
时间:2019-05-15 14:33:26下载本文作者:会员上传


My dearest daughter:

I’m truly sorry about what I said in our sharp quarrel yesterday.Your intense behavior caused me deep thought in my educational methods.Anyway, I sincerely hope you can finish reading this letter.I promise you will thoroughly understand your tiger mother after reading it.You complain I don’t respect your hobbies from time to time.Honestly, it’s really unfair to forbid choosing your own extracurricular activities.In my opinion, compared with parents who are kind towards their children, I have to be a “tiger parent” because it is much more important to arrange your future rather than interests.To focus on getting abilities which help stand on the society should be the only way for you.In addition, you hate playing piano for hours, for it is boring and tiresome.However, my daughter, practice makes perfect.Only to make great efforts can you receive amazing achievements.Loosing freedom may be difficult, but I guarantee that you will gain confidence after getting praise and admiration.Sometimes I make fun of my own extreme style of tiger parenting, I do place higher expectations and more beautiful dreams on my daughter.However,such tiger parenting also represents a tradition among who is seeking a better future for their children.Life is getting tough as you

grow older.What you have to do is working hard to win for the good things in your life.My dearest daughter, it doesn’t matter if you are little aware of these words, but I’m sure you can understand it when you grow up.No matter what happens, please remember: your parents still love you.Yours,Tiger-parent













Recently, Amy Chua, or the “Tiger Mother”, aroused heated discussions both in US and in China with her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.The following are the ten things she lists in her book that she strictly forbids her two daughters to do:

a.Attend a sleepover(a party for children in which they stay the night at someone’s house);

b.Have a play date(in which children hang out with their friends);c.Be in a school play;

d.Complain about not being in a school play;

e.Watch TV or play computer games;

f.Choose their own extracurricular activities;

g.Get any grade less than an A;

h.Not be the No.1 student in every subject except gym and drama;i.Play any instrument other than the piano or violin;

j.Not play the piano or violin.You are invited to write under either of the following two topics.The length of your writing should not exceed 300 words.(1)Suppose you are a “tiger parent”.Write a letter to your child and explain to her/him your ideas about tiger parenting.(2)Suppose you are a child who has tiger parents.Write a letter to your parents and explain to them your ideas about tiger parenting.



Chinese people always have the tradition of helping others;regardless of a friend or a stranger.However, in recent years, people find that when they try to help others, some changes are taking places.One of the most common examples is that, a passer-by who sent an injured senior people to hospital would be very likely to be recognized as the accident-maker.This kind of events is being rerun again and again.When trapped in the dilemma of tradition and trouble, what would be your choice?



A01.Who, in your view, is the greatest athlete and how does he or she influence the lives of others? Why?

A02.What are the negative social effects of advertisements?

A03.Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? What do you think causes this generation gap? What can be done to solve this problem?

A04.What does the recent royal wedding in Great Britain mean to the public? Why were they so excited about it?

A05.If you became the richest man or woman in China, what kind of life do you think you would lead?


B01.Should romantic relations among students be encouraged? Why or why not?

B02.What does your parents forbid you from doing when you were in senior high school?B03.What are some of the effective and ineffective methods people use to cope with stress?B04.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet.Will the Internet isolate us from one another?

B05.If your school asked all the students to wear school uniform, and you were the head teacher.What would you say to persuade the students?


C01.What role does music play in your life? Do you listen to music while studying? Do you think it is a good habit?

C02.Which emperor do you like best in Chinese history?

C03.Some people say.“We learn more outside class than in it” Do you agree?Why or Why not?

C04.Do you think music can affect people’s lives, for example, calming them down, cheering them up, or increasing efficiency?

C05.What do you prefer, watching movies at home or at the cinema? Why?
























American TV dramas are quite prevailing in the group of teenagers these days.Some people think it has nothing to do with the students.But in my eyes,I regard them as a tool to learn English and they help me to know different culture.First American TV dramas can enhance my sense of learning English.Broke Girls is one of my favorite American TV dramas and it shows on every Saturday evening.When it begins, I’ll be concentrated on the screen and too addicted to the drama to hear mom’s instruction I be expected at the dinner table.As soon as it ends, the video will be rewound and I’ll write down some important words,phrases and sentenses that will help me with English.My vocabulary will be expanded with lots of words learned.Next ,their accent is pretty good in the drama so that it can get my spoken English improved.Only if master the native English expression will I do better in learning English.Ultimately ,the most important significance of watching American TV dramas do I think is to know the differences between America and China.There are a large number of stories in Broke Girls permeated with their own culture such as the civil war and Great Depression.The characters are always talking about the news which is from all over America, most of it about politics.In one episode,the main character Oley walked along the street ,one of his old companions putting his hand on Oley’s shoulder.“hey ,Oley!I’m Thomas Jefferson.We haven’t seen each other for several years!”Oley thought for a while and answered,“Oh, you are the person who writes the declaration!Have you finished writing?”Puzzled by this confusing conversation,I looked through the dictionary.With the unfamiliar words looked up,I realized that the declaration referred to the Declaration of Independence and the great president Thomas Jefferson’s name is the same as the old friend’s.It reminded me of what I had known about Jefferson in my junior high school.My history teacher used to mention the leader of War of Independence..Otherwise,I completely forget about him.As a student of art,it’s necessary to understand their historical background.The more knowledge I gain,the better history and politics grades I get.Though I benefit from American dramas a lot,there should be a proper limit to them.You will be sure to be addicted to the dramas unless you control yourself.We are supposed to keep a balance between our study and American TV dramas.American dramas should be treated as an important way to improve the level of English or other subjects rather than just for entertainment.



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