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The ROBINSON CRUSOE is a novel by Danlef Defoe, published in Britian by Penguin Popular Classics Press in 1946.The story is set in the 17th century in England,.Daniel Defoe writes this novel in the first person.In fact, Defor himself is the major character of the novel and tells the story.Because working as a merchant ,economist , journalist and spy before writing his first novel at the age of sixty.He has a large abundant experience so that he can writes this famous novel.Defoe is thought by many to be the first true novelist in the English language.Robinson Crusoe is eighteen years old who resides in Hull, England.Although his father wishes him to become a lawyer, Crusoe dreams of going on sea voyages.He disregards the fact that his two older brothers are gone because of their need for adventure.He is determined to continue to take the risk.Not long, and their ships attacked by pirates, pirates Robinson was forced to become the slaves Moore was rescued vessels with Portugal to Brazil, in Brazil run a plantation.In a way to the African slave trade, Robinson encountered turmoil carrying vessels ran aground, only Robinson-who survived living in a desolate and uninhabited islands, and began a 28 years desert island life.After the initial experience of frustration, according to the lonely no Instead Robinson, but managed to survive, the future was looking forward to rescue the island to leave.He homemade wooden rafts, ran aground after the

sinking of the ship has yet to food, gunpowder, tools, etc.transported to the island to prepare for use.He Waterloo canopy structures, hunting fishing, domesticated goats, growing grain-grinding, burning their own pottery, leather slit, do bread, cutting

system canoeing.Robinson, overcome all difficulties, to survive on the island, and to keep detailed records of what happened on the island every thing.Later, Robinson, fresh from the hands of rescue Fan life under an indigenous people, to give him the

name “Friday.” Friday willingly for his slaves, a loyal servant and Robinson

Xiangyiweiming companions.Finally, a British vessels in the vicinity to assist the captain Robinson subsided crew mutiny and regain vessels, and finally to leave the island to return to England.From this novel, i know that I can not help but realize that the insistence

optimistic about how we perceive our problems.when he arrived on the island, he did not have food, water,tools,no supplies.So Why does he survives the tough times ?In the final analysis,ROBINSON who survive the tough times do so because he has chosen to react positively to his predicament.From book we can know he has insisted on Arakawa no one person on the island to find a glimmer of hope, he found a broken vessel.He has on board all of the timber are shipped off for themselves to build a small wooden boat, but also take on board a number of wet gunpowder and firearms, He relied on the gun in the forest to find a group of wild animals, find their own food, rely on our own hands to build a house for himself.He continuously with wild animals forward to the fight, because they broke into his house.When the wild animals have disappeared, he learned to use only some of the seeds planted all kinds of food, when food is stolen by animals, he wants to approach to capture the animals, he learned to make bread, he has been constantly improving their own lives, he would do Spend a few decades, for decades, he has been adhering to a daily diary to calculate their days in the uninhabited island, he experienced the war with the natives, with the “Castle”, “dacha”, “ loyal ”as well as the island's sovereignty.from these difficulties, he learned optimistic life, how to use their strong willpower.In difficulties, he had confused, have fear, have complained that even despair, because he was the difficulties faced by ordinary people can not understand.In time of despair, he told us that we should not complain about the

difficulties of life to you.Indeed , we are always complaining, why do not I try other

students, but to obtain good results than I do why people always see my shortcomings, and I do not see the merits of a matter of fact, a hard, a harvest, as long as you adhere to , and one day, you will know that the victory belongs to the effort.If we should not adhere to the end, how can know that they will fail, not to see themselves succeed one day.We need ability of perseverance, Robinson do not have any Tools in the absence of any circumstances be able to create a new world of their own.In our lives,perseverance will help us to not fear difficulties, to take full advantage of their own strength to overcome all difficulties, whether it is learning, or life.we often can not insist on completion of their dream, but also because we do not have willpower, we be afraid of difficulties, do not know how to face difficulties, we are afraid they will fail.In fact, persistence is that it has given all to win driving force for the fruits of victory.only with perseverance, can we hope to continue their efforts to continue to adhere to.If the perseverance to pursue their ideals are not, how can expect the same as other people realize their own ideals, to reach the end of this dream.In summary , from this novel we can study too much experience.The most important is we must know our life is truly up to ourself.As a old says:“God gives every bird its food , but he does not throw it into its nest.Wherever you want to gowhatever you want to do ,it's truly up to you”.Your beliefs are very powerful and have the power to create or to destroy your life.In most cases , whatever you believe is what you will become.If you believe that you are loser, that you never get a break in life,that you can not accomplish anything, these things will be your reality.Believe that you are unlimited, that you can do anything you commit to doing ,and when you do , your accomplishments will know no bounds.



