
时间:2019-05-15 14:37:31下载本文作者:会员上传


There is only one failure called never try

What is success? Different people have different ideas.You may say success is the realization of one's hopesand justified goals.Under such notion,however,people have different understanding of success because the hopes and goals they cherish vary from one another.There may ba so mangy kinds of success in the world that i can't enumerate them all.So maybe it's difficult to set a defination for success.But ,in my opinion,it's easy to define what is failure---there is only one failure called never try.Everyone has his dreams but not all of them dare to make it come true.Just like a huter aimed at his game but never fire or a soldier who crying out but never toward.They are afraid of failure that they might encounter.That reminds me of a game we used to play.We put the chairs in a circle.And the player must pass through th barriers made by the chairs with his eyes covered up.He would be allowed to memorize the positions of the chairs.But as soon as his eyes is covered,we will remove all the chairs.Sometimes,our life is just like such kind of game.We tried our best not to bump against the barriers.But these things turn out to be existing only in our minds.And sometimes,we made them for ourselves.We dare not to participate a competition or get cold feet to call the boy or girl we love.It turns out that the barriers we made for ourselves lead to the loss of a lot of things.Don't give up trying untill you really bump against the chairs.Even so,at least you have a place to sit on.Some people would say i tried but i failed to pass an exam or to find a job.I'am a failure.But on the contrary,i prefer to call these things setbacks instead of failures.There is no failure in a winner 's dictionary.It doesn't matter i you have a tumble , what really matters is that you lose the courage to stand up and give it another try.The process is full of tears and pains.Just look back on how we learn to walk when we are young.If we gave up easily,today we may only crawl.If Tomas Edison gave up easily in finding a proper material to make a bulb,maybe we will live in the darkness after the sunset.perhaps we need some torches to go on with our competition.I,myself,a shy person by nature who easily suffers from stage fright,had to get up my courage to take part in this speech contest like this.I could have stayed away and had an easy time of it by not coming here.But i chose to accept the challenge and to face the difficulties.Now here i am.I will try my best because i know i would broaden my horizon and make a lot of friends here.I still remember the first time i sang a song at a party ,the first time talking to a foreign friends,the first time made a speech on the platform,etc.Although at first they almost scared me to death,but when it was over,i feel it's worthing trying.There is a saying goes,'people often regret what they didn't do instead of what they have done.'

Forrest Gump often says,'life is like a box of chacolate ,you never know what you are gonna get.' I would say if the chacolate you got is not your favourite.Don't get upset but try the next.


there is only one failure called never try What is success? Different people have different ideas.You may say success is the realization of one's hopesand justified goals.Under such notion,however,people have different understanding of success because the hopes and goals they cherish vary from one another.there may ba so mangy kinds of success in the world that i can't enumerate them all.So maybe it's difficult to set a defination for success.But ,in my opinion,it's easy to define what is failure---there is only one failure called never try.Everyone has his dreams but not all of them dare to make it come true.Just like a huter aimed at his game but never fire or a soldier who crying out but never toward.They are afraid of failure that they might encounter.That reminds me of a game we used to play.We put the chairs in a circle.And the player must pass through th barriers made by the chairs with his eyes covered up.He would be allowed to memorize the positions of the chairs.But as soon as his eyes is covered,we will remove all the chairs.Sometimes,our life is just like such kind of game.We tried our best not to bump against the barriers.But these things turn out to be existing only in our minds.And sometimes,we made them for ourselves.We dare not to participate a competition or get cold feet to call the boy or girl we love.It turns out that the barriers we made for ourselves lead to the loss of a lot of things.Don't give up trying untill you really bump against the chairs.Even so,at least you have a place to sit on.Some people would say i tried but i failed to pass an exam or to find a job.I'am a failure.But on the contrary,i prefer to call these things setbacks instead of failures.There is no failure in a winner 's dictionary.It doesn't matter i you have a tumble , what really matters is that you lose the courage to stand up and give it another try.The process is full of tears and pains.Just look back on how we learn to walk when we are young.If we gave up easily,today we may only crawl.If Tomas Edison gave up easily in finding a proper material to make a bulb,maybe we will live in the darkness after the sunset.Perhaps we need some torches to go on with our competition.I,myself,a shy person by nature who easily suffers from stage fright,had to get up my courage to take part in this speech contest like this.I could have stayed away and had an easy time of it by not coming here.But i chose to accept the challenge and to face the difficulties.Now here i am.I will try my best because i know i would broaden my horizon and make a lot of friends here.I still remember the first time i sang a song at a party ,the first time talking to a foreign friends,the first time made a speech on the platform,etc.Although at first they almost scared me to death,but when it was over,i feel it's worthing trying.There is a saying goes,'people often reGREt what they didn't do instead of what they have done.'Forrest Gump often says,'life is like a box of chacolate ,you never know what you are gonna get.' I would say if the chacolate you got is not your favourite.Don't get upset but try the next.From:bxsjb32q.com/dxyylc/ bxsjbzx.com/dfpk/ bxsjb520.com/bsjylc/ sjbzxsp.com/hhgjylc/ woaisjb.com/df888ylc/



