
时间:2019-05-15 14:43:19下载本文作者:会员上传


Job-hunting-----My heart will go on Googevening ladies and gentalmen

It's my honor to stand here and enjoy the English Speech Competition,so firstly i will thank all of you for giving me such a precious chance.my name is XIANG JIU ZHOU.a gental person i always think so.though English is not my majorit's my favorite.tha's true..and it's Always on my mind just like someone you loved deeply.So next Iwill do my best to show myself, but i still wish all of you cangive me some encouragement and some applause...Sincere appreciation.Back when i was a child, inmy inner heart there are a lot of great dreams.Including becoming a scientist, a writer, a doctor,a general,or justa professor.In short, at that time i was full of fantasy, I always believed that i would be a talented person, a person useful to society.....so my dear friends,did you also had those great dreams when you were a child? Butas time goes by ,quite a lot of things have changed, of course, include my thoughts of life and once great

dreams.facing this,i just want to say“how time flies”l.And that once a child who was full of fantasy hasnow become a college student.But change is still changing just like the little boy and time is still flyingjust like those great dreams once i had,and they never stay a

mement.......unfortunately,..i cannot change the

reality ,butin my inner heart there is a sound summoning me frequently.that is “to be a professor” and i can still hear it right now......but.....now,if you want to ask the college student stand here “how many roads must a man walk down before we call him a man”i think:at present,what he can do is just to silence only silence because he can do nothing except this.perhaps it soundsa bit pessimistic,but the truth is indeed the case...so , my drear friends ,if you were in my situation,can you answer this question?

I am so clear that human alives, you need a decent job.It can be said that since the moment i enterthe University ,I often ask myself questions Such as whatwork will make me fit?or what can I do after graduation?or what i have lived for? ??Even right now ponder these issues perhaps they are

still difficult to answer, but I told myself that there is a need to answer it....more importantly,the answer should be found by myself.and luckily enough,i got it.“to be a professo and search for the knowledge ”is the finally answer.so,friends here,have ever asked these questions such as“what i have lived for?”

Frankly speaking,the current employment are extremely

hard,especially in the context of economic crisis and It also adds to the difficulty of getting a good job.But as everyone knows “only the strong survive',so as a person of noble aspirations he should'veknown what to do anytime anywhere even when trouble troubles him...So during this rough

period ,the most important thing we need to do is that we should not Indulgence.on the contrary,we should be more

self-confident and work harder than before...so,dear

friends,i really hope youbelieve that” bread and milk would have “.and if you just believe it ,there is nothing to it.and i also believe that as long as you have the spirit of rock climbing,u will be successful and will find a job that belongs to youselves ”Listen, there must be something,there must be something“,i heard some voice fluttering from the distant world”hey,guy,do you still remember that dream you've dreamed of so many times in every long lonely night.“"to be a professor”“yes,i did.i always did,and i deeply hope it can be achieved someday......”

Finally,my pledge my oath: On my way of the job-hunting,my heart will go on and on just like on my way of searching for the knoeledge...all my Dear friends,do you believe me? That's the end.Thanks for your listening....

第二篇:演讲比赛 文稿



































































Look on life’s bright side
K=7 李玲玲

Good morning teachers, Today it is my great pleasure to be here to share my speech with you.Before my speech, would you like to answer my question--What’s the life? In my opinion, life is like a mirror.If you cry to it, it cries to you, if you want it smile to you, you have only one way, that is---smile.The most beautiful smile is the most fascinating kind of expression, sincere , warm and happy.Success and failure in life is just like the two sides of a coin.Failure does not mean that you have not succeeded, it only means that you shall have to learn more.Failure does not mean you can not succeed, failure means you need more time;Failure does not mean anything, failure only means you need to work harder.Dear friends ,let’s face failure smiling!Do you know, Mark Twain, the famous writer, whose business was down, he lost all his money, but he didn’t give up.After earnest thinking, he abandoned business and buried him into writing.At last he succeeded.When somebody asked for his experience of success, his answer is very simple---“because I know that the life is bright.”

