创建绿色校园 英语作文

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第一篇:创建绿色校园 英语作文

Create a Green Campus

It is of great importance to make and maintain a green campus in our university or college.Obviously,a growing number of people are beginning to realize that it is our duty to do that in the present days,since the concept of “a green world” has become the focus of the society.The idea of “a green campus” is beyond a green

environment.To begin with,the development on the campus is to be sustainable and recyclable.Some of the authorities’ budget should be on how to reduce of the waste.What’s more,we’d better be aware of the seriousness of pollution around us.Thus the idea of environmental protection may become a common occurrence in our daily life.It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to protect our campus from waste and pollution,and hence these activities are to play an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.Certainly,there is little doubt that further consideration must be paid to our green campuses.

第二篇:英语作文 创建绿色校园


Create a Green Campus

It is of great importance to make and maintain a green campus in our university or college.Obviously,a growing number of people are beginning to realize that it is our duty to do that in the present days,since the concept of “a green world” has become the focus of the society.The idea of “a green campus” is beyond a green environment.To begin with,the development on the campus is to be sustainable and recyclable.Some of the authorities’ budget should be on how to reduce of the waste.What’s more,we’d better be aware of the seriousness of pollution around us.Thus the idea of environmental protection may become a common occurrence in our daily life.It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to protect our campus from waste and pollution,and hence these activities are to play an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.Certainly,there is little doubt that further consideration must be paid to our green campuses.With the development of our society and economy,people are confronting with serious environmental problem,including environment pollution and resource scarity.So for modern college students,it is of great importance to create and maintain a green campus in our university.As we all known,the idea of green campus has become the focus of the most colleagues.What measures should we take to creat green campus?As far as we're concerned we can take action from the following two aspects.Firstly,we'd better be aware of the seriousness of pollution around us and the importance of protection of environment.Only in this way ,the idea of environmental protection may become a common action in our daily life.Secondly,it is necessary for us to take effectie measure to protect our campus from pollution and waste,for example,we may call on student to save water and electricity and refuse sorting equipment treatment by the way of the slogan or other effective form of our purpose of make green campus.Certainly there is no doubt that the further consideration must be paid to our green campus.And there is an increasing number of college students will participate in the action which is meaningful for our development.Under everyone's joint effort,I believe that our environment will become more and more beautiful.

第三篇:满分英语作文模 创建绿色校园

Create a Green Campus 创建绿色校园

As is known to us all, the surrounding has a great impact on our study and lives.In recent years, creating a green campus has been a common and popular goal for most universities or colleges.Creating a green campus has a great influence on students because most students spend their much time in campus.众所周知,环境的对我们的学习和生活有很大的影响。近年来,创建绿色校园已经成为大多数的大学或学院是普遍存在的目标了。创建绿色校园对学生有很大的影响,因为大多数学生的大部分时间都是在校园。

However, in my opinion, to create green campus, what we need to do is not only to plant more trees and grasses to beautify our campus’s environment but also to create an energy-efficient and resource-cycled campus.Everyone on campus should be informed to form the habit of using resources properly and saving energy.In addition, the institutions should encourage students to use resources circularly.然而,在我看来,创建绿色校园,我们需要做的是不仅要种植更多的树和草来美化我们的校园环境也创造了一个节能和资源循环的校园。校园里的每一个人都应该被要求形成节约能源资源的习惯。此外,学校应鼓励学生资源循环利用。

In a word, creating a green campus needs us to make joint efforts.And we can achieve it by doing pieces of small matters in daily life, such as turning off the light when leaving.总之,创建绿色校园需要我们共同的努力。我们可以在日常生活中的小事做起,如离开的时候关灯。


绿色校园英语作文 Create a green campus 1.建设绿色校园十分重要 2.绿色校园不仅仅指绿色环境 3.为了建设绿色校园我们应该...Create a green campus

With the development of scientific conductions, our daily life is becoming more and more convenient.But everything has both its good and bad sides, pollution has become a hot topic while the science’s building up.So the word “green” has been paid great attention among us.So do our campus.Creating a green campus is very important to build up a wonderful atmosphere.”Green campus ” does not only means green environment, but also means positive study atmosphere, good personal qualities and refer to that the students should be educated and have an environmental sense in their mind.What’s more, what I want to stress is that it sets goals toward the future of the world.To bring “green campus” to its full play, effective measures should be taken.First, learning is the most important thing, which can strength our personal qualities.Second, we should take care our daily actions about manners and pick up waste papers here and there as we can do.Third , when you make mistakes or someone help you, you should say “sorry” or “thank you” to people with your sweet smile…

Green campus make us live in a soft and warm environment.So we ought to do our best to build green campus.As we all know, a better result of study can be brought by a better study environment.As a result, it is necessary for us to build the green campus.The green campus can not only provide a good environment for our study, but also be a part of build the harmonious society.The green campus is not only the environmental being green, but also the sprite being green, which means we should do other things like helping each other or caring each other.Therefore, we should both beautify the campus environment and create a campus culture.As students, we enjoy the campus time while we have responsibility to build our green campus.In spiritual term, we should respect teachers, classmates and other people work for the school.In environmental term, we should have good habits to keep campus in a clean surrounding.翻译:




As time goes by,the importance of constructing a green campus is gradually executed in current society,not only for that the campus is the place which aimed at developing talents,but also for the campus is a symbol to a city.The green campus not only refer to green environment,but also refer to a new idea about the ways of educating and managing the students,mainly letting them accept the knowledge and build up the spirit of loving nature and being responsible for the environment,also,letting them take an active part in the actions of protecting the environment and keep the idea of sustainable development in mind.In order to construct the green campus,we should do from two aspects.First of all,we should make every effort to study hard,aimed at becoming the knowledgeable ones with high qualities as well.Secondly,we




more comprehensive,doing from the team-work spirit,the environmental consciousness and so on.Besides,we should be concerned about society,our motherland and the whole world,as well as learning to innovate and actively practice.


























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