No.: ******* Seller: ****** Nationality: Chinese
ID Card No.:*******
Purchaser: ***** Nationality: Chinese
ID Card No.:********
After amicable negotiation, the purchaser and the seller shall by procuration complete the transaction of the complete property right of the apartment located at No.301, ******** Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou(hereafter short for the property).As the purchaser and the seller have agreed on all transaction conditions and the procurator have offered consulting and intermediary services of real estate, facilitating the transaction of the property, therefore, the three parties reach the following agreement:
1, The property’s construction area is 123.6116㎡(In case of any
inconsistency, the property ownership certificate shall prevail)and it is sold to the purchaser under its existing circumstances.The purchaser or his
authorized representative has had an overall check of the property and has expressed no objection.The existing circumstances mean that the apartment
is equipped with furniture and electric appliances;which the purchaser buys together with the apartment.The seller is obliged to help the purchaser sign new leases with tenants.2, The purchaser and the seller agreed on the price of the property of
RMB1,600,000.(More details for payment please see the attachment.)Any fees to pay relevant government departments for this transaction according to regulations shall be at the purchaser’s cost.Expenses on notarization of the purchaser and the seller’s documents and counsel fees for dispute resolutionshall be paid on their own. 3, The seller hold in due course the property ownership certificate
(No.C4421214).The seller guarantees the complete ownership of the property, if he ever tries to conceal any important facts about this transaction of the property or he provides any false information, and if he has other dishonest acts, the seller shall compensate for all the loss of the purchaser or the procurator because of his behavior. 4, As the procurator has offered consulting and intermediary services to the
purchaser and the seller, the purchaser shall pay the procurator RMB5,000 as the consulting and brokerage fee.The payment shall be completed by the time when this contract is signed.7, Whether the seller fails to hand over the property or the purchaser fails to complete the payment on due time shall be regarded as default.If the default
party demands the contract be continued, he shall pay per day a milli of the total property prices to the observant party until the contract is performed.If the contract is not performed over 10 days after the due date, the observant party has the right to terminate the contract and the default party shall pay RMB 20,000 to the observant party as liquidated damages.12, If the purchaser or the seller fails to purchase or sell the property according to the contract provisions and causes abolishment of the contract, the default party shall pay RMB 5,000 to the procurator as liquidated damages.20, Other provisions the three parties have agreed on: 1, The front money(RMB 20,000)shall be paid to the seller on Jul.14, 2009.2, The down
payment(RMB 1,080,000)shall be paid to the seller on the day when this contract is submitted.Seller:(signature/fingerprint)Purchaser:(signature/fingerprint)Procurator:(signature/fingerprint)
Issued on Jul.13, 2009.Attachment:
The three parties agree on the payment method to follow the second type:
2、Mortgage Payment
a, RMB 20,000 shall be paid as front money when this contract is signed.b, The down payment RMB1,080,000 shall be paid on or before the day when Guangzhou Real Estate Sales Contract is signed.c, The residual payment RMB 50,000(bank loan)shall be allocated to the
seller’s account by the bank after the transaction and the mortgage registration are completed.The difference between the actual bank loan and the applied loan shall be paid in cash to the seller by the purchaser on the day of transaction.Seller:(signature/fingerprint)Purchaser:(signature/fingerprint)Procurator:(signature/fingerprint)
Issued on Jul.14, 2009.
