支票正确写法 How to write a Cheque 2

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第一篇:支票正确写法 How to write a Cheque 2

How to write a cheque

When preparing a cheque, a heap of persons forget to fill out something on a cheque.It is troublesome whether or not the cheque can’t be drawn and bounced.Check list for writing a cheque.fill in the name of the payee legibly and in an accurate manner.Write as close to “pay”(the left)as possible.-is it a bearer or cross cheque? Makes two diagonal lines on the top left corner for cross cheque.fill in quantity in figures.fill out the stub for record holding.You may do not forget what the cheque is for.Here are many tips: 1.If you made a fault, you better without doubt or question cross it out and give your full signature next to the adjust.2.Write the cheque in ink permanently and assure changes can’t be made afterwards.3.Ensure the quantity in words matches the quantity in figures.4.Verify your cheques again before presenting it.Actually, there’s software which may assist in preparing and printing cheque.Cheque printing software may assist avoiding any handwriting fault.It may similarly keeps the cheque records mechanically for future allusion.Cheque printing software has a lot of utile feature assists you writing a cheque.1.Auto set the current date for the cheque.You may adapt it whether or not need.2.Payee name may be loaded from a pre-specified list.3.Just type in the quantity in number.The quantity in words are going to be generated mechanically.4.Have checkbox to mark the cheque is crossed, bearer, etc.5.The printing fits well and almost to keep out of the way of overabundant empty space left.6.The software may similarly alert you whether or not overdraw occurs.7.The cheque records are going to be saved mechanically.8.Reports may give you a list of issued cheque with each details, include date, payee, amount, and total lump sum.9.Software may similarly save the recurring cheque template for later recall.If you require to write cheque for an individual steadily, recurring cheque template is utile and you may recall it without typing everything again.You can visit chequesystem cheque printing software and see how easy and simple to prepare a cheque

Hi...In the past I've got by with using a credit card, debit card and cheque card.I have a cheque account, but never had a cheque book till now.I want to try it out now.Excuse the silly question, but how does a cheque book work? Why does one write 'not negotiable' or 'not transferrable'? What about crossing the cheque? Does one always do this, or certain occasions?

I don't want to look like a lamer when writing out cheque number 1...howdie

(not a silly question at all!)

-use a felt tipped pen preferably, 'cos if you use a bic type, the criminals can easily scratch it off with a pin.-you can cross a cheque with either “not neg” or “not trf”, but your safest bet is “not trf”, cos crims can still get away with fraud for “not neg”(had it happen to us).-if you are making out a “cash” cheq, where u've got CASH as the payee, don't cross it with “not neg” or “not trf”, and don't cross out “or bearer”.-otherwise, do cross out “or bearer” on all your chqs, cos then only the person/company it is made out to can bank it.and do make it “not trf”.-when i write the amount out on my chqs, if the amt is say R3,300.20 i write it as “three three zero zero Rand and 20/100”.alternatively you can write “three thousand three hundred Rand and 20/100”.-You cannot alter the cheq in anyway and sign next to it.if you make a mistake, cancel the cheq and write out a brand new one.Secure your cheques as you would cash

Crossing is no guarantee that you won't be ripped off, writes LUCIENNE FILDCROSSING your cheque is the best way to ensure that it's ultimately paid to the right party.There are many different ways of crossing a cheque, but not all offer you, the drawer, reasonable protection.And the danger of not crossing your cheque appropriately is that you will have limited legal recourse if it ends up in the wrong hands.The object of crossing a cheque is to ensure that the drawee bank(that is, your bank)does not cash it, but pays it to a banker presenting it for payment(which should be the bank of the payee, the party you are paying).The benefit of this is that it enables you, through your bank, to trace the path of the cheque through the banking system and to identify the person who finally presented it for payment.However, this trail procedure is often not possible with cash cheques, which is why it's not advisable to write them.Neville Phillips of Standard Bank's legal division says a cheque crossed solely with two parallel lines means that when it is presented for payment to your bank branch, it must be paid into the payee's account.Phillips warns, however, that this crossing still allows the cheque to be negotiated and to be cashed at other branches of your bank, other banks or businesses.Merely crossing the cheque generally leaves room for abuse, says Phillips.So be aware that a general crossing applies to your bank branch only.Another common form of crossing is writing “not negotiable” between the crossing lines.This, says Phillips, gives the true ownersome protection.In this instance, the owner can recover loss from any person or institution who/which possessed and accepted the cheque as payment after it was lost or stolen.But, as Phillips points out, crossing a cheque with “not negotiable” written between the lines gives you good statutory protection, but not absolute protection.Some people prefer writing “not transferable” between the crossing lines.Phillips says these words have nothing to do with the crossing, and offer no statutory protectionunder the Bills of Exchange Act.The objective of “not transferable” is to ensure that the cheque is paid only into the said payee's bank account.If the payee's name does not correspond exactly with the name of the payee's bank account, the bank should refuse to accept the cheque.So how should one cross a cheque to achieve maximum protection? Phillips advises to cross the cheque and write “not negotiable” between the lines.Writing “not transferable” boldly across the face of the cheque for additional protection is optional.Other commonly used words written between the lines, like “and Co” or “A/c payee only” achieve nothing more than would a general crossing.While writing a cheque is safer than carrying wads of cash, cheques must be looked after, especially in view of the recent rise in cheque fraud.Other safety tips:

Write in ink, clearly and carefully.Pencil or ink that can erase makes fraudulent alterations easy.Never leave cash cheques or blank, signed cheques lying around because these can be misused by anyone.Take appropriate safety measures when sending cheques by post(for example, send them by registered mail.)“If we could tighten up control collectively countrywide, I think we could cut fraud cases by between 70% and 80%.”You can't just say the banks must do it-it's also the responsibility of the drawer and the payee," says Phillips.


银行支票日期标准写法: 年月日

年零壹 月零壹 日

零贰 月零贰 日

叁 月零叁 日

肆 月零肆 日

伍 月零伍 日

陆 月零陆 日

柒 月零柒 日

捌 月零捌 日

玖 月零玖 日

零壹拾 月零壹拾 日

壹拾壹 月壹拾壹 日

壹拾贰 月壹拾贰 日

壹拾叁 日

壹拾肆 日

壹拾伍 日

壹拾陆 日

壹拾柒 日

壹拾捌 日

壹拾玖 日

零贰拾 日

贰拾壹 日

贰拾贰 日

贰拾叁 日

贰拾肆 日

贰拾伍 日

贰拾陆 日

贰拾柒 日

贰拾捌 日

贰拾玖 日

零叁拾 日

叁拾壹 日




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