
时间:2019-05-15 14:30:13下载本文作者:会员上传


Topic one:On English Study

B:Hi,Lucy ,you look upset,what's wrong?

A:Hi,Marry.I'm stressed out.I'm just afraid that I can't pass the exam.You know,myEnglish is poor.B:Don't worry.Maybe it's not as bad as you think.A:I hope so.Well,Marry,I know that you are always do well in English.How can youdo that?

B:I practise English as much as possible,and I spend a lot of time at the weak spot inmy English.Well,what's your weak spot in your English?

A:It's Listening.I always can't understand what the teachers said.I used to do a largenumber of listening practise,but it didn't help.What should I do?

B:En...First of all,interest is the best teacher,you should try to arouse your interest inEnglish.I know you like seeing the movies,so why don't you choose to see someEnglish movies?

A:Hey,that's sounds good!What's more,do you have any good ideas in improving theEnglish pronunciation?

B:En...Let me see.....Maybe you can listen to English radio programs,such as BBC.It'sa famous program,I like it very much.A:Ok,I'll try.Anything else?

B:Don't be shy when you speak English,and try to speak with English-speakingpeople as much as possible.That can help you train a pure English.A:All right.I know what I can do.Thank you very much.B:You are welcome,and if you need help,just ask me.Topic eight:Wealth And Happiness

B:Good morning,Lily.What are you doing?

A:Good morning,Machine.I'm reading newspaper....Oh!this man is so crazy.He contributed all the money which was earning hardly by selling the spoil.B:Did it real?Let me have a look.A:Here you are.Just look at this report.B:En....Well,he is actually crazy.But....A:I did really don't know why he did that.Those money can bring him good

clothes,enough food,and maybe even a small house.B:Yeah,I know,but you see this picture.The man looks happy.He is satisfied that hecan help those people.A:Maybe that's just a temporary happiness.Those money is enough to let him live in abetter life,and it will be more important if he has a family.B:Even if you are right,money still can't buy many things,like love or health.Althoughthe man is poor,he has spiritual wealth.And this spiritual is precious.Nowadays,lotsof people are not satisfied with what they already have,and always want more.A:Well,have you ever heard that,“Money isn't everything,but without money you can'tdo nothing.”Many people still can't clearly recognize the relation between thewealth and happiness.B:Yes,that's right.We all have our own opinion.Neither of us is wrong.Topic two:On Environment Protection

A: hey~Look!How beautiful scenery is it!

B: Yeah,so it is.But you know,there still many activities of destroying environment.A:I hope that school leaders can strengthen environmental publicity and raise thestudents' environmental awareness.B:I did much agree with you.There are so many environment problems that we cansee everywhere.Just look at that,the rubbish is anywhere around the trash can.Andmany students often trample on grass,randomly pick flowers,break and climb thetrees.A:Yes,lots of students are careless of the environment.We need to solve the problemsbefore our campus is destroyed heavily.Do you have any idea that we can reallysolve them all ?


Topical:Talking about Past Experience

Situation:This is the first term of our university life.We are going to compete for the first class committee.All the students from our class are in the classroom.At this time, Wu Qiang finds out that Wu Wen is sitting alone, then the passage begins.Passage:

A is Wu Qiang;B is Wu Wen

A: hello, Wu Wen ,let us sir here.B: OK, how do you like the life of the university?

A:Let me see, I find that the true college life distinguish from my expectation.How about you ?

B: Yeah, I agree with you, I originally thing that it is very relaxing, but on the contrast, it is over burden.A: Yes, I heard that you were the monitor of your senior high class.So I believe that you can adapt to the new circumstance quickly.Could you share me with your monitor experience?

B: Certainly, in my opinion, although capacity is very important, the confidence is also very essential.A: Such as?

B: To be one of the class committee, firstly, you should participate the class activity positively, sometimes, you should more about the collective than yourself.In the past, I did take part in many public activities.You

did really get a lot from those ones.A: Oh, your past is so abundant.I think that I just did the learning, and do you have some other experience?

B: I also read a lot of masterpiece.After I reading a piece of masterpiece, then I would write some articles for entertaining.A: You are so excellent.I hope that in the future life I could learn a lot from you.I think I will change my lifestyle, which can not like the senior high one.B: Great, I think that you will be one of my best friend.Oh, the voting is beginning.Which job do you want to compete for?

A: I should try one, I want to compete for the life commissary, then do something for our class.Would you try the monitor?

B: I want to change one, trying the music commissary.A: OK, let us go.



Let's talk about Chinese Movie “Assembly”--集结号;

1.Do you know there is a very popular movie?

2.Really? You know I am very interested in watching movie, what is it?

3.Assembly!!Last week, I watched it, Fantastic!

4.Oh, I know it.I watched it too 2 weeks ago.I was touched by it and dropped some tears.5.Me too, I also was touched by it very much.It is a good movie.Did you hear some news about the chief actor--GuZi Di(谷子地)?


7.Because he sank into the role so deeply that he couldn't awake himself after finiding the movie.8.Really?

9.He caught a very bad mood, in his mind, always appeared those old chinese soldier with blood or broken body!Terrible!