Shanghai Residential Real Estate Sales and Purchase Contract
(Number of the contract: 11111111)
Set person of the real estate sales and purchase contract:
The Seller(Part A): The Buyer(Part B):
In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in the People’s Republic of China and the relevant regulations in Shanghai, Both Part A and Part B agree to sign the contract showing clearly that Part B will buy the house from Part A on equality, willingness and agreement from both sides basis, which will be serves as an evidence for both sides to abide by.Item 1Part A agrees to sell the house and land tenure in the range the right of use of the house(that will be shorted as: real estate).The detail status is shown as follow:
(I)The certificate number of the house which Part A get legally:
(II)The real estate located in Room 401, No.57, XXX XXX Village, Songjiang District(Position:)house type;house
(III)The house gross size centiare.Land tenure in the range the right of use of the house【area of sharing】centiare.(IV)House ichnography and rang of the house see(Appendix one)
(V)Land tenure in the range the right of use of the house is;the right of use of the state land is obtain by.Shanghai Residential Real Estate Sales and Purchase ContractPageof 7
Item 2Both sides have reached agreement on the price of the house to be sold at(capitalization):The payment method and payment terms of Party B shall be clearly stated by both parties in the payment agreement(Appendix 3).After Party B pays for the house, Party A shall draw out a receipt conforming to the taxation regulations.Item 3 When Part A transfer the real estate, the tenure of land will be deal with the item NO: shown as below.(I)Part A obtain the use period of the right of use of the state land fromYearMonthDay toYearMonthDay, there into, Part B in accordance to this contract gain the real estate, obtain the use period of the right of use of the state-owned land fromYearMonthDay toYearMonthDay, as Legally use the date of expiry of the right of use of the state-owned land.Item 4Both sides have reached agreement that Part A should vacate before the day Day this house and inform Part B to check and accept.Part B should check the decoration、equipment in the house from the day Part B receive the information in days.After checking, which indicates the transference of the house.Item 5Party A promises that if there is any damage or demolition to the house decorations or auxiliary facilities during the period from the agreement-signing date to the house acceptance date, it shall pay Party B the penalty of RMB Yuan, which is equivalent to the value of the damaged or demolished facilities.Item 6th
Item 7The right of the land within the scope of the house and the principal and interest of the maintenance foundation for the public place should be considered as being transferred to Part B at the same time when the house is transferred to Part B.Item 8After this contract becomes effective, both Part A and Part B should observe the national and this city related stipulation to pay the tax and fee.Before the real estate is , the fee for realty management、water、electricity、gas、correspondence and so on had not been paid, they should be defrayed as Appendix four.Item 9If Part B doesn’t pay the payment in the time promised in this contract, Part A and Part B agree to deal that in the next items(I)Exceeds the time limit per one day, Part B should pay the penalty in of the payment which has not been paid to Part A.Item 10If Part A doesn’t delivery the real estate to the Part B in the time promised in this contract, Part A and Part B agree to deal that in the next items.(I)Exceeds the time limit per one day, Part A should pay the penalty in% of the payment which has been paid.Item 11Under the principal that both sides have gained agreement on the added item or items which will definitely not violate any item mentioned above, more items can be added to the contract in the supplementary part, which will be considered as part of the contract and enjoy the same legal force.Item 12This contract will go into effect from the day
