Gulliver 英文读后感(含五篇)

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第一篇:Gulliver 英文读后感

Gulliver’s TravelWhen I first read this book,I think it is just likes the novel Robinson Crusoe.But when I open the book,read the preface of book I find it's a fairy tales of an ironic novel.The color of the fairy is only the surface of local.The author through the description of the four love adventure Gulliver travel around the world, recognizing the characteristics of Britain at the time.People's greed, the party is divided, hypocrisy, without faith, brutal, anger, craziness, resentment, jealousy, lust, sinister and ambitions.He describes the beast sarcastic man upside of weird phenomenon.Horses become rational representative,but people become greed bewilders second-class animals.He talks about the person's nature that people are willing to be subjected to money, extravagant waste and greed.In the book, the hero so dislikes it.Reading between the lines of the book an the author of the social discontents.In addition, I envy Gulliver came to the country called Hui yin.In this country ,he had a wonderful time.Thier country will not appear evil words,like lying and cheating,people don't have to think about what they mean.There is honest,kind and merciful people only.Gulliver fully assimilated into the this beautiful society.The country called Hui yin is our pursuit for the place.Here we do not have to worry about real society don't want to see things.As by smooth talk deceive others hard-earned kill people to set fire, drug trafficking smuggling, brutal crazy.Here only happiness and joy.So much so that when they leave the hero with sorrow and shed tears.And we'll see the real world,Our teacher and elders from the education we vigilant, don't be deceived.But it is difficult to help others,love others unity.When we meet the people in trouble,we hesitate whether to rise out of hand.When people help us, we are scared to accept their help.The author of this social satire,let us dare not to love, also miss the love of others.Travelling adult countries and small states story is weird.One of the most interesting questions about Gullivers Travels is whether the Houyhnhnms represent an ideal of rationality or whether on the other hand they are the butt of Swift's satire.In other words, in Book IV, is Swift poking fun at the talking

horses or does he intend for us to take them seriously as the proper way to act? If we look closely at the way that the Houyhnhnms act, we can see that in fact Swift does not take them seriously: he uses them to show the dangers of pride.Finish seeing Gulliver's travels after that, we have to look at ourselves,whether we have the problem of the inferior root shadow.Throughout Gullivers Travels, the Houyhnhms are shown to be an ideal gone wrong.Though their intent might have been good, they don't know how to do what they want to do because they are filled with pride.They mislead Gulliver and they even mislead themselves.The satire on them is particularly well explained by the new born Houyhnhm who, having just been born, exclaims, “With this sort of entrance, what must I expect from the rest of my life!” Our society, though not as Britain at that time that fall, but were not much better.So a murky waters of the society, is to depend on us to clarify.Although we can't make the now what magnificent and victorious things, but can do we can called Hui yin only an ideal society, but we can try to its development.One day, the children's eyes no longer have doubts and anxiety.The ideal and the reality is unified.I wish to pay, starts from me, from now on, let the society more sunshine, less pollution.


Gulliver's Travel

钟旭萍 英语2010-1班 2010444810

After reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, I soon started a new book named Gulliver’s Travel.They have something in common but also differ from each other.Gulliver’s Travel is a recall of my childhood.I do remember I would listen to part of Gulliver’s Travel before falling asleep when I was in my childhood.The story goes like this:

When Lemuel Gulliver sets off from London on a sea voyage, little does he know the many incredible and unbelievable misadventures awaiting him.Shipwrecked at sea and nearly drowned, he washes ashore upon an exotic island called Lilliput-where the people are only six inches tall.Next he visits a land of incredible giants called Brobdingnagians.They are more than sixty feet tall.He travels to Laputa, a city that floats in the sky, and to Glubbdubdrib, the Island of Sorcerers.His final voyage brings him into contact with the Yahoos-abrutish race of subhunmans-and an intelligent and virtuous race of horse, the Houyhnhnms.From the brief introduction, I am sure that you may have the idea like that it just a simple novel which is quite convenient tool to help children fall asleep.It is really an interesting novel which can easily catch our attention at the first sight.However, the true theme of this novel was so critical.It made a shape comment on the England government.In Lilliput, even though the people are in a mini shape, they are really hardworking and clever.Gulliver was moved by them and helped them a lot.However, Gulliver’s kindness didn’t pay back.Instead, he was misunderstood by the people in Lilliput.As a result, Gulliver was forced to leave that country.In the Brobdingnagians, Gulliver was just a little kid to them because he was too short among them.In that case, Gulliver suffered from lacking confidence.He cannot do what he did in Lilliput because he thought he was not strong enough to help them.But when traveling in the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver was surprised by them.The people there only cared about music and never took others into consideration