Yes, life is bright.If he didn’t look on the bright side of the life, if he lost heart, how could he reach his success? Why are you always keeping yourselves in the sad feeling, why not smile to life? Balzac wrote: “The world things are never absolute, and the results are vary, suffering is a stepping stone for the genius.Failure for the talented people is an asset, for the weak is an abyss.” Life is beautiful.Can you hear birds singing? Can you see flowers blooming? How bright our lives are!!I would like to tell you a story.Shi Li hua, a businessman of Tailand, whose business community owns hundreds of millions of dollars.Unfortunately, in 1997’s financial crisis, he went bankrupt.Facing the failure, he said simply: “Well!And I can start all over again!” He calmly walked into the ranks of street selling sandwiches.A year later, he comeback.his smiling face of a failure made him reborn.My dear friends please do not complain about life giving you so much suffering, do not complain there are too many twists and turns in life.If the ocean lost rolling waves , you would lose power;If desert lost sandstorm, it would lose the spectacular, life is obtained if only two points to the front line of smooth, life would have been impossible charm.Friends, smile!Sing songs of life!Life is bright!

Open you mind, so narrow-minded selfish fade;Fly the soul freely, so open-minded tolerance regression.Thus, a clear insight into the world will be in front of you: blue sky, white clouds, clear water , romantic flowers will be stunning in your nose, butterflies will dance at your side.Friends, smile!Sing songs of life!Life is bright!To think each failure is an attempt not to feel inferior;to think of every success of a lucky, not proud.In this way, smiling, playing the calm of the string, to face setbacks,

to accept happiness, to taste alone to shower sad.Before I finish my speech, would you like to smile we me? Let’s embrace all our lives, smiling!Everything will become so beautiful, so nice!This is our bright true life!Thank you!












F: Hello, everyone.Welcome to this week’s Crispy English on Xiamen University Broadcasting Station.I’m Sijia.M: I’m Yuanxuan.F: To outsiders, the Gypsy is always a mystery.From origin to fortune telling, from clothing to everyday life, everything about them seems to be covered with a veil.M: In today’s program, we are going to get close to the special ethnic group—the Gypsy.F: We will begin the journey with Word Club, and in World’s Kaleidoscope, more information about the Gypsy is waiting for you.M: In Movie House, we will have a movie about a person’s wandering into the wild.Coming soon is Word Club.Please stay tuned.Word Club

F: Hello, everyone.Welcome back.In today’s Word Club, we are going to share with you some fresh words and expressions related to the special ethnic group—the Gypsy.M: When people talk about the Gypsy, some certain modifiers often come to their minds.Sijia, when you hear the word “gypsy”, what’s the first impression that occurs to you?

F: Um, a beautiful woman in a long colorful dress with a crystal ball in her hands.M: Aha, I think many of us are not strange to your description.That is a typical image of a gypsy fortune teller.“Fortune teller”, “占卜师、算命师”.身着色彩斑斓的长裙,手捧水晶球的女郎是吉普赛占卜师的典型形象。

