英语作文My Day

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第一篇:英语作文My Day

My Day

I usually get up at six in the morning.I brush my teeth and wash my face.Then I

practice the basketball for fifteen minutes and go to school.My first class starts at

seven am and school finishes at five fifteen pm.After school, I practice more

basketball.Then I go home and finish homework before dinner.After that, I read

some books.It’s a lot of fun!

This is my day.How about you?

My Day

I always get up early because I have many things to do.I have breakfast at 5:30.Then

I go to school at six.Our first class starts at 7:30.At 12:00, I have lunch.I usually eat

some rice and vegetables.After lunch, we can get some rest.Our school finishes at

5:30.After school, I do my homework.After that, I play the piano and read some

books.At 7:00, we have dinner.One hour later, I watch TV.I go to bed at 9:00,because I am very tired.Well, this is my day.My Day

Hello!Let me tell you something about my life.I usually get up at 6 o’clock in the

morning.Then I brush my teeth and wash my face.I go to school at half past six.After five lessons, I have lunch at a quarter past twelve at noon.I go home at 6:00.after an hour, I do my homework.I sometimes listen to English music at 7:20.I

always go to bed at 10:00 at night.



Today is sunny.I get up early and read some English.Then I go to school.In the morning we have four lessons, I like English best.At noon we have lunch at home, we have rice and vegetables.In the afternoon we have two math lessons and one music lesson.we sing a beautiful song.We finish school at 5:10.Weplay football.It’s fun!Then I go home and do my homework, next I have dinner and watch TV.I go to bed at 9 o’clock.


写写帮文秘助手(www.xiexiebang.com)之二年级英语作文带翻译-我的一天 My Day

likemost chinese primary students, my life is quite simple.get up in the morning,have breakfast and then go to school.my day always begins like that.but everysingle day is so different from each other.for example, i meet differentpeople on my way to school.i have different new classes every day, so i alwayslearn new knowledge.and the happiness is different.yesterday i might be happybecause i got high scores in the exam, but today i am happy because i play withmy classmates.knowledge and happiness make my every single day and life rich.和绝大部分中国小学生一样,我的生活很简单。每天早晨起床,吃早餐然后上学。我的一天都是这么开始的。但是每一天都又有所不同。比如,在上学的路上,我会见到不同的人。在学校里,我每一天都会学习不同的课程,学到新的知识。而快乐,也有所不同。昨天,我可能会因为考高分而快乐,而今天我因为和同学一起玩而感到开心。知识和快乐让我每一天的生活都丰富多彩。


写写帮文秘助手(www.xiexiebang.com)之初中英语作文:My day


today was sunday and i was very happy!in the morning,i stayed at home to do my homework and watch tv.in the afternoon,i went to a park with my best friends.there were many flowers, and some birds were singing songs.we played games and talked about our dreams.at last,we went home for dinner.today, i had a great time!





may first is a sunday.and it is the labor’s day.my mother said to me :“open your eyes!and look out of the window.what a fine day!let’s go to park,” so my mother, my classmate and i went to the park.we took some foods in my schoolbag.on the way to the park.i saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds.i saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on.below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers.it’s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white.i saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky.i ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop.they were wonderful.in the afternoon, we went to the zoo.i visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.may day is my favorite day!




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