
时间:2019-05-15 14:25:15下载本文作者:会员上传



It is a story that takes place in New York metropolis, played by Jean Reno as a professional killer---Leon,who is entrusted by a restaurant owner to murder someone.Whenappearingasa killer ,he is calm and mysterious and his way ofmurderis completely exciting.In contrast, whenremoving the mask of a killer, he thenbecomesarather humble man in the world, who is even too simple to have an identity card and a bank account that were almost owned by any ordinary people.Hedrinks at least a cup offresh milk every day and likes wateringflowers and wipes the foliages ofhis favourite pot plant carefully.In general,heis aman who has dual identities in life.Leon lives in an apartment where someone processes drug dealing secretly.A 12-year-old little girl--Mathilda's father is a informant of

Drug Enforcement Administration.He privately pocketed some drugs because of greed,which made him suffer fromnervous police officer Stan’s revengekilling his whole family members except the little girl--Matilda.For the sake of safety ,she hidedinLeon’shouse that isnext door to hers.Then she knew another identity ofLeon,a very famous killer.in order to protect herself andrevenge for her family ,with a firm tone, Matilda asked Leon totrain her to become a real professional killer......After this, Stan also fully searched Matildaso as toprotect himself from accusation......One day , Matilda was catched when she alone went to the police station to revenge.After knowing that Leon alone brokeinto the police station to rescue Matilda and killedsome police officers.In a greatpanic,the police ordered to siege theapartments and fully search forLeon ,which resulted in a

intense duel between twoparties.After defeatinga group of police Leonrescued the girl again and told her to escape through the ventilation duct, as well as the money he left toherat thestorage of the restaurant boss.In order to escape from the encirclement, Leon disguised as a policeman and mixedinto the police.unfortunately ,he wasseen through by Stan.Without choice, Lyon detonated the bomb fastened to him.....At first ,The two have totally different life trace,Leon--a 40-year-old lone professionalkiller abiding by the principle that don’tkillwomen and children;while Matilda, an ordinary 12-year-old girl of the next door.withoutMatilda’s unluckiness of ,they would not have any connection.However they got together actually anda wonderful chemical reaction between them happened and generated a new substance--love.AlthoughLeon last sacrificed his life to save Matilda’s ,he would not regret falling

in love with her because she let him feel the joy of life, feel the sweetness of love,and complete the salvation of his soul(he eventually used his own blood to clean the sins that he had committed).As for Matilda, shewouldnot regret falling in love withthe middle-aged man who called Leon , for heprotected herfrom being hurt ,showed the warmth of the family to her again and told her the the true meaning of love andhow to cherish it.



It is a story that takes place in New York metropolis, played by Jean Reno as a professional killer---Leon,who is entrusted by a restaurant owner to murder someone.When appearing as a killer ,he is calm and mysterious and his way of murder is completely exciting.In contrast, when removing the mask of a killer, he then

becomes a rather humble man in the world, who is even too simple to have an identity card and a bank account that were almost owned by any ordinary people.He drinks at least a cup of fresh milk every day and likes watering flowers and wipes the foliages of his favourite pot plant carefully.In general,he is a man who has dual identities in life.Leon lives in an apartment where someone processes drug dealing secretly.A 12-year-old little girl--Mathilda's father is a informant of Drug Enforcement Administration.He privately pocketed some drugs because of greed,which made him suffer from

nervous police officer Stan’s revenge killing his whole family members except the little girl--Matilda.For the sake of safety ,she hided in Leon’s house that is next door to hers.Then she knew another identity of Leon, a very famous killer.in order to protect herself and revenge for her family , with a firm tone, Matilda asked Leon to train her to become a real professional killer......After this, Stan also fully searched Matilda so as to protect himself from accusation......One day , Matilda was catched when she alone went to the police station to revenge.After knowing that Leon alone broke into the police station to rescue Matilda and killed some police officers.In a great panic,the police ordered to siege the apartments and fully search for Leon ,which resulted in a intense duel between two parties.After defeating a group of police Leon rescued the girl again and told her to escape through the ventilation duct, as well as the money he left to her at the storage of the restaurant boss.In order to escape from the encirclement , Leon disguised as a policeman and mixed into the police.unfortunately ,he was

seen through by Stan.Without choice, Lyon detonated the bomb fastened to him.....At first ,The two have totally different life trace,Leon--a 40-year-old lone professional killer abiding by the principle that don’t kill women and children;while Matilda, an ordinary 12-year-old girl of the next door.without Matilda’s unluckiness of ,they would not have any connection.However they got together actually and

a wonderful chemical reaction between them happened and generated a new substance--love.Although Leon last sacrificed his life to save Matilda’s , he would not regret falling in love with her because she let him feel the joy of life, feel the sweetness of love, and complete the salvation of his soul(he eventually used his own blood to clean the sins that he had committed).As for Matilda, she would not regret falling in love with the middle-aged man who called Leon , for he protected her from being hurt , showed the warmth of the family to her again and told her the the true meaning of love and

how to cherish it.