F: Yes, you are right.In ancient times, a lot of Gypsies made their living by telling fortunes.Actually, Gypsies are prized for their remarkable gifts to foresee the future or perform magic.There are four major divination methods for the Gypsy.“Divination method”, “占卜方法”.They are “palm reading”, “看手相”;“tea leaves reading”, “茶叶算命”;“crystal ball”, “水晶球” and “tarot cards”, “塔罗牌”.M: Wow, it seems that Gypsies are natural fortune tellers.No wonder they can make a living out of it.F: 嗯,你说的没错!吉普赛人似乎天生就是算命师。“天生的”, “natural”.当我们想说一个人天生拥有某种禀赋时,除了 “natural”之外,我们还可以用 “inborn” or “unschooled”。例如, He has an inborn talent for arts。他是个天生的艺术家。M: Gypsies are not only natural fortune tellers, but also inborn wanderers.To Gypsies, being a nomadic people, wandering from one place to another is as natural as breathing.F: “Wanderer”, “流浪者”, 对于吉普赛人来说人生即是流浪,流浪即是生活。The word “nomadic”, meaning “流浪的、游牧的”, is definitely an accurate word to describe their life.M: In fact, the term “Gypsy” itself has an undertone of wandering.“吉普赛式的生活”, “the gypsy life”, is a life that keeps traveling from place to place with no permanent home.And if someone says, “I’ve never lived in one place for long;it must be the Gypsy in me.” What he really wants to say is that he has a desire to go around the world.F: Other words that mean the same as “wanderer” are “rover”, “roamer”, “stray”, and “tramp”.Only the last two are negative.M: So if you come across a wanderer one day, be careful about your choice of words.Don’t make a mistake.F: Being dubbed as the “free spirit” of the world, Gypsies keep wandering and barely stop.But if they travel most of the time, where do they live? Yuanxuan, do you have any idea?

M: Um...let me have a guess.Do they live in a kind of tent like the Mongolian yurt? F: “Mongolian yurt”, “蒙古包”.But Gypsies do not live in yurts.They have their special “house”—a caravan, “大篷车”.M: A caravan?

F: Yes, a caravan is the “house” of a Gypsy family.It was a wagon driven by one or two horses in the past and now, a vehicle can be pulled by a car.Usually, these caravans are equipped with only the most basic necessities of daily life.M: Wow, live in a vehicle!That sounds interesting.F: Totally agree.Apart from this interesting life style, you can find excellent dancers and instrument performers in Gypsies.Over the years, they have developed their own kind of music and dance.M: Flamenco is a style of dance coming from the Gypsy.Involving vigorous actions as clapping the hands and stamping the feet, the rhythm of the dance is often very strong.“Flamenco”, “弗拉明戈舞”.这种源于吉普赛人的舞蹈,节奏明快,热情奔放,是世界的一大艺术瑰宝。

F: Speaking of dance, there are various styles of dances, such as “classical dance” “古典舞”, “ballet” “芭蕾舞”, “folk dance” “民间舞、民族舞”, “modern dance” “现代舞”, “tap dance” “踢踏舞” and “jazz” “爵士舞”.The Flamenco, belonging to the folk dance, enjoys a worldwide fame.M: Well, dear friends, that’s all for today’s Word Club.Let’s go on the journey in World’s Kaleidoscope.Just a minute!

World’s Kaleidoscope

M: Welcome back.You are with Yuanxuan and Sijia in today’s Crispy English.In World’s Kaleidoscope we are going to talk about the special ethnic group—the Gypsy.F: Speaking of the Gypsy, people are always curious about who they are, so today we will begin with their origin.M: The origin of the Gypsy was a mystery until the 18th century.In the past, Gypsies were considered of coming from Egypt and thus they got the name Gypsy, which is short for Egyptian.But this was and still is a widely spread mistake.F: In fact, the Gypsy has nothing to do with Egypt.After years of research, scholars finally believed that the Gypsy originated in India.About 1,000 years ago, they began to leave their homeland, probably as a result of Muslim invasion.M: Also from then on, the Gypsy started their wandering life, and has never settled down.By the 14th century, they arrived in Europe and spread to different countries.F: Strangely, wherever they entered, they got a new name.In Britain, they were called “Gypsy”, in France, “Bohemian”, in Russian, “Tzigane”.Undoubtedly, these names make people feel more confused about them.M: But all the time Gypsies call themselves Roma, a distinct people from the rest Europeans.F: It seems we have talked much about their origin, but still, I don’t know who they are.I mean, what do they look like?

