book and thought Elijah Wood's portrayal of Frodo was severely underrated.•


Never Stop Running

There is a provoking scene: “a piece of white and light feather is flying under the blue sky, and dropping down gradually to Forrest Gump’s feet who sit on the bench for bus.” Just like the feather is swaying with the wind, so is the human being’s life.Most of time, we are wondering everywhere without specific direction, goal and hope.What is more, we always look on life as tedious and even annoying.However, fate is mastered by our own, just like Forrest Gump devoted all his life to running for his own sky.“Each man is the architect of his own fate”, such is the remark made by one of the great figure.This remark has been confirmed by more and more people.Forrest t Gump is an outstanding example.As the film told us Forrest Gump, born with disable body, he is a good soccer athlete, an hero in Vietnam war , a captain own shrimp ship, a runner crossing the whole America.Asking yourself, who we are? What is the accomplishment that we can show off.Every one creates his or her own reality.We have absolute rights to describe our life.When you learned what you make of life is up to you and begin to live your life, you are able to design it according to your desires.To remember that success lies within you, in my own brain, my own ambition, and my own determination.One of the great figure remarked that unrest of spirit is a mark of life.This is the reflection of Forrest Gump’s life;he born with leg has disability.However, with astonishing speed, Forrest Gump entered the soccer team, then went to university and eventually graduates.Soon, he took part in the Vietnam War.In the Vietnam War, he is still remembered the words of Jeanne, ran his own life, honor and friendship.He just wanted to run;he used a running measure his life.As we all known, an optimistic is not a luxury;it is a necessity.The way you look at life will determine how you feel and how you perform.There is enough good and bad in everyone’s life.Think about Forrest Gump, at every stage of his life, he has only one goal in mind to guide him, and keep positive attitudes towards the world.In our lives ,though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, you should remember that your destiny is hiding behind them, to be optimistic and follow your dreams your ultimate goal is attainable so long as you commit are choosing to react positively to their diversities, tough times never last, but you should being positive.Life is a journey full of stumbling blocks, dangerous traps and unexpected crises, if you have known clearly what you want to be, it is optimistic, unrest of spirit and perseverance that carry you there.As far as my own experience as a student is concerned, nothing is more important than those merits in achieving success.Please keep running and never give up on yourself.人文与外国语学院 英语0904班 赵子龙 0912010404


The review of Hoodwinked

Last week I had watched a cartoon movie through the English learning center.The name of this movie I had told you in the title, but you’ll never guess the story of it which has very big difference between what we watched and read when we were young.I can’t ensure weather it is one of prototypeof the Grimm's Fairy Tales, I’m sure it’s an interesting cartoon movie.I write the essay to introduce some interesting points about the movie, of course included certain sentiment from my heart.Do you remember the hateful timber wolfthat always tends to hurt the little Red and her grandmother? And maybe you will ask me why I ask thisquestion.Now I give you the brief introduction of Hoodwinked.The grizzliesand stork agent bill was ordered to investigate little red riding hood grandmother's house in case Of unrest, many people are police on charges Of criminal suspects, allowing researchers to include karate master little red riding hood, funny and a satirical Wolf, a slightly dementia in the woods Of Paul Bunyan.They were accused of there are a number of charges, including: the damage and the illegal invasion, and undermine social stability, illegal steal to eat, no license to use the axe, etc.However, all accused the suspects have their own story to tell, and this has become complicated and confusing the truth of the case, the only one, who is the real murderer......The film is the first a fully independent investment shooting computer animation feature film.Follow is my thoughts about the movie.From the timber wolf police I know that we can’t judge a person by his or her appearance.The kind person not to grow good looking, but the bad person must be ugly.What’s more, we can’t wrong people before finding the final facts.The clever girl Red is an adventurous people.Little red riding hood will do deliciousdesserts,Will ride a bike, sing fair-sounding songs.If let me say who lay the deepest impression on my brain, the Red’s grandmother, is she.She is healthy, energetic, active, no longer that week old women.I believe the people who always take exercise will be more healthy than who that in the same age.Doesn’t she is the better example of it.The movie was directed by Cory Edward Cory Edwards.毛米兰




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