
时间:2019-05-15 14:31:46下载本文作者:会员上传


Farewell Speech


Withthetime goes, we visit to guangzhou is drawing to a close.the tourists’ new destination is shanghai.This afternoon youwillbeleaving Guangzhou for shanghai by plane.When you arrive at the baiyunInternationalAirport ,I shall be very busy with handingthe boarding pass and taking care ofyour luggage.So I couldhardlyhave time to say goodbye to everyone.So,let me take thisopportunity to saysomethingaboutour wonderful trip.When we arrive the guangzhou ,we are surprised in Guangzhou’s captialof progress and prosperity.When we visited the Sun Yat-sen’s Memorial Hall ,Nobody failed to experience Sun Yat-sen’s revolution histority andknow the one of the most famous person-Sun Yet-set.When we walked leisurely in Yuexiu Park,we feel exciting to appreciate all kind of flowers in the flower exhibition.We can travel the Statue of Five Rams which is a symbol of the city of Guangzhou stands in the Park.All of you have ascended the Hai zhu Bridge that become the main component part of Eight Sceneries of Guangzhou.First of all.Thanks for your understanding and cooperation you have given us in two days.You have been friendly and generous we’ve ever been with.You have been forgive and understand,offer us suggestions on how to solve the problem when I was making mistakes.I want to say in my heart that you are the best group we’ve ever

Parting is such sweet sorrow.we believe that Chinese word said“A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near”we are friend forever.We turn on the telephone for 24 hours to serving you.welcome tocallme.Ha!!I hope to see you again in the future and to be your guide again.At last, I can’t talk the something best,but whenever and wherever ,the best wishes for you.everything goes well!being in good health!fortune star shine hign!may all your wishes come ture!Wish you prosperity!and so on。

Once again,thank you for your cooperation and support.


ladies and gentlemen : times fly so quickly and your visit to beijing province is drawing a close before we part.now i am very happy that i want to say something to describe my feelings with these days.i want to say we are friends now ,right? the days i spent with you are so pleasant that I feel a little sad.first i thanks everybody.everybody in the group has been very co-operative ,friendly ,understanding and punctual.as your tour guide , i was much appreciated.as the nation’s capital, Beijing is both an ancient and a young city , it has many tourist attractions, as the saying goes ,‘‘ half a loaf is better then no bread ’’.I hope you like it.china is a developing country ,and tourism is a new born thing ,the problems you have met on the trip were know to everyone , the point is that we should treasure our friendship and experience.however this is the beginning of our friendship we believe that this friendship will continue to grow in the future ,parting is such sweet sorrow , happy to meet ,sorry to depart well,i hope you enjoyed your visiting here ,and i am sure if you come next time,you will be more enjoyable!

thank you ,i am looking forword to see you soon!


Welcome Speech

Hello everyone,how are things going?Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen.Welcome to Hunan, welcome to changsha.Please sit back and relax, your luggage will be sent to the hotel, so you don’t have to worry about it.Let me introduce my team first.my name is tanya, your local guide, you may just call meXX.This is Mr Wang,our driver, he is an experienced(a skilled)driver for 20 years.We are from the China International Traval Service(Agency),Hunan Branch.On behalf of the travel agency and my colleagues.I’d like to attend a warm welcome to all of you.During your staying in changsha, we will try our best to answer your questions,and be your interpreter,makingit a pleasant and rewarding experience(providing quality service and make your trip excited).If you have any problems or special requests, please don not hesitate to tell us.As Chinese old saying goes, “Nothing is more delightful than to meet friends from afar.” At the same time ,we highly apperciate your understanding and cooperation.Next please allow me to say something about our schedule.We will

stay in changsha for two days.You are going to stay at TongCheng International Hotel, aluxurious [lʌɡˈzjuəriəs]奢华的 five-star hotel, the hotel is located at the center of the changsha.It is 30 driving(minutes)from here.You are not familiar with the surroundings of changsha.You nend to remember the number of the tourist bus,the number is XiangA XXX.let me repeat it:XiangA XXX.My mobile phone number is XXX.I would have it on for 24 hours.Don not hesitate to contact me whenever you are in need.Changsha is one of the largest metropolises [mɪˈtrɔpəlɪs]大都市 in South China and an ancient city dating back to over 5,000 years.It is among the first group of famous historical and cultural cities ratified by the State council.The well—known scenic spots include Mawangdui Han Tombs, Yuelu Academy, Tianxin Park, just to name a few.Now I would like to explain the itinerary [aɪˈtɪnəˈreri:, ɪˈtɪn-]旅程 to you.I hope you would enjoy it.At 9:00 this morning,we will have sightseeing in changsha.The first scenic spot we shall visit is Yuelu Academy.Then we shall climb Yuelu mountain.This afternoon, we shall visit Tianxin Park.At 4:00

this afternoon, you will have free time to go shopping and enjoy tea at your leisure [ˈleʒə]空闲时间 in the teahouse.I sincerely wish you a pleasant and comfortable stay and a fantastic holiday here.I shall do all I can to make everything easy to you.We are going to enjoy this wonderful trip, aren’t we?