This three main part of the novel described a quite uncommon world which is so different from the real world.It seemed that it just drew a picture of a world in memory.Therefore, some of us will take it as a funny story.If we just take it as a short humorous story, Gulliver’s Travel makes no sense.It is absolutely written to criticize the England Government.The author obvious showed his own unsatisfactory through the book Gulliver’s Travel.It actually wrote about the darkness of the government, the useless competition between the parties, and the war against France.However, as for me, I still prefer taking the book as a common novel which brings me a lot of happiness.While reading, I was deeply impressed by the words the author used to describe the people, the land, and the environment.From this novel, I learned a lot.In daily life, we may face a lot of conflicts when playing with friends, talking with family.The best way to solve the problem is to communicate with each other, and try to trust other.Moreover, we may meet different people in the world.We should also be respect for them.This is what I learned about Gulliver’s Travel.


Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver's Travels written by Jonathan Swift-an English writer is also one of the classic works in the 18th century, but also is Jonathan Swift's brilliant, satirical adventure, even is a novel that anyone who has an imagination would find entertaining and appealing.Jonathan Swift was born in Ireland, but his parents are English.He has written many books such as A Tale of A Tub and The Battle of Books, respectively criticizes and attacks the corruption of religion and prejudice of scholar authority.His Drapier’s letters reveals the attempt of England to destroy the economy of Ireland.For this reason, English government awarded 300pounds for catching Swift.However, nobody in Ireland betrayed him.Swift died in 1745, and he said in his testament that he would give all his property to the charity.As is known to us all, the novel which is told in the first person-Lemuel Gulliver himself, a ship’ doctor portrays Gulliver met extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people.It is the part of this novel I appreciate most that a number of interesting things happened about Gulliver in a land of giant where he is exhibited as a curiosity at markets and fairs and the story of his choice to escape eventually.Leaving Lilliput, he set sail and met a fierce storm again.This time he found a land which was a country named Broadingnag.It was a country of giants.You can guess his whereabouts.The huge people treated him as a pet.They put him on show and give speech, till he was tired out.Later he was sent to the Queen, the Queen liked him very much and had him dine with her everyday.But life was not easy for him.Nevertheless, something interesting happened.When he wanted to read, he had to climb up on the book and walk from left to right to read a line.Imagine that scene I couldn’t help laughing.Another story is playing the piano.He had to strike the keys hard with his first.In the land of giants, Gulliver needn’t worry about what he wore and what he ate.In addition, a servant gave service to Gulliver in any aspects of his life.What’s more, he could see the empress and won the queen’s favorite.This is the life many people in the pursuit of.However, Gulliver tried every means of escaping from the land of giants to seek the free and unrestrained voyage life.Gulliver was a young man who was fond of taking a risk everywhere in the world.Therefore, he was unwilling to stay in this land throughout his life like people’s pets.In terms of Gulliver, freedom has transcended his precious life, so has all the creatures in the nature.We think it is so well we get along with the nature most probably but it does not actually happen.For instance, we limit the plants’ growing with flowerpots;we confine the birds’ hovering freely with birdcages;we shackle the cats’ or dogs’ running with chains.It is obvious that these creatures lose their freedom.Without liberty, can we be happy? People usually peer at the birdcages, saying:“The birds are actually happy.Every day they need not seek for what they eat and what they drink and need singing for people only.But people do not hear sorrow of the birds which lost freedom when they are singing.Gulliver lived in the imperial palace comfortably, but he was unwilling to bring happiness to people as a bird locked in a cage singing in a sad sound, even he did not want to realize he dream in a limited range.What he needed is freedom.He liked fought with fierce wind and mountainous waves.Nevertheless, in my opinion, I only see the vivid portrayal and the interesting imagination.Maybe it’s because it’s the first time I read the story and know not so much about the background and situation of the author and his society, but the story really impresses me.I like the exotic experience of Gulliver, and I like Swifer’s imagination.A masterpiece which can influence generation after generation surely has its reason, maybe for the profound understanding of history, maybe for the description of people’s life.This novel may have something to do with sarcasm, but to me, at least by now, is a pure fantasy and a wonderful fairy tale.I also look forward to the day when our society can be like the Hui from country to country, as the children's eyes no longer have doubts about, education and the reality is unified.I would like for this effort, I hope you will join, from what I start, start from the side so that the society a little more sincere and less hypocritical

