Plot: “Wuthering heights” is about a love and revenge story.Kind Earnshain found baby heathcliff in Liverpool street and picked up.The little baby was hold to home and adopted, living with Earnshain’s son Hindley and daughter Catherine.Hindley hated heathcliff, while his sister liked to be with him all the time.When Earnshain died, Hindley became the Lord of Heathcliff.Poor Heathcliff lived as a servant and cottier.What’s more, Hindley deprive his education, making him inflicted all kinds of indignities and abuse.At the same time, Catherine and heathcliff became the best of friends because of the same character and interest and produce the rudiments of love.However, Edgar, the son of the rich made an offer of marriage to Catherine who said him a good and decided to marry him.Heathcliff run away angrily.Three years later, Catherine married Edgar, while Heathcliff also got rich and came back to revenge at the same time.Catherine died after borning a small daughter Caihy.Edgar developed with drinking and gambling habit because of Catherine 's death.So Heathcliff easily took all of his house and married Edgar’s sister Isabella, abusing her in every possible way.Before long, Isabella recognizd Heathcliff's heart and went from him after giving birth to a son named small Linton.When Isabella died, Heathcliff lured the son to fall in love with Caihy and forced them into getting married.He finally finished his revenge plan by taking all of Linton’s property.Meanwhile, Catherine's ghost started to torture Heathcliff.At the end of the story, Heathcliff died in depression and mental derangement.Comments: After reading this story, I was touched by several parts.The first is about love.There are two kinds of love in this story--Pure and Selfish.Pure love can bring happiness to us, while selfish love can ruin a person.The second is about hate.I deeply feel that hate is a horrible thing.Hate makes the world dark.Hate makes people forget the happy and beautiful things around them.If it can’t be dealt with well, it would influence the next generation.The last is the attitude towards things.Different attitudes produce different results.We can learn that from the ending of different characters in the book.We can see how important a positive attitude is.Love is everlasting, but hatred is not.What we should do is insist on love and don’t let the hatred blind our eyes.
The impression after reading “Treasure island”
“Treasure island” is a well-known adventure story book.After reading Treasure Island, I thought that it’s important to be brave.If we want to gain the character of brave, we should be ready to take risk, dare to explore the new area along our lives.In other words, if we want be survive and successful, we should be adventurers in the sea of life.It is said that the best stock exchange brokers in America are people who are used to be athletes and not the graduates of finance.Therefore the parents should give their children the chance to adventure.However, parents always tell their children what to do, when to do, how to do and why to do.In this way, parents become the masters, while the children,to some extant, become the servants.They may dare not to do anything at all, which absolutely is not the purpose of parents.So you can see from the story that greed and desire will never bring a wonderful life.
Plot: “Treasure island” is a well-known adventure story book.The story happened in eighteenth Century.Jim is a little boy, who was eager and enthusiastic about the sea treasure hunt.Once, he went to the Treasure Island, deal with the pirates and seamen, experienced all sorts of matters------sincere, loyal crew, hypocritical, cruel, between the seamen and witnessed a series of breath-taking stories.Master Jim was a timid, shy child.After his father died, he started the adventure.To begin with, Jim was just a waiter in the cabin, but he had the courage to fight with the enemy, and later recaptured a ship from the pirate, and became the new captain.With courage, a timid and shy boy became a hero.At the end of the story, Jim returned, vowing that he would never hunt again.Since then, Jim had often been troubled by a nightmare.Coins made Jim nightmares, rather than wealth and a better life.So you can see from the story that greed and desire will never bring a wonderful life.Comments: After reading Treasure Island, I found that it’s important to be brave.Brave has a close relationship with risk-taking.If we want to gain the character of brave, we should be ready to take risk, dare to explore the new area along our lives.In other words, if we want be survive in the new century and be successful, we should be adventurers in the sea of life.It is said that the best stock exchange brokers in America are people who are used to be athletes and not the graduates of finance.Why? They have strong bodies that can do hard work, smart responses, confident to be successful and the most important is that they dare to make key decisions and be ready to take risk.Therefore the parents should give their children the chance to adventure.However, parents in China always MAKE their children to do things.They tell their children what to do, when to do, how to do and why to do.In this way, parents become the masters, while the children,to some extant, become the servants.They may dare not to do anything at all, which absolutely is not the purpose of parents.
Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights is Emily Bronte's only novel.and was first published in 1847.It is not narrated by the author directly but firstly narrated by Ellen(Nelly)Dean who is the housekeeper of Wuthering Heights.The main characters of this novel are Heathcliff and Catherine.Except them,there are also several secondary characters such as Hindly Earnshaw、Edgar Linton、Isabella Linton、Catherine Linton and Hereton Earnshaw.This novel mainly narrated the love between Healthcliff and Catherine,the hatred between Healthcliff and Hindly.Heathcliff was adopted by Catherine's father Mr Earnshaw when he was a child,during their childhood.Hindly,who is Catherine's brother,always asked Heathcliff to do many hard works ,laughed at him , teased him and kooked down upon him.While his sister Catherine loves Heathcliff ,they had a secret“palace”on the hill.Unfortunately,when they all grew up ,Catherine met Linton,who was the lord of Thrushcross Gange,he was not only very handsome but also very gentle and most importantly,he loved Catherine ,too.Facing the preventing of his brother and considering Healthcliff's condiction,Catherine choose to marry Linton.In fact,she wanted to marry Heathcilff.It maked Healthcliff decide to go to another place to make money and then come back to revenge everybody who have ever prevent he marry Catherine.Several years later,he came back,in order to revenge Linton,he married Linton's sister Isabella and tormented her everyday.One day he was informed that Catherine would die,he went to see her,she has born a little girl but she died.Healthcliff was extremely sad.It added his hatred towards Linton and Hindly.After both of them died,Heathcliff adopted their daughter Little Catherine and Hereton.He treated Hereton in the same way of Hindy had ever used and forced Catherine married his own ill son.He became the owner of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange and inherited the property of both of them.Soon,his son died ,and Catherine became a young widow.little Catherine and Hereton loves each other,but Heathcliff did not allow them become couple.But when he saw little Catherine's eyes,he thought Catherine, at last,he allowed them marry.I get two kinds of ideas of this novel after I read it.One is about the choice of Catherine.She loves Heathcliff but she chose another man.In fact,we have to face many choices during our lives.In most cases,it is difficult and impossible for us to make a perfect choice in that when we chose this one we have to quit others.There is no choice in the world always being right or wrong,we often make a choice according to our needs or interests.While ,sometimes,we have to make choices based on others attitudes,it is because that we dare not to be criticized by the public or do not want to bear the responsibility of the choice we chose.What should we do when we have to make a choice?In my opinion,we should make a choice that we will not regret later and we mostly want to chose.The second idea is about hatred of Heathcliff..Most of his life were spent revenging others,in fact he was not happy at all,although he succeeded in revenging the persons he hated,he got nothing at all at last, except hatred.When we are hurt by someone,what we should do is not to think of some ways to revenge them but to ignore their faults and concentrate on more important things.A person who just knows hatred will never feel happy and will lose his or her own aim of life.2007年3月30号
她这位最好的朋友她咧嘴笑了一下。“我能送他什么?你的孩子什么也不缺呀。” “别这么说,我的朋友。”
“我简直不能相信小孩子能做那个。” 撒地笑了笑说:“我也觉得难以置信。”
“也许我会给他买部电影,”利亚说,“《蝙蝠侠5:开战时刻》怎么样?” “他马上才6岁,不是16岁。” “哦,我可不懂,我又没有孩子。”
34岁的利亚·温特斯是个苗条迷人的女子,有着黑色的头发和深色的皮肤。她有着热情多面的气质,浓密的眼睫毛掩映着淡褐色的眼睛, 笑意里有透着性感,喜欢年轻男子。相比之下,萨迪的脸色苍白,鼻梁和脸蛋上还有着点点雀斑,而利亚那晒成了棕褐色的肤色,则显得干净透亮。
“我会抓到这样一个家伙的,”她低低咕哝了一句,“走着瞧吧。” “在玩具店里,你可找不到命中的另一半,”萨迪冷冷地说,“这里的男人一般都是有主的人了。我也不觉得你在卡玛里能找到他。”
“他们只想和你上床,”利亚补充说,“老实说,我不知道你在那个地方看到了什么。” “什么,你是个傻子吗?”利亚拱起了眉,笑得有些过分。“我可是把它当做我的公民责任。肯定有人在告诉这些年轻的家伙怎么做。” “也应该有人教教菲利普。”萨迪咕哝道。“怎么了?他不行吗?” “天哪,利亚!” “恩?你就承认吧。”
“等一下。我们歇会,喝杯咖啡吧。” 利亚看了一眼手表。“还去老地方吗?”
“看见合适的就买。我等着上天的启示。” “你就迷信命运这个东西。”
∞ ∞ ∞
“这周很忙啊,”萨迪边回答,边把钱包放在了柜台上,“生意怎么样,维克多?” “又一次寒流,生意不错。”
利亚直奔洗手间。“你知道我要什么。” 萨迪点了一份沙伊,一份摩卡。
“看到了,我冒着大雾开车送萨姆去学校,几乎看不见我前面的车。” 她颤抖了一下,维克多关心地看着她。
头版的大标题让她倒吸一口凉气。“大雾再次来袭。” 她感到呼吸紧蹙。“上帝呀,不要再来一场大雾了。”
利亚一屁股坐在了她旁边的椅子上。“这个大块头是谁呀?” “他的女儿昨晚被劫走了。” “太可怕了。”
“是呀。”萨迪说,边端起杯子轻轻抿了一口。“有目击者吗?” “没有,”她盯着利亚说,“除了大雾。” “难不成他们以为是大雾?”
