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Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austin, first published in 1813.The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England.In the Pride and Prejudice written by Austin,the heroine Elizabeth deeply loved a person named Darcy.Darcy wanted to marry with Elizabeth,but was refused.Because Darcy's pride is actually a reflection of differences in status.Elizabeth's two different attitudes to Darcy actually reflects the female to personality independent and equal rights pursue.In addition, Austin has also written several of Elizabeth's sisters and his girlfriend's marriages which used to compare with the heroine's ideal marriage.Such a marriage is actually social tragedy hiding under the gorgeous coat.In my view, different from most of the books, Pride and Prejudice is full of women' thinkings, worldview and style of life, rather than form a male's point of view the world.And it fully reflects the style of the times.Austin dose well in shaping the distinctive characters in everyday ordinary things.At the same time, Austin's language is discretion.This innovation makes her work of art has its own characteristics, which I eager to share.


Pride and Prejudice

In the Pride and Prejudice written by Austin,the heroine Elizabeth deeply loved by the rich and powerful person named Darcy was born in a small landlord family.Regardless of the status and wealth gap,Darcy wanted to marry with Elizabeth,but was refused.Elizabeth on Darcy's misunderstandings and prejudices is one reason, but mainly she hates Darcy's pride.Because Darcy's pride is actually a reflection of differences in status.As long as there is the pride, it is impossible to have the same feelings between Darcy and Elizabeth,also not impossible to have the ideal marriage.Later, Elizabeth personally observes Darcy's manners and a series of actions, especially Darcy has changed and he is not arrogant any more.So Elizabeth eliminates the misunderstandings and prejudices on Darcy , which concludes the great marriage with Darcy.Elizabeth's two different attitudes to Darcy actually reflects the female to personality independent and equal rights pursue.This is the progressive significance of the characters of Elizabeth.In addition, Austin has also written several of Elizabeth's sisters and his girlfriend's marriages which used to compare with the heroine's ideal marriage.For instance,Charlotte and Collins are living with a comfortable life after marriage,but there is no love

between them.Such a marriage is actually social tragedy hiding under the gorgeous coat.Although Pride and Prejudice which the theme is narrow , dull and lack of plot twists and turns of rich is good at depicting the characters' psychological and social reality of height.Different from most of the books, Pride and Prejudice is full of women' thinkings, worldview and style of life, rather than form a male's point of view the world.And it fully reflects the style of the times.Austin dose well in shaping the distinctive characters in everyday ordinary things.Not only the worthy of recognition characters like Elizabeth and Darcy is written in real and moving, but also the sarcastic characters like Wickham and Collins do.At the same time, Austin's language is discretion.She is fastidious in the dialogue art humorously with the satire and contrasts the characteristics of the character in the humorous language.This innovation makes her work of art has its own characteristics.


A Book Review of Pride and Prejudice

Written by Jane Austen and set at the background of leisurely countryside life in 18th and19th century, Pride and Prejudice is a classical English novel which flows in the river of human wisdom.Though it was written by an advanced female pioneer, inevitably, its defects can’t be concealed

It was the first time to compose a novel in female’s angle at that era and that enriched English literature in a fresh way.The elaborate description of local customs and practices also facilitates its vividness and variety.Both its plot and language are fine designed and corrected repetitively.The novel draws a detailed picture of four romantic love stories and eventually has a happy ending though they might be misunderstood by pride, prejudice, reserve or statues.It is acknowledged commonly that this novel is the start of a new writing style.The most controversial issue about this book is the artificial writing style and it was criticized by many writers and academicians.The plain progress, narrow theme and the limitation of the countryside life are the main shortcomings of Jane Austen’s works.As a result, Pride and Prejudice is hard to avoid being regarded as this kind of book.But one cannot deny that this is definitely a typical and great work during that period and even in human history.




简 奥斯丁的小说《傲慢与偏见》,充满了爱情的猜疑,对于不同人物之间的描绘,都有自己的看法。一本出色的小说,不是因为它的描写美轮美奂,不是因为它的主角十全十美,也不是因为它的梦幻,而成为一本被人们称道的著作。《傲慢与偏见》虽然是篇描绘爱情的小说,但是它却演绎了不同人物,以及当时社会和家长们对婚姻的主流意识,还有少女们对爱情的渴望和狡猾。其实,这篇小说中的许多事情,本身就是简 奥斯丁自己所经历过的,可以说是对现实社会的一种提炼,对于每个人物的心理描写可谓是出之有原。同时,人物刻画的相当饱满也为这篇小说添加了许多出彩的地方。











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    傲慢与偏见 书评



    《傲慢与偏见》书评 《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的代表作,是一部描写爱情与婚姻的经典小说,这部作品以日常生活为素材,一反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作的写作方......

    傲慢与偏见 英文书评

    When Pride Encounters Prejudice, Everything is Different —the report of Pride and Prejudice 张文莹 Nancy 外汉一班 0091114047 Ⅰ: Jane Austen (16 December 1775......


    The book review of Pride and Prejudice 管宁 Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character Elizabe......


    Pride and Prejudice Ⅰ.Reading experience: I watch the movie Pride and Prejudice during last winter vocation, and I found it very attractive. In May of 2011,I d......


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    英文书评 傲慢与偏见

    Love actually Pride and Prejudice is a masterpiece written by a British writer named Jane Austen. In the book, she expressed the relationship between love and m......