Thank you for your attention.Farewell speech

Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.Time goes so quickly and your visit to changsha is drawing to a close.Please allow me to take this opportunity to say something about our wonder trip.In these days, we visited Yuelu Mountain, Hunan Provinical Museum,and so on.I wish to thank you all for the understanding and cooperation you have given us.You have been very punctual on all occasions,which made things a lot easier for our work.Two days ago, we met as strangers, today, we bid

farewell each other as friends.I treasure this friendship established with you.If you have some comments and suggestions about our services, make you unhappy, I want to say sorry, we will correct it when you come again.As you have problaly observed, changsha is developing very quickly, the city will become more and more beautiful.I hope to say you again in the future and to be your local guide again.I hope you have a wonderful life in your country.Thank you.


every guest , everybody are good , i represent(代表)a driver first,the travel service who represents xx welcomes everybody arriving in beautiful sea town--dalian , i am a tourist guide of xx travel service member, i am called meng li na , everybody lets my small meng can.front's be a driver x master, the x master driving experience having many years , the driving technology is excellent(驾驶技术高超), is at ease therefore everybody can be complete in the process of bridge crane(所以大家在行车过程中可以完全放心).this several day is served for everybody by our and x master then right away.there is a sentence in china as the saying goes regards: construct such that the same boat spends for a century.today we will be: repair same car dealer's for a century.everybody knows each other well from not being acquainted for to meeting in all of us being gone to from different place ride in in the same vehicle with a destination, this is really one kind of very marvellous and fine as well preordained relationship , lets us carry this fine preordained relationship through to the end so right away.that little meng first here wish everybody trip to dalian happy, hope we dalian good mountain, good water, good tourist guide, good driver bring a portion to a portion good state of mind, make everybody with face to face dalian expectation and long for but come with face to face dalian satisfied and linger around but return to.bless everybody shu eating in dalian finally中国有句俗话说的好:百年修得同船度。今天我们就是:百年修得同车行。我们大家由不同的地方走到同一个目的地,乘坐在同一辆车里,大家由不相识到相见相知,这真是一种很奇妙而又美好的缘分,那么就让我们将这个美好的缘分进行到底。那小王先在这里预祝大家大连之行愉快,希望我们大连的好山、好水、好导游、好司机给大家带来一份好的心情,使大家带着对大连的期待和憧憬而来带着对大连的满意和流连而归。最后祝大家在大连吃的舒心,玩的开心,住的爽心。


that trip to dalian to master of here will have been over.believe in more of dalian public square , big of greenbelt area, clean appearance of a city and euro-style city construction are stayed by you deeply impression, keeps an incense especially among the dalian seafood lip and tooth definitely as early as you.那到这里大家的大连之行就要结束了。相信大连广场之多,绿地面积之大,干净的城市面貌和欧式的城市建设给您留下深深的印象,特别是大连的海鲜一定还在您的唇齿间留香。little meng thanks everybody's all the way support to my job and understands that also in here.hope that everybody gets chance to come to dalian again, small meng and my location(所在)xx travel service will be that you provide(提供)the service using more well.wish everybody's returning journey all smooth god-speed finally!最后祝大家归途一切顺利一路平安

第五篇:英文导游欢送词 成都

庹诗晴旅管一班22组 201021113243

Dear visitors:

Our three-day tour of Chengdu is coming to the end.At this moment,I would like to thank you all sincerely for your cooperation in these three days.Without your support and help My work would not done so smoothly.Once again, I express my sincere gratitude to everyone.In these happy and short three days,we appreciated the charm of Chengdu,enjoyed a variety of Sichuan food.There are many friends bought some specialties and souvenirs of Chengdu.I sincerely hope you not just take away specialties, more importantly, memories in Chengdu.In fact, I know this is not a perfect pleasure trip is not a perfect one.Please forgive and point out my shortcomings,I need Your valuable comments.Let my work in the future continue to progress, and constantly improve.Finally, I am here on behalf of individuals and our travel agency hope that everyone can be healthy , work smoothly, and be happy in future.



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