
时间:2019-05-15 14:43:19下载本文作者:会员上传


Confessions of the Candide

The best and most beautiful things in the world can not been seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart.----Helen Keller The Candide is one of the famous master work by Voltaire, which told us a story about Candide’s experience.Candide had a deep-believing in his teacher, who named Pangloss, said that everything in the world is perfect, but the uncomfortable truth smashed his dream of that beautiful world.He was adopted by a baron, and he was thrown out of the door because the baron found that Cadide and his daughter falling in love with each other.So he had to Roaming about stray , experienced so much troubles and disasters, he witnessed the Indifference, framed and superstition from person to person, but fortunately, he stiil believes in his “perfect world”.Untill he arrived in El dorado(Fields Of Gold), he found that Gold jasper and precious stones are everywhere and the people there lives in a happy and equal life, everyone has smile on his face, that a place like ideal state written by Tao yuanming.And finally, he realized that Cruel and apathy actually exist in the society, and he adapt to that fact little by little, so he abandoned the previous philosophical thoughts, became realistic and started believe that people gain happiness from their Hard sweat.That’s the only way to facilitate your life.The theme of the Cadide is to criticize Blind optimism, which is exately the personality of

Candide.This world is not paradise, you need to stuggle for you happiness, cause no one can provide you with a ideal life that you imagine.The man who write this piece of master names Voltaire, He advocated what advocated by Rousseau , natural rights that is born to be free and equal, all has the pursuit of survival, the right to pursue happiness, and the right is days granted cannot be deprived of, and this is what talent human rights thought.He lighted the the Enlightenment, He publishes books to attack with sarcasm Christian doctrines and then the education system of France, which means a lot.“What Voltaire represent is not a person only, but a whole era.”, said Hugo.Although his thoughts are limited, he has so much shining points in his whole life.Here is a paragraph which show the point in the article, “There is a concatenation of all events in the best of possible worlds;for, in short, had you not been kicked out of a fine castle for the love of Miss Cunegund;had you not been put into the Inquisition;had you not traveled over America on foot;had you not run the Baron through the body;and had you not lost all your sheep, which you brought from the good country of El Dorado, you would not have been here to eat preserved citrons and pistachio nuts.” “Excellently observed,” answered Candide;“but let us cultivate our garden.”We find that in the end , the Candide still do not understand that he should struggle for his fate.He still under others’ control though he have experienced so much trouble and terrible things in the past.The authors use a third party in tells the story, with a cool, calm tone, we can’t see any criticism in this book, Only the natural development of the story gives me a big shock.I feel that only need I reading this book with a serious and peaceful attitude will I learn something after I finished the book.And the fact is that, I do understand what the author wanted to covey to us, life is a serious problem, we are forced to fight with the world, and our destinies are in our hand, catch it or lose it, that’s your responsibility.I’m so glad that the Candide finally felt that he need to do something to deal with the terrible situation to change his life though he didn’t do something indeed.When he said that” "Oh Pangloss!Such horrid doings never entered the imagination.Here is an end of the matter.I find myself, after all, obliged to renounce thy Optimism”.The moment that I think him do aware of that facing the fact is more important than optimism.We feel pity that even he suffer a lot, he never doubled to the god and face the fact, he just let the fact hurt himself but not to against the unfair world, his ridiculous is

understandable in a certain terms.Because his master, because the world he lived in, because his so-deep believing.But the society is cruel.And the city El dorado is like a dream of Voltaire, but there is a conflict between the perfect world and the reality, so we are forced to face the real world and have the courage to fight for your destiny.


