how to keep healthy范文合集

时间:2019-05-15 14:39:48下载本文作者:会员上传
简介:写写帮文库小编为你整理了多篇相关的《how to keep healthy》,但愿对你工作学习有帮助,当然你在写写帮文库还可以找到更多《how to keep healthy》。

第一篇:how to keep healthy

How to keep healthy

Health has its different significances in different eras.Nowadays, people count more on how to keep healthy rather than curing diseases with the development of human civilization.They are no longer contented with been diagnosed with no disease, but prolong their lives, not only physically but also mentally.Nevertheless what can we do to stay healthy?

Firstly, In order to keep healthy, every individual should hold a zealous attitude.Countless surveys indicate that the majority of diseases are stem from negative emotion.A healthy emotion makes you feel relaxed and meaningful.So do not forget to smile!Secondly, do never skip any meal, particularly breakfast.Breakfast is an accelerator that actives the brain to work.A delicious breakfast makes you wok smartly and efficiently.Additional, the one who has breakfast is far slimmer than the one who doesn’t.Thirdly, you shall always have enough rest.Hadn’t you slept well, exhaustion and fatigue which result from insufficient rest would make it impossible for you to concentrate on your undertaking.Fourthly, however bustling you are, never forget to chat with your family and your friends.In this way you would have a healthy

mental emotion by speaking out your trepidation and your tension.Meanwhile, you will grasp others’ emotional variables in the same

way, nourishing each other's intimate relationship as well as release yourself.Turn off the TV while you are talking with your friends and having meals.Last but never least, eat at least 5 kinds of vegetables and fruits everyday.As a survey puts, once there are more vegetables and fruits, there would be less risks of cancer and heart disease.Putting them at the places which is availed for you to reach is doubtlessly to be an excellent reminding of eating more.To summarize, the secret of staying healthy is regular living habit and optimistic spirit.So concentrate on your life style and your emotion quality, which will unquestionably lay you in a healthy state.

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