M: Aha, you are asking the right person.Let me give you a description of a typical Gypsy.F: Please.I’m all ears.M: She was dancing, turning, whirling on an old Persian carpet, thrown down carelessly beneath her feet.While she danced like that, to the thrumming of a

tambourine held above her head by her two pure, shapely arms, slim, frail, lively as a wasp, with her golden unpleated bodice, her brightly colored dress swirling out, her bare shoulders, her slender legs uncovered now and then by her skirt, her dark hair, her blazing eyes, she was a supernatural creature.F: Ah, this is La Esmeralda in Victor Hugo´s Notre Dame de Paris(巴黎圣母院).Yeah, she is a typical Gypsy woman.How can I forget her!

M: Though she is a character in a fiction, she is a typical Gypsy in appearance.In reality, Gypsies have very expressive dark eyes and blue-black hair.Often, the Gypsy women wear long, full skirts of bright colors.Both men and women love to wear abundant jewelry, especially gold coins and hoop earrings.F: No matter in novels or in reality, the Gypsy is known as a symbol of freedom.They preserve a wandering culture.They are always happy, optimistic, carefree and unconventional.M: Yes.For example, they like to walk barefoot because they think “it is better to feel the earth”.And they lack routine of any kind.For them, the routine may simply be to eat when hungry, to sleep when tired.They have no particular day of rest, such as Sunday, but take advantage of almost any occasion to “celebrate” the day.F: And because of the wandering life style, Gypsies traditionally earn money by trading horses, telling fortunes, or repairing pots and dishes.M: To outsiders, their behaviors are unacceptable, but they are totally indifferent to what others think of them.In their concepts, life is short, so just be yourself—a true Gypsy.F: Ok, that’s all for today’s World’s Kaleidoscope.Hope you have learnt something interesting and useful.Coming up is Movie House.Stick around!

Movie House

F: Welcome back.As we have mentioned, the Gypsy is a symbol of freedom.Wandering is an everlasting theme for this particular group of people.However, the appetite for wandering is not exclusive to the Gypsy.It may be deep in everyone’s heart.M: In today’s Movie House, we’ll share with you a movie called “Into the Wild”—a movie about a person’s wandering.It is based on a real story, which aroused great attention in the American society.F: Without too many dialogues or an interesting plot, the film depicts a wander’s

lonely journey to Alaska.“Into the Wild”, 中文名《荒野生存》,改编自真人真事,讲述了主人公Chris在大学之后,抛弃一切,流浪北美大陆,最终不幸困死阿拉斯加荒原的真实故事。

M: Why does a young man from a wealthy family with a promising future desert everything and choose to be a tramp? 每个人似乎都在问,这样的选择,这样的流浪究竟值不值得?

F: Now, let’s have a glimpse of the movie and hope you can find the answer.[Clip 1]

Chris: For now, after two rambling years comes the final and greatest adventure—the climatic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution.Chris: No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild.“Alexander·Supertramp”.M: This is the beginning of the movie.A vast wilderness covered with snow spread into the distance.影片一开始时Chris已经成功到达了阿拉斯加荒原,冬天的阿拉斯加白雪皑皑。Luckily enough, after two years’ roaming, Chris arrived in Alaska wilderness.There, he found a deserted bus and transformed it into a “house”.He named it “the Magic Bus”.With the Magic Bus as a shelter, Chris’s adventure was good.F: And when everything was settled down, his mind started to flash back to the past.It was two years ago, he just graduated from college.At the graduation dinner, Chris’s parents proposed to buy him a new car, but…

[Clip 2]

Father: We want to buy you a new car.Mother: That’s right!

Chris: A new car?

Mother: En

Chris: Why would I want a new car? Datsun runs great.Do you think I want some fancy boat?Are you worried what the neighbors might think?

Mother: Well, we wouldn’t get you a brand new Cadillac Chris.We just want to get you a new car that’s safe to drive.And you never know when that thing out there just might blow up?

Chris: Blow up? Blow up? Are you guys crazy? It’s a great car.I don’t need a new car.I don’t want a new car.I don’t want anything.These things!Things!Things!Things!

Mother: Okay.Father: Everything has to be difficult.Chris: Thank you.Father: Thank you.Mother: Maybe that’s not what he means.Maybe he just wants his old car.It’s not such a big deal.Chris: Thank you.I just don’t want any thing.Carine: Chris measured himself and those around him by a fiercely rigorous moral code.He risked what could have been a relentlessly lonely path but found company in the characters of the books he loved, from writers like Tolstoy, Jack London and Thoreau.He could summon their words to suit any occasion and he often would.I forgot to ask what quote he’d picked for his graduation dinner.But I had a good idea of who the primary target would be.It was inevitable that Chris would break away.And when he did, he would do it with characteristic immoderation.M: Carine是Chris的妹妹。What Carine said might well explain why Chris chose to wander to Alaska alone.He wanted to get rid of everything—parents, money, restriction.He just didn’t want anything.F: Chris began his roaming to Alaska immediately after the unhappy dinner.He got everything prepared and even gave himself a brand new name

“Alexander·Supertramp”.一路上他经过了很多地方, 遇见了形形色色的人,碰上了许许多多的事情。当然一路相随的还有沿途的风景和那份流浪的自在。The beautiful scenery and the experience of fancy-free along the journey made him exciting.Just as he said, “it should not be denied that being footloose always exhilarated us”.M: 但是另一方面,当Chris完全消失,将近几个月杳无音信之后,他的父母开始担心起来。

[Clip 3]

Carine: With almost a year having passed since Chris’s disappearance, my parents’ anger, their desperation, their guilt was giving way to pain.And pain seemed to bring them closer.Even their faces have changed.She convinces herself it’s Chris.That is her son whenever she passes a stray.And I fear for the mother in her—instincts that seem to sense the threat of a loss so huge and irrevocable that the mind balks taking its measure.I’ve began to wonder if I can understand all that Chris is saying any longer.But I catch myself and remember that these are not the parents he grew up with, but people softened by the forced reflection that comes with loss.F: 之前,Chris和Carine的父母经常吵架,婚姻很不美满。而这段不美满的婚姻对两个孩子造成了很大的阴影。To some extent, Chris’s wandering was out of the

disappointment to his parents.Chris’s disappearance gave them a chance to reflect and change.But their son never came back.[Clip 4]

Ron: I’m gona miss you when you go.Chris: I’ll miss you too, Ron.But you are wrong that the joy of life comes principally from human relationships.God’s placed it all around us.It’s in everything.It’s in anything we can experience.People just need to change the way they look at those things.Ron: Yeah, I’m going to take a stock of that.You know I am.I am.But I want to tell you something.From the bits and pieces I put together, you know, from much you told me about your family, your mother, your dad.And I know you’ve got problems with the church too.But there is some kind of bigger thing we can all appreciate and it sounds like you don’t mind calling it God.But, when you forgive, you love, and when you love, God’s light shines on you.M: 在Chris到达阿拉斯加荒原的前一站,他遇到了老兵Ron,两人一见如故。作为一位长辈,看到年轻的Chris如此率性妄为,Ron就以自己的经历劝Chris要学会原谅父母,学会去爱。When you forgive, you love.And when you love, God’s light shines on you.F: But Chris might be too stubborn to understand that.在到达阿拉斯加之后,Chris度过了几个月惬意的日子,以书、以荒野为伴。One day, after several months of carefree life in the wilderness, Chris ate some poisonous plant by accident.And he was about to die.M: As Chris became weaker and weaker, he gradually realized the meaning of family.With his last strength, he wrote down in the notebook with tears in eyes, “happiness only real when shared”.是啊,幸福需要分享,也许,流浪终究不是归宿。


You’ve been listening to Crispy English on Xiamen University Broadcasting Station.It’s time to say goodbye.For the audio and script of today’s program, please visit us at xmubs.xmu.edu.cn.In the end is a beautiful song “Fearless” by Taylor Swift.I’m Sijia.I’m Yuanxuan.On behalf of our editors Sun Shuang and Lina, and our board operator Deng Shu, we’d like to thank you for your listening.See you next time.责任编辑 思佳



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