There is only one failure called never try

What is success? Different people have different may say success is the realization of one's hopesand justified such notion,however,people have different understanding of success because the hopes and goals they cherish vary from one another.There may ba so mangy kinds of success in the world that i can't enumerate them maybe it's difficult to set a defination for ,in my opinion,it's easy to define what is failure---there is only one failure called never try.Everyone has his dreams but not all of them dare to make it come like a huter aimed at his game but never fire or a soldier who crying out but never are afraid of failure that they might encounter.That reminds me of a game we used to put the chairs in a the player must pass through th barriers made by the chairs with his eyes covered would be allowed to memorize the positions of the as soon as his eyes is covered,we will remove all the chairs.Sometimes,our life is just like such kind of tried our best not to bump against the these things turn out to be existing only in our sometimes,we made them for dare not to participate a competition or get cold feet to call the boy or girl we turns out that the barriers we made for ourselves lead to the loss of a lot of things.Don't give up trying untill you really bump against the so,at least you have a place to sit on.Some people would say i tried but i failed to pass an exam or to find a 'am a failure.But on the contrary,i prefer to call these things setbacks instead of is no failure in a winner 's dictionary.It doesn't matter i you have a tumble , what really matters is that you lose the courage to stand up and give it another process is full of tears and pains.Just look back on how we learn to walk when we are we gave up easily,today we may only crawl.If Tomas Edison gave up easily in finding a proper material to make a bulb,maybe we will live in the darkness after the we need some torches to go on with our competition.I,myself,a shy person by nature who easily suffers from stage fright,had to get up my courage to take part in this speech contest like could have stayed away and had an easy time of it by not coming i chose to accept the challenge and to face the difficulties.Now here i will try my best because i know i would broaden my horizon and make a lot of friends here.I still remember the first time i sang a song at a party ,the first time talking to a foreign friends,the first time made a speech on the platform, at first they almost scared me to death,but when it was over,i feel it's worthing is a saying goes,'people often regret what they didn't do instead of what they have done.' Forrest Gump often says,'life is like a box of chacolate ,you never know what you are gonna get.' I would say if the chacolate you got is not your 't get upset but try the next.



What Is Real Beauty?

Yang Lingyuan


It is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty.Everybody was born with a heart for beauty.Today in China,with the rising of our living standard, people's requirement of beauty has been heightened accordingly.Some people spare no money or energy on beautiful clothes, fashionable hair styles,the decoration of their houses and even the improvement of their looks.But it seems to me,all

these are more or less confined to the beauty in appearance,or rather,the outward beauty.In my opinion,we shouldn't only pay attention to beautiful appearance and neglect the beautification of the mind and what we are after should be the perfect unity of the outward beauty and the inner beauty.As we all know,so far as objects and animals are concerned,there is only beautiful appearance to be mentioned, but to us humanbeings, although the outward beauty really matters, the inner beauty is much more important.This was confirmed by a famous Russian writer in words much like this: “A person is

not lovely for being beautiful but beautiful for being lovely.”