10110013229 王运(10计本)




鲁滨孙(鲁滨逊)(Robinson Crusoe)是一个充满劳动热情的人,坚毅的人。在这荒无人烟的孤岛上生活了28年,直至27年时,星期五的出现。面对人生困境,鲁滨孙的所作所为,显示了一个硬汉子的坚毅性格与英雄本色。















丹尼尔·笛福(Daniel Defoe 1660—1731),英国作家,新闻记者,小册子作者。英国荒岛文学的代表作家,是英国启蒙时期现实主义小说的奠基人,被誉为“英国和欧洲小说之父”。《鲁滨孙漂流记》主要讲述的是个人通过努力,靠自己的智慧和勇敢战胜困难。情节曲折,采用自述方式,可读性较强,表现了当时追求冒险,倡导个人奋斗的社会风气。其代表作《鲁滨孙漂流记》闻名于世,他是靠这部作品在世界文坛中脱颖而出,鲁滨逊也成为与困难抗争的典型模范,因此他被视作英国小说的开创者之一。


鲁滨逊漂流记 读书笔记

当一个人独立生活的时候,还有这样的对生活充满信心的,实在是难能可贵.因为人总不能被困难吓倒,而应迎难而上,克服困难,挑战自我.始终保持一种积极,乐观的心态.只有这样才能战胜困难 在一次背包旅行的途中,鲁滨逊乘坐的飞机在无人岛上坠毁.这是什么地方?炽热灿烂的阳光,一望无垠的大海在鲁滨逊眼前展开的是一幅浪漫,孤独,刺激和冒险的画卷.然而,如果真的独自留在无人岛上会怎么样呢?这里没有自来水,也没有煤气炉,打不通手机,也没法叫外卖送餐.除了泥土,大海和一直生活在那里的动植物以外,无人岛上没有任何东西是为了让人类生存而存在的.一滴水都要亲自去找,一个火苗都要亲手点燃.在这样的状况下,你还会感到浪漫吗? 鲁滨逊并不是天才,但是他有着更强的好奇心.他历尽了限险,九死一生.他经历了没有淡水的痛苦,克服了孤独一人生存的恐惧,熬过了无人岛上漫长的梅雨期,战胜了自己精神的绝望,最后终于乘坐英国海轮,驶向希望的故乡 虽然鲁滨逊生活在远离当时社会的荒岛上,过着衣食无忧的生活,但他始终没有脱离过社会,利用先前在社会中学到的知识使自己活了下来.如果他从一生下来就生活在荒岛上,那情况又会是怎样?人不能脱离社会而存在,这是不可否认的事实.鲁滨逊能够在荒岛上生活几十年,不单是他不服输的思想,超强的生存能力,最重要的是他丰富的社会经验.鲁滨逊在岛上时,从没有放弃过要回到他原来是生活,这,也许是他活下来的信念!虽然鲁滨逊生活在远离当时社会的荒岛上,过着衣食无忧的生活,但他始终没有脱离过社会,利用先前在社会中学到的知识使自己活了下来.如果他从一生下来就生活在荒岛上,那情况又会是怎样?人不能脱离社会而存在,这是不可否认的事实.