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Mid-Term Essay Writing

Directions: Write an analytical essay in about 600 words on J.D.Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye.Your essay should include:(1)a relevant topic;(2)a discussion of one important theme you obtained from the novel;(3)how this theme is related to your own life experience;(4)a natural conclusion in the end of the essay.Because of Dreams

Generally, all of us may have our own particular dreams, to be a doctor, a teacher, a politician, a businessman or a … The life is just like a long and challengeable journey, and dreams will always direct us on the journey till we succeed.Because of dreams, we dare to face different difficulties and stress;because of dreams, we can stand utmost pains and sufferings;because of dreams, we never change our positive attitudes towards life.After reading J.D.Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye, I fully perceive the importance, meaning and power of dreams.The Catcher in the Rye mainly tells a 16-year-old middle school boy-Holden’s life in New York City.At first, Holden is not good at study, and he is expelled from the school for many times.In the teachers and parents’ view, he may be a bad boy who is always anxious, traitorous, crazy, degenerate and demoralized, and lives an immoral and unexamined life.He is addicted in smoking, drinking and makes no progress.However, he has a quite good understanding of the fact of capitalist society, which is filled with hypocrisy, vanity, folly and philistinism.Holden has a simple and pure dream that he wants to be a catcher in the rye, and just this dream that prevents him from being degenerate, brings him some hopes and confidence, and finally changed his life.From this point, we can find the profound effects of dreams on one’s life.Without his pure dream, Holden may condescend to the end.It is his simple faith that enables him to survive in the capitalist society.Judging from my own experiences, there also many people live a life like Holden’s.They gradually forget their grand ideals, and waste time every day.Instead of study, they are addicted in playing computer games, smoking, drinking.Some always goes to cybercafés, ballrooms, pubs and some even breaks the law.Such kind of behavior hurts their parents

and those who care about them.Therefore, without reasonable dreams, one may have nothing to do.On the other hand, if one has dreams, his life may be different and colorful.Dreams can provide us with infinite power because they may force us to seek truth, to have a good understanding of ourselves, form a healthy habit, and live a happy life.During the process to achieve one’s goals, he can learn a lot and gain much useful experience.We students are a group of new forces in the new era, and we have naturally got used to bewilderment and vexation, but we need to focus on the front way and to be confident and ambitious.Though sometimes barriers may stand in the way of our dreams, we should face it bravely instead of escaping from them.What’s more, we need to accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve the choices we have made.The most important thing is to have faith in our own judgment, and catch the star that twinkles in our hearts, and it will lead us to success.Then take pride in the accomplishments because they are stepping-stones to our dreams.Understand that we may make mistakes, but do not let them discourage us.Value our capabilities and talents for they are what make us truly unique, and we may acquire a lot through hard work and determination.The journey of the dreamer is a belief in ourselves and it forges passion into our characters.The dream becomes a pillar of hopes that we can trust in, lean on and learn from.Therefore, do not let anyone steal our dreams, or try to tell us that they are impossible.If the dreams are big enough, the facts don’t count.Where there is a dream, there is a way!Let dreams continue to guide my life journey!


I have never thought so thin a book which is called The Catcher in the Rye can influence me so much.It makes me feel very impressive.And after reading this book, I have aroused many thoughts about it.In today’s literature world, The Catcher in the Rye is to be recognized as a modern classic.After reading this book, adults can increase the understanding of teenagers;young people can increase the understanding of their future life.No matter whom after reading this book will improve their ability about to be vigilant against the reality.It also can make you choose one self-reliance way to your future easily.This book told us a profound significance story.The leading character of this novel Holden hated all the hypocritical things and really wanted to pursuit the pure reality at first.Because of the development of his society, he finally submits to the development process of the social reality.It deeply show the loneliness, loss, pain of younger generation which is grow up after the World War II in U.S.Well, I think that though Holden used to seeing the reality of Bourgeois society, and he must compromise with realistic society in the end, he also have many courage to have a try to rebel against the hypocritical world.This spirit should be set up if we want to improve the process of the world.Now, we live in a country, which is in great reformation, and everything in the process of changing development.Well, with the development of our country;people's thought also is in the change.At the same time, many people’s thoughts start confusion and depression.They forgotten their initial dreams and have no enthusiasm gradually.So, in the end, they began to yearn for mediocrity and have nothing to do.Perhaps we can learn from this book to find our own shadow.To a certain extent that it reflects many characteristics of the adolescents, and we can also see the dark side of the society.With the material’s progress, the spiritual world is inevitably producing some changes.At that time, what we need is a change which can make our dream into a reality.Therefore, what we should do is not to hope, not to wait, not to complain, but from now on, just start from your own efforts and watch your initial dream.You’d try your best to create the life you want with your own hands.
