Confessions of the Candide The best and most beautiful things in the world can not been seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart.----Helen Keller The Candide is one of the famous master work by Voltaire, which told us a story about Candide’s experience.Candide had a deep-believing in his teacher, who named Pangloss, said that everything in the world is perfect, but the uncomfortable truth smashed his dream of that beautiful world.He was adopted by a baron, and he was thrown out of the door because the baron found that Cadide and his daughter falling in love with each other.So he had to Roaming about stray , experienced so much troubles and disasters, he witnessed the Indifference, framed and superstition from person to person, but fortunately, he stiil believes in his “perfect world”.Untill he arrived in El dorado(Fields Of Gold), he found that Gold jasper and precious stones are everywhere and the people there lives in a happy and equal life, everyone has smile on his face, that a place like ideal state written by Tao yuanming.And finally, he realized that Cruel and apathy actually exist in the society, and he adapt to that fact little by little, so he abandoned the previous philosophical thoughts, became realistic and started believe that people gain happiness from their Hard sweat.That’s the only way to facilitate your life.The theme of the Cadide is to criticize Blind optimism, which is exately the personality of Candide.This world is not paradise, you need to stuggle for you happiness, cause no one can provide you with a ideal life that you imagine.The man who write this piece of master names Voltaire, He advocated what advocated by Rousseau , natural rights that is born to be free and equal, all has the pursuit of survival, the right to pursue happiness, and the right is days granted cannot be deprived of, and this is what talent human rights thought.He lighted the the Enlightenment, He publishes books to attack with sarcasm Christian doctrines and then the education system of France, which means a lot.“What Voltaire represent is not a person only, but a whole era.”, said Hugo.Although his thoughts are limited, he has so much shining points in his whole life.Here is a paragraph which show the point in the article, “There is a concatenation of all events in the best of possible worlds;for, in short, had you not been kicked out of a fine castle for the love of Miss Cunegund;had you not been put into the Inquisition;had you not traveled over America on foot;had you not run the Baron through the body;and had you not lost all your sheep, which you brought from the good country of El Dorado, you would not have been here to eat preserved citrons and pistachio nuts.” “Excellently observed,” answered Candide;“but let us cultivate our garden.” We find that in the end , the Candide still do not understand that he should struggle for his fate.He still under others’ control though he have experienced so much trouble and terrible things in the past.The authors use a third party in tells the story, with a cool, calm tone, we can’t see any criticism in this book, Only the natural development of the story gives me a big shock.I feel that only need I reading this book with a serious and peaceful attitude will I learn something after I finished the book.And the fact is that, I do understand what the author wanted to covey to us, life is a serious problem, we are forced to fight with the world, and our destinies are in our hand, catch it or lose it, that’s your responsibility.I’m so glad that the Candide finally felt that he need to do something to deal with the terrible situation to change his life though he didn’t do something indeed.When he said that” "Oh Pangloss!Such horrid doings never entered the imagination.Here is an end of the matter.I find myself, after all, obliged to renounce thy Optimism”.The moment that I think him do aware of that facing the fact is more important than optimism.We feel pity that even he suffer a lot, he never doubled to the god and face the fact, he just let the fact hurt himself but not to against the unfair world, his ridiculous is understandable in a certain terms.Because his master, because the world he lived in, because his so-deep believing.But the society is cruel.And the city El dorado is like a dream of Voltaire, but there is a conflict between the perfect world and the reality, so we are forced to face the real world and have the courage to fight for your destiny.




















⑴ 了解时代和思想背景,明了伏尔泰对人类的贡献。

⑵ 理解重点语句,把握文章内容。

⑶ 欣赏语言,体会充满激情的、富于浪漫主义色彩的演讲语言风格。


























2、⑴ 过去象征着黑暗与邪恶,未来意味着正义与光明。伏尔泰受到过去的诅咒与未来的祝福,正反衬出他与黑暗的势不两立,他对世人的启蒙硕勋。所以说是荣誉的两种美好的形式。

⑵ 伏尔泰的微笑,是对愤怒情绪的超越,是看透一切尘嚣之后的宽恕与安详;对权贵与压迫者的嘲笑、讥讽,是比对手站得更高的俯视、轻蔑;对弱者与被压迫者的微笑、安抚,是最为真挚的仁慈与博爱。他用智慧的微笑,照亮真理,正义,仁慈和诚实,把迷信和丑恶照得透亮,催生出平等、博爱、理智、和平等黎明的曙光。









雨 果


礼赞──伏尔泰 浩瀚的心胸

正义、仁慈、诚实 光辉思想









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