鲁滨逊能够在荒岛上生活几十年,不单是他不服输的思想,超强的生存能力,最重要的是他丰富的社会经验.鲁滨逊在岛上时,从没有放弃过要回到他原来是生活,这,也许是他活下来的信念 小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》,一直受到人们的喜爱.寒假读完这本书,真可谓是如获至宝.这本书记述的是一艘大船失事后,唯一幸存者鲁滨逊在荒无人烟的小岛,在与世隔绝的环境中,生活了二十八年的冒险经历和内心活动.鲁滨逊在岛上孤身一人,面对困难和挫折,克服了许多常人无法想象的困难,自己动手,丰衣足食,以惊人的毅力,顽强的活下来.他从失事的大船,找了些木材,在荒岛上盖了间房屋,为了防止野兽,还在房子周围打上了木桩.来到荒岛,面对首要的就是吃的问题,船上的东西吃完后,鲁滨逊开始打猎,有时可能会饿肚子.于是他决定播种,几年后,他终于可以吃到了自己的劳动成果.其实学习也是这样,也有这样一个循序渐进的过程.正如哈佛大学的校训那样:“忙完春种忙秋水,学习学习再学习.”现在社会,竞争无处不在,我们要懂得只有付出才有收获,要勇于付出,在战胜困难的同时不断取得好成绩.要知道“付出铸就收获”.他搭窑造罐,失败后总结教训,终于成功;磨粮食没有石磨,他就用木头代替;没有筛子,就用围巾.鲁滨逊在荒岛上解决了自己的生存难题.面对人生挫折,鲁滨逊的所作所为充分显示了他坚毅的性格和创造精神.同样我们在学习的同时,也要搞一些发明创造,从小养成一种创新精神,把鲁滨逊在荒岛,不畏艰险,不怕失败挫折,艰苦奋斗的精神结合起来,为实现自己的目标而努力.鲁滨逊在荒岛过着贫困的生活,正是艰苦的环境促使他立志成长,为改变处境而奋发;也正是这种奋发才使鲁滨逊克服难以数计的困难,从而取得了辉煌的成就.其实,艰苦的环境,也会促成人成才.是的,安逸的生活炼不出精干的水手,平静的湖面造不出时代的伟人.环境优越,生活舒适,往往会诱发这种惰性,阻碍人们成长;而恶劣的环境却能激人奋发,使人立志改变处境,因而促使一个人成长.有了这种敢于挑战的精神,不管环境是好是坏,都能创造条件,克服困难成才.否则,优越的环境,会成为滋养惰性的温床,艰苦的环境会成为淤埋弱者的深渊.正如人生道路,它坎坷,它不平,到处有荆棘,石头,高山,急流.人生,并不满布绚烂的朝霞;它是由痛苦,磨难,快乐的丝线,组成的网.当我们受到挫折,积极对待.我看到这样一句话:“天不总是蓝的,水不总是清的,草不总是绿的,花不总是艳的,人生也可能一帆风顺!” 花要凋落,草要枯黄,但春天又给它们生机.《鲁滨逊漂流记》给我的启示是:只有奋斗,才有出路.