其实满世界都是霍尔顿。16岁的霍尔顿,30岁的霍尔顿,60岁的霍尔顿。他们看透了世界之平庸,但无力超越这平庸。他们无力成为“我”,但又不屑于成为 “他”。他们感到痛苦,但是真的,连这痛苦都很平庸——这世上有多少人看透人生之虚无并感到愤怒,而这愤怒早就不足以成为个性*、不足以安慰人心。事实上自从愤怒成为时尚,它简直有些可鄙。





翻开J·D·赛格林的《麦田守望者》,封面的天空 是纯净的湛蓝色,一片金黄的麦田一直延伸到地平线的尽头。远方,一个孤独少年的守望身影在灼眼的阳光下倾斜着投在那大片的金黄上。

赛格林的书在他人看来活是一本“教育小说”。的确,主人公是一个大家眼里的“问题学生”,再被学校 开除后游荡于纽约街头。在这几天中,他看到并且看透了成人世界的种种丑恶,与他童年中那个理想的世界相去甚远。于是,他便幻想守望自己的最后一片麦田,做“纯真”的守护神。但现实的残酷最终逼得他精神崩溃,最后只得在疗养院度过余生。




也许,他们不是这样……我的思考又渐渐退回遥远的历史长河中,我惊喜 地发现了许多“麦田守望者”们的身影在浪花中闪烁。庄子与濮水之畔守望,心如澄澈秋水,心如不系之舟。面对官场功名,他持杆不顾,保留了心中金黄的麦田;于是历史记录了他那至今还在茫茫天域回荡的声音:“往矣!吾将曳尾于涂中。”与之相隔百年后,凡·高在世界的另一端守望,他深爱着欧维尔那片灿烂的麦田。他的作品中便充斥着与这个世界不和谐的热烈,难以为世人所接受。他是在欧维尔的麦田中选择离去的。当夕阳欲颓,金黄热烈的麦田中一个最后的守望者绽放出自己最后的美丽,那片灿烂的麦田会陪伴他走向天堂。










The Catcher in the Rye

The novel tells us a story that took place in December 1949 in America.The story starts with Holden Caulfield who is a seventeen-year-old boy, a narrator of this book and the leading role of the Catcher.He wants to tell us something about him that took place over a two-day period’s wandering experience in the New York City.It is not only an uncomfortable but vivid trace of a middle school student, but it also criticizes the artificial of the society.The story is consisted of Holden's memories about his encounters he has had with students and the faculty of Pencey Prep.He criticizes them for being so superficial and artificial, and he often says, “Phony.”

At the beginning, Holden is at the Pencey Prep, which is a very exclusive private school in Pennsylvania.On the Saturday afternoon, there is a traditional football game with school rival, Saxon Hall, but Holden misses the game.As a manager of the fencing team, he managed to lose the team's equipment on the subway on that morning;as a result, the match is cancelled.Holden has been expelled by his school, but he can not go back to his home until Christmas.Later he is going to the home of his history teacher, Mr.Spencer, to say good-bye to him.Mr.Spencer is an old man who is well-meaning but long-winded.Holden wears his new red hunting cap after back from Mr.Spencer and he begins to read.But his reverie is only temporary;a dormitory neighbor who is named Ackley always disturbs him.Later, Holden has a argue with his roommate, Stradlater, because he is not satisfied with the composition which Holden has written for him about Holden's deceased brother Allie's baseball gloves.So the two roommates fight, Stradlater winning easily.Holden catches a train to New York City.Next things are what he does in New York City and something he recalls about his little sister.From the story, we could know that most of the people in the 50s in America hardly have their ideals;they are very depression, and they live in a very terrible life, maybe because they are unable to change their social situation.And the leading role Holden is one of these people.And he is the typical of teenagers who has individual and complex personality.When he is in the school, he is smoking, drinking and not progress;and he always fails in the final examination.But he is also a childishness people, he has the pursuit of better life and he also has a beautiful ideal;and he has a bad feeling of the people who is like to talk about women and wine.What is more? When he sees the nasty words written on the wall, he would wipe them off angrily;he is very generous when he sees the nuns are donating thing for the victims.All of these indicate that he is a very kind-hearted boy, is not it?

He has a little sister named Philip;he loves her very much.And he gives sincere love to her and take care of her because there is a beautiful and distant ideal in his heart----that is to be a “the catcher in the rye”.Although his desire is so simple and sincere, but the realistic society is filled of deceit.And he is unable to change the situation, so he is just depression, hesitation and wallow;and finally, he even wants to escape from the real world, and pretend as a deaf and dumb people.It is so sadness!

This just happens in 50s, and we are a group of new power lives in a new time.Of course, we would have confusion and troubles too, but we need more encouragement and courage, instead of the hesitation and wallow, and we also should have ideal and ambitious.When we are children, we are filled with the hope of our future;we want to be scientists, doctors, nurses and teachers and so on like these.I believe that Holden must fall off at the end without his pure ideal, so I think it is his ideal let him alive.Should we young people let our life become so awful? Yes, ideal is the beacon of people and it takes people to the future, to the bright.Our life is just beginning, even if life makes us a bit little confusion and doubts, but everything is temporary and it will pass away.What we need now is the ideal!Yeah!As the saying goes: where there is a river, there is a way.But I want to say: where there is an ideal, there is a hope.Hope will be tomorrow and tomorrow will be better!Grasp your life!Enjoy your life!And believe that the future would be better than it now!Live simply and enjoy freely, that is the truth of life.Finally, I want to share some beautiful sentences with you.The first: I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all.Thousands of little kids and nobody is around----nobody big, I mean----except me.And I am standing on the edge of some crazy cliff.What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff----I mean if they are running and they do not look where they are going, I have to come out from somewhere and catch them.That is all I’d do all day.I’d just be the catcher in the rye and all.I know it is crazy, but that is the only thing I’d really like to be.I know it is crazy.The second: Life is a game, boy.Life is a game that one plays according to the rules.There are so many words which are worth thinking.At the end of this book, the writer has left some imaginations about the leading role for us.Let us think and think.Nobody can assert what would happen in the future!



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