英语作文 Notice例文

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第一篇:英语作文 Notice例文


You’re welcome to join the Bicycle Club which has been set up in our school.All the students who want to join the club may register in the office of the Students’ Union on the fifth floor of Buiding 3 during 5:05 to 6:00 pm.from next Monday to Friday.As the first activity, the opening ceremony of the club will be held at 4:40 pm on April 28 in the office of PE center of our school.Then a lecture about the common knowledge of Guangdong greenway wil be given.In addition, the arrangements for the next activity will be announced after a talk concerning bicycle repair and maintenance.The Students’ Union

第二篇:英语作文 寻物启事 Notice for Lost


I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon.Its cover is blue and white.I wrote my name on the first paper.There are about two hundred papers.Many important notes and information are written on it.They are important to me.Will the finder please call me? My name is Xiang Yun and my telephone number is 5320147.Here are my sincere thanks.


Notice for the Holiday of National Day and Mid-autumn Day

Dear colleagues:

Based on the spirit of the State Council office for the arrangement of holiday in 2012(NO.45, 2011, the State Council office), considering the arrangements of our school work, now we have the notice as follows:During the holiday, every department should make arrangements for duty, security and guarding.When meeting great emergencies, we should report it under the provisions in time and deal with it very well.Besides we should make sure that all of our colleagues can spend the holiday safely.Office of Hebei University2012.9.20

第四篇:学术会议通知 A lecture Notice范文

Notice Herbert Pierson, Visiting Professor from Saint John University, USA will be holding a talk on “How to Improve English Writing” on March 5, 2014 at 2:30-4:00 p.m.The meeting will be held in Lecture Hall 405, Humanities Building.All postgraduate students are welcome.XXX


第五篇:Notice and Poster 写作

Notices and Posters 海报时人们日常生活中最为常见的一种招贴形式,多用于电影、戏曲、文艺演出等活动。海报通常写明活动的形式,活动的主办单位、时间、地点等活动。(讲座、球类比赛、戏曲、演奏会、文艺晚会、汇报演出、电影消息、画展、演讲比赛、报告会、参观游览活商品大拍卖)





No News Invited by the Trade Union of Anhui University, Anhui Provincial Huangmei Opera Troupe will come to give the performance of a newly-composed Huangmei Opera at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, April 8, 1990 in the university auditorium.The famous actors and actresses such as Ma Lan, Huang Xinde will make you a good time.The Trade Union Anhui University April 4, 1990

English Speech Contest Hosted by the Student Union of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, the 2nd English Speech Contest will be held in the classroom No.410 of Wenxilou Building at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, October 30, 1988.All are cordially welcome!

The Student Union The Dept.of FLD Anhui University October 28, 1992

Notice 启事是为公开声明某事而见于报端或张贴于公共场所的应用文,多用于失物招领、寻人、征稿等事项。(寻人、遗失、招领、更名、更正、征稿、征询、迁址、换房、租房、活动延期、开业、授权、人事变更、鸣谢等)启事的写作格式



A Boy Missing My smart son, named Wang Wei, aged 7, in blue coat, got lost at yesterday noon of October 25, 1994 when he went home from school.He is 1.09 metres tall, with black hair, a moon face, rosy cheeks, big eyes, and a very small scar on chin.He can speak daily Chinese fluently.Whoever meets him or knows him whereabouts or has any information about his location is begged to advise him family or ring them up.A thousand thank from,Wang Long And his family Add: 142 Jinzhai Road Tel: 3634563

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