萨迪浏览了一下那篇报道,“目前还没有人要赎金,听起来真的像是雾干的。” “见鬼,一共失踪了„„什么„„6个孩子?” “7个。三个男孩,四个女孩。”
“那么„„”利亚翘起了修长的双腿,拉长了声调说,“避孕丸菲利普怎么样了?” 萨迪神色黯然。“我也想知道他怎么了。他说他整夜整夜都在公司工作。” “然后你就想他在到处鬼混?是不是?” 利亚说话总是直来直去,任何事情都不例外。“也许他只是在辛苦地工作。”利亚说。
“他的公司不是正在做那个油井的案子吗?我打赌肯定所有的合伙人都在熬夜。” 萨迪哼了一声,“也包括布丽奇特·莫瑞。”
利亚赶紧打断她,“你跟他挑明了吗?” “我问她是不是又在到处鬼混了。” 就在萨姆出生之间,菲利普承认出有个两次婚外情。据他说,两次都是办公室调情。“都没什么。”并且菲利普还把责任都推给怀孕的她,说她性趣索然。
In this summer, I read another book Wuthering Heights.Wuthering Heights is written by Emily Bronte.After reading that book, the love and the hatred between Catherine and Heath Cliff still linger in my head.The story begun with a mistake that made by Lockwood, a temporary resident.He is seeking shelter from the blizzard he staggers through the door of Wuthering Heights, finding the atmosphere inside is just as cold as ice.The master of the house, Heath Cliff, provides a bed reluctantly and it seems like that he feels ill at ease with his visitor’s coming.There's a sad tale behind his indifference, one which the elderly housekeeper Nelly Dean is happy to share.Forty years ago, Wuthering Heights was filled with light, warmth and happiness.Mr.Earnshaw, a congenial gentleman farmer, lives happily with his boisterous children Cathy and Hindley.However, being a kind and generous fellow, he can't help rescuing a poor starving wretch off of the streets of Liverpool, a gypsy child named Heath Cliff.In time Heath Cliff becomes one of the family, loved by all people except Hindley,the son of Mr.Earnshaw.Cathy is an especially good childhood friend, spending many a happy day playing on the moor with Heath Cliff.Unfortunately Mr.Earnshaw dies suddenly;Hindley is able to express his enmity with damning cruelty.In order to air his grievance, he reduced Heath Cliff to a servant.Later, Catherine is forced to marry Edgar.Heath Cliff’s heart is broken, so he leaves Wuthering Heights.After three years, he comes back to Wuthering Heights with wealth.Catherine has married Edgar, but not happiness.Heath Cliff begins to revenge crazily.He takes away Hindley’s belongings by gambling.Then, Hindley gets drunk and die, his son Hareton became slaves.Heath Cliff also marries Edgar's sister Isabella deliberately and persecute her in all the ways.Catherine is miserable inside and then dies of dystocia.Ten years later, Heath Cliff makes Edgar’ daughter Catherine marry to his dying son Linton.Edgar and small Linton dies, Heath Cliff owes Edgar’s property finally.Heath Cliff revenges successfully, but he couldn’t stop missing the dead Catherine, and then he dies.Small Catherine and Hareton inherit all the property and they finally fall in love with each other.Actually, there isn’t such a character that I really like in Wuthering Heights.Every character seems teemed with agony and animosity, especially Heath Cliff.Heath Cliff is an orphan before Mr.Earnshaw adopts him, and in the novel, Mr.Earnshaw treats Heath Cliff even nicer than his own son, Hindley Earnshaw.It’s quite amazing that in spite of Earnshaw’s nice treatment, Heath Cliff has no gratitude at all, he revenged Hindley and Catherine, even their heirs.After reading Heath Cliff’s story, my feeling is complicated, although he is the avenger who dominate the whole story by using his vengeful machinations, he is also the most pitiful guy in Wuthering Heights;he doesn’t know what is love and don’t know how to love.Heath Cliff has lived with the Earnshaws for more than 10 years, but there is no attachment between him and the whole family except Catherine.However, even Catherine was died because of Heath Cliff’s torture.When he is torturing others, he is also giving himself a suffering.Catherine, the heroine in the book, is described as a capricious and selfish girl.She is just like Heath Cliff, doesn’t know how to love at all.Anyway, Wuthering Heights left an indelible impression on me, cold and withering.However, at the end of the book, the author shows us that the human being’s kindness is not diminished at Wuthering heights, even though the wind can break off a tree, that doesn’t mean it can break off the whole forest.Even though hatred destroyed Heath Cliff, Catherine, Edgar and Elizabeth’s happiness, that doesn’t mean Cathy and Hareton’s happiness.