10.Yes, I heard something about him too, but have a little difference with you.After the movie, he felt huge sorrow during making Assembly due to deepen into the role and couldn't help himself to get out of it, day by day, he became more and more sorrowful as if he experienced a battle a short while ago.He is a very earnest and responsible actor.I am sure he will be a super star in near future.11.Yes, I think so!and I have to say thanks to the director of the movie--Feng XiaoGang(冯小刚).He did a great job, let us watch a excellent movie!

12.Every year, he would direct a movie to celerate Chinese New Year.each of them I liked very much, such as TianXia Wu Zhe(天下无贼)。

13.I think Assembly is the best one of them, do you think so?

14.Maybe, but I think why most of people liked it, one reason is that it is a first big movie produced by China about battle with a very deep spirit.15.And another is that the story are familiar to chinese people, it is helpful for us to accept it.16.In one word, Assembly is successful movie, I like it, I will watch it again.17.When? please tell me, I will go with you, I also have a desire to watched it again.18.Ok!

1.On the importance of making a first good impression

给人留下好的第一印象的重要性.First impression is of great significance to us nowadays especially when we are applicants of a job interview.If all the candidates show equal intelligence and capability on conducting, It is quite essencial to establish a fine first impression to the new boss which indicate that u may be the prospective employee.To achieve a good first impression, we should give ourself a new look, for example, we'd better dress properly, talk decently, neither too eloquent nor too mild, thus we will leave a better impression.2.Give five tips on how to make a good impression in an interview

a:hi,what are you going to do ?

b:well,i'm on my way to shopping for some thing we need on the vacation.a:vacation?that's cool!what entertaiments do you have?

b:that's too many ,actually we're getting ready for the Spring Festival,you know,there are a lot of funny things you can do.such as make dumplings with whole family,the fantastic latern shows and bainian,hongbao,and so on

a:oh ,i've heard something about your Chinese Spring Festival and some famous people will be on TV to give their best wishes ,right?

b:yeah!most of us will watch the tv while having many delicious food with family and friends

a:hehe,do eat too much ,it's not health for your body!have fun!



A: Hey man!The weekend is coming.what are you going to

do on this weekend ?

B: HI!I m going to play the badminton and visit my friend

who study in songtian college.A: The badminton is your favourite hobby.Right?

B: YES!I love it very much.A: Yet I had seen your friend before , he is kind.B: But he had gotten a fever recently.I want to visit him.A: I m sorry to hear that.And I m going to play a new

computer game.Can you play with me ?

B: OH!It is not good for you.We re going to have a final

exam.We should make use of our time to reviewlessons.A: OK, I will go to the library and study.when we finish

the final exam.we can play it together.B: Year!I think it will be very fun!

A: I think so!Could you tell me what gamesyouwant to

play after the final exam ?

B: Let me think …… The CALL OF DUTY is very good.A: I have sound it before.It’s a nice game.It’s time

to go to library now, Have a good time!Bye!

B: Good bye!


Social problem

A:Good morning.How are nice day!

B:Yeah, that’s right.I saw so many plastic bags on the way to classroom.Nowadays, environment problem has been a serious social problem.A:Yes, When I read newspapers, I often come across the social problems.This word was not familiar to the people some decades ago.B:why do this happen?I’m so confused about this.A: Firstly, no one can ignore the problem of population, which brings a series of terrible influence.A:that’s right.And then?

B: Then, environment is becoming more and more bad because of pollution.There are many factories that bring pollution to us.A:Yes, those factories make our fresh air disappeared so that we can not have fresh air in the morning.B:so it is.In addition, the growing price of housings is becoming more and more attractive.Many people can’t afford the high cost, which may contribute to people’s losing hope to government.Everyone has right to have his own house.A:But,how could we contribute our efforts to solve the social problem?

B:e,it’s a difficult question.Maybe our efforts are not enough.The first thing we should do is that we let more people know about the seriousness of these social problems.And then solve the problem together.A:OK, I got it.Personality and school life

A:A full day of classes,I am tired of all classes this semester.B:Oh ,be fun.Don’t be so disgusted.school life is based on learning, so just enjoy it.A:but ,I have no patience.You know , I am an inpatient person.B:Oh ,yeah,that’s right.You always lose you temper.If you think that study is so boring,maybe you can participate in other community activities and you will find more friends who have the same interest with you so that you can chat and play together.A:Do you join any societies?

B:Of course.I’m the member of Foreign Language Association and also participate in Dance Sport Association.A:Wa,that’s cool.No wonder you are interested in English and dance so well.Have you participated in the opening ceremony of the Foreign Language Association show ? it seemed that I seen someone like you.B:It is impossible.I have never danced in stage for that I am a little neverous when I am in stage.A:Oh, it is a pity.You should overcome this short-coming, just be relaxed and do it youself , forget about the audience.B:I will try.How about you? What are you doing these days?

A:The final exam is coming, I am review the subject in addition to classes.B:So hard-working.I did not begin to review because I need to preview new courses.I must admit that I am not a good learner.A:Study from now, and you will pass the final exam.B:I hope so.Borrow your words.



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