Item 13If any dispute happens during the whole process, both sides should negotiate first with each other.If they fail to get agreement acceptable by both sides, they can choose the ways listed as following items to settle the trouble:
(I)Submit to Shanghai Arbitration Committee for Arbitration.(II)Appeal to the Local People’s Court.Item 14There are copies of this contract and additional act altogether.is kept by Part A, one by Part B.One part is kept by finance office.Appendix Three
Payment agreement
----------(Glues the line)(capping place for perforated rider bill)
After this contract is signed, Part B should pay 2% of the total payment of the house price in RMB 10000 Yuan, as earnest money.Part B pay the payment of the house price in RMB currency 200000 Yuan before 30 DEC 2006.(capitalization):TWO HUNDRED THOUSADN YUAN.Part B pay the payment of the house price in RMB currency 200000 Yuan before 04 APR 2007.(capitalization):TWO HUNDRED THOUSADN YUAN.Part B pay the payment of the house price in RMB currency 90000 Yuan before 02 FEB 2007.(capitalization):TWO HUNDRED THOUSADN YUAN.Part A(I): Part B(I): ID Card No.***011 ID Card No.***011 Address: Address:
Agent:Agent: Telephone number:Telephone number:Myself(seal)Myself(seal)
YearMonthDay sign in
Part B(II):ID Card No.***111Address:Agent:Telephone number:Myself(seal)
Part B(I):ID Card No.***1111Address:
Telephone number:Myself(seal)
第一条 甲方将自有的房屋及该房屋占用范围内的土地使用权(以下简称房地产)转让给乙方。房地产具体状况如下
第二条 甲、乙双方经协商一致,同意上述房地产转让价格为(_______币)计_________元。(大写):________________元整。甲、乙双方同意,在本协议自签订之日起的_________天内,乙方将上述房地产转让价款分_________付与甲方,具体付款方式、期限另立付款协议。乙方交付的房价款,甲方应开具收款凭证。
第三条 甲方转让的房地产为以______________(出让方式/划拨方式)取得国有土地使用权的,按下列第_________款办理。
(一)甲方取得国有土地使用权的使用年限为______年(从______年______月起至______年______月______日止),其中乙方按本协议约定受让上述房地产,拥有国有土地使用权的年限为______年(从______年______月______日至__ ___年______月______日止),为乙方依法使用国有土地使用权的有效期限。甲方将上述房地产转让给乙方后,出让协议载明的权利、义务一并转移给乙方。
第四条 甲、乙双方同意,本协议生效后,除人力不可抗拒的因素外,甲方定于_______年______月______日将上诉房地产交付(转移占有)乙方。交付标志:________________。
第五条 除房地产交易管理机构依法作出不予过户决定外,上述房地产权利转移日期以_________(市/区/县)房地产交易管理机构受理该房地产转让过户申请之日为准。
第六条 上述房地产风险责任自该房地产________________(权利转移/转移占有)之日起转移给乙方。
第七条 本协议生效后,甲、乙双方应按国家及本市有关规定缴纳税、费。在上述房地产_________(权利转移/转移占有)前未支付的使用该房屋所发生的物业管理费、水电费、煤气、电讯费等其他费用,按本协议附件四约定支付。自_________(权利转移/转移占有)后该房地产所发生的费用,按本协议附件四约定支付。
第八条 甲方转让给乙方的房地产根据原房地产权证记载的属_________(居住/非居住)房屋,其相关关系(包括抵押、相邻、租赁等其他关系)见附件五,业主公约见附件六。乙方在使用期间不得擅自改变房屋结构和使用性质,乙方对该房地产有关联的公共部位、通道和设施使用享有相应的权益承担相应的义务,并应维护公共设施和公共利益。乙方确认上述受让房地产的业主公约,享有相应的权利和承担相应的义务。上述房地产在办理转让过户变更登记后,甲、乙双方共同到物业管理单位办理该房地产转让后变更使用、维修管理户名及有关手续。
第九条 甲方保证在上述转让的房地产交接时没有产权纠纷和财务纠纷。如上述房地产转让交接后发生交接前即存在的产权或财务纠纷,由甲方承担全部责任。
第十条 乙方未按本协议约定期限付款的,应按逾期未付款向甲方支付利息,利息自应付款之日起第二天至实 付款之日止,利息按_________计算。逾期_________天后,甲、乙双方同意按下列方式处理。
第十一条 除人力不可抗拒因素外,甲方未按协议约定的期限将上述房地产交付给乙方的,应按已收款向乙方支付利息,利息自约定交付之日起第二天至实际交付之日止,利息按_________计算。逾期_________天后,甲、乙双方同意按下列方式处理。
第十二条 经甲、乙双方协商一致,本协议未尽事宜,在不违反本协议原则的前提下,可订立补充条款或补充协议,甲、乙双方订立的补充条款和补充协议及附件为本协议不可分割的一部分。本协议及其附件空格部分填写的文字与铅印文字具有同等效力。
第十三条 本协议由甲、乙(双方签定)(_________公证处公证)之日起生效。甲、乙双方在签署本协议时,具有完全民事行为能力,对各自的权利,义务清楚明白,并按本协议规定履行。
第十四条 本协议使用于中华人民共和国法律、法规。甲、乙双方在旅行本协议过程中若发生争议,应协商解决,协商不能解决的,选定下列一种方式解决:(不选定的划除)
甲 方(卖方): 身份证号码:
: 身份证号码: 乙 方(买方): 身份证号码: 甲、乙双方于 年 月 日商定,甲方自愿出售此房,该房地产是以现房、现状、现产权予以出售,在签署本合同之前,乙方本人或者已授权其代表对甲方所要出售的房地产进行了充分核实并知晓相关产权的真实情况,自愿购买该房,甲、乙双方同意签订本合同并全面履行本合同约定的所有条款,并在自愿平等的基础上达成一致协议,订立下列房地产买卖契约,以兹共同遵守。
产别: 建筑面积:平米 结构: 设计用途: 产权证号:翠屏区字第 号,土地证号.二、所售房屋的现状:甲、乙双方均清楚该房屋产权及面积现状,并确认该房屋是以现房、现状出售,该房屋产权现状为:
1、该房屋 办理房屋所有权证、国有土地证,没有法律、法规规定限制交易的情形,卖方保证对该房屋享有完整的所有权,能完全支配和处理;
2、该房处于抵押状态,抵押人: 抵押权人: 有抵押权人的,抵押权人已经同意转让,如果签订合同后出现协议无效、反悔等甲方原因导致以后不能正常顺利交易过户,由甲方承担全部的法律责任
(1)乙方于 年 月 日签订合同之日首付定金¥ 元整给甲方 ;(2)
(一)1、过户所需的所有税、费由 乙 方承担(包括按国家规定该由甲方支付的过户税、费);
(二)甲、乙双方于 年 月 日以前到公证处办理全权委托公证手续。
1、乙方擅自解除本协议,甲方所收该房定金不予退还;甲方擅自解除本协议,除退还乙方所交定金外,另赔偿违约金¥ 元整给乙方。
4、如有下列情形之一的,当事人各方免责,均不算违约: ①因不可抗力致使合同无法履行的;
A:协议离婚: 离婚证、离婚协议、户口薄、未再婚证明(注:以上证件均为原件,先办为单独所有再进行交易)。
1、购 房 款:
3、如果甲方所出售的门面在 年 月 日以前无论任何原因还不能领取房产证及土地证过户给乙方,乙方有权要求甲方全额退还定金,双方不算违约。
七、若本合同发生争议,由当事人双方协商解决,协商不成的,可选择下列第 ② 方式解决:
甲 方: 联系方式:
: 联系方式: 乙 方: 联系方式:
年 月 日
身份证号: 联系电话: 买方(以下简称乙方):
身份证号: 联系电话:
第一条:甲方自愿将坐落于 市(县)镇(乡),于 年补偿,权属建筑面积 ㎡出售给乙方。
第十五条:双方约定的其他事项:1、2、3、甲方: 乙方:
签章: 签章: