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Section Two

The novel Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Bronte in 1847, which has an important status in English literature.In this novel, the author shapes a great woman who pursues true love and equality.Jane was a orphan, her parents both die when she was a kid, so she had to live in her uncle’s home, but they were not treat her good, she lived hardly.But when her aunt locked her into the black room and Jane was not afraid of her at all.Jane said:‘I shall remember how you thrust me back-roughly and violently back-into the red room and locked me up there ,to my dying day.People think you are a good woman ,but you are bad, hardhearted.You are deceitful.’ From this, we can find out that Jane is a very tough and self-respecting girl.The most famous word in Jane Eyre is that ‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!I have as much soul as you, and full as much heart!’ Jane said this to Mr.Rochester when he pretended to want to get married with Miss Blanche.From this, we can know Jane is a independent woman and she pursuit to true love.Jane loves Rochester deeply always-from the beginning to the end.But when she know he has a wife and they can’t get married, she decided to leave him, and after years, when Rochester have nothing and disabled, she bake to his life.Jane is very good, pure woman and has her own opinion.Charlotte Bronte created a woman who is small, plain-faced and poor, but tough, independent, self-respect and self-confident.Jane is a so great woman lets so many readers all over the world love her.


姓名:王令学号:102014020025 Self-esteem independent, rebellious resistance

Jane Eyre, thin in the stranger aunt at home, and the brutal arrogance of the table Geyue Han conflict, she dared to scuffle and cousin, and rage against him: “You this boy was also vicious and cruel, you like a murderer---My soul just like you, my heart is with you completely!...where we stand in front of God are equal----because we are equal!”Based on this, The way she expressed her love of praise was not sweet, gentle whisper, more than pray, temptation or seduce the final analysis, she pursued the hearts of equality combination.Strong-willed, intelligence and

Gaicihaide House, Jane Eyre is a fairy tale “Cinderella”, weak, ugly, eccentric, timid mercy of others, no clear status and identity of the “little guy” is a “foreign person”, is a “heterogeneous” is not as servants, "Miss.Everything in their power to oppress her, ruining her nature to stifle her growth, but the heart of Jane Eyre is not the ugly reality destroyed her spirit because of the rough life and temper was tenacious, she will be tempered resolute, extraordinary situation to cultivate her extraordinary courage and insight-year-old children seem to have the intelligence of the adult, this transcendent intelligence led her to indifferent fear to resist oppressors.Conclusion

Comprehensive analysis, Jane Eyre is a poor and humble, homely, very tough, emotional, independent self-esteem, brave and persistent, intelligent and

extraordinary girl, her own fate, the value of the status of thought and effort to grasp on their own ideas and personality has a rational understanding of the firm to pursue their own happiness and emotional.The simple love of the body, we see the image of today's new woman: self-esteem, self-respect, self-reliance, self-improvement for its own personality, emotional life, to judge, select the firm ideals and pursuit.This is the inspiration for Jane charisma, where the purposes of this article.


C.Jane Eyre’s Independence

The independent spirit is another most important aspect attracting readers.Jane Eyre is exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life.To some degree, the novel can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.In Jane Eyre, mistreatment and unfairness force Jane to struggle for self-respect, while knowledge and worthwhile work provide her with enough economic supply to gain independence.Jane, casting alone on the world and fighting a solitary battle, shows her determination in pursuing her self-esteem and independence at every stage of her life, both in struggling with social pressure and resisting the temptation of passion and love.In every relationship, Jane rises from inferiority to superior, and finally gains full independence through continuous rebellion.A.Jane Eyre’s Consciousness of the Importance of Independence The struggle begins for the despised, outcast, unprotected child at Reeds.She bravely stands up for her rights and fights for the life of success she deserves.At this stage Jane’s instinct for self-assertion can only express itself in rebellion.An orphan since early childhood, Jane Eyre has no parents or friends, no wealth or possession, misunderstood, mistreated by the relatives she has.All alone in the world, she seems doomed to a life of failure.The cruel treatment she receives from her Aunt Reed and her cousins only exacerbates her feeling of alienation, and deepens her determination of rebellion.She realizes that she will never find a true sense of home or community and feel the need for belonging, to find “kin,” or at least “kindred spirits.” And the “red-room” life only deepens her courage in resisting her aunt’s unfair punishment, which foreshadows Jane’s independence or rebelliousness.The poor experience at Gatehead tempers her equally intense need for autonomy and freedom.The Reed family is a demonstration of Jane’s power to overcome the circumstance.The dramatic presentation of Jane’s struggle at Gatehead demonstrates that she should begin to realize it is not necessary to fear authority.b.Gaining Strength from Her Teacher and Schoolmates Since Jane Eyre’s education in Lowwood Orphanage, she doesn’t get what she has been expecting---simply being regards as a common person, just the same as any other girl around.Jane continues to be socially ostracized, financially trapped, and excluded from love;her sense of independence and her freedom of self-expression are constantly threatened.The cruel treatment from Mr.Brocklehurst and the poor condition there only inspires Jane to gain independence.Helen Burns’s martylike attitude toward the school’s miseries is helpful to Jane.She learns from Helen the ability of endurance.Though Helen suffers from shame and anger when punished, she tries to endure her punishment socially.But Helen’s death makes Jane angrily believe her own words once more “strike back very hard, resist in justice, return dislike to dislike.”(Charlotte Bronte, 2003).That is the typical rebelliousness.It is hard for people to imagine or believe that such a short, plain and weak girl contains a never yielding soul and feelings as warm as raging flames not only because of the bad conditions but the indifferent human relationships there.At Lowood, Jane’s independence rises to a higher level.She learns to be self-restrained from Helen and she finds the way to be independent from Miss Temple.In fact, Miss Temple and Helen are in some sense mothers for Jane.From Miss Temple, the girl learns to achieve more humorous thoughts.Her way of confronting the world is still the Promethean way of fiery rebellion, nor miss Temple’s way of ladylike repression, nor Helen’s way of sanity renunciation.She learns from her two teachers at least superficially to compromise.c.Showing Her Independence and Self-Control Fully

As a reward of revolting the ruthless oppression, Jane Eyre gets a chance to be a tutor in Thorn field Hall.She makes an acquaintance of lovely Adele and its owner, Rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside.From then on, the fate on Jane changes a lot.But when she knows Rochester has had a legal wife, she chooses to leave.She chooses poverty between richness and poverty.Someone says that life is a box of chocolates;you never know what you will get.It is reflected in Jane’s life.The novel doesn’t end when Jane Eyre leaves Thorn field.For Jane, there should be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent.As a governess, Jane gains financial independence so that she can support herself.Jane now has a social as well as a personal position.Moreover, Jane’s vision enlarges and goes farther on the way to be independent.When Jane feels deeply attached to Mr.Rochester, she clearly realizes that there is an impossible chasm between them.Mr.Rochester, born in a notable family, is part of upper class while Jane herself, sprints from low extraction, and is just an ordinary governess not more than a servant.However, she doesn’t lose her heart and withdraw or even belittle herself.Jane acknowledges her inward feelings before Mr.Rochester.She conducts herself in this battle for love with a great disparity in social status;Jane attaches importance to friendship and frankness but not Mr.Rochester’s countless property and his celebrated family status.Jane is not willing to give up her independence and equality to Rochester.When Mr.Rochester proposes to her, Jane accepts because Jane feels Mr.Rochester regards her at equal levels.But just on the wedding day, Mr.Mason cries out that Rochester already has had a wife.Angering at Mr.Rochester’s deed, Jane speaks out these words angrily: “Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automation, a machine without feeling, and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water?”(Marian Allotte, 1973).At this time, her feeling of preserving independence becomes obvious.She just wants to preserve her self-respect by scarifying her marriage.d.The Pleasure of Self-Sufficiency Independently

The flight from Thorn field following the interrupted marriage ceremony makes the turning point of Jane, and she undergoes a trial on the moors, which brings her face to face with the real meaning of the personal worth and independence.At Moor House, Jane enjoys economic independence and engages in worthwhile and useful work, and she finds work as a schoolmistress, and does some real good to her pupils.But she lacks emotional sustenance.Although St.John proposes marriage, Jane knows their marriage will remain loveless.He admires Jane because she is self-respect and diligent.St.John offers Jane another kind of freedom: the freedom to act unreservedly on her principles.He opens to Jane the possibility of exercising her talents fully by working and living with him in India.Jane eventually realizes, though, that this freedom will also constitute a form of imprisonment, because she will be forced to keep her true feelings and her true passions always in check.She defaces what she wants is real and equal, not as his worthy too.Once again Jane shows her courage in preserving her independence.Nonetheless, the events of Jane is staying at Moor House are necessary tests of Jane’s autonomy.Only after proving her self-sufficiency to herself can she marry Rochester and not be asymmetrically dependent upon him as her “master”.The marriage can be one between equals.Life is ceaselessly changing, but living principles remain.Firmly persisting for the rights of being independent gives people enough confidence and courage.



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XX民族中学初二年级的英语学习调查 36 对语篇及语篇连贯的认知研究

网络环境下汉语语言对英语语言的吸收与融合机制研究 38 试析假如明天来临的叙事艺术 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 英文原版电影在英语口语学习中的应用 分析哈克贝利•费恩历险记 对中国彩电的反倾销分析 浅谈英语复杂句的翻译

从功能目的论看美国电影字幕翻译-录取通知为例 英汉动物词汇文化内涵异同对比分析 语言迁移在英语教学中的应用

在高中英语词汇教学中进行文化渗透的策略 社会语言学视角下的校园语码转换 论美国文化的霸权

浅析大学英语四级听力测试对大学生听力学习的反拨作用 创造有效的师生互动英语课堂策略


语篇范围内的构式研究-美国总统就职演说作为案例 弗兰肯斯坦中的死亡意义


合作学习在XX中学英语教学中的应用 德伯家的苔丝分析苔丝的悲剧人生

高中英语阅读教学策略的得与失--XX班英语阅读情况调查与分析 英语人名地名及其翻译

英美文学作品中的人名及其引申意 浅谈红字中宗教和人物命运的关系

论语境适应论在西方电影片名翻译中的运用 小城畸人里象征主义手法研究

全球商务中基于文化差异的品牌名称翻译 浅谈英语诗歌节奏 浅析中美幽默之差异

英汉颜色习语差异的对比研究 英汉问候语的礼貌差异分析

傲慢与偏见中傲慢在哪,偏见在哪 “红”的中英对比及其翻译 广告中英语口号语言特点的分析 英语动物习语文化内涵比较与翻译 被动句翻译的策略、技巧和规律 贵妇画像中女主人公悲剧命运解析

对外汉语量词教学研究及其在加速学习中的运用 广告标语的言语行为理论分析 提高中学生阅读能力的方法 英汉爱情隐喻的对比研究

文化差异对商务谈判思维的影响 英语委婉语的交际功能

献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花中的冲突 教师用语及其对学习者输入的影响 中西方服饰文化的差异及其成因 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 初探美剧中流行语的翻译—以生活大爆炸为例 浅谈商业广告的翻译

英语专业学生词汇附带习得 家庭至上观在美剧中的表现


认真的重要性中人物奥斯卡王尔德人格的二重性 白牙的生态伦理解读

哈利波特系列里哈利波特与伏地魔的二元对立分析 英文商务信函中的礼貌策略研究

XX九中英语课堂中师生互动的调查英语教育 谈老友记中英语语调的特点及交际功能 西方文学中撒旦形象的形成与发展

喧哗与骚动中女主人公凯蒂的悲剧原因分析 在英语教学中提高小学生交际能力的研究 通过英文电影提高英语口语的方法 英汉连词“and”的翻译



Jane Eyre was in an orphaned environment and depended on others.She endured the different treatment comparing with the peers, such as the despite from the aunt、the contempt from sisters and the insult and beaten from brothers.But it may be the circumstance that give rise to her indomitable spirit and unlimited confidence which can be seen as the inherent strength of character.As a tutor, Jane never felt her status was inferior to Rochester just as her saying “I have as much soul as you-and full as much heart!”.She deserved others’ respect owing to the equality.Precisely because of her integrity、nobility、purity in her inner mind, Rochester was stunned and slowly fell in love with her.When Jane knew the truth that Rochester had a wife, she chose to leave without hesitation.She wanted to stick to the acceptable principles in the moment of consciousness instead of insanity.Jane had lived up with the suffering of being deceived by the most trusted and intimated person.At the meanwhile, she still made a reasonable decision.Tempted by the glorious and rich life, she still upheld her dignity and departure, which embodies Jane’s spiritual charm.Nevertheless when Rochester had nothing enviable, Jane returned to him.She didn’t need to balance between dignity and love any more, and she got both at this time.We are moved by Jane’s stubborn individuality and independent personality.She has been the classic symbol as independent women.There should be more Jane Eyre coming out in the modern life.Whether poor or rich, beautiful or plain, we should live with independent character and strong personality.



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