Here, I'd like to quote two typical instances and I'm sure, my dear friends,from them you'll find out what real beauty is.Recently I learned from the radio an unpleasant incident about a well known singer.She is very charming with a sweet beautiful voice and very famous for singing the song.“Devotion of Love”.Not long ago,she was invited to Zhejiang province to give performance.The moment she was to appear on the stage,she suddenly asked for more reward.Worse still,after her request was satisfied, she didn't begin to sing at once.Instead,she took her time to count all the money piece by piece.Thus she kept the audience waiting for half an hour.So when she at last showed up and started to sing “Devotion of Love”,a man rose up from his seat and shouted at her,“You don't have any devotion of love.You are not qualified to sing this song!”Hearing this, the singer stopped singing and began to shout abuses with her finger pointed at the man.At this time the whole audience burst into an uproar.How disappointed her keen listeners were when they learned this!It is the singer herself who spoiled her beautiful image in the eyes of others.Now, I'm coming to another true story.It's about a poor, ordinary looking old woman.She was a widow without any children, living barely from hand to mouth by picking odds and ends from rubbish heaps.However,she took in more than ten homeless orphans successively and managed to bring them up.Every day she labored from morning till night.In order to earn as much money as possible to raise the children and to keep them in school,she even went to a hospital regularly to sell her blood.She got so weak for the loss of blood that she sometimes fell in a faint on her way home.When asked why she chose to burden herself with so many children,she smiled and simply answered,“Oh,I love children and I like to have their company.”

Though the old woman was poor materially, she was full of affection and rich in spirit.She was loved dearly by her children.She was also highly appreciated by the local government, and truly respected by people in her community.Maybe you can't help wondering, “What makes that ordinary woman so extraordinary?” It is nothing else but her inner beauty, her true devotion of love without any thought of rewarding.What a sharp contrast there is between the great woman and the selfish singer]

So,to answer the question “What is real beauty?”, I declare definitely,it is the beauty lying in one's heart of hearts and embodied in his actions and deeds,that is,the inner heauty!

Learn How to Say No

We've all been taught that we should help people.It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others.It may even win us favors in return.However, we must be realistic.We can't say yes to every request.If we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure.Sometimes we simply don't have the time to help.In this case, we must know how to say no politely.When we need to say no, here is one method we can try.First, we should tell the truth.If we really can't do something, we should just say so.Second, we should remember to refuse requests politely.We must communicate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic.A true friend will understand.Finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no.Sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do.It can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble.In short, we cannot please everyone all the time.Refusing favors is a part of life.学习如何说不



I Regain Confidence

By Li Jun(李军青岛海洋大学)



I received a devastating blow to my self-confidence in the first interview of my college years.I applied to be a host in our Student Acting Troupe and felt confident that I would be accepted.But one of the panel members told me: “You seem inadequate and you are a little vertically-challenged.” My life has never been the same since.I used bigger heels to complement my height and psychological maneuvers and tricks to hide my lack of confidence.But no matter how hard I tried to look the part, there was still something missing.As president of English Club, I organized the rehearsal of Snow White for an English party.Unfortunately, we could not find an actor to be the last dwarf.It had to be someone who was humorous by nature and fluent in English.Suddenly, all eyes turned to me, and I knew I would have to be the dwarf.To my great surprise and delight, once on stage, I was totally absorbed in the performance and my humorous nature was put to full use.As the dwarf, I was a big hit.Yes, each of us is only one among millions of others, but each of us is an individual and each of us is unique.Cultivating our individuality will transform our lives, making of them a kaleidoscope of new colors and textures.A world deprived of diversity would be a bland and boring place.The real tragedy is not being short or shy or ugly, but having your identity lost in a world in which everyone is a clone of a model cool boy or a flawless charming girl.Given a choice, I would rather be ugly than live in such a world.I'd rather be a genuine dwarf accompanying a Snow White than be a Snow White among nothing but Snow Whites.I would rather be myself.I would contribute my individual and unique colors to create a more diverse universe.please, be yourself.译文:我重树信心