Reads Lu Binxun To wander Records has the feeling The novel Lu Binxun Wanders Records continuously deeply isreceiving the general students favour, is bringing to this bookcuriosity, entered together along with the leading character in thisbook.Entire emphatically described Lu Binxun to overcome the one difficultyon top of another on the desert island through own work, finally hasdefeated the bad environment, Friday together returned to the hometownwith 土著人, on happy life story.I most appreciate am not Lu Binxun industrious and brave, but is hethat astonishing psychology bearing capacity.It can be imagined, analone big live person alone has lived on the desert island for severalyears, nobody accompanies him, even most basic, with a person simplysaid the little while speech all cannot achieve.Entire goes out ofcultivation on the island does not have the house, does not have therice paddy, only can depend on he laboriously to make a stretch ofworld.Actually Lu Binxun also is an average man, he no astonishing abilitymay struggle for a very long time in this miserable environment.Buthe withstood this attack, the display favorable balance of trade leftmortals psychology bearing capacity.In order to repicks up thecourage, Lu Binxun has written a fierce difference table, possibly allanalyzes all sorts.Regardless of is stems from negatively or ispositive, this enables him to be able calmly to get down, from in theday which only can fantasize has extricated, the academic society fromdespairs seeks the hope, thus bravely faces the reality, improves thepresent situation.But compares Lu Binxun to come, our these present age studentspsychology bearing capacities as if too too bad.Do not say equallyexperiences such tribulation like Lu Binxun, even if is some notsatisfactory sesame seed size matter also can easily overthrow by it.Frequently knew from the newspaper and the television that, can havemany students every year to leave home to leave in a hurry even iscommits suicide, cause often only was and the parents quarrelsseveral, the test has not obtained the ideal result, or was teachercriticizes severe, some people also were even holding was unafraid ofdeath the imposing manner, actually this was precisely thepsychological frail performance, was how laughable and is pitiful!Actually each person can frequently come across not the satisfactorymatter in the life.Elementary schools time, I have time amcriticized because of a young matter by teacher, because thought Iembark the intention is good, in the heart has the grievance whichcannot say, that several days attend class always walk the god, wishone could to run away to this abyss school, walk far are better.Nowrecollected really is the laughable side, because then age small,psychology bearing capacity bad, therefore only then can emit thatmany incredible thought, actually trades an angle to ponder, iscriticized by teacher is not a misdemeanor, although is treatedunjustly, but if own work is careful again, also as for is notmisunderstood by the person, therefore when we comes across not thesatisfactory matter, to is good on the one hand goes thought, can haveunexpectedly many joyfully waits for you to harvest!Listened to a celebrity to say: The misery regarding the weak one saidis the abyss, but regarding the powerhouse said then only is togetherthe commonplace stepping-stone.This speech inspires me to emulate tothe life light.Yes, life unpleasant matter 十之 89, so long as theadjustment good intention condition, can clear off all worries,difficultly changes into the advance the power.When the difficultyapproaches, we will have earnestly calmly to analyze the reason whichthis matter produces, and has pointed performs to remove and toovercome, but is not blindly gives vent with impractically fantasizes,like this makes not only the futile effort not to attain, moreover iswasting the time and the energy, to your injury will be able deeper.As the new times middle-school student, we must have the goodpsychology bearing capacity, like this will be able fully confidentlyto greet the future each challenge, and splendidly will complete ownwork!


The sun came out after the storm ceased

Impressions of Robinson Crusoe

The Affiliated TianHe School of Guangdong ExperimentalMiddle School

class8, grade7liaoyanghui090839

I have read 《Robinson Crusoe》in this summer holiday.This novel was written by Daniel Defoe.It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literatures.《Robinson Crusoe》is an immortal novel!Thisbookisa really excellent adventuresome novel!

Open the《Robinson Crusoe》,I have thought carefully for a moment.I've begun to consider what a great person Robinson will be!He conquered countless and unimaginable hardships.If let mestay on a lonely island, I absolutely couldn’t vanquish so many dangers;I maybe would lose confidence for life.So I respect Robinson very much, he is my hero.He lived on the island for about 30 years without any food, any tool and anyhabitation.He had no other person todepend on but himself, however, Robinson wasn’t afraid of these, he had the fortitude spirit.He made the best ofhis head and hands to struggle with the nature all the time.I admired his courage very much.He is a man of fortitude.He used guns to kill the wild animals in the forest, and got a lot of food to eat,besides, he also had built a house to live.What’s more, he was very clever, he fed wild animals every day until they grew up, so that he can obtainmore and more food.Some animals wanted to break into his house, so he built an enclosure to resist them.When the wild animals have disappeared, he learned togrow the seed of all kinds of

plants.When foodwasstolen by animals, he find approach to capture the animals, he also learned to how to make bread and so on.His life became better and better!

Justlike Robinson,if we believe in ourselves, never give up and do our best, we must be

successful!There is no perfect life in the world, but we can change our fate to make it perfect,and the most important thing is “Never give up”!In difficulties, he had confused,hadfear,hadcomplained even in despaired,but he was able to use his strong willpower to

withstandthoseshardships.In time of despair, he told us that we should not complain about the tribulationof life.However, in true world, we are always complaining, indeed.There are many setbacks in our lives,but how can we deal with them with equanimityjust as Robinson? Let’s convince ourselves, in this way we will love our lives and do our best to make lives more beautiful!One day, you will know that the victory belongs to the effort.



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