I hope I can take risks with my friends one day in the future.学号 09252519




第四篇:The usage of satire in Gulliver’s travel 格列夫游记英文赏析

The usage of satire used in Gulliver’s travel

In this chapter, Gulliver referred the social characters of lawyers, prophets, the chief minister and noblemen to the master of Houyhnhnms.The sequence of satire moves from evil phenomena as exploitation and citizen’s vanity to the depth of the rotten social system.The profusion of rhetorical devices is utilized in this chapter such as alliteration, metaphor, antiphrasis and hyperbole.The chapter starts with the satire of money usage through the occupation of lawyers who injure other fellows for the sake of money.Triggered by the desperate desire for money and pursuit for luxury, exploitation breeds replacing human natural inclination.To clarify clearly, the author enumerates various methods of dressing meat.Attached with the hyperbolic sentence ‘ the whole globe of earth must be at least three times gone round before one of our better female could get her breakfast, or a cup to put it in ’,the description sounds much more vivid and humorous.The animals in Houyhnhnms lead a pure but productive life, while in contrast, the majority in England are forced to be miserable by their vanity and avarice.One concrete example is male’s intemperance for wine.The negative effects of alcohol are expressed in a rhythmical tune by alliteration in the sentence ’diverted all melancholy thoughts, begot wild extravagant imagination, and banished our fear.’ Having mentioned all these phenomena, the author reverted to the exploitation and the serious great gap between the rich and the poor.As a result of their vanity and avarice, many people break down by endless catalogues of diseases which could have been avoided.To emphasize on the countless catalogue of illness, the author put it in another hyperbolic sentence that they spread over every limb and joint, and every part have disease appropriated to them.As for remedy, another kind of career flourishes.The author doesn’t refer to them as doctors nor do they deserve.Instead the author compares them to prophets and emphasizes their sagacity.Their sagacity lie in their predictions of death and to protect their prestige, the cure may be turned to dose when necessary.To point out the root of all these social evils, the focus transfers to the ruling class – government.The exaggerate antiphrasis of ‘excellent constitution, deservedly the wonder and envy of the world.’ enlarge the author’s criticism to extreme.The chief minister is a liar from head to toes.The irony of the minister’s duty as to his promise, comments on the others are all against the real situation.Furthermorethe author lists three immoral ways for a man to become a minister leaving the readers impression that this devil on the earth can contribute nothing disposal, betraying, and insolence.As for the minister’s wench or footman, they are metaphorized as tunnels and govern the kingdom.Finally, the author satires their unjust measurement of human nobility, not by talents, but by blood, which only to breed noblemen in idleness and luxury.The author humorously discloses that only when the wife has some extra affairs, can the family continue above three generations.The sharp comparative sentence ‘that a weak diseased body, a meager countenance, and sallow complexion are the true marks of noble blood: and a healthy robust appearance is so disgraceful in a man of quality,’ reveals the author’s criticism on the strict hierarchy.To conclude, the satirical goal is realized by devices and humorous expressions, not only straightly criticize, but sometimes in irony Thewhole chapter reveals his cynical emotions and his desire to employ his talents.The imaginary Houyhnhnms depicts the author’s ideal restructure of society.




The documentary fictional a hero, she is a 09 was born in the little girl named LUCY, in this century will soon be coming decades time, she in their own experience of growing up in the United States, to lead everybody saw the earth's ecology, economy, environment, the changes of the human society.Experts say, climate extreme changes, the resources, reduce, famine, war and disease broke out frequently, if we continue to push the usual life, will see more droughts, more forest fires, more ice melting, level rises faster.LUCY experience of all is likely to become a reality.People must be in 10 years begun to correct our way of life, as the documentary last said, if each of us can change a little bit, after a century of earth should also is human living in paradise.

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