Enjoy Yourself While Fulfilling Responsibility

By Wang Yu王羽四川师范大学)

(2001年11月8日,在西安举行的第七届 "21世纪·爱立信杯”英语演讲比赛西北地区比赛中获得第一名)


In my 18 years of life, there have been many things.University days are the best part of them.I can never forget the days when I stepped into my university.I was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere.I at once fell in love with it.After the arduous military training, I get absolutely absorbed in my studies.The classes given by the teachers are excellent.They provide us with information not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well.They easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as I can.Frankly speaking, at first I had some difficulty following the teachers.However, through my own efforts and thanks to my teachers' guidance, I made remarkable progress.Now I've benefited a lot from lectures and many other academic reports.Learning is a long process;I'll keep exploring in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich myself.This summer I got out of the ivory tower and entered the real world.A publishing house offered me a part-time job in compilation and revision.At the beginning I was belittled by my colleagues.But they were really surprised when I translated seven English articles over 5,000 words on only one day.Gradually, they began to look at me with respectful eyes.In their opinion I turned out to be a useful and trustworthy colleague.I also realize that only those who bring happiness for others can be truly happy.So I often take part in activities concerning public welfare.I once went to a barren mountain village with my classmates.We taught the kids there who could not afford school.While showing them how broad and how civilized the outer world is, I was deeply touched by their eagerness to learn, their honesty and their purity.I couldn't control my tears on the day when we left.The precious experience with the poor kids made me aware of the responsibility on the shoulders of us, future teachers.Besides study and social practice, there are entertainments as well.I do body building every day, hoping to keep healthy and energetic.We also write a play and put it on in our spare time.Campus life is the most splendid time.But different people have different choices.The majority of students cherish their beautiful season and cherish the hope that one day they'll become outstanding.But there are indeed some students still under ignorance.They gather together for eating, drinking or playing cards.They're busy in searching for a girlfriend or a boyfriend.They forget completely about their mission as college students and the hope of their motherland.Finally, I do hope everybody can try their best to become a worthy citizen of the country.I do hope everybody can become the backbone of our nation and make great contributions to society!













Think globally, act locally Hello ~pretty girls and smart boys ,my name is XXX.I’m from grade 2013,information and computing science.As you can see, I’m a very casual girl, and a lot of people here,like 18-year-old, I love a lot.I love singing, love dancing , and a little love English.It gives me great honor to invite each of you to my speech.So now , let us get in the main talk:Think globally, act locally.Think globally, act locally has been used in various contexts,including planning, environment, education and many many.Today, I want to talk with you about one of the aspects, business.With the remarkable improvement of people’s living rhythm, a mounting number of people choose to eat fast food because of it’s convenience.At the mention of fast food, all of us must immediately think about Macdonald.Owing to the strategy of glocalization, Mcdonald has been experienced a quik extension between 1990 to 2015.And now , Mcdonald’s worldwild store have overed 35 thousand.But what is glocalization.Glocalization is a combination of the words globalization and localization.Mcdonald, for example, expanding market all over the world is an example of globalization.In order to adapt to local tastes, however, the different chain’s menu.Such an effort help Mcdonald achieve great success.Julius Caesar said: I came, I saw, I conquer.I think the expansion of the Mcdonald’s, just like the proverb domineering.But the strategy of glocalization is just the epitome of the phrase.Think globally, act locally is not only suitable for the development of the company, also suitable for the individual.We can improve ourself through keeping up with the pace of the times in ideological, action implemented at the same time.So let us put our hands on our chest and promise the world: we will think globally, act locally~~



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