Leon-The Professional This is my third time to watch this movie.Actually I do not know why I am addicted to it.It is just a story between a man and a girl.However, every time I watch it ,I will be deeply moved.Leon, a cleaner full of charm, skilled and efficiently in the missions, carefree and romantic in daily life.He does not negotiate, he barely even speaks.”No women,no kids”, he follows the principle till his life ends.So , I prefer call him cleaner to killer.Mathilda, a twelve-year-old New York girl, is living an undesirable life among her half-family.Her father stores drugs for two-faced cop Norman Stanfield.One day, Stanfield and his team kill the whole family.Mathilda survives by finding shelter in Leon s department.Then, the revenge starts.Leon teaches his apprentice the fine art of murder,mathilda helps him recover his desire to live.During the time, they acquaint with each other gradually.Leno finally discovers his abilities to live,to feel,to love,so does Mathilda.All of them are lonely before, but now, They can not live without each other.The relationship between them is subtle.It is basically a father-daughter or mentor-apprentice relationship.When I watched the movie for the first time,I hated the ending.Doubting that Why the director arranged such a sorrowful ending.With the bullet going through Leno ,s head , I realized the dream is ended.In my original imagination, Mathiled finally turns into a woman,and they live happily then.Maybe I am changing, from where I stand, the ending is acknowledged to be the best.Leno, s life never ends ,it is continued by mathilda.just like his cherished plant,it grows exuberantly in the soil.In the end of the movie, the song “shape of my heart” from sting matches the story well.“And if I told you that I loved you.You'd maybe think there's something wrong.I'm not a man of too many faces.The mask I wear is one.Those who speak know nothing.And find out to their cost.Like those who curse their luck in too many places.And those who fear a lost”.Leno may foresee the ending,cause he tells mathilda do not revenge, but finally, he changes.In my point of view, it should be concluded to love.I will review the movie several times in the future.It, s the charm of movie , every time you watch it, you will get some new understanding.

















杀手里昂将杀人比成了一出纸牌游戏,黑桃,梅花,方抉什么都在手心握着,唯独只差那一张红心。其实影片深处的潜在用意,恐怕也是把杀手莱昂的心间自我比成游戏?比成一张红心来的?于是在杀手的清道夫游戏中不断寻找,不断游移,不断测试自己的心?影片以悲剧终结,那个黑须,黑镜,寡语的杀手莱昂,也许永远不能找到那一张游戏中的红心了。但是杀手莱昂终于寻找到了属于自己的一颗爱心。这一颗心,好像是用那一盆的兰花草充当他流离失所生命中疵护伞的。真是将心换心,少女玛蒂尔达在影片最尾,一边种栽兰花,一边自言自语着。话说得那么的殷切与朦胧。席草依跪,动容抚灵:这里安全了,莱昂 ……真的安全了么?莱昂?

影片的最后,马蒂尔德种下了那棵象征着里昂的植物(特写),她说:“I think we'll be okayhere”随后镜头俯拍,角度不变从垂直马蒂尔德头顶上摇为平行地面,镜头也不断升高,高出树林,射向海对面的纽约城市的高楼。与开始呼应。这就是一个纽约发生的故事。这里有形形色色不同人种不同肤色不同国度的人。这是一座现代的城市,这是一个世界最繁华的城市。这里充满扭曲的罪恶,这里的人没有根,这里有着太多的无奈,这里不快乐。


















奶,养植物,认真工作,无不良嗜好,一个完美的老男人,当他遇上一个完美的小萝莉,神圣纯洁却不切实际的情感就滋生发芽茁壮成长。虽然结局不可避免的只能走向死亡,但过程中的点滴岁月让人无法遗忘。复杂的社会关系里 总有绽放如花的感情,不论是亲情,爱情,友情。(来自网友评论)




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